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Todd J Aston Jun 2012
Why must we read 500 pages
to get the moral Of the story.

Keeping it abbreviated is
Not the worry

You write and write
Until we are wick and rory

But if it is over now or then
it will still have it's same glory.

Stop this addness or 
 we will never finish
until we are forty!

two seconds and done,  
might seem a little whorey

But do it again and
we will just  skip to the end.
Joe Butler Dec 2010
Encompassing me
Stolen soul

Making an
Effigy of me

Why does it
Hurt so much and so

Am I all alone
Racing over a cliff
Even to death

Yet I can't fight
Or run from it or hide
U**nder a mountain

                                                         Leave me be!
Another from 1998.

— The End —