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472 · May 2021
face to face
RR May 2021
There is a part of me you inspire
I've never met you,
never known you,
never asked you,
Is this the life you desire?
182 · May 2021
summer sadness
RR May 2021
a familiar light fills the sky,
not too bright but it brings alive,
the kids, the swings, the echo of teenagers giggling into life.

Picnics, couples and stolen kisses,
a world beyond your imagination,
you want to smile and be content,
the world is in harmony and you're its witness.

your heart feels heavy,
a tank of emotions in terrible hurry,
the tears brim at your eyes and you worry,
'dear god, what more can I bury?'

Years of pain that you pushed away,
came out together and said
'hey, let's play'

But today is not about you.
Nor is tomorrow, nor the day after.

Wait in perfect patience and one day it will all end.
RR Mar 2021
There is a certain solace to being alone.
It is not explainable, it is not understandable,
but it is a perfect art.
99 · Dec 2022
don't see me.
RR Dec 2022
The beaming sun burns my eyes,
my nose,
my lips
and all my lies.
I wake in the fear that my cover will be blown
That someone may see that I'm all alone.

Will they care?
In a world where no one tries
to accept that everyone fights
with themselves, their mind, their own end in sight.

I rise from my bed.
The tears of last night dry on the pillow but fresh in my mind.
My body longs to fall in the solace of the cotton that comforts my weary soul every night.

But still I go on because today is a new day,
Possibilities are endless they say
But happiness is mine to find.
96 · Dec 2021
you and i.
RR Dec 2021
Very often I think about what life would be like for us together.
This may shock you as we've been part of each other's for so long.

But I mean this differently.

What if I was in your life because you wanted me there?
What if we were more than something so torturously platonic?
What if I was everything to you for a moment and then you'd know what you meant to me a long time ago?

Sometimes I think that its ridiculous.
That in no way could you and I be more than old friends, a mere passer-by in this journey of life.

Other times, I feel so strongly that I could stand in front of a bullet for you and peacefully die.

Sometimes you smile at me and all my problems dissipate into meaningless cries
Sometimes you look me in my eyes and I wonder how you and I could never be apart.

But now this back and forth makes me realise,
That maybe you don't see me the way I see you.

I put you on pedestals that you never deserved
I put you first and forgot myself from time to time.

But no longer shall this be my blunder
I know now, or perhaps I always knew,
That you and I were perhaps never true.
92 · Oct 2022
'your life is so easy'
RR Oct 2022
it's eating at me inside
i'm not sure i'll survive,
maybe you'll see the pain in my eyes?

the words are at the tip of my tongue,
my tears threatening to spill,
i take a deep breath and then I begin
this story of why i'm tired

i'm looking at you with hope in my eyes
maybe you'll save me from it all?

but you look at me with nothing but disgrace in your eyes
as your words start to eat me alive

'you are a teenage girl, naivety fresh in your mind,
you haven't seen the world yet,
how will you survive?'

i'm sitting in stress
anxiety next,
fear aching through my body

i just want you to know that this is the best
you'll ever get to know me.
because our fears and stress is valid at any age.
88 · Dec 2022
unknown love
RR Dec 2022
if i told you that i loved you, would you say it back?
if i asked to get to know you, would you open up?
if i told you that i need you, would you try to get me back?

you're oblivious to my feelings, please don't leave me in the dark.
82 · Mar 2021
RR Mar 2021
He is perfect.
From his hair to his smile,
to the way his body shakes when he laughs.

The deep vibrato of his voice a soothing comfort,
like home in a wave of foreign,
his hugs are warm,
like the feeling of a summer afternoon when you were young.

But he is perfect.
He wouldn't know the way you yearn for his heart,
He is wrapped up in the fame of his art.

It's no fault of his own,
he's perfect and he's not yours to mourn.

He likes the blonde girl.
The skinny one with the perfect smile.
She's perfect too.
Perfect together while you bask in the loneliness of another broken heart that no one can heal or break further apart.

— The End —