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Angila Sep 2013
A loud knock,
was what I heard.
At this hour of the night,
who might that be,
I wordered.
I opened the door,
only to meet a giant,
and all so hairy man,
(not in a **** way though).

Hey young lady,
I'm Rubeus Hagrid,
here to pick you up.
You are not a muggle,
you do not belong here.
There is a school for you,
Hogwarts is its name,
school of witchcraft,
and wizardry,
(not a regular school per say).

We better hurry up child,
or the train will leave us.
It awaits at Platform 9¾,
and if we are not on time,
Dumbledore will have my head.
If we are late,
you will miss the sorting hat,
which makes me wonder,
are you a Slytherin,
or a  Gryffindor.

Anyway hurry up,
so go on and pack.
I would give you my wand,
but you do not know how to use it.
Do not look confused my child,
instead be happy.
being a muggle is no fun,
you will realise soon.
So hurry up lets go,
( I already hear snape grumbling).
Angila Sep 2013
I used to be that girl,
the one you made fun of,
the one you mocked.
I was that girl,
the one you laughed at,
said she was ugly.
I used to be that girl,
the one you avoided like a plague,
called her wierd,
or was it akward.
I was that girl,
the one with no esteem,
the one that cried day and night,
because of what others thought.

I am no longer that girl,
no one makes fun of me,
instead am admired.
She is not me anymore,
no one laughs at me,
instead they laugh with me.
Ugly is not my title any more,
men break necks when I pass.
I am no longer that girl,
am now sorrounded by people,
people who think am unique,
not akward.
The old me is dead,
my tears come with joy,
and esteem seems to be my second name.

— The End —