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Lua Cole Oct 2015
You’re so sweet
and so cute

So here’s a list
of reasons
I kind of love

you make me smile
it never fails
to last a long long while

You make me blush
you tell me hush
but oh baby
its hard to stop

when you’re so kind
when you’re so sweet
i cant seem to express
how much you mean to me

you understand
and take my hand
when my brain
is no longer
my friend

both our minds
seem to think
andddd know
that we’re in sync

you and me
has been the best thing
thats happened to me

i never know
how to show
the way I feel
when you go

theres a pit
its really deep
i sink right in
when you aren’t with me

and your eyes
how they shine
when they glance
and meet with mine

You’re so sweet.
To me.
Sweet Dominic.
im a sap, forgive me
emzee Jan 2023
The thing issssss. I dessim you after you gone. Anddddd I had a thought in my mind that its me who poked the old memories of you yesterday by asking stupid questions. Andddd i regret . I regrrrreeett. Actuallly I wanted to make each and every moment that i spends with you to be memorable and i always(since we came to know to now) wanted to make you happy more happy and happpppyyyyyyy. And the thing isss At the moment i reallyyyyy ssim you that I cant hold it.

And what i did is this

. I really wanted to complete it. But my thumb couldnt hold that much strain. But i tried my best and i wish i could complete it in coming days.

And lenaaaaaaa

The thing issssssss.

You are an idiot

And the thing is lenaa what it is nn vechaa. Nth nn vechaaaaaa. Onnulla🤭🤭🤭
Yours faithfully


— The End —