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Mi vida, enferma de fastidio, gusta
de irse a guarecer año por año
a la casa vetusta
de los nobles abuelos
como a refugio en que en la paz divina
de las cosas de antaño
sólo se oye la voz de la madrina
que se repone del acceso de asma
para seguir hablando de sus muertos
y narrar, al amparo del crepúsculo,
la aparición del familiar fantasma.
A veces, en los ámbitos desiertos
de los viejos salones,
cuando dialogas con la voz anciana,
se oye también, sonora maravilla,
tu clara voz, como la campanilla
de las litúrgicas elevaciones.
Yo te digo en verdad, buena Fuensanta,
que tu voz es un verso que se canta
a la Virgen, las tardes en que mayo
inunda la parroquia con sus flores:
que tu mirada viva es como el rayo
que arranca el sol a la custodia rica
que dio para el altar mayor la esposa
de un católico Rey de las Españas;
que tu virtud amable me edifica,
y que eres a mis ósculos sabrosa,
no como de los reyes los manjares,
sino cual pan humilde que se amasa
en la nativa casa
y se dora en los hornos familiares.
¡Oh, Fuensanta!: mi espíritu ayudado
de tus manos amigas,
ha de exhumar las glorias del pasado:
En el ropero arcaico están las ligas
que en el día nupcial fueron ofrenda
del abuelo amador
a la novia de rostro placentero,
y cada una tiene su leyenda:
«Tú fuiste, Amada, mi primer amor,
y serás el postrero».
¡Oh, noble sangre, corazón pueril
de comienzos del siglo diecinueve,
para ti la mujer, por el decoro
de sus blancas virtudes,
era como una Torre de Marfil
en que después del madrigal sonoro
colgabas los románticos laúdes!
Yo obedezco, Fuensanta, al atavismo
de aquel alto querer, te llamo hermana,
fiel a mi bautismo,
sólo te ruego en mi amoroso mal
con la prez lauretana.
Tu llanto es para mí linfa lustral
que por virtud divina se convierte
en perlas eclesiásticas, bien mío,
para hacerme un rosario contra el frío
y las hondas angustias de la muerte.
Los vistosos mantones de Manila
que adornaron a las antepasadas
y tienes en las manos delicadas,
me sugieren la época intranquila
de los días feriales
en que el pueblo se alegra con la Pascua,
hay cohetes sonoros,
tocan diana las músicas triunfales,
y la tarde de toros
y la mujer son una sola ascua.
También tú, con las flores policromas
que engalanan los clásicos mantones
de Manila, pudieras haber ido
a la conquista de los corazones.
Mas ¡oh Fuensanta!, al buen Jesús le pido
que te preserve con su amor profundo:
tus plantas no son hechas
para los bailes frívolos del mundo
sino para subir por el Calvario,
y exento de pagano sensualismo
el fulgor de tus ojos es el mismo
que el de las brasas en el incensario.
Y aunque el alma atónita se queda
con las venustidades tentadoras
a las que dan el fruto de su industria
los gusanos de seda,
quiere mejor santificar las horas
quedándose a dormir en la almohada
de tus brazos sedeños
para ver, en la noche ilusionada,
la escala de Jacob llena de ensueños.
Y las alegres ropas,
los antiguos espejos,
el cristal empañado de las copas
en que bebieron de los rancios vinos
los amantes de entonces, y los viejos
cascabeles que hoy suenan apagados
y se mueren de olvido en los baúles,
nos hablan de las noches de verbena,
de horizontes azules,
en que cobija a los enamorados
el sortilegio de la luna llena.
Fuensanta: ha de ser locura grata
la de bailar contigo a los compases
mágicos de una vieja serenata
en que el ritmo travieso de la orquesta,
embriagando los cuerpos danzadores,
se acuerda al ritmo de la sangre en fiesta.
Pero es mejor quererte
por tus tranquilos ojos taumaturgos,
por tu cristiana paz de mujer fuerte,
porque me llevas de la mano a Sion
cuya inmortal lucerna es el Cordero,
porque la noche de mi amor primero
la hiciste de perfume y transparencia
como la noche de la Anunciación,
por tus santos oficios de Verónica,
y porque regalaste la paciencia
del Evangelio, a mi tristeza crónica.
Los muebles están bien en la suprema
vetustez elegante del poema.
Las arcas se conservan olorosas
a las frutas guardadas;
el sofá tiene huellas de los muslos
salomónicos de las desposadas;
entre un adorno artificial de rosas
surgen, en un ambiente desteñido,
las piadosas pinturas polvorientas;
y el casto lecho que pudiera ser
para las almas núbiles un nido,
nos invita a las nupcias incruentas
y es el mismo, Fuensanta, en que se amaron
las parejas eróticas de ayer.
Dos fantasmas dolientes
en él seremos en tranquilo amor,
en connubio sin mácula yacentes;
una pareja fallecida en flor,
en la flor de los sueños y las vidas;
carne difunta, espíritus en vela
que oyen cómo canta
por mil años el ave de la Gloria;
dos sombras dormidas
en el tálamo estéril de una santa.
A ti, con quien comparto la locura
de un arte firme, diáfano y risueño;
a ti, poeta hermano que eres cura
de la noble parroquia del Ensueño;
va la canción de mi amoroso mal,
este poema de vetustas cosas
y viejas ilusiones milagrosas,
a pedirte la gracia bautismal.
Te lo dedico
porque eres para mí dos veces rico;
por tus ilustres órdenes sagradas
y porque de tu verso en la riqueza
la sal de la tristeza
y la azúcar del bien están loadas.
Rafael Barcellos Jun 2018
Poeta amador
Iniciante, desbravador
Poeta amador
Ama(tanto, até na)dor.
Rubios, pulidos senos de Amaranta,
por una lengua de lebrel limados.
Pórticos de limones, desviados
por el canal que asciende a tu garganta.Rojo, un puente de rizos se adelanta
e incendia tus marfiles ondulados.
Muerde, heridor, tus dientes desangrados,
y corvo, en vilo, al viento te levanta.La soledad, dormida en la espesura,
calza su pie de céfiro y desciende
del olmo alto al mar de la llanura.Su cuerpo en sombra, oscuro, se le enciende,
y gladiadora, como un ascua impura,
entre Amaranta y su amador se tiende.
Nada me has dado y para ti mi vida
deshoja su rosal de desconsuelo,
porque ves estas cosas que yo miro,
las mismas tierras y los mismos cielos,

porque la red de nervios y de venas
que sostiene tu ser y tu belleza
se debe estremecer .al beso puro
del sol, del mismo sol que a mí me besa.

Mujer, nada me has dado y sin embargo
a través de tu ser siento las cosas:
estoy alegre de mirar la tierra
en que tu corazón tiembla y reposa.

Me limitan en vano mis sentidos
-dulces flores que se abren en el viento-
porque adivino el pájaro que pasa
y que mojó de azul tu sentimiento.

Y sin embargo no me has dado nada,
no se florecen para mí tus años,
la cascada de cobre de tu risa
no apagará la sed de mis rebaños.

Hostia que no probó tu boca fina,
amador del amado que te llame,
saldré al camino con mi amor al brazo
como un vaso de miel para el que ames.

Ya ves, noche estrellada, canto y copa
en que bebes el agua que yo bebo,
vivo en tu vida, vives en mi vida,
nada me has dado y todo te lo debo.
Chapter v
Brisehal abhors the Desert

For the desolate Dasht-e-Lut. After Brisehal bellowed being from the deserted sites of contemplation he was emerging from his great mountain of empty desert. The ghosts abounded wandering alone as if wanting to take hold of the last sparks of politics that they had left to surrender from their own lost solitude. Brisehal was a canine-headed mountain similar to Anubis, but millions of times larger and more acidic, like the hope of some parishioners to enter the garden-kingdom of Heaven!. Before the day trembled with the movement of his trembling footsteps, Brisehal spent two years moving day and night. When it roared, smaller mountainous areas were liquidated with the greatest effect of their spinning forces. They were immense thunderclaps that even scrubbed up to the spheroid clouds reddened by their rising. He turned from left to right as if wanting to exile the Desert of Lut, like casing his pro generation by bundles of optical rope or high-density fiber, which could cohabit with Vernarth in his odyssey of the Horcondising (Vernarth lineage paradise to Gaugamela) .

Before beginning the chant of his ultra-low thunder of Trumpets and armor of courage without break.  Any protocol is dissipated to inaugurate in the stands of the Iranian war-educational Sky and aesthetic drama, the analogous city in the extreme north in Irna; Located in the Talesh Mountains, just 50 km from Rasht, there is a small paradise surrounded by beauty: the city of Masal. It is with the force of his traction that he drags thousands of prayers and litanies in chains through the underground near Las Acacias where unscathed heroes have died embracing them, as the cold snowy cloak of Horcondising usually supplies, to those who dream that he will redeem the ignorance of not knowing how to be reborn next to the fallen and raised trunks, scattered and destroyed by the predatory shrew of yesteryear.

In genealogical peduncle rows of the Mandragora extension they marked the ship without an unbroken ****** sea, those who blow through their burdensome ear line up before encircling them with their smiles to swallow napkins of Hawthorn and Acacia early: (essences that their nose always vomited, to later recover them)
This is how his ancestors appear accompanying him to preserve his adventures and adventures:

"Amada y Amador, Arturo and Adelina, Bernardino and Baldomero, Cándida and Cesarina, Delfina and Dolores, Esperanza and Eulalia, Francisco and Felo, Gumercindo and Gilberto, Hilarión and Hugo, Isabel and Julio, Joaquina and Juan Bautista, Lastenia and Luidiana, Lidia and Melania, Mariano and Miguel, Nicolasa and Natalia, Pascuala and Pastora and Rosa, Agapito and Ascanio, Getulio and Leocadio, Tancredo and Tranquilino, Zacarías and Zenón ”. All his ancestors settled in the Horcondising Castle to observe his cereal sandwich that he gladly took to his mouth, and movia and arms and elbows clearing the lily vines and ivies of the
Below the branches,  Joshua de Piedra and Bernardolipo. The horns sounded in symmetrical filial genetics under the same hollow empty mausoleum.

Brisehal, confused by not getting along with Vernarth, decides to walk and approach him. Its size was millions of times larger in proportion to its little finger. Try walking on confused sides, broken geographical areas and undulating corridors of the Redemptive Pass of the Christ of Lisbon, or going straight or through the center, leaning to the left.  Until she finally looks at him and manages to retain her figure surrounded by several golden rings. He was on his back and in his ventral decubitus, creating love affairs even on the mid-morning dew grass. He managed to see him in his parapsychological regression, to support his hypnosis in the still unexplored states of his Consciousness as a toddler through the Fields of Macedonia and at night through the fields of Sudpichi, on the banks of the Horcondising neighing a glass full of Chupilca for not being less.

Brisehal was in the worst halite of the super distillate saying:
Heal me even if I am not. Heal me even if my head fails to receive you, nor my heart can reconcile you, heal me even though my longings can continue with you rolling around the world with my whole body in the midst of subversive political currents and social doctrines, rumbling falling all the divisions that separate us , even the outer walls of the farthest reaches of our separate and to be separated stocks. I will go with you until the end of this long journey, I will take your feet when they hesitate to continue and I will move your frozen head from the stocks and tricks to catch those you leave with glasses full, even with the Chacolí, who makes us go in circles through places without garment or bait through the desert where the thirtieth final Oasis awaits us ”after leaving it lying with the ivy roots of the Rio Bumodos, and by all the points of its body open to discontinue with this regression, it meets the twentieth oasis.

Twentieth Oasis next to Tel Gómel:
In the well-known art of the Afro-Asian belt of the Persian zones, of deserts that extend by hydrographic basins, it transports us to its second regression along the Bumodos River. Here with roots of 60 lures will be shed by 60 centimeters from your oasis soil. Here Vernarth will remain encapsulated from his roots of lush attire from years to years entering his veins.
Diplomacy is unleashed in Ecbatana, close to the encyclopedic collision, the shelves throb, distorting the story lines more than a paragraph inflamed by their own saffron sheets of tradition written in fornited papyrus. It has also been mentioned in the Bible by its Aramaic name Acmeta. According to Herodotus and The Biblical Oral Source.

At more than 15,000 kilometers in the Castle of Horcondising;  Her mother Luccica enters, taking the lace from her dress, to go up the northern balcony saying:
Luccica: What time can I see you, my beloved Vernarth, now that your life has been cut before the harvest. Black garlands progress along the edges of the swinging of the curtains of obscurantism…. !!
Then Luccica gets up. She goes to observe the walls of Adarve, to approach the guard and ask her if she had left the window half open. The guard moves away from the loophole and responds:
Guard: My lady, our prince Vernarth, left the Crusades for Tel Gomel. And I doubt that her absence has styled the hinges of the disheartened gate by the joy of feeling her voice proclaiming life where nothing has lived any species,  nor death where no one wants to inhabit it.

Bernardolipo, your spouse enters: do not doubt that you have well exercised the straps of the barbican interwoven with grates of poisoned ivy with the life of pagan serpents. But what else has to happen if our Vernarth forged the Rake with his burned hands, and still remains intact for anyone who tries to overcome it. Oh duel of Avernus without bosses to defend their Aras!

Guard replies:  It has been conceived through the corridors of arms, that your son is in TeL Gómel, on the magical sides of the Bumodos River. He is surrounded by people who love him. He rides stretched out on a white steed, with a white flame, with hooves of Fire…, Alikanto greater fever for elder fever in midnight of the witches who frighten the Mandragora.

The regression continues towards the region of Gaugamela, hearing with his breastplate on his sleep the distant tales of his parents in the Horcondising castle. He walks on the dry and discolored leaves, on the docile rods that hung over his veins, hydrating with magical liquids his body asleep in Bumodos and his accomplices. Every time he walked on this tube that was tubed through skies and beautiful places, he had to approach to inject the young elder wands with slopes of Bumodos concoctions, before eating and drinking delicious meals.Together with their diocesan comrades with wine.

This bacchanal episode has to do with a love story. Rather it mixes love, passion, madness and death.Or almost death. Persian legend tells that from the seeds that a bird dropped at the feet of King Djemchid (Yemshid), plants were born that bore abundant fruit, the fermented juice of which was drunk by the king's favorite. The woman fell asleep soundly under the relaxing effects of the drink, and when she woke up she felt healed and flushed, and also happy. Then the king named the wine Darou é Shah (daru eshjá), "the King's remedy." Almost with the second degree beer, he replied before Shamash Sumerio with his celestial oscillations, to approach the Philistines hand in hand to keep them intoxicated rather than healthy.Brightly and lights of the green candle in her tabernacle ... beyond the Sumeria table.

Vernarth says: Take out the table, take it out. I want to continue lying on the wild plasma floor of Bumodos. I need my odalisque Valekiria to bring ***** and elderberry to unleash the kidnapping of myself, for not wanting to be assisted nor for the greatest fear I have ever felt. This echoes in Horcondising in the ears of his mother who was in the battlement just a few minutes from sending her eagles.

Luccica says:With what number of molten bronze and burnished copper gag, I will polish your flabby regret for not being with us. Son I know that you will give your life in Gaugamela. I know that your strength is not mine or your father's. That Etrestles your brother will be in the biggest puffy nimbus clouds of the sacrosanct oracle. Pastoral flutes will take my basket to your store, loaded with goat cheese, grass bread with balsamic Palo Santo. "May the Nile Cobra not get dark your fiercely wounded Brisehal."
To be continued… / under edition

— The End —