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wichitarick May 2016
COLD,rush of warm,BLOOD ?,****,quiet,choices? confusion? feeling? grey,ringing in very low tones,911 in a blizzard? wait and find the cuts ,big mess ,broken tables,? will the others know I am "broken" pain LOL ,LIVING in short bursts,how many joints can you dislocate at once? IT pushes me down WHY,WHEN,MAYBE FORGET THIS TIME? clicking sounds dark,blue,green,feelings flat lined?VERY small mind,closed,peeking out? IT WON'T LEAVE RICK
Taking strength from confusion. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
Certain pieces, particles, possessions  even though detained we never fully retain

Grit on our soles is not the same as whit in our souls

Our own breath is only used once recycled then passed on to help others maintain

Did that sneeze help to create a breeze? new breath taking on new  roles

Did someone really count all the sands as they passed through the hourglass

Flecks,flakes minor when alone accumulated they stand marking time as a bell tolls

Individual sweat & tears, evaporating, hoarding into clouds marking a future forecast

Body temperatures while stable  together adding to global warming and what it embroils

Energy's of our mind as single are almost blind, gathered  create power hard to grasp

Simple soul alone held back, Numbers bring FORCE gaining breadth as it deploys

Throat like a moat holding voices need releasing maybe to be used by birds whose calls  are stashed

Did sound originate from the ground or an inner core, belting out, ringing home bringing joys

First sights as bright lights black & white pixels into hues forming rainbows & their secrets they have cached

Smell as singular seems impossible neutral formed to fresh, roses to death & all that it employs

Taking on a new day maybe more feeling for what we share ,sensing with new sensibility's
Our shared feelings ? maybe more than we give credit for?
Fun idea to play with anyway:) . any input is appreciated, thank you for reading. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
Certain pieces, particles, possessions  even though detained we never fully retain.

Grit on our soles is not the same as whit in our souls.

Our own breath is only used once, recycled then passed on to help others maintain.

Did that sneeze help to create a breeze? new breath taking on new  roles.

Did someone really count all the sands as they passed through the hourglass?

Flecks,flakes minor when alone accumulated they stand marking time as a bell tolls.

Individual sweat & tears, evaporating, hoarding into clouds marking a future forecast.

Body temperatures while stable  together adding to global warming and what it embroils.

Energy's of our mind as single are almost blind, gathered  creating power even harder  to grasp.

Simple soul alone, held back, numbers bring FORCE gaining breadth as it deploys.

Throat like a moat holding voices need releasing maybe to be used by birds whose calls  are stashed.

Did sound originate from the ground or an inner core, belting out, ringing home bringing joys.

First sights as bright lights black & white pixels into hues forming rainbows & their secrets they have cached.

Smell as singular seems impossible, neutral formed to fresh, roses to death & all that it employs.

Taking on a new day maybe more feeling for what we share ,sensing with new sensibility's
Passing on the thoughts seems to just part of the process.
No separation of anything? but possibly truly linked back and back again,then forward again & again:)  Thanks for reading any in put is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2022
Jukebox jingle
Wonder or ponder for memories of mom's song

When searching for something I can hold onto, feeling F.M. from the kitchen or flipping 45's from a bar room

Bottles or glasses mixed with ice behind a bar have a unique symphony, ONE voice ABOVE the rest comes out strong

Beatles or Elvis followed by a country crooner sets a tone even sooner, placing her with ONE melody too much to assume

Nickels dimes make a rhyme adding up to quarters, loose change promises a full range of emotion appeasing the throng

Melody selection given picked for a payee always up for election, a few free from the house helps the mood to resume

Sonnets become symbols, Fun not fiction can create livable function, many would do anything for that familiar ring

Collective ballad would be a mixed salad, theme from jeopardy clash with glass, slivers of silver mark tips in a jar cash register ringing would leave my MOM singing at a small-town Kansas saloon

Sounds never go away but feel blessed not cursed that they are in my head to stay, few dollars an old juke box make it mellow for this fellow, take away that ghosts' sting

1 through 100, A to Z, big box on the floor ready to set the score, thoughts of her create that familiar internal stir, left fetching for mementos on anniversaries, passion changes like top 40 and the smell of Avon perfume. R.C.
Thought is for a song for my Mom on mothers day!
Not sure she would have had a song? But she ran a nightclub for many yrs  so my memory is from the sounds of that bar room and kitchen :) get a mix of ROCK from the kitchen with pop,country from the juke box and chiming of glassware and ice :)    a toast to all Mothers out there. thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2021
Keeping The Creation

Some hear the loud locomotives whistle SCREAM stop, many expected to fail when riding a fast rail

We know but refuse to grow, overt actions easier to follow, Fear to integrate part of why it is hard to step up to the plate, I did not hear while others watched me steer into oncoming traffic

First steps with impossible odds visualizing a path from wrath where do we go onto a dark and dangerous trail

Abstinence not simply doing without but dancing the dance, new tolls to pay for a way I learned to play a losing game with time, glimmer of hope easier to keep in scope when finding freedom through internal honesty it offers a new dynamic

Never saw that dead man walking retrospect shows familiar ghosts, my body was not the temple but the host, missing pieces lost in the fragmented mind those scenes lost without a reverse search we will never find, living while learning now closer to magic

Knowing I was here to win not forgiving a past sin , hearsay not simply here say this, not getting lost in psychobabble, knowing I could keep a free spirit became a major lift, roaming and roving continues while I have become more elastic

Separate feelings still are unknown factors, mixing pain and passion is a beginning of winning seeing some glint of light holds off the fright, facing fear does not have to be drastic

Lust with libation keeps us in action, factual factors around us while we are simple actors, Follow the stereotype taken as hype, we are fine with being flunky or ****** but not to be seen as Mr. clean, choosing sure death to not be seen as plastic

Staying clean did not mean it could be scrubbed, rubbed or washed away, hidden dirt in my soul comes off in layers, removing slime takes time, Forgiving myself was wasted emotion, I had learned the game and ways to show devotion, learning to leave it and be erratic

Knowledge is power in knowing no matter how much we rehearse it still works in reverse, In your heart not your head, over thinking is how many return to drinking, keeping it simple is the best example, proof is in actions not just symbolic

Life in a cage, invisible prison but an ever-present poison, never consider escape until too late, shown the door unable to cross the threshold, breaking out unnecessary when we hold the key,
finding then keeping this creation also brings new emotion, new lessons don't have to be seen as tragic

Music can be magic but hard to keep a beat when always paying the piper, clearer mind helped me to find new meaning with tones and lyrics, How will I learn to dance to a different beat? get my groove back someday, Flashbacks in a.m. and black and white slow progression to f.m. and color, my own song now sang as historic

Freedom never free, passion within passageways some count day by day others let life roll its own way, shown the door unable to break the threshold ,What is feared never quite clear, mostly unknown afraid to grow, hard to heal until we reveal, Imagine a surprise realizing we have two souls inside of one body, destiny's mirror shows me, but I also know the alcoholic. R.C.
Was for my recent Sobriety drug free birthday ! I did an earlier on but have been this more thought this time ,not to show a how to guide but more what I have gained by choosing this as a way of life rather than under the influence.This lifestyle effects many people not just the abusers and is still hidden in many cases,all told I hold no grudge about life and feel this helped prepare meas much as anything "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2018

Waiting on a new storm  or are we wanting to take on another form

Lost on the brink just idling biding for time to make that link

SHOUTING out what was the key that was missed ,will finding it let them be reborn

Paths await, with this little debate,harder with hills ,many willing to guide us around this obelisk

Preparations made, set to travel finding a direction to unravel,will we find the light before the dawn

Locksmiths maybe becoming the new messiahs ,need a pick to find that nitch

Going out also means reaching in ,focus on an entryway to open a hatch, hopefully letting us find a new zone

Certain questions don't always wait patiently, seeking solace while turning handles to resolve that itch

Skeletons in a closet still have a door and require a skeleton key to uncover ,
opening new entrances to not be alone

Passageways with more gates locked but never permanently blocked,a golden ring holds keys to be used based on our needs ,new admissions to help enrich R.C.

Always a new door for us but will we know which one or will it open up just another home or room that is worse?
Thank you for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2020
Languish in Anguish

New age placing mental issues on a grand stage, Anxiety levels rise as if there is a hidden prize

Not to downplay those truly astray, arm chair doctoring without proctoring is an open diagnosis

No matter what we are taken to task, when hearing answers for questions we never ask unforeseen mysteries arise

Sunshine dull, life in a lull, like a boat facing storms with a paper hull, misguided information leads to neurosis

Imagined stress now duress, self-inflicted perjury, childhood time out takes a new route, too much for a biased mind to analyze

Do we have the might to resist this minor parasite? simple anguish easy to extinguish,new weight to great when lives are out of focus

No disgrace in finding one's own pace, caught in a flurry brings unknown worry, finding unchecked wisdom can often paralyze

Introspection can show our soul for closer inspection, mind's eye left open to contemplate, change not always a bad prognosis

No one at fault as if new labels being drawn from a mystical vault, real or imagined concerns often too much if we generalize

Tainted memories can often hemorrhage left alone become extra baggage, without guidance we often become our toughest opponents

Life doesn't always need deeper reason, inner truth not always personal treason, simple songs are still fine to harmonize

Current state not always something to contemplate,  many levels of a mental issue real or imagined should not leave us to languish in anguish, happiness not forever hopeless
Original thoughts or  true meanings of how many might be finding a problem that was never there, even purposely looking at a sort of match game over analyzing "normal" life issues,certainly not new but now is  promoted and often hidden in advertisements and media.
It also opens another level of certain mindsets like "doomscrolling" that feeds a negative mindset. Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace Takes Practice". Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

How long before it can all be forgotten ,how do we determine when it has finally come to rest

Will tomorrow rest upon the shoulders of my youth,needing or wanting a reason for a connection

Buried or layed to rest ,left in idle or running wild,memories in our mind often left with something to remove from our chest

Journey of a lifetime taken in simple steps,often the weight from the footprint will sit and grow like an soul infection

Days rolling along ,then suddenly stopped, marking time in moments,heat rising ,time again to stave off the stirring hornets nest

Taking a TIGHT grip or will we let it slip ,so much of life now carried  on that moments fate ,lingering on  with memories and reflection

Swarthy it is swimming in like a succubus upon my bed  ,remaining unaware, still to take care before I become the one possessed  

Fading Phantoms forming, arising from flamboyant flames,is leaning towards the heat helping me to always keep the connection

Tested frequently ,staying above then slipping subliminally ,often measured in grains the weight we can digest

Living life with hidden strife will not be right  until we learn to divide past & future giving proper time for redirection

Life not meant to be a sojourn journey,fleeting mind can be unkind ,bring the past to task, continue forward, each day of happiness now the true test. R.C.
Never comes easy ,but we are truly a part of our past,the memories are unique to us, it is how we find ways to make them part of life instead of burying them that can make us different or at least stay sane. "Peace takes Practice" Thanks for reading your input is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Don't ever forget yourself, a new journey with two souls
Takes a different strength making you unique
Letting another world come into your own, it becomes a fine line
Upright,stable& strong,has to carry on,when helping the other is one of your goals

  Able to comprehend life may have become fraction ed but will continue as a whole
Broken bliss,seeing through the eyes of another leaves more & more for one soul to gather
Viewing as more than a whole ,forming a single mind to greater than 100 percent has become your role
Taking on weight without showing constraint .facing facts, we becoming one is not seen as a hazard

  Love as a tool, to be tested without normal devices as known on a scale diagram or chart
   A Break through in bonding , sharpening into an an unbreakable edge ,spelling out our future
  Taking on vital breaths that now reach into the depths, losing a single soul ,becoming a single heart
Used to making not breaking ,adjustment to fixing is knowledge ,wisdom you becoming OUR tutor

   A passing day had a contained amount of hours working for health never for  sorrow
  Actions are always met with reactions ,silly phrases passed on by those blissfully unaware
  Flexibility has  added value to OUR cause ,forward as an action,increasing wealth not to borrow
Building,amassing ,rising into a simple routine is now an extreme ,simple function is now a grand affair

   Insurance on a persons future is a comedy of sorts ,bets on a bus wreck on an unknown heavily traversed road
   Born into patterns ,modeling our lives with check and balances ,meeting resistance and yearning ,learning
  Some never know the depths ,casualties of others ,then slowly erode into places unknown,resistant
   but have been given the other to carry the weight ,both going blindly through a doorway of blackness
    accepting life as is it has been bestowed...................Rick
wichitarick Jun 2018

Over time many have told me  a different way,their visions of a new day seemed to have gone astray

All the while resting in the back of mind were just basic  thoughts of how to be kind

Simplest things can bring us to task ,bliss is last, now  forcing our happiness to go away

Bringing back a grin often brings on more pain, well worth the toll when it is found

Ceaseless game of bad or good trying to force us to  take sides,will we give in today

Fresh faced within flowing morning air,breathing inward,stopped short,gloom suddenly formed as a cloud

People paying more attention to whiners than winners making it easier and more acceptable when we go astray

Questions preside if those with a constant sneer have lost all their cheer,leaving some to wonder what it is all about

Some must try harder each day finding new strength to play ,while others don't bother never seeming to slip into the grey

Which will it be often a constant plea, many inline to fix it for a fee,finding our own balance  carries the most clout

Easy smile when as light as a child ,more weight adding more scowls to our fate ,knowing happiness brings beauty will I now be slower to become evils prey. R.C.
Tried to keep it lighter,for some it is effortless ,while others  either have to put effort into just finding good in things or block it out on purpose or what becomes habit,I find that interesting and humbling. maybe still  the thought of are we hiding something with oursmile? Thanks for  reading , Your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2017

Alone but free like a sole tree with just the wind to release the energy

Standing statuesque in an open field not even  anothers shadows to hide behind

Not forgotten it all was started with a simple seed, rising high from something rudimentary

Appearing out of place,memories like the massive roots,drinking it all in ,stowing it all away so cleverly

Learning to stand alone flowing with the wind instead of against it ,while also taming to not be so wild

Time recalled in rings stood the test of time maturing like many things ,capturing moments from a sapling to the elderly

Syrupy sap brings life to one or sends a message to the other of a generation gap,chlorophyll building energy is  like kool aid for a child

While growing upward in a meadow or on a hill still reaching up & out ,air rustling it's leaves or our hair so tenderly

Some meek or seen as weak like an aspen or elm ,an old bloke maybe like an Oak or with the beautiful flowers or fruits and be so mild

Alone in the winter, lessons with another season,stark against the chill,building strong character like our will,bark like skin tough and leathery

Warm colors bringing falls beauty like we fall for another cutie,we are always  adoring  each other, but are they also seeing  themselves as though they just smiled

So stuck in the ground looking around, branches like hands reaching out,spring green adding summers weight,but with age and fall the wind now blows, frees the leaves to make further inquiries R.C.
Our own freedom to walk amongst the trees was the original idea I suppose ,but we are sometimes stuck too maybe need the wind to let us release our own leaves or take take leave? I thank you for reading any thoughts are appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Nov 2018

Memories and memoirs left resting in place,imagining the energy it might take to get back in the race

Many a singer saying about hitting that road again or how waiting to long might mean we will never win

Dreams are still safe when kept captive ,misadventures on blind paths will surely upset our now stable pace

Waiting idly watching and hearing falls migrations is beautiful to behold but wanting to follow brings a whole new spin

Once had a range unlimited by even national geographic,now seeing wider openings but also limited by cyberspace

Extra exploration enveloping my mind, let the fantasy grow as it safely drifts away into an unknown entity

Needing to add just a little more to my soul,not a check on the bucket list, merely a memory or two to save face

Many mysteries left unsolved from sitting still while the earth revolved,idleness swiftly becoming an enemy

What will it be from the tips of peaks from sea to shining sea ,fuzzy maps forming
as nameless places slowly form new mazes

So will it be a hitchhikers guide lead by the stars or an armchair travelers mental expedition left meandering through the mind with telepathy .R.C.
Maybe a little wishful thinking :) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful.
wichitarick Sep 2017

It seems such a waste to look & look through all of the letters that help form all the words

Would we so quickly condemn a vagrant on the road with a sign stating "Will work for verbs"

With so many how would one know which sound or function is missing,simple flock or huge like the herds

One language severely limiting in what is perceived, at a loss to what is received ,something new like a gem or clutch of pearls

Fainting memory hiding even more, a simple caption brings out a new score, bringing something from the reserves

Finding is easy ,aligning much harder,start with one barter for another,leading sentences into new curves

The lender should not hinder,maybe the new text will bring the world abreast and giving the writer what he deserves

Unscramble with a new game of scrabble anything to break up the ramble,the more we're left looking the more it gets on our nerves

Exploration and hidden expectation,some become obsessed in for the duration,like a tornado of talk lost in the swirls

So much energy into inquiry of analysis for a simple product  ,but importance is placed
on explanation so maybe each comment will have it's own chauffeur.R.C.
Maybe another word search rhyme? :)   Also a game in short term memory loss ,how do really know when we have lost some parts of speech? or have the explanation but not the word or have it recalled in a deja vus experience:) I smile because I have that as a natural way of life. not simply let it drive us truly batty is a good testimony :) My Mom was a crossword addict I wished I could share this with her:) Thanks for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
Always two sides as a way to  feed your head  , entering in one ear staying in the middle
  No resolution without dissolution ,still  a  fragmented fantasy ,if we don't leave a  firm foundation
The inward argument not meager when seen as eager,staying the course with remorse but still following a riddle
Passion in lesser portions ,staged so that they don't over come fortunes, sought always with underlying tones, forgiveness as a ration

Many ways  of sealing the past ,power through prayer ,forgiveness asked but never quite retrieved
Methods making matters even larger than first realized ,now forcing our souls to visualize  what really did happen ?
More  events before or after but always recognizing that life's episode, making our way, taking in all messages received
Blindly bent ,facing forward but with a flinch, inwardly solemn ,always guilt ,about to be spilled,almost a confession

As bright as the twilight our minds love to receive ,pure thoughts ,playing upon personal emotions
Brought in happily, welcomed with fondness finding feelings as friends, sparking ,forming fabulous futures
Farming fortunes ,seedlings arising into new lessons , greeted as needed , blossoming into fresh positive potions
Broad bounty blessing our minds ,accumulating, present even in our absence ,resting,nesting as it matures

Yes the positive can bring coveted notions, rising up and over, from fledgling to building  solid forged bridges
Built to last ,often so rigid that a mind can hide a bite of trivia that once  left many aghast
Pressure pointing outward often rising upward , unsettled problems going from the lower  valleys to the higher ridges
Behold we can break out forcing memories to evolve , resolutions or solutions ,never letting life's memories leaving us  feeling harassed.R.C.
Like many ramblings, seems to be a common thread , using what could have been a negative,even life altering experience to force,re- seed a more positive or at least effective role in how it changed our personality or habits?  Thank you. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Do we use the glossary when searching the back pages of our lives  follow the indexes when something perplexes
Motions making sounds ,representing actions & reactions ,lessons forming curiosity ,constantly seeking answers
Surrounding ourselves with sounds ,breaking into syllables ,basics as a beginning then hopefully turning us into detectives
Now lessons become narratives not always with a heart moving title ,but open feelings harder to bridle, days forming chapters

As new breaths begin in a nursery, mysteries are awaiting within the walls & halls ,nooks & books of  depositories
From embryo to a first cleansing ,protection is constant ,warmth of blankets envelop similar to bindings encasing the fruits comprised on papyrus.
Opening the world through the first window ,light ,sky, flowing forms taken in with a healthy grin,integral parts of out future stories
The main doors as a cover  ,silence is golden while the words are screaming ,what is first? a daily rag ,twirling of the mighty globe?
facts or fiction now lay  fractured

Fondly absorbing phonics ,tasting the clicks or ticks & annunciations  still samples for future refining
Labeled as language or merely absorbed as sound forming ,trying to become an individual expression
Flashcards as roots into an inner corridor, signals separated with commas dots or dashes ,awaiting future defining
Roads or paths laid out like aisles, alphabetized such as street names shelves as floors of buildings ,books as unopened doors to a new lesson

A long life search no longer monotonous as a Dewey decimal offered ,but click or a flick ,automated corrections leaving many clueless
Even building faith often based within bindings ,factors of fame or items for blame made best by those who clearly see the text
Holidays as often as book of the month ,b.m.i. becomes t.m.i. , forever offering lessons in hindsight ,many offerings to amuse
A mind akin to a vault taking in all offerings  by default ,endless it seems for storage capacity ,Librarians or doctors can off a new zest.R.C.
wichitarick May 2016
It may come in on a mild warm wind ,if your listening for a message I want to send
  Will you receive the happy & meager smile or be brought into a view of pain
a mind can play endless tricks of passion or glory,playing equal part when given consent
Living to perfection or appeasing hearts not our own,leaves an open gap without ever seeing a gain.

  Life as a  message or is it just for us,we go about the day,wonder on our way
  A simple grain or profound & prolific,was it meant to be something or just to pass time
Starts with a breath a sudden flush & rush of life giving blood,it all begins an a clock that gets to stop whenever it sees fit
  Making a way, some very restless others always stay,others stand by & only kneel & pray
A simple manner or a special appeal ,playing simple or with with great zeal
forever continuing in a wondrous path laughing under the covers never feeling anyone's wrath

  Do we send a message now as we live & interact to make us easier to recognize in another's memory
  Write it all down in a hidden diary ,showing one side to the world but another in the mirror
Will the flash back in their mind be real,bland or beige or possibly  complimentary
One day to thousands then the presence builds , lasting past or just a blink & an error? Rick
Thanks. Have not shared much of a few yrs. of prose. some came from very trying times. But would welcome any in put ,trying figure out better methods of simplifying some writing"ramblings" :) Have a great day. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
From the LIVING SIDE OF DEATH! So narrow minded that seeing  the world through the eye of a needle,self worth is now measured in micro-grams & by gauges ,our shame & no one to blame,simple conclusion or final convulsion,LIFE not STRIFE. Peace. R.C. 
wichitarick Jul 2017

Super sun bringing all assortment of energy,creating life

Cowering under it while also bowing to it ,taking the strength provided

Blessed by the warmth then cursed by heat, following while falling in strife

How strong our need blessed by it's speed ,with it our patterns are guided

Without it's mass the day is less giving .earth left in her berth like  man with no wife

So much dependence, making all around us more splendid  and  many more excited

In control of dusk & dawn ,forming the basics for common man from the sky

Growing from it's glow a warm friendship it does bestow, forming a foundation for the climate

Closest star  many more afar, don't dare stare into the glare, so far away yet the strength is nearby

All that we see started with that light, bringing endless energy, grand aurora showing the finest

Rolling on the axis  divided by the light, mother earth finds solstice  making do comfortably

Reflection on the moon in the night, from crescent or full helping to keep our sight
a great orb that will always remain a giant . R.C.
Seemed fitting for the hot summer heat. but the same sun will be welcome in Jan. so we keep it in perspective when we have seasons at least. I appreciate your thoughts & your reading. thanks. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Daily lives filled with anything or everything with little boundaries ,samples of simple  emotion
Playing the odds against time ,dancing a little with a  rhyme   hopping along wishing well without diversion
The proud patriot or clever child sharing the want or need for the way to be mild ,blissfully breathing without the commotion
A fresh light is brought on endless worldly lives ,plants ,animals higher or lower all a part of a chain ,simply seeking provision

Bright is much more polite than black ,glowing or glimmering not often associated with blight
Not forcing the focus , a simpler system to just keep parts of living un defined ,not blind, just never tightening the bind
Facing friction head on while it may bring resolve ,often leaves that rash from the scraping ,now the future maybe quick to avoid a plight
Awaking with glossy emotions brings out the hidden giggle an extra wiggle ,maybe possible pressures out of sight but not out of mind

Deliberate Fragmentation of reasoning makes a new journey between a solid desire and a restless soul
As living progresses pressure is always mounting, often leveling, seen from many ways, promising nothing to the past
Stability is easy to unhitch ,flinching needn't be a medical term ,to much baseless fantasy is now left in control.
Needing can be taken as pleasing ,don't show blame if your the helping hand ,negativity will just leave all aghast

Hidden lagging lament showing slowly  as the way to self resent ,but now a new way to play has come to stay
A hidden smirk no longer a quirk but a strong sensible smile:) Jubilation part of our candor is now a daily standard
Will the new way of being stabilize into a final foundation ?, with permanent resilience not just a new way to pay
Corruptions can be addicting even to the soul, paranoia in passing is now the new thrill ,euphoria and all that it render. R.C.
wichitarick Oct 2017

Note for note calling out, from a mere whisper to that great SHOUT  

Faithful follower through the static I never decline ,wait for the new buzz or keeping time in rhyme

Sometimes something to abrupt met with a block,yet still flourish for the new Rock,selecting noises that carry more clout

Days of ecstatic d.j. now lost ,wider broadcast but at what cost , is it worth it just to hear the same old line

When we awake begins slight toe tappin,easy rhythms help carry worldly weight

Orchestral drums from the clouds as rain marks the beats,,lightning bolts sounding like a new chime

Ragtime or romance,does not take much to get our rock to roll,jazzy mood or brooding blues ,even the background hum of elevator  101 can be great

Back to a time of tuning that dial ,hits or misses just for a smile,anything to keep that inner sound divine

Adjust we must,change through experience and age,maybe not accepting of the new rage ,does our love of the tone speak of the future or mark our fate

Waiting for that new disk was it worth the risk A or B first? melody's await will their harmonies catch us in our prime

So keeping our ears open, our eyes await to see what symphony is at the gate
what serenade is new to our soul,waiting for it to wash over us,seeing which trigger it will activate .R.C.
Just a few thoughts on the love of the song, could have stayed with the first thought of when we really needed the radio,but also many people s need for even a whistle or tapping:) But Liked the title so stayed with it. thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2017

Lost in a long gone song finding that rhythm or rhyme starts to feed my heart

Blindly another one making its rounds as my mind absorbs those sounds

We always allow certain pieces to sink in a little more,something that sets them apart

Pleasing symbol for a new season,finding familiar feelings to raise our brows

Salutation for a graduation or caress a soul for an infatuation,often a whole new start

Croon to the Moon crescent or full ,howling out or in a lull, from within it's desire grows

Fondly we often await ,each serenade an open gate,as one ends something sets the next apart

Will that next verse be enough to feed my soul adding new momentum as it flows

Lullaby to lay us down ,new notes for the next crown ,magical music is our fine art

Strings or keys all meant to please ,master musicians do tease ,releasing their feelings as they compose

Aching for intake our innermost feelings are at stake, yet we allow new notes to enter
a new magic will be in the opening of our heart.R.C.
Had started it so finished it up, Have used the idea more than once ,but that is fitting considering the topic:) is the beauty of music ,can bring about a different feeling at different times and even with no verse can bring out emotion from the listener. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

From that first wink,blink & nod we are seeking & reaching ,not always a necessary want but an inner need

Reaching out without a thought grasping ,gripping ,wanting something yet unseen

My inner core always seeking more,if something is not known will it be depicted as greed

Why don't we all want more looking for that next big score,always wanting out not to be stuck in between

Many choose to seclude ,while others  always asking what can be found with the greatest speed

Like a trap that has been laid ,will we know if all the cards have been played ,will wishing for nothing mean we're serene  

How often is it realized what we have found,passed off or so profound ,laid upon us like a creed

A piece of me, a part of you elevated to some higher plane ,yin or yang oh which way will we lean

With each their own for others the meaning may be  unknown,that personal twitch
is harder & harder to defeat

Abstaining from complaining ,resolve to evolve head out on a "normal" path,
It remains hidden within,sometimes easier to just come clean

Often an unknown waiting idly until grown ,with no comparison how will we know,
maybe not most prevalent but with other problems it does compete

We may all have our own internal twitch unable to turn off or on with a switch
Learning to live with "It" & having some resolution in the grand scheme. R.C.
Am sure many can relate to that something,maybe something we have just learned to live to with ,but to others may seem over the top? Had came about for myself as an easy way in reference to my aura ,postictal feeling or thoughts ,but feel we can all have "it". Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
Accosted constantly by broken dreams ,spinning spiraling out of control it seems
Bright beginnings quickly quaffed while routinely enjoying your  morning Joe
Shocked to the core effective in that they won't become a bore with daily schemes
Shake it off ,fresh air, but then the radios blare, commuters absorb newsman whoa

We smile but then accept all brash,rash craziness as it is played out on our day
Angry outbursts grab for space along with parades and time honored holidays
Common community thoughts & playing quickly becoming Passe
Begging for the beginning ,fire needing to rise higher than basics & normalities

Relaxing within reality ,heinous having the heading ahead of regularity
No longer the top lists for cinemas, full time becoming fixated  on flashes of fear
Gloom,doom for noon leave us wanting an upper by supper or at least a similarity
Happy is simply half as important when redeemed with a tweet speeding in high gear

Vehemence can be be a double sided word why not the thrill with a big joy
Daily intake of faster moving "news" with pre conceived views is blindly hypnotic
While painting the world as a rainbow is off balance,showing all the ill is merely a ploy
Big world being reduced to a tweet,snap,c&p; A.P. dialogue being taken in as almost ******.
NOT posted from my cell phone while driving:) Thanks Rick
wichitarick Nov 2017

Began a day without a need to pray,nice to not feel an inner danger

Facsimile of a failure ventures in from the twilight,moments rest leaves us hoping for the best

Softness still lost in sleeps caress,focus with hope and not to release anger

Patiently peel away layers before they become lost in the abyss,another mornings test

Black is blind,no light still kind, lingering in lamina,slowly unfolding awaiting an answer

Unfolding fear, which way it may steer remains unclear,nights patterns assessed will help align our daily quest

Will we care if caught in the demon's lair ,rethinking if it will become our master

Reality often hardened ,time tested not based on theory,the truth we come to detest

What has it cost to have turned & tossed,maybe to find this time to have avoided disaster

Now relief instead of grief ,life will again allow new growth instead of keeping it suppressed

Game of chance no signal in advance but for now we find relief instead of grief blessed with another moment to enjoy the laughter. R.C.
Honestly with this it can be read as fighting sleep or similar issues,but is more on the lines of the feelings we get trying figure out if we have had a seizure in our sleep, more of my early writings are actually pertaining to this .
It becomes real mind game,sometimes even dreaming the "event" happened when it didn't ,so even a bigger revolving door
But I take it in stride for the most part but "IT" is always with me. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2017

Standing, staring out into the bright night sky will I once again be wrapped into the wonder of how far off we can truly wander

Taking it all in with that first wink ,if not caught up,it will be lost with a blink

Reflections from unnatural city lights a hindrance ,still looking up will leave my current thoughts asunder

Our many days leave us waiting for the stillness of the night ,hovering above with blues or blacks like ink

Often only following east to west ,sunrise or sunset each carries it's own luster

Moonshadows or sunburns we are small under the brilliance of it all,again peering out leaving us with so much more to think

Caught amongst the quagmires of constellations,whimsical lines ,connecting dots bringing our musings to muster

Often blessed with wonderous moonglow or simply with a pleasant crescent still we adore the obelisk

Do we have an inkling what is contained in that distant twinkling ,just left to sit in awe under its cover  R.C.
Few moments from a nights walk. Appreciate your reading. all input is helpful.
wichitarick Apr 2017

Letting our mind wander can lead to a real plunder ,stray from the line will not be fine

Gradually trained to tactfully tally, blindly waiting our turn veering left or right not seen as to bright

Perfect perseverance to a parallel is taught off a white line is not fought,this kind will lead to something Devine

How to stay grounded while absorbing others energy  ,when only looking into black how will we ever see the light

Palpable persuasions force us to respond in the way that is recommended,when only following how do we refine

When being lead, how will we know when only going with the flow,what is to be the trigger to make us fight

Claiming true identity & finding our own serenity not to be factory stamped but matured like fine wine

Even the groovy seem to follow inside, never seeing outside the group or noticing the beacon to give them flight

When forced do we ever truly feel how to fit  ,are we now outside looking in shown a way out, will we take the easy way & resign

A new day awakening or just another soul led astray ,what might be the outcome of a free mind finding it's way ,maybe new wonders not old history to rewrite.R.C.
It seems in this "new" age we hear more and more of people who are original or simply not following rules etc. is funny how many live in beigeland and claim non conformist ideals:) nothing wrong with the hope that a white picket fence offers:) It is a game of give and take ,running water is rather addicting. Thanks for reading ,thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2021
Lost thoughts

First image no time to grasp, a simple flash before I blink gone in a dash

Staying locked in r.e.m. fantasy finding safety in keeping imagery on hold

Simple samples of present or past come to view then gone before gaining a true grasp

Scattered mind not easy to find, brain functions continually meet at junctions only to meet again on down the road

Lost mindset,  instead of no reply, like knocking on the door with too many answers, lost the key, forgot the deadbolt left with a wide-open hasp

Solitary man while his mind cohabitates in endless places some with no traces others always vivid faces, many more left with a story untold

A storm blown about often difficult to bend the wind to fit our need, mindless muttering adrift builds to a hurricane quickly rolled back into a rift, often lost at sea without raft

Reflections of my mind tossed about in a storm, laid out like a puzzle missing pieces leaving a solution harder to find, future symphonies waiting to be composed

Lost mindset, mixed mind seen from the inside often similar to blind leading the blind, hit replay on Deja-Vus is nothing new, hard to tell time flowing through an hourglass

Brain cells bouncing off walls like Loose feathers blown by the wind, unknown triggers dictate which direction they will be sent, open maps for things unexplored

Lack of focus certainly not hocus pocus, neither mundane, also not insane, complex mental state often getting a little too late, learn to let go of an uneven flow letting it pass with just a laugh

Use a darkest hour to find new power blocking negative to separate positive, playing an everlasting game with no shame learning to use ourselves for internal support R.C.
While many might understand a certain lack of focus are many levels to it,and surprisingly many have no concept how a person can do this,is also too easily labeled as some "mental disorder" like A.D.H.D.a.d.d brain etc.,that is a problem but another topic. always had this but with Neuro problems it changed so now find new ways to deal with this. as a side note I "see" this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Mar 2018

Started out alright but as it formed failed to make a connection losing all perception

Thought  formed so quickly, easily, then just as simple floated away

Felt so great ready to celebrate then slips away as pen is put to pad,trying to recall its inception

Playing through phrases, floundering about just dallying with words of the day

Short term loss  becomes normal ,but failing of the inner soul brings on another dimension

Lifetimes of grasping for answers slowly slips away,holding on becomes futile much to our dismay

Wit like a razor brought down to flat dull and rusted,past time to rethink prevention

Sifting through remnants is always distorted will the whole story be reported,viewing past in a disarray  

Wait what if it is happening and we just don't know,abandoned functions will not know they needed correction

Daily ritual takes it's toll but life passes on ,we make the way whether it is for today,tomorrow or yesterday .R.C.
Memory & our mind is about all we have so if it slips can be a true life changing experience, maybe lost original thought of can we simply forget our moral compass?  I appreciate your thoughts, thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Thoughts from our past often leave many aghast, something there always staying on the edge

Is it a sin to keep it buried deep within,will holding back effect how fast we grow

Often unwittingly laid aside ,mental block becomes your rock, but still left with a lifetime on a ledge

Building up passion over a lifetime, repairing a soul  became an endless role

Unable to cradle a fable can leave us all alone ,maybe find time to see,  finally make a pledge

Many factors make up fear, some hidden, others right here,but always gnawing like a hidden troll

Mellowed over time but a shadow covering what was behind,in my mind it has made an etch

Midnight trauma makes it's call,vivid flashbacks total recall,asking no ransom as it robs my soul

Awaking from twilight into a new daylight ,bright dawn breaking the yawn,past hours of torment have left me a wretch

Awaiting by the back gate, new freedom needs to play a part,gaining not feigning to be our new goal

Maintaining face while remaining in the race, we can gain new power from leaving parts of the past,find new control without regret. R.C.
Could have gave deeper thought,but am sure I have in other ramblings over time, thoughts feelings on living with past memories . is amazing at we can simply work out if we know we have freedom of all thing that enter our mind.  "Peace Takes Practice." thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2018

Many moons have passed since we've seen her last,if she ever sees the light won't she be aghast with whats goin on in life

Lost trying to find her head, moving fast to only go in reverse many seem to follow that self inflicted curse

Trying to feel special forgetting each moment is crucial , to be unique while ending up as Satan's wife

Her simple ways were a sample of how safe life can be,not bothered by the unknown or blindly protected by verse

Filled with faith slowly being swallowed by the wrath,once blessed now surrounded by vice

Lambs to wolves not knowing how swiftly in revolves ,time did not allow to protest or rehearse

Unsure of tactics, quickly blinded by others antics,starting to feel as if being laid out for sacrifice

What became of that Rainbow when part of a dream was able to flow,time doesn't offer healing in reverse

True pathways once impervious became faded,now always waiting for the good news to arrive

Now bogged in a mire forgetting to aspire,,living time passages or some other old fogies rhyme,what will it take for her to come back to earth .R.C.
Hard to explain, but had the title and was singing a song, thoughts of someone I lost and has remained lost it seems even to herself. .thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Rick
wichitarick Oct 2018

Kindred spirits riding the same rail enjoying that mutual feeling in the air

Always a curious calling bringing new rhythms for us to be falling

Each day open for another way, which sounds will draw us into their lair

Skip to my Lou brings memories and rewards or maybe you'll find that old gospel was the true calling

Natural noises shake shivers from our inner timbers,shuffling your feet to that creaking door

Sample a simple sonnet or bask in ballads,giddy over a new diddy or find some new orchestral scoring

Serenades for the stars or something to echo from the smoky bars,getting us up and moving and out on that floor

No pretense for the deep passion often triggered by compositions ,awaiting a new fate ,subtly finding it enthralling

Oh Oh what is the deeper role of the song is it just to guide us along ,phrases coming in phases to show us a new door

Lost beneath the rain a sometimes violent storm of notes ,liking the linking of beats and rhythms ,settling in it becomes restoring

Open mind allowing so much new to find,pieces always adrift ,will it's warbles add to our next score. R.C.
been cooped up for a few weeks,further proof  the music can be useful if not healing. . Rick
wichitarick Jan 2022
Memories Toy Chest

Something most hold in common is  the joy from a child's first toy

Marking time with bounces of a ball or combing a dolls hair, simple samples when life was still fair

Teddy bear on a tricycle towing a red wagon became a daily highlight for freckled faced boy

Sand box unifies the block, Tonka trucks take over, shovel & pail never fail, forming fundamental liaisons, fresh friends unknown to despair

Christmas tree bearing notions, free fodder for the toddler, tiny top fascinating for a tot older sibling needs a little more to not be a bore, each gift reveals internal joy

Crayons and coloring books fill a nook, many images and glimpses of our past, memories now memoirs, all of life's offerings nothing can compare

Focused on fledgling fiascos too more amorous teen things, flash before a crash, skateboard or Schwinn California cruiser either a bruiser when seeking search and destroy

Army men cheap to begin before g.i. Joe or barbies, cap gun for fun, noise for playing on the run, never standing still long enough to stare

Grandmas egg money the best for a stash of cash, bought candy or unknown present I would never resent, she was a kid at heart acting old merely her decoy

Glimpse through a child eyes, thought or flashback of childhood and early life, fishing pole or frisbee a cheap fee for a lifetime memory, simple sample of how  we care

Lifes diary often leaves out those trifles that came for free, when we never feared a future unknown, nothing lost when not seen, a minds toy chest held close to the vest the items enclosed permanent parts of our history R.C.
Thought was first on our or my first toy or a favorite toy and how much they can mean to us!
Suppose I said it in first person and third person?  I did ask a few people what their first or favorite was. Also humbling those 99 cent army men seemed more important that the junk I have now:) be well PEACE thanks.  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2020

Liquid thoughts often laying in wait like a lion,wanting to spring forward at a moments notice

Some may say it is a block,  constantly shifting sands can move a rock

Emotion holds keys to many doors ,feelings hidden like notes in scores to often causing us to refocus

Segmented and simplified single issues save time,many memories merely hidden by a fog

Bringing up mental mementos may also begin with pain ,finding new light can be precocious

Staying in neutral also results in a mind reversal,past passions played out   begins new dialogue

Reading chapters of an unknown novel in reverse leaves much open so any new thoughts are a bonus

Catching cliches blandly blended together,trite truisms  float freely true meanings await to embark

Synonyms as symbols now identified for my mind's eye,discoveries merge while scattered meanings take on a oneness

Poetic justice prevails ,sweet emotions unveiled ,winning my word game now leaves me as me as my mental patriarch. R.C. ​
Paying on what is known as "writers block"
But is a little harder or confusing for me because my start to writing prose,poetry was to save feelings or emotions before I forgot them
Although I have evolved some and used other topics those emotions are still the base for much of it,so to tell myself I HAVE TO write something is almost like cheating or not honest. I appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. PEACE. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2020

Living life in a storm always waiting for a new forecast to find the direction we may be blown

Fancy radar to show us brilliant highlights that might include our day, swirling in it then quickly fades away

Eye of a hurricane like the center of a mind, revolving winds stir revolution in men's soul's infrequent atmosphere of peace is shown

Tempers rising taking on colors like a horizon,  fluctuating  from at ease like a breeze to a tempest going astray

Tornadoes cannot be held in cages, Rages, swells and gales from seas do not appease, lives evolve on which way the winds are blown

Building up waves of turmoil starts with a rolling splash until it is tidal possibly suicidal, our inner radar often blind resembles keeping a blizzard at bay

Holding onto to lightening gave me quite a charge, were those volts the jolt that caused my revolt, surges fed my urges, life and strife often mimicking cyclones

Pain played in scales like a barometer, pressures rising lead us to fail, floods of emotion bring further disarray

Deep defeat freezes time like sleet, flurries of failure fog our vision, mental magic often blocked by squalls

Sociopathic behavior Below average low like wind chill factor, heated hostility vaporizes minds similar to dog days, sanity relinquished to Death Valley

PTSD flashbacks or nightmares profoundly present but hidden like distant rolling thunder, moods fluctuate like floods rising or falling, changing winds, storms take on many forms,

World revolves as our lives evolve, outburst or down-burst, flash floods or emotion bring a lifetime of erosion, washing it all away to face another day happily. R.C.
Might have been watching the weather and reading about mental health at the same time:) It seems more relevant now in this instant imfo. time has also evolved into an instant diagnoses for often unproven things,sure the problems are true BUT that does not mean your we mentally ill in some real way. thought the link with harsher weather terms was an obvious and maybe fun one:) Have learned A LOT from my  own trauma and others too, when life throws us curve ***** we still have to be up to bat and can even hit a home run:) PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. Rick
Appreciate your reading your thoughts are very helpful.:)
wichitarick Apr 2020

Many explanations for what are  personal exclamations,  sights unseen by the the ones that are keen

Tastes and smells sights or sounds, simple hints that lead to something so profound

Electric waves washing over me, mixing mental physical energy to create negative synergy

We lie in wait at a familiar gate opening to an unknown fate, minor glimpse for what is inbound

Forcing me down, swift or slow still leaving it's frown,frozen in time  yet another check in my  diary

Sampling a storm,hellacious hurricane to circling cyclone, electric waves fluctuate on a battle ground

Mystical  madness robs our gladness, strong voo doo, frothing foaming wild animal halting my stamina, taking moments of our legal sanity

Sudden stagnation of time like stopping sands through the hourglass,seeking escape while the spasms further impound

Another frightened night falling into the fold, moments ago we were so bold,  now I prepare for random phantoms to make their inquiry

Un rehearsed Dark drama silently awaiting, constricting contrast, marked moments, embedding memories that may soon pass or will I be drowned

The mystery in the middle of my mind leaves me wondering, it's appeal has a hidden zeal like a mysterious friend who may play nice or leave an injury

A witness saw my soul, blindsided into oblivion, came again  without showing it's role,  survival came again today, maybe tomorrow my resting place be found. R.C.
"Peace Takes Practice"
This may not be understood at first by most,but is the actual time line or while it is happening of a seizure at least from my side. I now have 3 poems one before or Aura and this during and one after or "postictal" and am curious how to group them together? I appreciate your reading,any input is helpful. Peace. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2018

Beautiful planet with our open soul,exposing it for the earth to cajole

Starting meek,weak we reach as it teaches ,building our passion,mildly before winning

A dramatic overture,keeping count in time,offering receiving ,then laying life's plan to unfold.

An axis spinning ,playing with monotony,revolutions mirroring evolution,always predicting & planning

Our learning can launch a yearning or leave us blank with a story always waiting to be told

Living is limitless some say while many wait for lines to be drawn,directions needed to keep from grasping

Clouds often leave a faded view,left bounded between sunrise to sunset ,has the question again been answered in code

Left again to make another way find solace to greet the day, if not advancing then digging a rut waiting

When digging in to deep do we  uncover hidden caverns that hide our heart, guiding our life blood like rivers that flowed

Grab at the leaves to make our bedding or dig for the gold to buy better,survival or inspiration seemed to be alternating

Born in a ditch still left to find a niche,making it work seems to come naturally ,throwing our lives in the wind to make an unknown episode. R.C.
Not sure if I kept on the original thought or even had one :) sometimes no matter how hard we try we are still left grasping at straws,but still amazes me at how tough and well we seem to naturally adapt to good or bad things in life. Thanks for reading your thought are useful. Rick
wichitarick Dec 2017

Comfortable in my conformity becoming almost blind with my normality

Aghast when realizing I'm in a race,then unsteady when seeing just how fast

Safety learned from being somber , Simplicity a page in my new analogy

Recalling past passions ,splendid speed forward on fast, did we truly feel it would last

Time becoming more important when true life is an exponent,experiencing mortality

Rules were for  fools, testing temptation & all her tools ,reality is setting in from our past

Requesting new questions is now part of the plan,settling in may seem to leave us with less capacity

Once normal seemed so formal , slowly  find breaks from turmoil ,tighter we grasp

Midlife but past a crisis ,safely secreting the niceness,leaving behind the brutality

Yin & Yang brought up to date ,faster days for our fate, easier when we know we've laughed

Surreal the whole deal, BIG reduced to small,nice without the vice ,simply sampling life's luxurys without all the fallacy . R.C.
Something truly valuable to having less"Less is more" but not just having less but knowing we can live better without some hidden constant fight .Learning to just live with ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading Your comments are helpful Rick
wichitarick Jun 2017

Outside looking in what can be seen skirts or flirts on the edge , fulfilling an unknown need

Earliest teachings see a smiling sun as a reason to arise ,dancing dinosaurs deliver so many merry messages to learn

Listening & learning, inquiring of future ventures, at our most powerful yet still naive

Human mind always biding time,bored at idle seeking that bigger title,not content with stepping down, rising to the top  for what we yearn

Some catch it early making it harder to stop,testing limits, whole pictures broken to remnants,setting plans for a future we cannot perceive  

Starting on a smooth safe road why test the speed limit ,veering off the straight & onto a narrow downhill path with a obvious dangerous curve

Security leaves many secluded often growing with maturity,fear of this also makes many strike out, a break from boredom ,mindless reprieve

Most never know of their falling, others find it appalling ,seeing ourselves through a tainted mind so we don't reveal the curse

Started on soft sand ready to deal with matters at hand ,slowly adapting,reaching out,grasping needing more & more to keep our mind at ease

Many simply stroll along in idle awaiting what is final,while a sibling or friend
move into motions that cannot be put in reverse

So is it learned or taught or in the D.N.A. ,short or here to stay  ,or self taught
coping skills formed into a disease .......restriction,constriction

So how is it we go blindly onto a trail that may eventually derail,what signs or signals should  have been  heard ,having full control is ultimately what we deserve.R.C.
Tried to stay with the first thought,at what stage to we start learning to find an easier way or do something to make "it" easier,or when does does making excuses become full blown addiction ? the freedom of thinking for ourselves is maybe not as honest as some may feel it is. The freedom it has given me is the strongest thing I have ever achieved so I often have to remind myself. Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2017

Voluntarily merging with rapidly cooling air,does it draw more energy from our depths as we stare

Pulling me as if partially full, wanting to fulfill a hidden inner need,drinking it in helping to establish our new creed

Our moods possibly intertwined like the push & pull of the tides,increases our need to be immersed in its glare

Bright night keeps us from fright, showing hidden apparitions with it's glow,exposing to all the power it can yield

Simple journey merely a need to feel closer ,body,  soul seeking a new role,will it bring new energy as I stare

Drawing from radiance hoping for the guidance ,external glow guiding my flow as I venture farther out into the field

Taking a simple path leaving behind any wrath,taking comfort in twilight hoping it's strength will help my mind repair

Growing restless but letting the glimmer  make it's mark,through the light will my inner heart be revealed

Lunar light with all the might  may appease us on our flight brightly helping us prepare

Seeking to saunter left in limbo until finding that lantern ,waiting for the new beauty to be unsealed

Missing certain daytime beauty,but taking in wonders from the shadows,reflections from an owl's eyes as it stares

Grand orb lending itself so I won't stumble as I stroll around a bend & up the knoll ,Maybe this time or the next, more of mother nature's wonders will be perceived.  R.C.
A few thoughts on a late night full moon walk.  
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

When does it's presence take the stage, what is the beginning to set the gauge

Where does the needle find it's direction,will magnetism or a magnet bring the unseen guidance

Finding the way or a guiding light, day after day to make our plight,writing a book page by page

More than a map or general guide ,when called upon from within it will enlighten

is it irony of the needle pointing north & so many looking up ,is there a gain in it's weight as we age

Trusting children showing elders what they may have lost,we're caught looking down for our days to brighten

Playing a game of comparisons, but some may find nothing or no one  to relate

Simply an instrument a device to measure, whether to take the high or low ground
it may take the shock of reality to truly frighten

Is there haste when we make chaste or is it taken from lessons learned as we debate

Trust sounds easy but a rare find given & received by the scrupulous and over time it will heighten

Many may never notice which direction their own needle points or how it will all equate

So we spin the dial hope it comes back to true north as we go forth ,our best hope we will hold it all in it's circumference. R.C.
Had the title so the thought was present,but also seems to be a popular topic for some,it seems even more prevalent with so many providing their own quick thoughts on a wide range of topics.
But what rule book do we use use to judge?  I came by honesty backwards ,not much bad surprises me but am always truly humbled at people with true honesty or even further truly humble,unlike what many may perceive of the world ,I find a lot of people who don't even comprehend how to lie ,cheat or steal .   I appreciate your reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Apr 2021
Outrageous intense rustle of muscle, eyes wide open with the shock and awe

Moments of dreams safe as subtle memory's reveal their schemes, inner self falling from the shelf

Rapidly changing fate unbridled madness is an open gate, time will show each individual flaw

Will my body and mind stay in confusion or eventually begin to tell me the truth, did I wish for the strength of, but also get the confusion of youth

Early rise not always precise, feels so single keeping the vigil, more of an aberration scattered imperfect shapes rather than perfect squares

Fragmented time moves slowly like slime, like reaching through syrup on a cold day each memory allows me slowly back into the groove

Patiently waiting for the inside to come out, no doubt it has played this game before passion waiting on hold, rising from tears to fears

Set aside jokes of an open mind waiting for a few neurons too close  seeing what I will find, sifting through segments of a brain seeing which side will lose

Personal interactions quickly spiral away so much more added to the fray, vision lost rapidly reappears

Greatest harm coming from assuming too much, Mind endlessly cycling lost in a course of recycling, waiting for the good side to infuse

Left here to pine, do I truly want to know what has blocked my flow, not in pain but like the pressure building waiting on a rain, an unseen movie waiting on reviews

Slowly finding a pace waiting on the green light at the race, broken stride but not ready to take an angel's ride, another day of watching final jeopardy but waiting on the clues R.C.
Hard to explain to some people,but is readily understood by a few others with similar neurological issues ,but is how waking up after having multiple seizures in my sleep is first perceived,this was just that small window,it advances as a brain readjusts, can also become a learning experience in how a human brain quickly adapts "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2018

Ringing in the distance with a rush of beeps, blending into of what had the potential to be an unforgettable dream sequence

Pushing more feathers against my head,holding eyes tighter to keep an unknown day at bay

Blinks nods and winks holding back but on the brink,now is the test for our reaction to the stimulus

Broken dawn with a first yawn,open opportunities for a growl or howl but equal time for a grin today

First foot hits the floor as another clips a door ,let loose a squawk or see it all as ridiculous

Blinding light while called to muster,blinking eyes regain some luster,quickly becomes a choice to stomp or ballet

Break the silence with sounds and smells of Folgers fairies,magic warmth for a cup of cheerfulness

Real world wanting in, waiting to find your own spin,time to seek positive while holding the negative at bay

How to find balance is often a challenge if scales are tilted, finding peace in increments

New dawn fresh ideas to spawn,letting in life before it is gone,hoping that life will let me see modesty and realize tomorrow can be better than yesterday. R.C.

Think I missed part of it with HUMBLING at least,we should never have to look far to bring us down a notch . But still avoid the whining when possible:) some rough days made this easier to find the right vibe or words.  sometimes we need to pinch ourselves a little more often:) Thanks for reading Your thoughts are helpful.Rick
wichitarick Jan 2018

Bland days brought out from long stays,serenity of sunlight our best friend

Hours took forever ,over and over we must find something that makes us clever

Frozen in our mind last winter thinking we would remember something to make time be more kind

Rain,Rain it's o.k. we can go and play anyway, with boots and umbrellas it can go on forever

Climb a tree but can't get down will leave the others laughing like a clown,definitions for disasters has yet to be defined

Ring around the ....WHAT has left us in a rut,we must remain robust finding inner power for the next endeavor

Off to the water leaves even more to find ,public pool to be a fool , a pond or lake fishing or frolicking anything to not be confined

Old days older ways,stick ,rock & a can, just simple diversion,bats & *****,hoops & loops making it work to bring us together

Run,run around off we go ,share a bike makes better time,patience seems a crime elders always aghast with the fact we survived

Aging takes a little more staging,games a little more profound,putting more work into the act of leisure

New age brings more pay to play or an app. to fill the gap ,but please don't forget the joy we had with hula hoops or flying discs that broke our boredom or we might not have survived . R..C.
Little fun and a flashback of how easy it can be to just have fun.
not sure if there is an App. for a stick a rock & a can YET but now that google has read it it will be out soon:) old enough to be a grandpa and have old war wounds from throwing snowballs and frisbees:; Thanks for reading your comments are welcome. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
As I melt into the music forming  a pool all that is left is drool

Arising again with a stronger force of steam lifted  into clouds like a dream

Leaving the sky, roaring of thunder enclosing all that is under, sounds become the rule

Fledgling thought caught from a key soon to enlighten me fulfilling a new scheme

Forming a new opus around us ,enlightened ,fresh, brightened in an emotional duel

Moving mindset,new vote from an enchanting note gaining strength our new theme

Not lying under a chorus of remorse ,opening windows, incoming harmonies now our fuel

Melodies rising, raising awareness ,mingling in our minds,arias adding spirit to our team

Sonnets singing of a new beginning ,refrains make new gains, simple sounds becoming a crown jewel

Broken pictures forming fixtures ,piece by piece they play harmoniously we lean

GLORIOUS,GRANDIOSE stronger language for the new passions no longer coming in rations

a jingle now a manuscript,life is now a symphony,melodies have created another renewal.
Was fun,maybe to much brain food type rock & roll :) or simply cooped up escaping 100plus temps. ?  The visual of a melting vinyl l.p. is a help.
  still new to showing ,even re-reading my ramblings,prose so any in put is appreciated. thank you for reading. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
The confusion of my mind is doing it again 2 days in postictal re cooperation, I think Van Gogh would be most fitting
It is a hard state to describe for others that have not been there,my aura is heavy, with only the cold to keep it at bay
The sharp silvers have turned to mud!CRUD,If someone touches me I think will scream?cry? WAIT,hold out a little longer
I go through hell only to see the devil smiling back,grin & bear it they say, never hey,ya wanna play,restless,*****
Feeling it! R.C
wichitarick Aug 2016
My souls sanity stays in balance only because of my understanding of how my past & my present are in a fine balance together.

Never to let them meet ,they must remain discreet

But not naive to think they both don't play a role
The clearing of our minds is useful but the present is part of the past
  Age is the dominant factor but it gains the strength from previous delusions

  Many scream WHEN WILL IT END never recalling where it began
  If we want to stay, part of the price we must pay
  Is to live in harmony with our ourselves,not stuck but knowing we never ran
  We will be led astray is a natural fact, it is behind but also part of today.R.C.
I wished I would have dated more ramblings , tried to clean it up a bit:) but probably from recovery time in a hospital ?  Thanks for reading ,any in put is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
My souls sanity stays in balance only because of my understanding of how my past & my present are in a fine balance together.
  Never to let them meet ,they must remain discreet
  But not naive to think they both don't play a role
  The clearing of our minds is useful but the present is part of the past
   Age is the dominant factor but it gains the strength from previous delusions

  Many scream WHEN WILL IT END never recalling where it began
  If we want to stay, part of the price we must pay
  Is to live in harmony with our ourselves,not stuck but knowing we never ran
  We will be led astray is a natural fact, it is behind but also part of today.R.C.
wichitarick May 2017

Once again I prepare for the comfort, to set aside any new despair as I am drawn into it's lair

Will that familiar feeling leave me reeling,once again and to often with much chagrin

Anticipation of a warning a sort of mental mourning ,finding middle ground is the closest edge to being fair

Bringing two opposites together ,pleasing participation is the goal,but each side fighting from within

Who would have thought that being terribly tired could bring such treacherous torture,only reaching inside if you dare

Many remedies offered ,singing sonnets letting a mind go adrift,relaxing melodies
flow freely for women or men

People vary widely wanting to find a niche, making us all unique,  will those hidden demons that keep us awake be gone with a prayer

Originally was never fraught with frightful thought but time and having no answers
has left us asking when

Back inside our self, try to keep those memories on a shelf ,they lay low until suddenly propelled screaming out like an auctioneer

Time becomes twisted creating larger gaps with intermittent naps,again easing into
what is to others normal rest ,we can merely try again

Left lying alone having never feared it, facing forward with wit & grit ,but still unknowing facing each night like new premier .R.C.

Maybe a bit more than just sleepless , some may have true demons waiting if they sleep? Maybe is more natural to fear the unknown than something we can see? Thanks for reading ,all thoughts are appreciated Rick
wichitarick Feb 2017

Looking for that lift up or a sample of real let down ,something snappy or simply sappy

To each their own what ever gets them in that zone ,giving s that often a real get up up & go

Hearing that sound brings many around, synchronized on the tempos & tones as they become catchy

Mixtures of words from sonnets about bonnets or biker trash screaming out wrath of fire from below

Valuable lessons brought out from musicians sessions laid upon our minds new feelings we accept gladly

Minus the lyrics still giving deeply, sound from symphonies left us reeling shiny Tubas to tiny piccolo's

Fortunes or flowers or all that love empowers ,earths fortunes & fables
often imaginations left to run wildly

Don't touch that dial it's not that vile,driving to the cube ,better than what is playing on the elevator's

So let the sound of reason not bring treason ,make it to your own pleasing sounds resound to make your day go nicely.
Always something fun or fancy with music. Thanks for reading. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2016
Many  times we are left wondering  with a repetitious answer of whats next.

To much time now the get up & go has just remained still or had vertigo .

Needing to make new memory's yet hesitant, feet firmly planted while a sun sets in the west

Left in isolation or to make a new familiarization   finding a new place to grow

Toughness of youth waning while wisdom is gaining  considering taking a new test.

Familiar creeks calling or possible new bounty finding another row to ***

Meeting in the middle sometimes seen as a crisis ,maybe needing to recall how we are blessed

Making plans so late can we endure finding an untried state,fresh corners  for the wind to blow

More cautious of a crash beginning anew no time for recovery or a good rest .

Still a bit like fishing ,dark waters ,blind bottoms worth risking,playing a hand of tarot

Will winding it all down become harder than the bringing it  up, leaving us all
empty after the passion we have had to invest. R.C.
Daughter going off to college soon:) what do I have left to do?
appreciate the reading and the other contributors ,any input is appreciated. Rick
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