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Gemma Aug 2010
I opened a book and flew
to a far distant land
I disappeared from my room and the mundane sounds of everyday
This world was alive, this island of infinite adventures
George, not to be called Georgina
and the other three, and the doggy
I have the faintest memories
Except they aren't quite like memories
I don't remember words, but broken videos and sepia photographs
like I lived all these stories in a a past life
a life where everything seemed monumental-
huts were mansions,
shrubs-forests, people-giants, moments-eternity

Siting on a bed and making shapes out of bugs on the ceiling
on grass that smelled green, making smoke monsters out of clouds

In these idyllic wanderings into imagination
Homework was the tripping hazard
Map Stencils? Arithmetic?  

When I open the pages now,
its never quite the same,
I wonder how someone could be named ****
and how their parents let them own an island
and why they never grew up.

So I pick up something with more pages
and longer words, and complex thoughts
and subtexts based on isms, and context

But the words stay on the pages
and the pages in my hand
and my bed in my room, with me trapped within
I hear my cellphone buzzing, and a notification about nothing on facebook
So I put a bookmark, never returning.

I think it happens when you're thirteen,
the initiation, rite of passage
they lock up that secret part of your mind
and put the key inside your old journal that you never use (because journals went 'live')
Welcome to the real world! Now you must find yourself!
Who are you? What do you want? What's the quickest way to get it?
Find a path and tread it carefully; don't wander or hover, or smell a water lilly, or stare at a worm, or chase a butterfly.
Just keep moving, till you get to that destination- where you'll find applause. (Oooh..applause they say.)

I'm walking and walking and walking.
But I cant find mansions or forests or giants.
Everything seems so small, so vivid.

I see the builders, not the castle; the tricks, not the magic; the camera, not the fairy tale.
I try to veer off-coarse into the wilderness
I try to wander but my footsteps seem so measured.
I start running and the roots of trees trip me, and the branches
scratch my face.

I fall and open my eyes and see the endless true blue sky.
I think there might have been a lake that glimmered with angeldust,
and I heard whispers of laughter that kept bouncing off the water.
There was something about the wind, like mystery in the air.
I felt on the verge of something, a clue, a challenge
An untitled adventure.

As I began to leave reality behind and lose myself in this strange, faraway land- a key turned, a door shut. The answering machine beeped.

I know now why the famous five stayed young forever.
Evaldas Eseth Feb 2012
You youthful girl
my modest sister
your smile warms me
like a ruby red pearl

will you talk to me thrice,
will you spare me another minute
for I gather my  bravery slowly
to emphasize on your weakness
but not make use of you

If only could I
create you a smile
or a spark in the eyes
and share a piece of felicity

or will my gazes go unseen
leaving you rightfully free
perhaps just a fog
of these dreams
angeldust in a death scene
pimiento angeldust,
where have you been
all my life?

though I wish
I met you sooner
let's not bemoan
days gone by

but start now
in agape mouth
with a thorough intro
upon eggs and 'cado

and this tongue
that loves you so
JenniferC Nov 2020
Take me to fairy tales.
Show me
where Snow White lives,
Cinderellas shoe of glas,
Peter Pan, The castle ball
and the power that magic has.
Take me to
true love that gives you shivers.
The happily ever after
and the valley of the rivers.

Show me
that everything we believed in
as a child exists.
Faith and hope -give me this.
All that I no longer remember
cuz it has left my mind
and my body.
I'm affraid its forever.
Tell me
that everything we had faith in then
not only is a memory merely.

take me to the River Fairy.
Show me legendary,
the queen, the king,
foot prints from santa on my roof
where he has been standing.
A fallen angels broken wing

- show me something.

— The End —