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Sentient twas breeze on nights chilled whispers,
In the magic of moon and darkness,
A slip of silver cast her wing tips,

I watched told by those, whom lay with stars,
Athena billows near perching oak and tree,
Harbinger of spring hungry yet not starved,

Deceive thee, ah tis bane silent thoughts to hear,
Into the darkness of souls inspiration dances near,
Teach I shall be done by voice fire and silent air,

Listening to subtleties, I carry the hidden,
Many see my repose,
Malevolent mine eyes I can tear,

Standing near thy window I Athena
── Am owl peering near

© ASPAR (Arnay Rumens)  2014
My heathen greeting for I am old now

Wildfowl whispered on marshland like maidens around burning fires,
The Norse winds breathing in my soul ‘Odin doth call’
Blood is the sweat of this iron sword; proud are war smiths
I watch the coal biter musing in blood damp earth,
Before a fire and smoke of tallow he dreams of war

Fill these horns to brim, for I shall drink to Odin’s law
And eat I this meal of bread oyster and mussel shell
I see heavens stained blood red clouds as we cross the rainbow crystal bridge,  we shall enter Valhalla victorious once more,

Lo shall they bleed at shores blooded by iron the Saxons fall,
Raged fires shall consume their roof as thunder of north comes forth
You call us ****** that which pierces dark shadows,
We blow our horn in assembly before Odin warriors of the north

Settings suns shone red as quiet falls, serene I see Valhalla
the goat and mead hall, roasting beef and herring
I no longer fear drowning suns for the Valkyries sweet song I do hear
Freyja shall breathe my new reign at dawn  

The old wars are over but our fight shall ne’er end,

─ Lo I see my father

ASPAR (Arnay Rumens)  © 2013
Is life a story, is life magick dreaming to love?

I gazed up. “Standing below the elephantine magnolia,
the ground still bore Tuscany ochre from autumns last kiss.”
My eyes solivagant orbs fed on spring’s dews in mourning
──jewellery clinging opulently to her naked form.
Dawn chilled the breeze caressing her body as abscission
demanded she undressed her emerald gown of leaves.
Magenta and cream blooms sprang “loudly” seducing
─ blushing mauve crowned centres,
a population of endless figurines perched motionless on aching
naked branches.
Solomon’s seal burned white within me drunk impending suns arrows, opulent words of silver Verbus diablio kissed in a cauldron
of Magnolia words, a banquet for mortals that seek loves gold.

A lone spider echoed silence bearing the sigil of Jupiter’s
vermillion and white spun striations luffing on the breeze
warming. “Magnolia dressed the day ardent in perfumed
── glorious plumes that each set sail across waking skies.”
Ablaze I am luscious dreams wrapped in sweet nectar,
travelling limbic memories breathing deeply, held captive,
wanton within her labyrinths of silk caresses, petals whispering,
sweet love as she engulfs my last resolve.

In raptures white velvet gown my hem sweeps over gold russet
and brittle autumns words forged in winters need for warmth──mind leaves crunching beneath life’s changing seasons,
stitched I cling enamoured to mortal honeymoon summered fields.
I am the female of sapphire tears twisting, glittering melting ice shards, bequeathed of pained black stars travelled on passionate magick fires, breathed on melodious Roma nights.

Rested among the branches a mantel crucified- drunk once more,
a bloom held silent in time weeping, exploding fragrant in a coloured soul, a luffing flower creature to life──crowned

──to sun hope thorns.

©ASPAR (A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens)
It is implied imagination lives in memory,
for I have lived immortal in his memory!

Dying sunlight painted translucent gold varnish
over tree branches, and leaves wept in cinder
as sunlight pierced their flesh  
Sentient, solemn willows swayed in wind prayers,
Deep into her mind forest pagan temples rang
as though treasures hailed immortal proclamations
upon night
The fine chiffon billowed, a mere lambrequin
caressing her milky thighs ── the window ajar.  
Blue and white flowers in knots strewn along vines,
appeared violated, twisted valentine creatures,
lost in belief on Lupercalia dreams, blaring
into the impending night, screaming hungry ──
blooms awaiting their opening to moon promises of
fertile love

The old clock past that sings in tick of dying time ── her
mind a bush of stinging nettles,
a reminder to pain and wet in flesh.
Once married to magical inducements to deaths promise,
Pleasures that once sang from his lips,
"The song of sunsets elixir”,
An unparalleled potency to release mortal time

‘Awake in Malarian dreaming immortal ── writhing
in fragrant silent purple hazes of love that vanishes.
She waited across violet poppies and crimson bride orchids
on mortal memories.  
“I can taste you” came from her full lips,
finely cracked with need,
In the parlour poised, dreaming ardent dreams

The moon glinted off the lake beyond,
invoking querulous images,
Swirling, roaming a prayer in black laughed,
escaping the dead air about him
A battalion of flowers hung in nights trees, opulent
reminiscent to Victorian chandeliers.
His aurelo radiated black from a jewelled crown,
mesmerized she gazed

── He blew quietus, a cold gust of emptiness & neglect,
the candles restless flickering ceased,  
his tines glinting by moon lights silver smile  
His breath bore a spice, and a mild coolness encircled her waist,
arms raised, a kiss he placed to each her wrists
Reverent, passionately he bit consuming, gorging in lust
Her mind danced in sparkled delight,    

Springs first ****** shoots sped across time and,
watercolour smears of emerald splashed
earth in communion, between life and death,
between death and life,  she took her last breath.  

She listened to his shatter, ‘into black shards
his ‘obsidian motion tore into night’
A black fire star stained across amaranthine skies,
touching, delicately bleeding into mortal dreams
in poets and writers
It is said, “Love bites but once in true love”

──Unto death shall we once again meet
immortal “In just one piece, poetry we bite”.

©ASPAR S2018(A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens)
Be we whom are enchanted,
to thee and me

‘Oh can you hear the poets of ole’?
Like a sea of cosmic sirens whispering,    
beckoning to ruinous liquid tear shores?
And yet a fire burns in dulcet serenade,
a phoenix sweeps by in offering
lonely nights starlight winter quill

─ Driven brittle illusions thus we write,
a poets song that cannot be sung,  
A poetic graveyard summoned,
where diamond dreams never die

─ To thee and me

A private world born of poetry,
─ be amber and obsidian secrets told,
Seek you in a box of Pandora,
Thy gift, a slip of mirror you in sparkling glass,
a puzzle to be a line in write,
and thyself beautiful it shall be,
and so, it is written,
‘Where pretty words bloom and bleed,
And the last precious flower is kissed goodbye

─ in a poets dream  

And so it be pendulous contemplation for a  
Raven hunts within unrequited,
spilling love, blood and seed,
ectopic words bud and grow in raining malignant-need,  
born in flurry of prose to be read golden,
read free

Our incense blood be thrilled in a silent perfumed tomb
Adorned ******, yet breathlessly unholy,
etched on distant wings weaving,
Capturing grandfather’s time,
In a garden of amaranthine words

─  For thee and me

© Arnay Rumens (ASPAR) 07 2016
A shot of mauve and iridescent green caught my eyes ‘a dragonfly danced on the edge of the falling water.
My fingers dug into the soft delicate moss growing beside me as I stood naked my body pressed back against the smooth worn rock.

A warm breeze fought to caress my skin like exquisite silk, cool crisp water slithered down my freshly hot oiled coconut skin dancing and sparkling into yin mists that perfumed the air, tiny rainbow suns burst into stars and bounced off into cascading waters below.

Beautiful emerald shadows like Balinese painted ritual dancers played in the corners of my eyes, the spirits of the forest were alive and the leaves played their music rustling in the tropical breeze, above the waterfalls symphony played beautifully down on me

── my gaze ever wanton.

Brilliant hibiscus flowers were exploding into purples, orange, yellow and sweet creams fading to pink dusk island dreams that flowed all about me, my mind tasted luscious heat dew from sweet blood red oranges in clusters that hung low on branches, and ripe swollen Guavas fallen left fruit in rotting, pungent sweetness filled my nose rising from rich soil beds.

Bright butterflies were prancing on giant flowers, as though unknown souls of the past still played here. Delicate webs weaved and flowed as I gazed upward into the emerald canopy, silk strands struck red glittered in fine sun rays furrowing a haste of gold and silver as topical spiders weaved wearing the mark of poison.

Pomegranate and caramel coconut memories filled my mind, as I drifted picturing his face, enchanted lips that whispered incantations and rasp his tongue captures me in passions everlasting pulse.
My nails dug deeper into the mosses and the water continued to rush over me quelling the fire within, cooling, caressing slowly closing my eyes I could see,

── I could taste, I dreamt only in his mind.

He smelt of sandalwood, patchouli ash and cedar, I shifted back closer to the coolness of the rock pressing my cheeks harder against the smoothness, his eyes loomed before me cocoa brown haunted paradise. Each tasting of him caressed my veins, I became his fruit, my heart rapt in succession as pomegranate juice filled my mouth.

Yearning I burned for him glowing and the forest chanted in ceremony the ritual had begun, sentences filled the air as though written by constellations and I his, a silver star in quiver.
He whispered softly, “Come, I call to thee take of the day I conjure by night, your adornment and paradise our fleshes emerald by moon light are worn as one.”

──He sits gazing, his coat shimmering sable shot by nights obsidian, pearled teeth bared in paradises hunger, it is dawn evermore among the night trees. He gleans silently watching and waiting.....

© Arnay Rumens (ASPAR) 2016
Two crows black parled over a substance,
not pondered, a rare truce over lunch to behold

Land Rover’s engine protested, under Adelaide’s January heat
Molten felt I, dripping sealed to vinyl’s straight jacket seat

Bottle Brushes red explode against hazed blue skies
I’m a shutter clicking full speed

Yonder down under, palms a few cluttering prongs
tussled along gusty winds hot, sweeping up the road

An eye side window tinted, lady bugs turned emerald
polishing off aphids, on leaves green smiling
swarming on tangerine roses

Seagulls hina mina rise to plume, a firework of feathers
Ole bell tower announced middays service to all

Splotch landed magenta a drop on the pane
caught through a crystal hung neath the car mirror

A tree Maple in church yards grass bequeathed leaves
blessing, she covered pavements for yards

Glazed and steamed pavements sing and sting
Rains surprise drumming kisses song

Thinking, I am of thee how long summers can be
write once said he, write of me

Clad an artist endless colours on eye tipped brushes
chanting, paint me, painted by thee

Hummed throaty the engine sang, idling
Kissing minds am I, life visions to love

A canvas, a life church to words painted
on pavements, in surprise rain tears

By thee in me

©──ASPAR O2018
For a witch’s mercury shall burn in the night of day

November’s Dark Moon and mists paused
fearful of the coming rosicler
The season of witch’s silver spun unto the night
A solitary witch’s laugh tormented the quivering stars above
With each step she dressed in silver sacrament
to his death── to life on this night

The moors echoed of timed rituals of ole
dancing and coveted by white moon satin
as though snow suffered upon a long forgotten desert face
existing blowing through her in another worlds wind
Shadows that once slept in pools of night
now whispered dark velvet promises,
tantalising her marauding lips

~ The Witch’s Silver Sabbath had begun~

The eleventh window pane glinted dew to frost white
in passing her watchful eye as moon silver mist slithered
through ominous black and grey clouds
Samhain drums vibrated upon the barren moors
as veneficium brewed thoughts enchanted nocent
wishes turning her chanting fingers to fire smoked obsidian

~Her eyes turned mercury blue through mirrors of time

A ravens nocturnal flute pulsed the eleventh beat
Ravenous fecundity blistered her mind
Liquid blood and silver anointing dreams from afar,
caressing her arms as vermillion dusts drift
winding her alabaster ankles
Sensually, slowly awakening deaths lustful shudders

Coptic clans of ole worlds whispered ‘Anoka ng ou kem’e nefer’
I am black and beautiful Khem on this nights breath
Ra’s ole demand shimmered like silver
a jewelled athame in her hand his mortal life, penance
Elegant Catafalgques laid to his Mastaba
Cast from Sun to burn as King to appoint all to Amenti

The eleventh window pane cracked as she burned white
her athame turned eleven times to eleven drops of blood
On a bed of fire black roses he rose within her circle
Her chalice of amber solanum’s to brim
bathing her body in rose ****** sensual arms
His sweet violet blackness tasted of Acheron
One with the Kings temple of night on the edge of the moor
Enigmatic creatures together

──Between worlds to rule forever

© ASPAR (A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens) 11/2017
Close your eyes, can you hear dulcet song?

Giant emerald palm trees creek in winds answer
As though an ocean is breaking over a thousand sea shells
── polishing, enfolding and caressing sun kissed shores
Shusssh as rasasvada ascends

You are peaceful now?

The skies above are painted cerulean-blue silk
Pleasantly, you are drunk on rhythmic wave sounds,
as you flow on cyan velvet ocean sun sheets
balanced on a Caribbean shore

Can you smell the salted bouquet?

Flawless turquoise sea flowers sway in warm seas──
as you think of soft ******* rising and falling to a gentle
lovers touch
White clams fan their smiles gently licking waters,
and Octopi’s purple-blue tentacles silently slide across clear
── silver ocean floors

Can you see the rainbow creatures dart into the light beams?
Azure waves roll into vibrations emanating in all directions
Conjured and rident in oceans magic── spheres oscillate around you,
from the veins below to the stratosphere above
You rise holding a chalice of sun gold, and
silvery worlds of mercury

Breathing in the sweet loves breeze,
as echoes of golden light in waves tingle along your face,
On the upper shores you see peridot buds and emerald leaves
──that linger on translucent blue-green Larimar days

The palm tree creeks and the wind answers,
Shussh, relax, listen to the rolling sea shells on
loves, silvery shores

© ──ASPAR (A Sol Poet by Arnay Rumens)160518
For those men and women now silent
who stood in the cold night
To those who combed the deserts and those
who gave their lives
For those who fought shoulder to shoulder in fears and blood
And danced with death in chilling dawns
who froze in winters bitter breath

For those who laid in the trenches who whispered of peace
and muttered of hopes and home to be
Right nor wrong holds no place on this day,
For thee stepped up, for thee stepped forward
For those who chose to defend and those who didn’t this country I call home

── And we shall remember all of thee

For those men women and children who ran from bombs
For those who sat in air raid shelters huddled together
heads bowed in prayer who whimpered charred
and shook with fear
For the eyes that witnessed the fires
that consumed homes in its wake
The agonized violet waiting,
the smell of streaming fires and flesh across the skies
The piercing sirens and bombs exploding in the night
To those who carved out hardships and rations
To those who gave when there was none
For those who lay unnamed in silent graves
I give to thee all names on this dawn

── For without your lives given and taken I would have none.

To those who starved and were plagued in poor health,
I give thanks today for the medicines and hospitals
I thank thee for my life to sit in silence and for the abundances
For my choices to eat food and drink clean water
For the clear skies and this beautiful life.

── For my democratic rights were given to me

For the democracy to choose and for the freedom
And those who stand today shoulder to shoulder
Army, Navy, Air Force, and our four legged friends
“We Serve” in naming but a few

Starched on this day are uniforms, medals and buckles sparkling boots spit polished to gleam
For those now grey in repose in chairs and aided to stand to attention to salute comrades fallen

To the fallen thee died not in vain not through these eyes
Tis we who salutes each of thee in thanks on this day

── our day of Remembrance.

©ASPAR (A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens) 2017
Created for our men and women as well as four legged friends that fought overseas who saw more than pain and suffering than the lofty ideals of todays insane logic, and for the twits that think war is good. War is not a computer game!
The pantheons demand the poets limn vision
‘Motionless inside dreaming still shores,
—I sleep lucid, prismic eternally awake.
In the absence of beta waves, alpha
—echoes unfold stretching into theta dives’.

Galactic chrysanthemums implode tearing—
liquid waves into writhing silver storms.
A thousand moons of mercury evaporate, reappear
and explode into black diamonds spray-painting
—cyclopean skies.

A supernatural alchemy beseeches, whispering inside
—my bloods dying, resurrected—breathing magic
that sips from rich ****** rivers; rushing through
distant canons of twisting blood vessels;
whereupon a billion red cells form aromatic pools—
igniting into an endless sea of bellowing fires.

‘Orphic, I am enchanted tasting a sorcerous nature,
angels conjuring eyes—burn mortal tinted memory shores,
bestowing ashes of what was, what is—the ‘I’ exhumed,
—raptly in deaths breath to unseen wisdom’.

Dust devils transform into ether crystal blown screens—
—bending, jostling, wrapping around nameless fluid planets,
luring my eye forth into dimensions lost, pulsing—
—only in sirens earendel song.

In black diamond stars, ‘spirits dream in frenetic pulses,
the cosmic lotus-eaters waiting in sky pearls—
—purveyors of ethereal dreaming, poets weaving
eternity before mortal life.

© ASPAR (A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens)
Oh’ so silly my beautiful dyre,
Coveted down by the black sea,
Where poor hungry ravens scratch
Thee near the sea
'Come quick my dyre',
My darling by the black sea

In the meadow I am writing to thee
Dew is my ink invisible to all but thee to see,
‘Come quick my dyre’,
My darling by the black sea ─ I do love thee

The sun’s singing and flowers dance
in Roma circles they be;
Now they are smiling to me
‘Oh do come quickly my dyre’,
My darling by the black sea

Mistletoe sprigs are bargaining,
Drawing me under the Druids tree
Rich blood berries are offered to me
‘Come quick my dyre’,
My darling by the black sea

The sweet fairies are kind to me,
Pulling my locks and tickling my knees;
Giggling flower songs of love that can be
Riding my velvet buckles and,
pinning buttercups on me

Dragonfly's are here aerial knights in armour
Fluorescent blazes darting past me
‘Come quick my dyre’,
My darling by the black sea
Oh come quickly for ─ I do love thee

The rabbits soft warm nose and delicate little paws,
Are sitting by me devouring sweet grasses
As happy as can be
The old garden yonder is dressed red and green
and even the garlic and bees are happy to be

‘My darling by the black sea’,
Oh come quickly for I am in love with thee
Look my darling by the black sea
Come quickly, come, come to see
For the magnolia has burst into a wedding
for thee and me
'Come quickly my dyre', down by the black sea

The moon and I are humming and the tea bell chimes
For he has gone you see,
Down by the black sea
He’s gone, my dyre,
my darling down to the black sea

── Where the sirens are prettier,
prettier than me

© ASPAR 2017
Dyre is an old English word use to say Dear..
In dawn embers lucid eye
I have dreamed high on perfumed sands
A blaze in passions rufescent dress
Bleeding ******* life and violent death

Winged a goddess straining higher
Drawn to taste sweet waters, dulcet songs
On the blue I floated a cast away
A lonely spirit shining

What thought of leave, promise and wines
Hath found me broken-hearted, soul on the knoll
Enigmatic carnelian creatures, thro’ fearing my rays
Doth call weeping amber and honey

Violent violets bloom these crystal swept eyes
Lazuli, sliver and gold clad skies possessed in my breast,
Sacred mysteries threading impatient words
Whetted curious velvet, immortal ******


©ASPAR (A Sol Poet, Arnay Rumens) 170418
I have wrung these hands and passionately wept,
In the visual hunger of prose, verse and quote
Devoured and coveted to bloom in sun star light,
A thousand deaths claimed in wanton splendour

Passion has long conjured my mind in cosmic province,
ascending, descending, I am wet and dry
I mourn, O’ I mourn for her beauty in the why?
Hidden long in twilight where dragons whisper

I shimmer in piteous shudders on lines beautiful to me  

My eyes brimming dancing with emotions,
lost in flow, crystal the ink seeps it's transparent glow
Blooming in prose, tight the bud on the tip of the pearl
My eye is turning 360 degrees, watching, swirling

O’ such youthful sadness, exotic bearing ripe these fruits ,
ravenous, alive and in deaths other light  
Claimed in the center, the lotus drifting conscious,
a flower bidden to bleed with light ── deliciously seeping  

──blooming ink in a poets Iolite light

© ASPAR (A Sol Poet Arnay Rumens) 200418
Created from the anguish and the beauty of prose, verses and quotes available to studying poets and avid readers.  The key to art is indeed the passionate heart, and the crystal eye :)
A satin sun breeze softly murmurs, passing a kiss over my breast
──as though a sumptuous gold cloth beckons me forth,
dressed for a palace to rest──how pleasing for a queen

Shadows dance to a beautiful serenade──laughing
at the edge of my eyes, where once I could see you
now tiny suns are reflected──in tears dressing my cheeks

Wishes, once great outside inside where I held you dear,
all swarm like bees to passion fruit blooms hung in a gardens
gallery──blushing purple hand painted by suns love

Emerald leaves rustle, teasing globules of blood oranges,
fading out to dusky pinks readying to pour juice forth, and
frilly cream Hibiscus flowers have exploded like go-go dancers
──being naughty

Mosaic sun peeled words you built around the wishing fountain,
by the steps of poems in my leadlight stained temple dreams,
Pomegranates seeds we ate in life’s ****** toil are now trees in the sand

The Guava fruits have fallen a pungent perfume fills the air, a reminder──discarded, tilling reflections once of a King on the Nile in my royal Egyptian garden of dreams.

©ASPAR (A Sol Poet by Arnay Rumens) 04/2019

— The End —