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gothicc Apr 2016
i go through the back door
laughing and crying
dont talk so problems stayed ignored
they took my key
you left and now
im bout to be back on the streets
theres always something someone wants
when i fail to deliver
im an option, not the one
fountain of youth
levels lay low
sympathy misused, abused
thought my heart was broke
but i still feel everyones everythings
without trying i get your deepests evoked
gothicc Apr 2016
dont u miss ur brothers
the Girl who was more than the others
at the thrift picking up threads
we were a well-dressed pair
no problem getting noticed for our flair
but all we wanted was to vibe
whatever came with just u and i
was all we needed to get high
i dont think about u anymore at night
but its ok for the times u made me cry
black and white
turn around and tell me u need me for life
u are like the colors of my eyes
green but always changing
how'd u go from no smoke to pink coke
i cant remember ur aura
and maybe this is why:
too shallow for me to see ur color
pretty sleepy child's play for beats
**** the people who stayed thru the heat
now its yelling at no one from nowhere
we cant find u
(but i dont even know if we're still trying)
goodbye goodbye
gothicc Mar 2016
I am a liar
I told her I loved her
so as not to start a fire
but now that she's heard it
I must say it again
if I said "I love you" 7 times
I have lied 7 times
I don't even know how many lies I've told
even though the context of every one is the same:
I love you
this made a new truth in me
a truth I tell myself as often as I tell her a lie:
I hate myself
now that feels much better
the twisted honesty of it restores me
so that I look for a reason to say it again
I love you
I am a liar
I hate myself
gothicc Mar 2016
****** don't want respect no more
they just want clout
stealing **** they didn't used to be about
but i guess it's "**** or be killed"
and yeah, it's crooked
but the world doesn't let you be skilled in something that's already in you
i can't sit here and write for free
because i'm supposed to be looking for money
scratch my head and worry over answers i'll never find
i know what i want though
so i shade my eyes so they don't know i'm not blind
i can't go with the rest- it's a struggle
going against the flow
is bruising me; i'm wounded
the others like me are slowing turning wilted
i'm left standing in the sun
and even though i'm shining, they don't see it
they're eyeless and i'm the only one
gothicc Mar 2016
facing the ceiling
tears down my cheeks
puddles in the sheets

already saddened
fingernails in the mattress
my heart's doing backflips

something great
dust of yesterday
still in my brain

your nightmares
but my days scare
no one to pull or pet my hair
gothicc Feb 2016
numerous things to say to you in my head
yet i can't seem to find the strength
to lift myself up out of bed
i'm emotionally
drained of energy
i feel like the bomb ticking
moved from my heart to my head
all i wanted from the start was you and an us
but apparently i'm just too far above
the standards you have
cuz it's to her you went back
now i see where we stand
and i don't stand a chance
cuz you won't take a chance
at what could actually last
and now we can't go back
bet you're having a blast
with that ***** from the past
i know she's giving you ***
sorry that i am better than that
gothicc Feb 2016
left a bad ***** for an ew one
but looks aside
guess it doesn't matter none
she's got nothing on me
including personality
all she ever had was a disease and a baby
but ****, i hope you're happy
although i don't see how you could be
cuz i know you have a conscious
i have a list in my head of your wrongness
the fact that you went back to disaster
makes me wonder if i was even all that
aftermath: i have a lot of wrath
then there's you trying to turn it around
like i didn't wanna hold you down
all the noise i made about it
and you never even heard a sound
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