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A large portion of the universe perceive death as the finish line
In a long race of a human beings existence
Connection between ambiances seems to have reached its limits
Our minds are cleared of the deceased as we can never see them again

But that factor shall certainly not reflect upon us
Death the mother of all the cries of our ripped hearts
Eradicating my loved one into a different dimension
That surely does not mean it is the end of our association

Deceased or not our bond shall continue to exist as we always planned
Tender love and care shall always be offered even in your resting place
Memories will not only be relieved in the past but also in the future
You might be removed from the Earth but not in my temperament

Though years might go by without physically seeing you
Spiritually and emotionally your presence will be visible at all times within me
Just like old times when I made your bed well
Even in your resting place I shall clean and make sure you sleep well forever
Notice the difference between before and after your presence, weigh the after effects of the termination of the bond between binary ambiances which resulted from not appreciating.

Evaluate the conditions of our hearts during the juncture of the best love affair we have ever got into. Feelings extracted from deep within the sentiment is what I always offered you.

Give yourself time to realise that you were never grateful, no matter what I offered to you it was just not good enough since it was below the standards you put for yourself based on the beauty you possess.


Love, affection is what I offered at all times but material possessions remains to be the root cause of your love for a guy. Sadly, I never had what you wanted but I had what you deserved and that is love.

Expressing the conditions of my heart is now futile because the heart that withheld true feelings for you was tossed in the mud and thrown in the trash bin by you who was supposed to treasure it.

Communicating with you is like visiting the graveyard to shred tears on my special one who is extinct from this Earth. Whether I cry or not the situations remains constant, you are dead to me.

Taking away everything I had in a wonderful home which existed deep within you. I am leaving and opening space for another man who will be brave enough to accept your behaviour because I can’t.


Inflicting the same pain you caused me when I always believed that you were miss right but never did I know that you would only serve to teach me that a book cannot be judged on its cover.

Never will I make the same mistake ever again when I meet the one who holds much beauty. Your presence made me acknowledge the availability of a mask a woman can have on her face yet evil inside.

Going home back to my original roots where I never met you. Meeting you was not a mistake and I appreciate the lesson you taught me but you deserve nothing but heartache.


Letting go of the thought in my mind that you would grow up to be the mother of my children and the daughter in law of my mother who would love you as much as I did.

Oppressed deep within is how you made me feel everyday but I am wide awake, realising my worth on this Earth and I deserve much more than what you offer.

Voices in my head screaming there’s no beauty that exists in the world which is more radiant than that of which you possess of but I am not going to consider such because beauty exists everywhere.

Everything we had was just a fluke and I can safely walk away from this household that I received a blind eye when I was ought to be cared for, loved and cherished by you whom I loved.
A large portion of the universe perceive death as the finish line

In a long race of a human beings existence

Connection between ambiances seems to have reached its limits

Our minds are cleared of the deceased as we can never see them again


But that factor shall certainly not reflect upon us

Death the mother of all the cries of our ripped hearts

Eradicating my loved one into a different dimension

That surely does not mean it is the end of our association


Deceased or not our bond shall continue to exist as we always planned

Tender love and care shall always be offered even in your resting place

Memories will not only be relieved in the past but also in the future

You might be removed from the Earth but not in my temperament


Though years might go by without physically seeing you

Spiritually and emotionally your presence will be visible at all times within me

Just like old times when I made your bed well

Even in your resting place I shall clean and make sure you sleep well forever
The long awaited days are now over,

Overcame tests and trials put in place along my entire belief system,

Tried to open chain locked doors but fate never allowed me,

Considering every pain I endured the Deity was at all times present,

Living in a world of my own yet I land in someone’s arms when I fall,

All thanks goes to the ultimate prayer I never stopped believing in.


Embarking on a short trip of my own heading towards Nirvana,

King amongst Kings waits patiently for his Prince at the golden gate,

A smile upon his face, appreciating the job I accomplished on Earth,

My imperfections are erased from his eyes because of my daily work, 

Living a double life in equal share, one for me the other one for IDOL,

My revenue is seeing ambiances on Earth adoring their life without grievances
Travis Green Oct 2021
If you were gay
I would savor every day
That I spend with you
Every embracing hug
Every fascinating glance
All the love that we make
All the engaging ambiances
And unconditional kisses
Our rainbow souls attuned
Shimmering as majestic
As the night moon
A heart drenched with emotions that is detrimental to a person’s wellbeing

A face that is supposed to be glowing now looks pale

The suffering she is enduring at this juncture is truly excruciating

I wish I could hold you just to make you feel better


My wish and all my promises in life all includes you

Nothing of my dreams includes a saddened spirit  

Only a precious ever smiling beauty queen experiencing tender love and care

That is all I hope to achieve in life making you feel appreciated  


I pray for a day whereby you will still see the sun rise in the morning

Your face to glitter with nothing but happiness

Your eyes to twinkle brighter than the midnight diamonds during the night

All of the sweet little things you experience put me in a place of comfort


My heart is not at all at ease when a situation of discomfort surrounds you

I feel lost and loose a reason to live on this Earth

The pain that you feel is mutual between binary ambiances

All I ask is for you to never forget to smile daily because that’s what makes me happy
Travis Green Aug 2021
He is my suave saxman
With lit *** moves
That soothe my system
A glorious cadency
Under my feet
A striking high
So exciting to my cells

He is a thunderous hotness
With a jazzy attitude
Too smooth, too moving
Too tight with his talent
Enrapturing my universe
As I watch him put
On a dope *** show

Fantastic magic explodes in the air
With each spellbinding sound
That rises from his brassy, beloved saxophone
Notorious notes, skyrocketing rhythms
A dancing downbeat, rocking bass riffs
That makes me dramatically dizzy
Slaps me silly with the smoking heat
Such a fierce fever, fervid verbs
Whirling adverbs, astounding nouns
Bullet-blazed pronouns surrounded
In flamboyant ambiances
Travis Green Oct 2021
You were so enrapturing
That I thought I could creep
Into your carnal chamber
Taste your delicious secrecies
The feverish sensuousness
That sneaks up in my system
Bringing an overpowering longing
To navigate your exhilarating space
And discern your endearing world

You gave me unsurpassable gratification
Desiring you more when I escaped
Into euphoria to traverse through
Your extraordinary warm world
Impure sensations emanating
Breathtaking ambiances and adoration
Blazing electricity surging
Through the galaxy of our bodies
As our thunderous lightning desires
Became an uncontrollable eruption
Of steaming hot encounters
Travis Green Aug 2021
I think of us as indestructible lovers
Walking wondrously in the green forest
Our arms in harmony, our hearts shimmering
Like an immensely serene gem, staring
At the grand, expansive trees, its poetical leaves
Flowing in repose, brilliant branches
Swaying in captivation at the sound
Of awakening anthems brimming
The purely ideal and widespread landscape
Himalayan golden eagles, such powerful
And full-grown creatures emerging exuberantly
In-flight, as you call me, your cherished one
Your sweet chocolate rose, kissing me
As I feel your face, rub my fingers
Over your lightly colored and radiant cheeks
Reminiscing on the music we make

And in those moments, as we embrace each other
Looking extraordinarily in your eyes
A thousand designs that appear
To change colors the more I gaze
At your charm, your eyelashes, your pupils
Your distinctively strong and passionate nose
Salmon pink lips so perfectly fine, reminding me
Of all the years we have been together
Lips so delicious as a red velvet cake
As a cherry cheesecake, the fragrance
Of Dolce & Gabbana hovering hypnotically
Around your presence, the uplifting diction
Traveling terrifically through your flesh
Our afternoon ambiances glittering majestically
Our thoughts in coalescence as we stand
On top of the high, impassable mountains,
The mightiest and most extensive creation
I have come across, and we stare out
Into the blessedly blue sky, seeing the sunlight ahead
The large and dazzlingly white swans
Fluttering their wings in the truly azure
And beauteous seas, such a sprightly sight
That delights our lives, never knowing a world
Like this existed before, never knowing
I could feel so reconciled standing beside you

— The End —