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Wing Girl May 2015
Do you always say bye?
Do you always cry?
Must you always lie?
Why? Why? Why?
  May 2015 Wing Girl
She sat alone,
With no one to hold,
Everyone ignores,
Because she’s wasn't well known.

Crying night by night,
With her pillow hugging tight,
Nothing seems alright.

Putting up a fight,
Even when not in sight,
Every day is a fright,
Without the light.

Demons everywhere,
Battling in silence despair.

Screaming and yelling will get her nowhere,
She just wants to be elsewhere,
The pain is everywhere.

She won’t let them in,
The demons within.

As it’s all just in her mind,
She recites to the wind.

She won the battle,
Bidding the demons farewell.

But they would always be prepared,
Lingering and waiting to be declared.
Wing Girl May 2015
I give up,
I'm so done,
I'm sick of your crap,
I can't take it anymore,

Bye, Best friend.
Continue your life, and go ahead ignoring me
Wing Girl May 2015
I think of you all day
I think of you all night
I think of all your laughters
I think of your smile

Your voice that warms my heart
Your face that makes me smile
Am I in love with you now?
I think I'm in love
Wing Girl May 2015
Once i was with you
All hell broke lose
What was i suppose to do
When i was just being used?
Written by ZH
Wing Girl May 2015
All the pain I felt,
All the sorrow I experienced
All the suffering I faced

I couldnt tell you,
Because you would never understand,
How it feels to be a suicidal.
Inspired by Gun Boy's poem
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