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Stan Gichuki Dec 2015
Of our years rises, thinly, ominously—profound. We
Are flames holding tallow truths, keeping guard
Over these sleeping futures. Grahamstown

Rises in pylon energies. I levitate,
Broomstick as afflatus, and galvanize
The unsullied words of night. The virginal morning

Comes in whispers. Earthworms dread the gawky
Commuter. As students shout FeesMustFall,
Billowing abdominal surges bawl as bitter abiku.

These truths are milked from noted black holes,
Where Fanon’s skins wipe the tears from the eyes. I
Tremble, having anointed more than my restive hands.

Hidden things are not the soul of the stars—somewhere,
Somewhere over the mocked rainbow. Rains fall
On stuffed human throats. And ours is to peck
At the interstices of welt-ridden memory.
Brother, the cigarette touches the lips;
And this life is wrenched from the tongue,
As torque taking its toll on treys.
Peter Praise Sep 2016
Our love as glorious as a multi coloured butterfly
Came out of the Blues
With strength as Zion and I wonder what a lion
I thought I found home after i eat the cooky  
I came all out of my favorite melancholic cosmological way of life where I found peace within.
Come out of your shell you begged and I did, your abiku love really made a mark
Even the blind can see past your babilonic drama which I was myopic to.
Yes Helen of troy, was no human nor God. For her actions was of non
You I see no difference
Why plant a tree only to one day cut down.
OH Babylon goddesses,  you will never have a second troy.  For within me not far in you I would find my peace again.
So go tell Aphrodite of Cyprus I have a Zion.

— The End —