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Craig Harrison Dec 2013
Salem, O Salem what were you about?

It all started in 1692
It was dark, it was cold, a bit of snow still on the ground

People arrested for witchcraft and some sentenced to death
19 people that year took their final breath
People were drowned or killed with fire
some people even hung with rope or wire

Witch trials didn't just happen in Salem
They happened all over the world
The first is believed to be a woman named Angele Babin for *** with the devil
And the last Bridget Cleary whose crime was unclear
I wonder how many of these people confessed in fear

We are monsters of our own making
we cause fear and we ****
Those that do no longer do it for protection
they do it for the thrill

But their is no thrill in taking a life
there was wasn't then and there isn't now
how could you take a life, that is my question. HOW
Please leave feedback, personally I don't think this one is that good but I finished it so I thought I would post it.
Peter Praise Sep 2016
Touch Not
Oh falling Angele
Get thy behind me clear
I see no use of your worldly sells of bells
Stop the deceit of boys and girls
You have caused enough wars
Remember they know not there right
Hence they fall for your ways
But remember your place
Cause you stand no chance
For the one who ordered your exile still remains
With his host. With Gabriel I send you this words.
Michael would spear you not if you cross the line
cause I already ordered your destruction.
Touch not my loved ones cause I would create a place
Worse than hell for you, cause trinity dwells in me.


— The End —