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How beautiful is the
Rose flower of my heart,
She is more beautiful
Than the flowers in Aburi,

How beautiful is the
Mother of my heart,
She is a blessing to her family,
How beautiful is her

Dusky looking bark,
Her brave stands for justice
Like Yaa Asantewaa,
How beautiful are my lover’s lips,
Just like that of Frimpomaa,

How beautiful is the lady
Whose beauty Brightens
My heart like her words,
She flourishes like
Koforidua flowers,

How beautiful is the lady whose
Love can control my queer destiny,
She is like unto Nyarkowaa,

How beautiful is the convex hips of the
Lady who can make me go crazy,
She is like unto Adwoba,

How beautiful is the lady who can
Make me disobey my creator,
She is like unto Makeda,
How beautiful is the lady who has

The power to make me loose hope,
She is like unto Daehafi,
How beautiful is my blessed lover,
She is highly favoured like unto Sekina,

How beautiful is the queen of my heart,
She is reliable like unto Cleopatra,
How beautiful is my lover who causes

The will of the Gods to come to pass,
She is like unto the Timbuktu woman,
How beautiful is my lover,
She has faith like unto seed,

How beautiful is my butterfly,
Her love is stronger than tens
Of thousands of chariot
Descending from mountain Afajato,

How beautiful is the
Keeper of my heart,
She has the power to
Break my heart like Nefertiti,

How beautiful is the
Keeper of my love,
She is a mother of all

Generation like Ma’at,
How beautiful is my lover,
She is faithful like the air,

How beautiful my lover is,
She tastes like salt in my mouth,
How beautiful is my lover,

Her face turns me
On like a ripe mango,
How beautiful is my lover,

She has the power to make
Me do things against my will
Just like the seasonal rainfall,

How beautiful is my lover,
The secret to her love
And affection is still unknown,

How beautiful is my lover,
Her desires are subject to her lover’s
Whims and caprices,

How beautiful is my lover,
She sees her lover as
The head of the house,

How beautiful is my lover,
How glories are her
Feet upon my lap,

How beautiful is my lover,
She is as clean as the cat,
How beautiful is my lover,

She is as important
To me as myself,
How beautiful my lover is,
She is the pride of my life,

How beautiful is my lover,
She is as wise as the aunt,
How beautiful is my lover,

She is the guardian of my love,
How beautiful is my lover,
She has honour and respect like Isis,

How beautiful is Kabutuwaa,
She is all that I can boast of,
How beautiful and

Sweet is Obaahemaa,
She is the only lady
I was born to love,
For she is my
Koforidua flowers indeed.

I cannot perceive my past,
Neither can I behold my future,
Yet my heart will go on,

The native doctor has cast
An evil spell on my gun,
Causing poverty to become
My greatest confidant,
Yet my love will go on,

She has left me
For the energetic farmer,
Indeed, he who has corn
Has no problem owning fowls,
Yet my heart will go on,

Nature has frown
Her face in darkness,
Whiles the sky is
Weeping in tears of dim stars,
Yet my love will go on,

My dead palm nut tree has
Decided not to reproduce
Tasty palm wine any longer,

Knowing very well that
My gourd is extremely thirsty,
Yet my heart will go on,

Life has been cruel
To my youthful teeth,
Having no pity for
My taste and sight,
Yet my love will go on,

The cruel Gods have brought
A great calamity on my land,
Causing my rain drop to
Hold its peace indefinitely,
Yet my heart will go on,

The Aburi mountains are
Lying flat on their bellies
Whiles the Shai hills are

Looking ghastly at my pains
Yet my love for Frimpomaa
Will forever go on.

Părul de foc
Părul de toamnă
Părul de sânge
Părul de magmă

- Părul de apus

Ochii din aburi
Ochii din fum
Ochi de pisică
Ochi de nebun

Buze din nori
Curburi din picturi
Dinți prea frumoși
Să-i ascunzi sau înjuri

Emoții prea multe
Sufletul mare
Mai degrabă adânc
Chiar de mai pare
Mic de statură.

Ambiții grozave
Cuvinte reale
Istorii amare
Și niște animale


— The End —