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Dacia B Oct 2011
Hiding, hiding from the storm
On this rainy night
Waiting for dawn
No one can reach me
No one can see
The walls around me
Building up
In my own mind
I'm trapped, alone
Waiting to be free
I hear the sound of gentle music
From far away
But it can't reach me
Can you hear me?
Calling your name
It's so quiet
It's fading into the rain
What once was
is once again
Can you see?
My pain
Where can my sorrow begin
My cause, Adrien
But you'll never see
These tears
They are for you.
It's broken
and cold
You have trapped me
In this world
Are you happy?
Because you'll never know
Knowing is a sin
Isn't it
For Adrien,

San Francisco is asleep
On the lips a vermillion souvenir
Of an unthought dream yet
Paralyzed from a wound not mended yet
Red iron body in the night
Of two lovers we have observed
Hurt by a somber Beauty…

Two naked children, to Charity’s breast
Born and tortured by a majestic Love
Loving each other, two men as on Humanity’s
Very first day, in the large bedroom America.
In the passion of a bridge their two hands link
That time… Freedom! And tenderness heals
Devoted fingers, divinized with desire…

Trailing down, delicate, along backs, pleasure
Awake and keeping watch in the large bedroom America
Love comes by, patiently, Pacific
Two entangled lovers, male Galateas
Protected in the silver of their gold, protected from decay
Discovering each other, deliciously, in the bedroom America
In a California, stylistic seduction,

You too are dreaming about your bedroom America!

Montpellier, France July 19, 2015
Translated on July 20, 2015
Lyon, France
Dacia B Oct 2011
All apologies are seen though
The film of tears in my eyes
Is this relief?
Is this dying?
It is growing, you are feeding it
With your brown eyes
You had me in a spell
Your carefree smile just a guard
Inside me sorrow and guilt would dwell
In dark moonlight water
Waiting for the wind to call my name
But it whispers Adrien
Again and again
Your ghost follows my shadow
Always there never a thing said
My guilt never leaves my head
The music I made is now departed
All I can do is write about being broken hearted
Dwindle, dwindle, devious dwarf

The dew skims the sides of my lawn
A fairy must have had here something sawn
A soft stain of sorrow silently slipped
Out of the pages of Edgar Allan Poe
The wind wields the wild warming woe
As a tiny creature, from the book has flipped
It has oddly ended here. Subdued and suffering
I leaned over, and saw the poor eye-sore
Hardly breathing, as lost and fragile as a spore
I picked it up from the ground as it was stalling
And its evil grin pinned me down to the floor
Devious dwarf, dwindle, dwindle
No one, no no one will ever solve your riddle.

And this is how, strangled to death in the moor
The dwarf dances over my demise
If the tiny man starts to misbehave, be wise
Close the book and open up some Chaucer
You'll be spared from it chuckling, reader.
It laughs, beware human, it dwindles
And the leprechaun claims it likes girls' freckles.

November the 28th, 2013
Based on the word '' dwarf'', given by Adrien Mathieu.

— The End —