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215 · Jan 2018
wichitarick Jan 2018

Facing forward still rocking to and fro,I am solid but the ground moves beneath me

Staying in place will not win a race, without exploration the view will never be new

Takes a lot of gravity to move a flat rock ,it remains while the waves carry the sands out to sea

Hard to feel wild while so idle, reins pulling at the bit and the bridle,what continues to connect me to this lonely avenue

Highest high quietly slipping onto the edge of purgatory,if growing blind are we the best to be our own trustee

Guided into this new place slowly but surely being edged from the race,should I simply accept the lesser *****

When does the climbing stop,regulate inhibitions to grow to the top,predetermination of seeing the edge is no guarantee

Able to remain mobile or ability to go global not to be taken for granted to many simple or fine things to pursue

Drawing a blank sitting solid on the planks ,memory lost at what cost are we becoming life's next detainee

Chair takes it's place as we stand aside, what may place us there so easily without a care ,are we ready to set into something we can not undo. R.C.
Am sure some might understand this, often hard to sit and watch the world go by,but also a constant reminder to be grateful for what I have , "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading. Your thoughts are welcome. Rick
213 · Apr 2018
wichitarick Apr 2018

Beautiful planet with our open soul,exposing it for the earth to cajole

Starting meek,weak we reach as it teaches ,building our passion,mildly before winning

A dramatic overture,keeping count in time,offering receiving ,then laying life's plan to unfold.

An axis spinning ,playing with monotony,revolutions mirroring evolution,always predicting & planning

Our learning can launch a yearning or leave us blank with a story always waiting to be told

Living is limitless some say while many wait for lines to be drawn,directions needed to keep from grasping

Clouds often leave a faded view,left bounded between sunrise to sunset ,has the question again been answered in code

Left again to make another way find solace to greet the day, if not advancing then digging a rut waiting

When digging in to deep do we  uncover hidden caverns that hide our heart, guiding our life blood like rivers that flowed

Grab at the leaves to make our bedding or dig for the gold to buy better,survival or inspiration seemed to be alternating

Born in a ditch still left to find a niche,making it work seems to come naturally ,throwing our lives in the wind to make an unknown episode. R.C.
Not sure if I kept on the original thought or even had one :) sometimes no matter how hard we try we are still left grasping at straws,but still amazes me at how tough and well we seem to naturally adapt to good or bad things in life. Thanks for reading your thought are useful. Rick
211 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
Wipe the wetness from my brow,wash the tears from glasses, so normal for me now,so alone but will soon join the masses,No pain no gain,all those distant silly phrases,Have become so in tune with the strain,recognize everything has just happened in phases,It just sits there staring,beckoning calling,glaring,the mask so long ago removed,now I no longer acknowledge the pain,to greet them with my old strength they never understand the truth that I hide,what will I win  in the end? Rick
211 · Nov 2018
wichitarick Nov 2018
"Over the river and thru' the woods to Grandmother's house we go."

No, we don't go to Grandma's house anymore.
As we did away back in days of yore.

But we still remember the good times we had.
The caring and love, tho' times were bad.

Grandpa saying Grace in his old German ways.
Grandma in her apron; those were the days.

It all started about nineteen-fifteen,
With it's tall White house and big red barn.

Come Thanksgiving, with no relatives near,
They gathered with neighbors to bring Holiday Cheer.

To the four-mile schoolhouse they came all together,
With families and food -- no matter the weather.

For each pioneer mother did her very best
To cook her special treats and out do the rest.

And give thanks for gardens and neighbors so near,
They brought and shared gladly their food and good cheer.

The children had practiced for weeks., come what may.
For each had a piece to  be given that day.

A song to be sung, maybe a poem read from a card, ,
While the Wheezie old ***** was pumped very hard.

When all the program was over and done,
On to Grandma's and Grandpa's for more food and fun.

A few years later instead of the farm we'd go,
To the old Rock  House -- home of Tena and Joe.

Eventually the group grew too large and so
To Potwin Community House we did go.

So today we give thanks for a legend in our time,
For Grandpa and Grandma and the memories they left behind.

And for friends and aunts, uncles and cousins,
We come altogether each year by the dozen.

to remember the past and visit a while here.
Then to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

- Doris G -- 1983
I bumped this from before,something my Mom's Mom wrote yrs back:)
after re-reading it  what she is referring to is the original homesteaders sections and now abandoned town where she had grown up in eastern .Kansas. Spent my first thanksgiving basically alone so the thoughts of family were heart felt. Thanks For reading. Rick
211 · Oct 2017
wichitarick Oct 2017

Leaving the searing sins of summer behind to take a milder approach

Longer brighter days left begging as the sun sets  closer and closer to the evening news

Early is still warm but with a cool night, removing an hour will help lighten the load

Home is divided between heating or cooling ,but cuts bills that gives us the blues

Early autumn whispering, green leaves still glistening ,watching the beautiful blossoms erode

Whistling winds no longer as warm, chilly nights more the norm , changing clothing a game of pick & choose

Frequent freezes still blocked by late summer breezes,longer nights mean the day has slowed

Soon dreams of cider and rich apple pies will ring true,switching from salads to hearty stews

Casual shorts & t shirts changed out for long pants & flannel ,not quite ready for those heavy sweaters to be sewed

Final warning to prepare ,wild winters do not care ,first frost means higher cost ,seal all holes ,block all winters air unless you live in an igloo.

Last winters memory lost ,spring also faded ,settling out of summer for the upcoming beauty of Fall and all she will bestow. R.C.
A few thoughts for the shorter days. lost track a little,was first thought of with clocks falling back and shorter days not just an ode to fall but still came along nicely without just rambling of colors or frost and pumpkins:)
I appreciate your reading ,your thoughts are helpful. OH and happy Fall:) Rick
210 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
My souls sanity stays in balance only because of my understanding of how my past & my present are in a fine balance together.
  Never to let them meet ,they must remain discreet
  But not naive to think they both don't play a role
  The clearing of our minds is useful but the present is part of the past
   Age is the dominant factor but it gains the strength from previous delusions

  Many scream WHEN WILL IT END never recalling where it began
  If we want to stay, part of the price we must pay
  Is to live in harmony with our ourselves,not stuck but knowing we never ran
  We will be led astray is a natural fact, it is behind but also part of today.R.C.
210 · Feb 2021
Winters Widow
wichitarick Feb 2021
Winters Widow

Looking out at all the silence holds me back ceasing the advance

Warm air safeguards my mind, forgetting previous times when she was so unkind

Roll away the dew replaced by frozen freckles, drips form icicles hanging like a clear lance

New view through the frost framed glass, window now shows more white as it grows leaving reasons in inches to keep us confined

Too cold for even the bold time stands still, many already encamped for fear of becoming ill stuck again by February's trance

Landscape looking as if it might shatter breaking the doldrum with a loud clatter, mother nature's way of showing who is charge to mankind

Daily mission must still proceed despite our wisdom, fetching forgotten sweaters to add to the layers, hat scarf gloves on a checklist made in advance

Colossal cold seizes, freezes placing life on hold, polar express lays wastes leaving many in distress, even the hardiest workers are undermined

Iced tea or ice cream could now be free but hot chocolate fetches a higher fee, Chilly air means the smell of chili in the air, kitchens provide warmth as we break out the pans

Behold her beauty sunlight's minor warming lets ice sing a song, constantly changing crystals form like a glass menagerie getting redesigned

For fun hear a beach boys' song or Caribbean calypso tune, memories of warmth bounce off the hearth, provides the beat to begin winters dance

So, whether summer's heat springs rain or winters frostbite each season has its reason and method when she is so inclined R.C.
Easier to realize with a week of zero temperatures.meant to play more on and the original thought came from the natural beauty of the ice as it covered everything. Beauty comes in many forms when we pay attention. "Peace Takes Practice"  thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
209 · Feb 2018
wichitarick Feb 2018

What will it be that makes itself clear ,exposed by removing it's veneer

Constantly flowing mind seeking ways to grow, hoping for something new to find

Much is on display calling us in many ways,visions are quick for what may appear

Drawing us in to begin our next whim,varies widely a frown or a grin,many ways something can be aligned

Constant concern,pick or choose, left for us to discern,finding true focus still unclear

Malignant mind set on unwind ,flashing fancy ideas like flashcards,so fast they become entwined

Past motioning into present, moments creating their own moods,what chord will finally adhere

Flailing about with mind's eye looking on, they stay neutral outside while the steady illustrious stream flows in our mind

Letting on with a glimpse or even a gasp,caught a true thought instead of it slipping by holding on tight can we be sincere.

Rapid conclusions almost like rabid confusion,adding weight on an already heavy brain  flow ,newest synapses still unclear

So another moment in life ,set free or held back, what will be the part we grasp holding on long enough to be kept inside. R.C.
A few thoughts on  a "floaty" mind. or that rapid rise and fall of thoughts of an insomniac trying to force sleep and not lose a thought. . Maybe hold on to a thought for today,Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

If you drink away the pain who is to gain except for the man that owns the liquor store

Never a planned event ,would you living your own life differently been a step to prevent

Inward feelings festered ,drawn into a stoic cluster,hidden but outwardly you seek more

Saving face is now standard fare ,you seeing yourself as right no matter how the discussion went

Not planning for a future or stopping to nurture ,grasping reality quickly becoming a bore

Others looking inward while you are busy blocking ,never realizing the energy you've spent

What will it take for an inward soul to awake,simple expressions are waiting for you to explore

Inward accusations, self examinations make dangerous bedfellows,slow torture in waiting to repent

We rarely read our own message,not seeing the good while focused on bad, the deficits are easiest to underscore

Time is the true tester not leaving old wounds to fester,truly needing to solve  from which branch those feeling originally stemmed

Starting with need ,knowing it's not greed to reach out or ask for help upon which we can feed ,no shame in simply wanting an overhaul

Rather than seeing others or the world at fault it has become time for us to lay it on the line ,that our own heart is now the strongest thing in which we can depend. R.C.
Although i have lived this,not sure where this came from ,maybe from thoughts stirred from a poem about addiction I read yesterday. Not necessarily applicable to just that ,the freedom that honesty with myself has given me has been strenght ,if I can pass that on or share it seems a double bonus. also maybe from thinking of my teenage daughters naivete & just simply my own survival has taught me in hindsight.
Maybe just to bad some life lessons are only learned with pain. I appreciate your reading and any thoughts are appreciated. "Peaces Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Filling The Glass ,Tipping the Glass

We all drink from the same cup, sent daily items of old or new to partake

By the drop or a great flood how we receive always open to how we perceive

Some deviation fills it to over flow with frustration, leaving the faucet open is often our mistake

Whether a P-ism or O-ism overthinking leaves less time for drinking, when always full which side do we believe

View often distorted if not open to what was reported, will this elixir be clear or opaque

Often coursing with ice cold fluid mixed with hot untempered solvent, when we mix this to warm the flow won't burn or freeze

Pint pitcher tub, puddle pond lake, brooks streams rivers flow into seas or oceans all will wash us, optional to drown or apply a brake

Paths lead many places, fumbling stumbling will sunlight brighten, enlighten or will it always be midnight with moonlight blocked by the trees

How we each view a concept is nothing new, always a task coming to fast, taking life in leaves a head in a spin, internally we sift real from fake

Awash in a wasteland that has become our over flowing mind, as it fills avoid those chills positive negates negative, face hurricanes as though it were a summer breeze

Finding my glass half full an easier task ,less burden or questions to ask, given a choice reason to rejoice, absorbing that other half shows a reason for that empty space

Playing mind games often reveals our pains, Liquid turns living steel into rust how fast is up to us, new mission requires clear vision, will we stand stall or be left on our hands and knees R.C.
Explains itself,but not always  knowing good or bad,more often if the what color the liquid of life is,or "seeing it through rose colored glasses"
"Peace Takes Practice"  Appreciate you thoughts thanks for reading. Rick
205 · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

Bringing up some inner need ,following along taking exact steps of an unwritten creed

Many start early ,yet so many ways to play will there be a hidden cost or who will have to pay

For some, that ever present grin balanced above their chin,was it to hide something  to easily give the others a lead

Remaining quiet in the corner as an obscure foreigner ,not attracting attention is their greatest relief for the day

Stuck in the middle but not trying hard to solve a riddle, some are more apt to worry for others or to help those in need

Back to the beginning who or what are we trying to truly gratify, is it a game of predator and prey

Early days we easily play then rules help set patterns that we must obey,lay low or get caught up in the stampede

Conforming or self absorbing who are we really helping to make happy when we play

With what actions will we receive the best reactions ,who are we trying to please when we succeed

So as we play the game who will we really please, loving ourselves or living to appease
either way there will always be someone to repay .R.C.
Not sure why this came about ,but how do we balance pleasure? or why are we happy? for our own benefit? or to make another happy too? a lot of ways to think on this? spend so much time trying to please another never even realizing you can be happy just for yourself,often learned in hindsight for some or for some finding a way out of depression knowing they can be happy with just a simple thing for no reason at all?   Maybe lost track a bit but the thought was there.  Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful . Rick
205 · Nov 2017
wichitarick Nov 2017

   When you peer into their eyes are they gleaming or scheming
   Awaiting the finality,heavy iron, stamping steel, dealt or dealing

   Making a decision,fast ,faster or grinding slowly maybe revealing
  still part of the cast,recessed but present ,grey but with feeling

  The highlight of the day ,enlightenment  is a chuckle from a box

A pin ***** will reveal rising or falling,encryption awaiting a description

Daily dose no longer measured in cups or cans ,now with capsules milligrams ,c.c.'s & shots

Far flung adventures simply ignored ,gains we made repaid in pain,life's chapters awaiting a final edition

Call from the hall is it final? mark another minute ,muse from the news appearing more & more like robots

Still daily fun can be found as we dilly dally listening to silly sally, our grin has become the new ammunition

List from a bucket now turned into a tale from a pail,less attention paid to flowcharts

Daily thought more passive replacing anxious or fraught,most matters taking on a new definition

Today time is quickly lost, move forward at all cost, no time for a recount,luckily we've paid the price now with knowledge to hurdle new roadblocks.R.C.
Is a bit light considering, but do we stop all LIFE and write our own eulogy
or make sure others remember how we LIVED!
  Thanks for reading, your thoughts are useful.  "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
204 · Jan 2021
Surround Sound
wichitarick Jan 2021
Surround Sound

Soft silence often broken by another's words spoken, houses speak with each creak

First alarm brings us back from the dead reckoning, buzz for a nudge or sonic boom to awake the room

Liquid flowing with daylight growing, splash really fast in a sink or shower for power, boiling brew before we think

Kids and squirrels chatter, spoons rattle, keys jingle, doors slam, buckles click,  engines roar, daily destiny ready to consume

Asphalt awakens as commuters' race towards rumble of a concrete jungle ,repetitions begin when the time clocks click

Town square makes us aware marking time with each chime, we hustle bustle moan or groan each a signal of bust or boom

Clickity clack from a railroad track then sudden LOUD whistle is not for dismissal, many types of horns to warn, not lost in a fog or struck by a car or truck

For a number a mighty rumble of machines enhances their working scenes, noises more familiar than a spouse's voice, time clocks a map from womb to tomb

Many more softness of an office is boring beige not white noise, hums or moans set the tone; daily gossip keeps them in check

Anytime fine for a rhyme, hearing notes brings major upvotes, many use a voice to rejoice singing brings new meaning, mental vibe is often that internal tune

Each voice helps us rejoice, acoustic energy helps set our internal synergy, each rattle does matter, another new pitch not lost like a lonely speck

Break from doldrum not always ** hum, whistle or chirp of a favorite bird, whispering winds settle softly as sunset simmers  awaiting the new moon. R.C.
A thought or two on sounds of the day, tried to follow a time line of simple sounds of our day.  Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
203 · Jun 2018
wichitarick Jun 2018

Began so perfectly prepared & polished ,even breathing brings in clean air

Slowly bit by bit speck by speck  the view grows larger and increasingly blocked by a smudge

Begins at the table,juicy RED lips with some dark pudding on the fingertips ,new found joy much to mom's despair

Now more glory bright green grass to add to the story,making it's mark on knees and palms welcoming us into a new club

First color contrast brought out by crayons,each new hue is something more to  share

Watching rain form a puddle building a new place to muddle ,won't it be great to make that plunge

Leaving the clear confines of the blue pool for the greens and browns of a pond ,what is hidden we don't care

Really starting to dig it now,maybe hidden treasure or just worms,really loving this new grunge

New found attitude, will there be play today ,muddling with the mud do we dare

Reasons in life no longer negative ,dreams of anthropology or good for ecology all just more reasons to flirt with the dirt. R.C.
A little fun,  easily understood for those who  seem to get ***** in a bathtub.
Could have taken it farther from a gardeners perspective  who mark prosperity by the dirt under their nails. Thanks For reading. Your thoughts are helpful. Rick
203 · Apr 2017
wichitarick Apr 2017

Standing, staring out into the bright night sky will I once again be wrapped into the wonder of how far off we can truly wander

Taking it all in with that first wink ,if not caught up,it will be lost with a blink

Reflections from unnatural city lights a hindrance ,still looking up will leave my current thoughts asunder

Our many days leave us waiting for the stillness of the night ,hovering above with blues or blacks like ink

Often only following east to west ,sunrise or sunset each carries it's own luster

Moonshadows or sunburns we are small under the brilliance of it all,again peering out leaving us with so much more to think

Caught amongst the quagmires of constellations,whimsical lines ,connecting dots bringing our musings to muster

Often blessed with wonderous moonglow or simply with a pleasant crescent still we adore the obelisk

Do we have an inkling what is contained in that distant twinkling ,just left to sit in awe under its cover  R.C.
Few moments from a nights walk. Appreciate your reading. all input is helpful.
202 · Jun 2016
wichitarick Jun 2016
Outwardly my projection may seem shallow
Protection may call for many shields not always known to even the keeper of them
Truly visible days may have to come from the deepest marrow
What is obvious is still obscure to some mystery's only known to him

Placid is not the same as rigid , the goal was not to become cold
To much is  surreptitious  in the subconscious simply placing it away
Now an avid hunter for ways to play while also not becoming to bold
Deal with matters at hand as we can then pass carefully avoiding the fray

Like unopened mail not looking to deep is an even greater safety net
Stable & strong not doing wrong but still remaining attached with a hidden cable
Falling in not to break rank is easier than simply being frank  & left to fret
Still growing but watching challenges ,maybe underlying thoughts that will disable

Again others views rarely know it all, our own conscious becomes increasingly alert
Like saving to pay the piper,an emotional blocking is still being used as a funnel
Sturdy  is good but safe is to not get wordy ,maybe under reacting finding an issue to skirt
Making gains while not showing the outcomes is probably still living life in a tunnel.R.C.
When hiding from "IT"  becomes a part of you, no longer deceitful but More like progress with adaptation ,just LIFE skills,should be no survivors guilt when adjusting to how your own mind and body work or don't function  in harmony. "Peace takes practice." Rick
200 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
It may come in on a mild warm wind ,if your listening for a message I want to send
  Will you receive the happy & meager smile or be brought into a view of pain
a mind can play endless tricks of passion or glory,playing equal part when given consent
Living to perfection or appeasing hearts not our own,leaves an open gap without ever seeing a gain.

  Life as a  message or is it just for us,we go about the day,wonder on our way
  A simple grain or profound & prolific,was it meant to be something or just to pass time
Starts with a breath a sudden flush & rush of life giving blood,it all begins an a clock that gets to stop whenever it sees fit
  Making a way, some very restless others always stay,others stand by & only kneel & pray
A simple manner or a special appeal ,playing simple or with with great zeal
forever continuing in a wondrous path laughing under the covers never feeling anyone's wrath

  Do we send a message now as we live & interact to make us easier to recognize in another's memory
  Write it all down in a hidden diary ,showing one side to the world but another in the mirror
Will the flash back in their mind be real,bland or beige or possibly  complimentary
One day to thousands then the presence builds , lasting past or just a blink & an error? Rick
Thanks. Have not shared much of a few yrs. of prose. some came from very trying times. But would welcome any in put ,trying figure out better methods of simplifying some writing"ramblings" :) Have a great day. Rick
200 · Nov 2017
wichitarick Nov 2017

Began a day without a need to pray,nice to not feel an inner danger

Facsimile of a failure ventures in from the twilight,moments rest leaves us hoping for the best

Softness still lost in sleeps caress,focus with hope and not to release anger

Patiently peel away layers before they become lost in the abyss,another mornings test

Black is blind,no light still kind, lingering in lamina,slowly unfolding awaiting an answer

Unfolding fear, which way it may steer remains unclear,nights patterns assessed will help align our daily quest

Will we care if caught in the demon's lair ,rethinking if it will become our master

Reality often hardened ,time tested not based on theory,the truth we come to detest

What has it cost to have turned & tossed,maybe to find this time to have avoided disaster

Now relief instead of grief ,life will again allow new growth instead of keeping it suppressed

Game of chance no signal in advance but for now we find relief instead of grief blessed with another moment to enjoy the laughter. R.C.
Honestly with this it can be read as fighting sleep or similar issues,but is more on the lines of the feelings we get trying figure out if we have had a seizure in our sleep, more of my early writings are actually pertaining to this .
It becomes real mind game,sometimes even dreaming the "event" happened when it didn't ,so even a bigger revolving door
But I take it in stride for the most part but "IT" is always with me. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
199 · Mar 2017
wichitarick Mar 2017

Carried in the womb moving from room to room ,joined at the hip making a way
where ever she cares to take you

Limber legs laying not yet running or playing ,up right rising finally standing

Counting one,two that foot in front of the other not now but soon to have a clue

Walking at last, the elders aghast,still falling but fidgety so no stalling

Lessons learned picking up the pace, soon leaving the slipper & into a shoe

One room is a big world before that first stride,the outside will soon be calling

Formally forming forward movement is now a constant ,more motion to provide a better view

Earned a new view but left our emotions askew,sights & sounds all around ,discovering  freedom is enthralling

Started slowly then outwardly growing ,stepping out now has clout,what will we find that is new

Limber legs as part of the liaison, lumbering along learning new rhythms ,skipping soon to be running

An inch to a mile ,that step from the porch down the walk to a trail ,new journeys will soon be up to you. R.C.
Little fun, had a thought when I couldn't walk for a few days:( so took it all in stride:) & started this. I appreciate you reading and any thoughts are helpful. thanks. Rick
199 · Nov 2018
wichitarick Nov 2018

Memories and memoirs left resting in place,imagining the energy it might take to get back in the race

Many a singer saying about hitting that road again or how waiting to long might mean we will never win

Dreams are still safe when kept captive ,misadventures on blind paths will surely upset our now stable pace

Waiting idly watching and hearing falls migrations is beautiful to behold but wanting to follow brings a whole new spin

Once had a range unlimited by even national geographic,now seeing wider openings but also limited by cyberspace

Extra exploration enveloping my mind, let the fantasy grow as it safely drifts away into an unknown entity

Needing to add just a little more to my soul,not a check on the bucket list, merely a memory or two to save face

Many mysteries left unsolved from sitting still while the earth revolved,idleness swiftly becoming an enemy

What will it be from the tips of peaks from sea to shining sea ,fuzzy maps forming
as nameless places slowly form new mazes

So will it be a hitchhikers guide lead by the stars or an armchair travelers mental expedition left meandering through the mind with telepathy .R.C.
Maybe a little wishful thinking :) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful.
198 · Jan 2018
wichitarick Jan 2018

Bland days brought out from long stays,serenity of sunlight our best friend

Hours took forever ,over and over we must find something that makes us clever

Frozen in our mind last winter thinking we would remember something to make time be more kind

Rain,Rain it's o.k. we can go and play anyway, with boots and umbrellas it can go on forever

Climb a tree but can't get down will leave the others laughing like a clown,definitions for disasters has yet to be defined

Ring around the ....WHAT has left us in a rut,we must remain robust finding inner power for the next endeavor

Off to the water leaves even more to find ,public pool to be a fool , a pond or lake fishing or frolicking anything to not be confined

Old days older ways,stick ,rock & a can, just simple diversion,bats & *****,hoops & loops making it work to bring us together

Run,run around off we go ,share a bike makes better time,patience seems a crime elders always aghast with the fact we survived

Aging takes a little more staging,games a little more profound,putting more work into the act of leisure

New age brings more pay to play or an app. to fill the gap ,but please don't forget the joy we had with hula hoops or flying discs that broke our boredom or we might not have survived . R..C.
Little fun and a flashback of how easy it can be to just have fun.
not sure if there is an App. for a stick a rock & a can YET but now that google has read it it will be out soon:) old enough to be a grandpa and have old war wounds from throwing snowballs and frisbees:; Thanks for reading your comments are welcome. Rick
197 · Jul 2016
wichitarick Jul 2016
Certain pieces, particles, possessions  even though detained we never fully retain.

Grit on our soles is not the same as whit in our souls.

Our own breath is only used once, recycled then passed on to help others maintain.

Did that sneeze help to create a breeze? new breath taking on new  roles.

Did someone really count all the sands as they passed through the hourglass?

Flecks,flakes minor when alone accumulated they stand marking time as a bell tolls.

Individual sweat & tears, evaporating, hoarding into clouds marking a future forecast.

Body temperatures while stable  together adding to global warming and what it embroils.

Energy's of our mind as single are almost blind, gathered  creating power even harder  to grasp.

Simple soul alone, held back, numbers bring FORCE gaining breadth as it deploys.

Throat like a moat holding voices need releasing maybe to be used by birds whose calls  are stashed.

Did sound originate from the ground or an inner core, belting out, ringing home bringing joys.

First sights as bright lights black & white pixels into hues forming rainbows & their secrets they have cached.

Smell as singular seems impossible, neutral formed to fresh, roses to death & all that it employs.

Taking on a new day maybe more feeling for what we share ,sensing with new sensibility's
Passing on the thoughts seems to just part of the process.
No separation of anything? but possibly truly linked back and back again,then forward again & again:)  Thanks for reading any in put is appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017
Don't need an explanation they always know you like they knew you before

After your journey that has been so long, aren't just shadows at the end of the hall

Often travel in pairs nudging with the extra edge to actually takes those dares

They may be leaning your way or you holding up theirs ,picking up the pieces helping to restore

From an early age we help set the stage ,learning the give & take ,watching out for who really cares

Tested internally, somehow growing more energy to give,learning how to open a new door

Guidance is given while simultaneously taken in, unknown importance playing like a bannister on the long stairs

Bashful helped to be bold while maybe too bold put on hold, to often cushioning the space from our heads to the floor

Practice makes perfect,willing to settle for always rehearsing,helping to block the future demons from their lairs

Lean on me or them ,her or him ,kidding with kindness,giving with mindless love, inward or outward devotion is always from the soul  

Merely matching mates is nice to have the balance at any rate ,the weight isn't as great when split into pairs

So extend a hand give a lift help another to manage that next riff,life will be better when true friendship is the next Goal! ...R.C.
A bit of fun maybe from hearing so many songs about friendship?
Left more as prose or just my thoughts in one succession . Thanks for  your reading and all input is appreciated . Rick
194 · Dec 2017
wichitarick Dec 2017

Comfortable in my conformity becoming almost blind with my normality

Aghast when realizing I'm in a race,then unsteady when seeing just how fast

Safety learned from being somber , Simplicity a page in my new analogy

Recalling past passions ,splendid speed forward on fast, did we truly feel it would last

Time becoming more important when true life is an exponent,experiencing mortality

Rules were for  fools, testing temptation & all her tools ,reality is setting in from our past

Requesting new questions is now part of the plan,settling in may seem to leave us with less capacity

Once normal seemed so formal , slowly  find breaks from turmoil ,tighter we grasp

Midlife but past a crisis ,safely secreting the niceness,leaving behind the brutality

Yin & Yang brought up to date ,faster days for our fate, easier when we know we've laughed

Surreal the whole deal, BIG reduced to small,nice without the vice ,simply sampling life's luxurys without all the fallacy . R.C.
Something truly valuable to having less"Less is more" but not just having less but knowing we can live better without some hidden constant fight .Learning to just live with ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading Your comments are helpful Rick
194 · Mar 2017
wichitarick Mar 2017
From  first wishful whimpers  seeking outside guidance, waiting bedside to ease their journey as they glide

Mindless monitoring ,standing by awaiting ,like a living umbrella that is seeing the rain before it falls

Fondly finding nourishment or just subtle words of encouragement ,your always along for the ride

Upward & outward  growing never really watching where their going, idly we wait at their every beckoning call

Staunchly guarding babbling babes ,blocking bruises ignoring their sly ruses ,taking it all in stride

Bringing them up while also laying them down,waiting to walk until they are taught to crawl

Wonders of the world waiting to crush, sit idly not wanting to rush ,for deepest mysteries they will need a guide

Wishful thinking for the good ,but stuck following from sippy cups to them out drinking,showing the other side of the eight ball

Sparkling imaginations can bring many situations one fleeting another worrying
but still wanting to be the person in which they would confide

So from that first bashful brush is no escaping that deep personal rush ,something was deep set naturally to always protect them & give it your all.R.C.
"Kid" Home for spring break maybe getting on my nerves? :)
Maybe should have included words like adjustable or flexible? thoughts on parenting & plumbing:) I appreciate your reading I can always use help or simply your thoughts, so they are appreciated also. thanks. Rick
194 · Jun 2016
READING- (Quoate ,Prose)
wichitarick Jun 2016
The good thing and the bad thing about reading is it personal and optional. R.C.
A thought from watching,listening to people read less & THINK they are twice as smart? thanks. Rick
192 · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

Songs about the rain seem to be a popular way for many to pass on the pain

Maybe just hearing water falling from skies and knowing it is simply to hide their own tears

While plenty of others regail of desert nights or the beauty of the Mountains ,upper waters washing creating the most disdain

Cowering under thunder ,clenching  from the mighty jolt of that lightening bolt ,opening up our fears

Before the thoughts of flowers or green grasses must come the wetness of the rain

Fade to grey or turning to black blocking the suns beauty & warmth is less revealing than when clear

After a bad dry spell and clouds are caught rolling in, expect many to yell as water now runs into the well

Plenty to say of puddles, barefoot kids or baby ducks ,playing it up as it will soon disappear

Some say go away until another day, while others pray for it to stay for crops to rise where it fell

Country thunder crooning or mellow Mozart's musings ,maybe pop of a raindrop
& stormy rockers rolling,  each singing their outpour for a downpour in a way they feel clear. R.C.
Something fun,always a reason for many to write,  all types of weather remains a popular one.  I appreciate your reading and your thoughts or words are useful. a good day to you. Rick
191 · Jul 2018
wichitarick Jul 2018

Passing something on is how we are often lead to believe or that is the way it is

Unfancy answers from many with questions of their own, seeking the same as they have grown

Toil or trouble constantly ticking ,progressing building momentum simply sending us farther into some scale

Earths rotations keep it in scale she guides her servants on the trail,the parts we miss will they ever be known

Fidgety ,floundering restless in our own space,why?,we were not in a race,endless quest to not go off the rail

STOP, what happened ? did we miss it ,oops again a  test failed,mind restoration in another twilight zone

Taking in  rhythms, testing that edge,interior pleas wanting to be free,passing through another cycle hoping to not fail

Vibrations of my body feeds from the pulse of the earth,daily we await which direction our fate will be blown

Our fears often too complicated ,forgetting it is only ruled in spinning cycles being played out everyday

Accepting myself as I am ,creating an ambience not hatched by another,moments made into memories each one added to life's palette and growing like seeds that are sown. R.C.
First thoughts on how well my own "vibe" was running,sometimes things just feel right,how quickly we can lose it all, our own freedoms are still controlled by the spinning earth and her cycles,so if something gets us down don't fight to hard it is always subject to change. "Peace Takes Practice" thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
189 · Nov 2020
Bounty of a song
wichitarick Nov 2020
Bounty of a Song

Faceless hum met by a receptive ear drum, Unknown value passing through our mind

Each note gets an up vote when greeted through an open gate, gravity of sound plays on our soul

Depression lying in wait simply awaits our fate, while its enemy the song is set to rewind

Each lyric finds that edge while emotion rocks on the ledge, rhythms idle to play their role

Rhymes to affect our life from imbalance or strife, awaits to release inside emotion to which we are often blind

New vibes exploding from unknown scribes, awaiting that moment when their words will take a toll

Our own internal energy set aside taking life in stride, like a stopped clock that is waiting for us to wind

Audible sensation not received by many while some are met with elation, we anticipate our fate to know if the music has met its goal

Systems of sound linger subtle or become quite profound, each breath released taken in either dismissed or used as our guide

Maestros moment is proud when they please a crowd, while they rarely realize when the magic makes an individual whole

Each persona awaits a hidden nirvana, like pirates with bounty a composition is new notes just waiting for us to divide. R.C.
Bless the sounds :) Even now in an instant age so many do not realize the true therapy of a wide ranging variety of sounds or think they do and never understand a true "vibe"  Thanks for reading Your comments are helpful. Peace Rick
189 · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

What if I simply to wanted to say nothing

Caught in limbo,not agile or limber ,nor stuck in the middle

No pile of lists  or testy jests ,drawing from an empty well,no thoughts running

Not producing even a wink or nod,no logical rhyme or reason or answer for the riddle

Devoid of a new view ,empty halls with blank walls ,neutral not worth discussing

Midland mind,nonsense aside ,absurdly adrift again ,but taking middle ground wanting no committal

But sometimes simply life provides pushing pressure we want freedom from it's rushing

Deciding to make an about face,just not enter the race, take a step back from the pace
simple is more civil

Somedays leaning left or bending right,bold red or bright white now simply beige bypassing loud or crushing

Lazy being low, crazy or hazy  when too high,today my hero is zero ,being neutral is not artificial

So today before things may go astray or pretending to be happy or gay  or being seen as corrosive simply seek to be impassive ,save tomorrow to let the emotions go back to running. R.C.
Sometimes it seems the world is put in our way ,rather than taking it in or going with the flow we just need to shut it ALL off! Not even the safe road but truly neutral,happy or sad take effort and energy. But a little fun . Thanks for reading. I appreciate your input. Rick
187 · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

Morning bells calling ,jolted to rise but our mind and eyelids still falling

Rise from the sack kicked out of the rack ,awakening to find what new price we must pay

Leftover humming from the night is still quite bright ,that unknown sonnet is calling

Wonderful note we now wished was wrote, so that beautiful sound would not go away

Was it a chorus or a lone soul harmonizing ,left grasping, wishing to catch it before it goes missing

Is it a crime to miss a chime ,true longing for that lost rhyme ,it's going away but we want it to stay

Searching for the sonnet,missing a beat ,not quite on it ,in the distance almost hearing but then new notes keep replacing

Was it some old tune or a new poesy to make us more rosey,still calling we stand back but still wishing for the outcry

On the way about the day the sound still resonates yet we must wait ,will the next be wrong when it comes to the gate or again leave us wincing

Constant consonance in the air we just sit and stare,tapping and whistling we will still try

Simply a shanty but it's grip quite uncanny ,all thought we devote for that note  but will that next serenade have us reminiscing . R.C.
Probably had the first thought about how many sounds we rely on or even are truly annoying ,but also what of those sounds we enjoy but can't get out of out head ,but also having that song in your head but not quite sure what is was?  maybe why some people write songs tired of trying recall others and simply write a new one:) I appreciate your reading . Rick
184 · Mar 2018
wichitarick Mar 2018

Waiting in the same lines each on their own to be picked liked fruit from a vine

Many variables hang over  head, moving along  multitudes never noticing the future dread

Keep our acquired strengths or spread them out, not retaining  too much makes it easier too define

Left facing a wall no one to hear an echoing call,our own voices will be what nurtures

Dreadful day has now come into play,   forging into a positive future we will not let it malign

Misery easily finds company, while refusing the added weight makes us lighter as we mature

Lifes lessons learned  from the trenches ,either keep us in them or guide us to shine

Rainbows formed from darkest clouds emerged so proud,color and brightness to help us reassure

Perfect haven still looked upon by a raven,waiting for the moment we miss the beauty of life and resign

So from travesty we can often find majesty,finding the building blocks that become our teacher.R.C.
Making the best of whatever is left in our path can be hard ,but knowing we always have ourselves to rely on can be a great thing. Thanks For reading Your input in appreciated. Rick
183 · Feb 2021
Incoming Traffic
wichitarick Feb 2021
Incoming Traffic

Are we hearing the loud calamity of the others imploding all around us?

Have we held the door closed to long, blind to the good adjusting to easily with the wrong?

Be it mine or was it yours will it matter who really scores, don't slip into to the hustle, too much trouble with the daily fuss

Have the number of bumps or bruises increased over time? Has age just showed me I am not as strong?

Setting up safety nets avoiding the obvious obstacle self-survival mistaken as a miracle, more a symbol of what some polish can do for what was rough

Trying hard to fit in a niche but facing another glitch, just wanting to feel the groove shouldn't leave us lost with nowhere to belong

Unexplored outside grows larger while the walls closing in make a room smaller, do we give up or call the queen of hearts on her bluff?

Daily drain builds for many creating unseen pain, failing to find the energy from obvious symbols we fall farther back becoming more withdrawn

Many gambles as we ramble move forward into wicked wind, are we failing to foresee a fine future or blinded by hate without feeling love

Find a sunny day design,  new way to play drop the negative attitude, stop being down and gain some altitude, time to become a part instead of just a pawn

Going with the flow often an easier way to go, wicked wind spins people around to face oncoming traffic never leaving much left to discuss

Caught up in the race failing to stay in pace, doesn't have to drag us down or create a frown, crossing the street shouldn't become a marathon R.C.
Maybe got off track from the title exactly,but stayed on line with how much easier it is to just hear and then feel the negative around us ,makes it much harder to realize we have to face what life brings on our own. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
183 · Feb 2021
Home Sweet Home
wichitarick Feb 2021
Home Sweet Home

  With so many dreams and visions going round in a head what is their purpose if we have nowhere to lay the bed

Inner strength or struggle often left open like a door on a house in the winter

Walls to hold out wind, roofs abate rain our minds distract invisible pain, peace formed from within our self playing in passion not dread

Where are we most loyal to us internal or what is made of timber

Seeing my heart as a hearth helps personal warmth, envisioning my body as four walls instead

Bricks or sticks homes or hearts need strong foundations, wherever we dwell takes upkeep or life's weather will make it wither

Personal voices talk like structures hidden noises, enclosed by a hat or the roof over our head

Mental morality forms as strong as stone with it we are never alone, our mental images hang like a dusty picture

Home is where ever we make it,  can make it, not just four walls more a feeling, struggles helping to form that beautiful silhouette

Windows that let free breeze's blow through, leave many options for decay like a life without structure

Lifes threshold painted like a decorator's hallway, how we prepare something to behold, needs a light touch for what is ahead

Forming strong boundaries like erecting a castle, started as a base, feelings emotions part of the blueprint we are the architect to build our personal sculpture R.C.
Maybe got off track a little,but how know ourselves and use that knowledge is how happy we are in life, that or being comfortable in our skin is truly where our home is. maybe for the few that truly learn this is like paying off the mortgage on our soul. :) "Peace Takes Practice" thanks for reading,your comments are helpful. Rick
182 · Feb 2020
wichitarick Feb 2020

Hearing a little song breathes beginnings into bringing us up to prance

Tapping toes to and fro while hearing sound is just the start of unlocking hidden magic in your feet

Masculine or feminine both have their ways who takes the lead often left to chance

Music matters less for the listener & more for the needed beat,get in step to make your day complete

Ring of fire to guide a buck dancers step,wisping in willows often better than pomp and circumstance

Folk unfancy while foxtrot is footloose,cutting the rug  fulfilling feelings from oh so deep

Swaying with the Samba the rest doing the rumba,satcheting the salsa takes on a hot romance

Cajun rhythms or wily waltzes ,wanting to boogie woogie will have them waiting in line like sheep

Twist and shout leave no doubt, it is not square to let the legs levitate, so pick a partner take a chance

Religious or rebellious ,cha cha in Charleston, country in Colorado beginning from a bar room or ballroom let the music lift you from your seat and into the street.R.C.
Little fun :) think it explains itself.
I appreciate you reading your input is helpful .PEACE Rick
182 · Sep 2017
wichitarick Sep 2017

Home is where the heart is ,hearth is what hold the home fires

***** path or shiny blacktop laid out like veins when there was no one or anything to take up the reins

Many a maze left us in a daze, seeking venture or that new craze ,hearing the latest from the next town criers

Coast to coast often to much for most ,for some needing another hamlet to boast anything to just follow those new lanes

Never sitting solid like a rock ,even it can be washed into sand ,giving in to the call to see what new transpires

Reeling out the years left with memories of burning gears ,now maybe lost in new life constraints

Lines on a blueprint muddled in road signs,maybe cruising again from imaginations or however it conspires

Center of a nation peering out in every direction,what now? maybe just a thumb or a howling greyhound  ,make a new move with no complaints

Now video for everything not the old travel agent brochure,sparkling oceans or misty mountains ,a longing that still brings smiles

For some a need for speed, others just backroads glee,unknowing,unsure for me but could quickly change with new mates

Longing to find a new view over that next horizon is an addiction,for some just a burning need to post more miles

But as we settle in a predictable life  is met with less chagrin,maybe we've made our mark  more passive but waiting on new email updates. R.C.
Few thoughts on home or not having one,actually started harmonizing a song with words like miles & roads or trails ,but didn't come out quite the same when writing it:) Maybe finally get away this winter? Thanks for reading your input is appreciated. Rick
182 · Jul 2018
wichitarick Jul 2018

Waking up to the west wind blowing in again ,same direction another day,begin just to be lost in the fray

Seemed we were just shivering, now shudder to feel the pain shining as it's heat tempers all souls

Dawn again ,new light should bring strength but  now exposes pain,emotions left open for all to survey

Many mentors once stood tall ,time and again we watched them fall,are they replaced or we take over those roles

What remained hidden in the night ,left alone afraid to fight,can the next visions bring something good our way

New mail nothing to regale ,just a bustle of bills to add to the ills ,the weight is great as it grows

Everyone or everything walking on or bouncing off of me has left deep bruises,victim or naivete

Will life still matter if I don't know my own fate,but internally I am not left with hate it just brings us to new lows

****** in puddles just to watch the ripple is this what it has all come down too,  pushing upward,outward to keep from decay

Were we meant to play on main street or stand out of the way  ,maybe always knowing we would end up in the alleyways

So are we left howling at the moon just to hide from noon,does it all remain hidden or will it meet us halfway . R.C.
Just a few rambling thoughts for the day:) maybe had a tremor or two of NOT thinking positive on purpose to let reality back in!   Thanks for reading . I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
182 · Jun 2018
wichitarick Jun 2018

Sitting,settled in a bit to deeply ,somber not yet weeping ,surrounded by an unknown sensation

Wind on the screen,buzzing of a flies wings and a flicker of light is all that breaks the moment from being perfectly serene  

Outside may freely look in anytime daily updates not a crime,keyboard spies  a new devotion

Water cooler,coffee shop or bus stop chatter now becoming a bigger matter,idle talk now part of an unseen machine

My own mind racing against itself often more than enough with the extra clutter,can relaxation be found without submitting to the erosion

Others always YELLING, telling, pointing me in their  direction,a mess of a guess for sights unseen

How much is full or if the meter says to take a lull ,often more going overhead or sideways our own thoughts become frozen

Solidarity suspended privacy upended ,forward moving motions more and more becoming lost in a dream

Placid even peaceful with an ordinary life not bothered by the parameters ,focusing inward can hopefully bring true devotion

Time ran by did I forget  myself ,is so why? trying to stay separate or segregated from a soul,growing uninsulated ,meeting an end will the integrity be see. R.C.
Not sure if I stayed with the original thought or maybe did change the feeling as I tried to piece it together , but it seems so many can say they are at Peace or content but under pressure collapse ,maybe skip the vacation from the other and get to know yourself> thanks for reading Your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
182 · Mar 2018
wichitarick Mar 2018

Started out alright but as it formed failed to make a connection losing all perception

Thought  formed so quickly, easily, then just as simple floated away

Felt so great ready to celebrate then slips away as pen is put to pad,trying to recall its inception

Playing through phrases, floundering about just dallying with words of the day

Short term loss  becomes normal ,but failing of the inner soul brings on another dimension

Lifetimes of grasping for answers slowly slips away,holding on becomes futile much to our dismay

Wit like a razor brought down to flat dull and rusted,past time to rethink prevention

Sifting through remnants is always distorted will the whole story be reported,viewing past in a disarray  

Wait what if it is happening and we just don't know,abandoned functions will not know they needed correction

Daily ritual takes it's toll but life passes on ,we make the way whether it is for today,tomorrow or yesterday .R.C.
Memory & our mind is about all we have so if it slips can be a true life changing experience, maybe lost original thought of can we simply forget our moral compass?  I appreciate your thoughts, thanks for reading. Rick
180 · Jun 2021
wichitarick Jun 2021

Busy bird fluttering on my soul, hidden meaning what will be it's role

Caged for contempt unwilling to repent ,inept inside desiring early release

Facing a failed future ,forced into a silent interior,should we seek a new goal

Flexible figures can face the wind ,standing upright, will the doubt decrease

Taking daily tests trying to remove the torture,join the pieces to make whole

Face to face before & after has become a lifelong race,pain will only increase

Left looking out leaves more room for doubt,daily ritual takes it's toll

Left lingering ,restless then mindless meandering, but also time for a new belief

Seeing them soaring leaves my mind exploring ,will new visions need an overhaul

Bees countless trips produce plentiful pollen,requiring endless work but bringing great relief

Taking a new view mind partially askew ,past lessons played out ,but ready to remain open and face each new squall.R.C.
I bumped this, is from 3 1/2 yrs ago, normally would not repeat,but "feel" the words mean more in hindsight  .Because of just life, time ,growing older but also with an always changing seizure disorder or neuro issues,I search for ways to remain positive,I spoke of making myself STAND UP ,but now have days I can barely walk,so re-reading this makes me understand I did see it coming,I will do what I said then. truly PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. thanks for reading,your thoughts are helpful . Rick
179 · Aug 2021
Weekends Memories
wichitarick Aug 2021
Weekends Memories

Mother nature marks time in revolutions part light other side dark

Begins with birth tracing moments in a memory becoming part of our history

Making more marks on a time clock or calendar, some go with the flow, others always fighting the tide, day's most play or toil while night offers a break

Tools take a toll also have a role make marks in minutes one mans basics are another's jewels, scars of lives form a personal diary

Light and dark can be quite stark, push or pull of the atmosphere, changing moods for many never quite clear, while other feel life as opaque

When a day is over, we still anticipate the roll in the clover, blessed in the passing while idly waiting, thoughts of a weekend retreat like mental bribery

Building dollars with a time clock click just to make ends meet, did we gain from strain or daily pain? some feel the need while others habitually bellyache

Change is constant for some, frustrating but breathing can feel like something new, not lost in the quagmire but something to seek becomes our remedy

Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils, mental hygiene, wash the neurotic fog until it's clean, the buildup like a plague but relativity still so vague

Changing dials for digital still marking time at face value, Rolex or Timex either gaining power moving towards that magic hour, Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils each holds its own entity

Some feel it creeping leaves them weeping others moments flying into an endless void, Friday feels far away, pressure a major stressor wanting and waiting for a few days' relief R.C.
Thoughts of how one day feeds the next, how different people perceive each day as good or bad , did they see ,feel the sunrise!  Maybe not exactly as first thought but to much done in prose,lyrics on time or working for the weekend,but still came together,also talking or listening to people online on their thought of what time is left me with a few thoughts ,time is not an illusion as long as the earth is still spinning :) ask a plant about its need for sunshine:) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
179 · Sep 2019
wichitarick Sep 2019

Looking out to find an invisible object ,no knowledge if it is solid liquid or gas

Sequences of life thrown up like  odd cards in a deck landing on an unlucky  number

Reaching out turned to grasping at straws, while gripping for good seems to get a pass

Blank hearing while others cry, they can not  see the screams,hidden inside boiling like thunder

Beginning to realize life is played by the numbers ,await experience while life shows her wrath

Points of view often plain, enhanced with new attitudes  ,watching as a vagrant mind goes asunder

Sweeping fields of view now narrow,open vistas viewed through a  keyhole,highways turned into winding narrow paths

Easy for the world to give assumptions for what we did not feel happen,just left scratching our heads in awe and wonder

Visions blinded so much lost to be absent minded ,abstract  thoughts quickly shuffling like so many photographs

Searching to  find what they can not see ,futures now downsized to what can be planned in a hour. R.C.
Can be so hard to find a direction to go,often we never know unless it is in hindsight,even more difficult trying to offer even life saving or changing advice to someone searching . Life just does not have be that hard
Thanks for reading your advice is welcome and helpful.
178 · Dec 2017
wichitarick Dec 2017

Lost in a long gone song finding that rhythm or rhyme starts to feed my heart

Blindly another one making its rounds as my mind absorbs those sounds

We always allow certain pieces to sink in a little more,something that sets them apart

Pleasing symbol for a new season,finding familiar feelings to raise our brows

Salutation for a graduation or caress a soul for an infatuation,often a whole new start

Croon to the Moon crescent or full ,howling out or in a lull, from within it's desire grows

Fondly we often await ,each serenade an open gate,as one ends something sets the next apart

Will that next verse be enough to feed my soul adding new momentum as it flows

Lullaby to lay us down ,new notes for the next crown ,magical music is our fine art

Strings or keys all meant to please ,master musicians do tease ,releasing their feelings as they compose

Aching for intake our innermost feelings are at stake, yet we allow new notes to enter
a new magic will be in the opening of our heart.R.C.
Had started it so finished it up, Have used the idea more than once ,but that is fitting considering the topic:) is the beauty of music ,can bring about a different feeling at different times and even with no verse can bring out emotion from the listener. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
176 · Sep 2017
wichitarick Sep 2017

Wanting our own way is something many only wish for or blindly crave

Making a grand display is more often a great rarity than something known as the norm

Modify complex lives,alter that big flood before it is paid in blood ,redirecting that wave

Taking a lower rung on the ladder isn't always a simple matter ,balance takes a new form

At times the rush may seem too much ,needing a way for balance must be our new craze

Astray is a rough way ,good things don't always last ,occasionally needing to be reborn

Never at ease on the sea ,Earth and her many ways to play,river run dry ,deserts overflow,but from a fog we must emerge from the haze

Family's divided ,their split over wills is  a new ill,members together are now  alone and left forlorn

From the bottom we climb, each level coming in time ,keeping from going astray as we make our way through the ongoing maze

So as we arrange the way we play ,sometime pleasures take second base, so we learn to harmonize constantly finding new ways to make us strong R.C.
Making it all sometimes can clash,learning in hindsight isn't always bad IF we learn from it:) we might all say we were good good with it ,but how whining did we do getting there? Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
176 · Dec 2019
wichitarick Dec 2019

Simple sensations slipping across my mind gathering momentum as they come out to play

Restless reminders raking memories from hidden voids, timeless  twitching tales idly wait

Feeling the flow  coming over as it grows warmer,passion increases adding moments to the day

Unknown pathways forming trails to explore,marching on sounds towards some mystical gate

Fantastic freedoms forming  from futuristic notes,each sensation leaves more to  survey

Terrific  tones breaking into creative colors,ceiling moaning with feeling exposing itself into a new state

Bland to GRAND, monotone to mayhem, bubbles to blimps watching and listening as tomorrow blends back into today

Shape shifting, corners to curves, edges bending, squares rotating talking to the triangles  as they all begin to dance and gyrate

Notes softly lifting, voices raising through windows towards the moon,simple dances transforming into a brilliant ballet

Fluctuations feeling fine while melodies in sync approach divine,rock or blues take on new hues ,leaving lullaby's to levitate

Wonderful ways to let the mind play,harps to hallucinations,simple strings growing wings ,vocals now visual, soul taking on a new role as bellowing blooms into a bright new bouquet
Not exactly a holiday poem:) Although I have long term sobriety I guess the hard psych rock music I was hearing had the desired effect:) It definatly induced the right vibe to begin..I appreciate your reading all thoughts are helpful would even share the records I was hearing:) PEACE. Rick
175 · May 2022
Black Room
wichitarick May 2022
Black Room
In the Black room with walls of black curtains when my mind was vacation

Starlings became personal darlings, Dark eyes gather no moonbeams

Holding back all daylight, Dark blocks the vision like mental images in remission

Stuck in this Pace with a mysterious shadow, where Grey would seem bright no glow on the edges

You cried NO ropes could hold you, NO ONE would scold you, still left in the darkness with a mind and body in detention

Bought the ticket, covered all windows, Create a sad time putting my own mind on vacation

        " As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning"

Create a new Line, unknown waiting, for a lost train, restless withering

Ghosts unseen, traces of  those faces hide from themselves, Shadows outside always creeping

Party with a rough crew, her smile a hint of kindness in the dark night

Old wounds left open, never forgotten, like scary traces where the shadows talk to themselves

Return to a jungle mindless dark eye, time for redressing open new windows, unfriending Starlings

Letting light into the dark, creates new shadows that are no longer afraid of themselves. R.C.
From the song WHITE ROOM by Cream......
Followed thoughts of the song ,but where we or I left in darkness not knowing we NEED light to get out, be it  mentally or with addiction so followed my own path with addiction.we need light to make shadows. "Peace Takes Practice"   Thank you for reading, your comments are helpful. Rick
175 · Apr 2017
wichitarick Apr 2017

Letting our mind wander can lead to a real plunder ,stray from the line will not be fine

Gradually trained to tactfully tally, blindly waiting our turn veering left or right not seen as to bright

Perfect perseverance to a parallel is taught off a white line is not fought,this kind will lead to something Devine

How to stay grounded while absorbing others energy  ,when only looking into black how will we ever see the light

Palpable persuasions force us to respond in the way that is recommended,when only following how do we refine

When being lead, how will we know when only going with the flow,what is to be the trigger to make us fight

Claiming true identity & finding our own serenity not to be factory stamped but matured like fine wine

Even the groovy seem to follow inside, never seeing outside the group or noticing the beacon to give them flight

When forced do we ever truly feel how to fit  ,are we now outside looking in shown a way out, will we take the easy way & resign

A new day awakening or just another soul led astray ,what might be the outcome of a free mind finding it's way ,maybe new wonders not old history to rewrite.R.C.
It seems in this "new" age we hear more and more of people who are original or simply not following rules etc. is funny how many live in beigeland and claim non conformist ideals:) nothing wrong with the hope that a white picket fence offers:) It is a game of give and take ,running water is rather addicting. Thanks for reading ,thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Nov 2017
Family's plight for a now lost vision that ended none to bright

Unknown fate was their open gate ,being alone yet surrounded by so many others

Friend's or enemy's  comrade or foe ,could have become mates if they would have met under a different light

Many went with never a chance to prevent, facing factors set upon them by unknown actors

Fledgling feelings of patriotism maybe soon to be cast aside, as the rockets red glare explode with the largest might

Hearts at home worry as their soul mates roam ,saving some unknown people from meaningless matters

Hoards of humans cast onto sides ,winning by numbers & a line in the sand,some left to go home alone but left shuddering in fright

A single life lost casts a long shadow ,nameless,faceless kin removing a notch from genealogy,loving memory's as the tears scatter

Brothers in arms, soul mates of the sea make a pact to go out together ,but all are not chosen so the others live a lifetime in plight

Pause for the cause maybe to give all we can give, but as we go  our closest relations are just left to start a new chapter

Ample amounts of Flags & wreaths now a simple marker ,white marble crosses assume they know the religion of the soul that took flight

Many speak of while others grieve for victims of war, when people left at home now carry the heaviest anchor

Medals of honor or purple hearts bring the greatest weight when the grim reaper chose the fate,now the many,many other friends even foes are left to  cry in the new daylight or to read the prayers by candlelight. R.C.
Thought I would bump this for VETERANS DAY!    Hope people have a great day and weekend ,for a lot of folks I know or have known or don't know but just haven't met yet:) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
174 · Apr 2021
Ways To Shine
wichitarick Apr 2021
Ways To Shine

Sunlight shines showing all that can be fine, even reflections from darkness can strengthen

Learning there are levels of sanity removes some of the vanity, give that smudge a little nudge to add a glint

Beautiful morning for one also leaves another moaning, my own soft reflection shows the others rejection

See more through a fully open door will it matter if the light is brighter, questions always answered with a question are just blank, left hanging in the night

Even when facing the sun both sides never see the same way it was spun, asking ourselves random questions becomes that polish exposing a hidden dimension

All the energy used in rubbing for a fine finish might reveal we are silver plated not genuine sterling,  hidden fear exposed like a moth drawn to  candlelight

Will we know what to find if not looking, truth does not grow from seeds never sown, lifetime search for a perfect rhyme, mild brushing often brings valuable introspection

Hidden emotion reveals another notion when applying a little lotion, senseless sensation now a new side, once floundered feelings now a  sense of pride

Will we glow more in the sun at noon or in changing colors of the moon, feel warmth upon your face becomes a saving grace, little scrub might expose another dimension

Dull or too bright to notice?  internal voices muffled like a mirror losing its luster, with a little buff and rub inconsistencies become verified

Never know the role of a soul when always dark as coal, can that circle of light bring out what is bright, mild cleaning expose our best complexion

New voices with a low tone of no choices,  reflections from others increase the glow, some varnish and glaze reduce that haze exposing new ways to be mentally satisfied. R.C.
Original thought was from the term "Soul shine" tried to stay with the thought of how we often never know if we are flat or indifferent to many thing and mostly ourselves,to easy remain neutral when we are talking to ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
173 · Aug 2021
Have We Grown
wichitarick Aug 2021
Have We Grown

Bundles of babes welcomed into the world a playbook not immediately up to you

In the beginning we're always winning, Lessons learned as liaisons are formed, demand exceeds supply

Are compassion sympathy or empathy taught or learned by example felt as they form a soul, grace becomes life's glue

Maternal nurturing no guarantee of internal maturing, Imagery imagination play a part from the start, is it retained even if life is awry

Looking back do we recall a burning ember what was given or taken has something left us forsaken, do we leave it as a lesson or retain it as some cosmic stew

Many times, I have flown, freely, briefly lost in the wind it always managed to send me to another day, Lifes court we just have ourselves to testify

First class or outcast, was it all a waste of time if our soul is free, Are we ever what we appear to be, what they see is it really me ?

Journeys an odyssey that become our legacy, Many dabble into altered states of reality, what is the gauge to know if merely seeking serenity

Old and grey as young as a new day when in a forest of redwoods are what we learn and pass on markers like rings of a tree

Beginnings have endings some lives lived like a score on a graph will percentages be words for an epitaph ,are the highs or lows now our posterity

As we learn to put on our walking shoes, first thought on going forward, not knowing if we might need to know how to crawl again, proof even with wisdom life has no guarantee

Love, laughter and life play out in different sequences according to age, gravity of a day doesn't need to keep me from play, I guess a measure if we have grown is our own integrity R.C
First thought was literally what is a measurement of growth, but it can be seen many ways depending on the person,is it personal or monetary some even spiritual,I didn't use the word but "feel" comfort can be a true measure
With many life changes and now memory loss and injury I have found it is easier to just be ME :) "Peace Take Practice" Thanks for reading your input is helpful. Rick
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