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From Saturn, I Remember May And June -
Scribbling thoughts in sand -
Orbiting Eternity, the atoms in my hand
Spin around, without my effort,
Never forgetting to breathe.
Holding a picture of an angel,
For comfort,
And a concrete reminder of the past,
For today would be nothing without yesterday,
Nor tomorrow without today -
So I remember my family,
My friends, pets, and aquaintences -
Each face engrained into my subconscious -
The uniquness of each atom,
In comparison and relation to the awesome size of The Whole,
Is simply incredible.
As no two snowflakes are alike,
A friend once told me,
"If you want to see God,
look in the ******* mirror".
But there are no mirrors when you're floating in space.
So I hold onto my picture the best I can
And remember the beauty of Home's ancient familiarity,
As I write endless dribble
Into the internet abyss
From Saturn's Welcome Center,
I send you all my love, the best I can.
My only hope is that you feel IT,
The same as I still feel You.
I'll see you on the other side of Pluto -
Please save me some wine.
Why do they always blame me?
Do they think it my fault that I was born
With silken ebony feathers
And an iron-blue beak?

Why do they always blame me?
Do they not believe it coincidence
That as my slender shadow passes over
The flowers wilt in the field below?

How typical of their race to say
That it shall be an awful day
When my wing passes o’er their way.

And is it my fault that their mothers drop dead
As I perch upon the sill?

Why do they not pity one
Who runs from family,
Has no friends,
As all their aquaintences come to their end?
days and months
and years gone by
I never stopped
To wonder why
we thought we could
runaway that day
And somehow we could
Make our way

me? I gave up
my heart was all
that I could bring
but you were hungry
for something more
wanting all, I could
never afford

friends turned enemies
turned aquaintences
Love turned to hate
turned to indifference
Now we act like we
didnt exist
chalk it up
to naive innocence

the parts of me
that were once you
Im sweating out
like a stubborn flu
I was addicted,
but i guess its true
withdrawls come from things
that're bad for you
Amy John Jan 2013
The boy in the back,
2nd row down 2 seats in,
Brown hair green eyes,
False love at first sight.
Lazy days spent together,
Nesseled on the small couch,
Lies told,
Secrets kept,
Money stolen,
Drugs used.
The star crossed lovers split,
Aquaintences to friends,
Friends to lovers,
Lovers to enemies.
Who knows what will become of the boy in the back.

— The End —