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Pedro Poveda Dec 2012
I don't see the truth anymore
It floats by me like
the feather it is, carrying my
dreams and ambitions

Never returning yet I am
always yearning for its arrival
My eyes burn red with anticipation
for a moment that never actualizes

My life is such that it can be defined
by the feather that glided across the blue
Nat Lipstadt Nov 2014
the clock nears three AM,
and the "five minutes to" alert
pops up,
long overdue,
uh oh,
a task in need of completion,
a guilty conscience,
a simple love poem
needs to be written!

more than most,
perhaps, best,
can't be sure,
but more than most
is holy satisfying
for me

more than most,
a standard met,
perhaps understated
yet, highly realistic

for is real
the edge that love needs
to transcend long beyond,
far after,
initial heated intimations,
the noisy, now ancient,

that place where
fantasy connects
skin and hair,
bare shoulders,
that more than most,
I kiss with simple pleasure,
best described as,
sustained, sustainable,
better than

is that not totally,
more than most?

I love you
more than most,
for to claim,
more than anyone,
who can tell?

so now
you sleep,
your blonde tresses messes
my damp pillow,
and i am satisfied,
content to claim,
that to love you more,
more than most,
is ample, profound,
and by that,
for that alone,
is excellence unsurpassed,
a measurable measure,
that satisfies my task

now can rightfully
deactivate that alert,
that "to do,"
unto and until
some sleepless night,
when again,
it self-actualizes,

while smiling down upon you,
more than most,
almost positive,
but never sure,
come morn,
that you will love,

this poem,
*more than most...
2:55 AM Saturday

— The End —