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Barry Comer Feb 2010
Such a polished act,“who you mean”,your obscenityand crawling nails,they scratch the sidewalk,we lost all hope for Youand walk with dark eyes;thrown from Your arms.You held the tickets,of children whose dreamsand whose tune…feet with pepsi caps,the smiles of night.“really?”Willingly plunderedin dark brown or kool-aid lime,holding the smokesand shivering puffs,that pass from lipto mouth.We look 6:30 in the morning;we are your Lounge.“yeah I know, it’s voodoo”Our paper dryness andshaking palms,we high and low,ritual blows,who work the Lounge,who adore your obscenity,the comedy, the pages of scribble;our perspectives of absurd value.We adore you andthat sketch, stubbled erasingsin the Lounge.“you mean the voodoo lounge?”“yeah!”2010 Barry Comer
Ryan Sep 2021
other company's coffee beans
painfully purchasing

i already have:
opposable thumbs
attached to hands
and land

grow it yourself

but what about:
time for travel
with scenic hikes
and psychs


put those thoughts up on the shelf
*******, and do it yourself

and this
                                             and that
                                    and this                         and that
                      and this              and that    and this            and that
       and this          and that                      and this and that and this
    and that   and this       and that and this       and that and this and that andthis  andthat    andthis andthat  andthis     andthat   andthis
alright so here's what you're gonna do. learn how to build a greenhouse, do that, plant a **** ton of-no wait maybe i can rent a greenhouse? OR i can ask rebecca to borrow some space in hers? **** you hate other people though. OK so we'll build it ourselves, plant EVERY crop you need to live. EXPANSIVE garden. live in the ******* WOODS! NOBODY will find me THERE! you must LEARN how to HUNT! ABANDON THE INTERNET. ABANDON ELECTRICITY. PLUMBING IS USELESS. FIND A LAKE FOR BATHING. WRITE BOOKS. DEVELOP ALZHEIMERS. READ BOOKS WHILST FORGETTING YOU WROTE THEM. SPREAD YOUR WINGS FOR THE RIVER SERPENTS ON YOUR JOURNEY TO THE 5TH DIMENSION

alright back to calc homework...

"no you don't need a tutor that's a waste of money learn it yourself you ******* *******"

— The End —