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6.0k · Sep 2018
wichitarick Sep 2018

Youthful mind left wandering just feeling the wetness from yards into the curbs

Ripples running curbside over toes, forming those first streams for a meandering mind

Clouds collecting power,mists collecting,forming Drop by drop rains flowing into their reserves  

High mountain lakes reflecting their passion, partitioned by beavers to make their own pond

  Broken into brooks flowing faster downward into streams,cool and clear their taste like sweet liqueurs

Beauty not confined to a torrent but gifted with greenery and wildlife ,flowers that make the forests more confident

Trickles forming into cascades downward making outpourings & overflows waterfalls forced through the fissures

Gravity needs spaces we watch as it heightens then widens,making it's way through the continent quickly becoming most prominent

Admire her beauty but reap her rewards,wet bounty to feed the fields, food for fishes ,generations receive her treasures

Canoeists,kayakers or legendary steamboat captains are fond of their flowing, boys wondering where she will go ,knowing our tears of joy will flow to the sea should be our greatest compliment. R.C.
Nice memories from time spent on or in some favorite rivers,but also how great a part they play in our lives and the geography . Thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
2.3k · Jun 2016
TEARS (prose ,fun)
wichitarick Jun 2016
Well the doctor told me I was out tears ?
The doctors told me I would never sweat again ?
I am 10 lbs UNDER weight & will never gain it back ?
I won't regain a lot of lost muscle ,so I won't be able to lift 200lbs again ?
My appetite is 1/2 what it has been my whole life?
My blood ,heart,other parts ,fat,cholesterol etc. are as good as a teenagers?
My credit will straighten back out this yr.:)

I think the cost savings in KLEENEX,DEODORANT,FOOD, & then knowing I can't lift means my back won't hurt,saves ON CHIROPRACTORS and PAIN KILLERS :)
Plain food tastes "fine" now I can sell off my cookbook & kitchen junk collection:)
I have missed out 30 yrs of junk food , I might as well go for it now :)
with that cost saving and a small loan I can pay off another house & paint it PINK just to freak the neighbors out :):)
Hey I am "POSITIVE" that is a good side to be on :) R.C.
Fun bit of brain cell scrubbing :)  Was written yrs. back while doing re-hab for amnesia,memory loss, re-learning over & over, finding old habits are more instinct than we realize :) not knowing my address but could find my coffee cup:) ? was & is still a great lesson in being VERY thankful Hope folks are well. "peace takes practice" Rick
2.2k · Jul 2018
wichitarick Jul 2018

When the wind blows round it swirls and sweeps memories of what was once there, thoughts of an old song take longer and longer to repair

Began toe tapping almost adding in the clapping but would rather arise maybe explore to find a new prize

Stuck in a cerebral gap this tune may take a map,keeping digging in try to place that gorgeous groove

Set off out the door to not be a bore, soon found myself pacing in time to some hidden rhyme ,waiting for it to arise

Birds and buses beginning to chirp and hum adding their part, as I try to pick up more clues

Taking it in stride feeling this may be a long stroll,that unknown elegy will be a nice surprise

Rambling again, smooth echoes entering my mind hopefully helping to harmonize my next muse

Making the next strut to remove muzak from that rut, picking it up a key or two will surely bring brightness to my eyes

Lost lyrics lingering ,slowly letting go of that *******,  guitar maybe a banjo or dobro waiting with a new lick to diffuse

Back to the trail humming along listening to the sky's to drop that song,so will this shuffle bring a new ruffle or just be for the exercise

Again set to travel as the sonnets unravel,  hoping that bebop will be part of the hop desiring the dancing, breaking into upbeat prancing finally finding that new melody will be the best news. R..C.
Ever have that one song you can't quite figure out? or that person who seems to always hum a different one?     I often use the music as my guide ,so if alone or having a lost moment make my own harmony to stay with the flow of the moment  . Thanks for reading. Your thoughts are helpful Rick
1.9k · Apr 2018
wichitarick Apr 2018

Seeking safety  while others are sleeping,the rest in a dispute with a  familiar game of whether the mind or body will win

When losing traction will another soul comprehend even a fraction ,meaningless to many but a few keep hope in scope

Planning and practicality save souls in print but real people  have understanding and offer their own spin

Wondering from the middle travels outward, east or west north to south even an Aussie or from across the pond can give hope

Giving is receiving simple samples offer light, taken in can block blight,going out producing an unknown grin

Faceless names a soul behind each keystroke, varying opinions offer a new vote

Hidden bond often easy to find ,meshed together once lonely issues have  now found a twin

Conversing in space some silent while other seems lost in a race,never really knowing when they will find that meaningful antidote

Suddenly interaction can become a tempting attraction ,exposing hidden emotions a new devotion,silent song into a joyous hymn

Far apart minds now riding  a mutual rift, easier to make light if others have the same plight

Randomness can rule when minds are often short, Once a great thought soon will abort
hopefully not lost forever if we tug to ******* that string

Absent minds left meandering once locked down now offering possibilities ,growing with knowledge now developing with each insight. R.C.
Thoughts brought together from finding people with similar but unique problems,then finding  it is not always a problem but a solution when many minds come together.we truly learn from each other even if both parties have what one were debilitating things ,somehow walk away feeling better without ever actually shaking hands:) I thanks you for reading. I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
1.3k · Nov 2017
wichitarick Nov 2017
"Over the river and thru' the woods to Grandmother's house we go."

No, we don't go to Grandma's house anymore.
As we did away back in days of yore.

But we still remember the good times we had.
The caring and love, tho' times were bad.

Grandpa saying Grace in his old German ways.
Grandma in her apron; those were the days.

It all started about nineteen-fifteen,
With it's tall White house and big red barn.

Come Thanksgiving, with no relatives near,
They gathered with neighbors to bring Holiday Cheer.

To the four-mile schoolhouse they came all together,
With families and food -- no matter the weather.

For each pioneer mother did her very best
To cook her special treats and out do the rest.

And give thanks for gardens and neighbors so near,
They brought and shared gladly their food and good cheer.

The children had practiced for weeks., come what may.
For each had a piece to  be given that day.

A song to be sung, maybe a poem read from a card, ,
While the Wheezie old ***** was pumped very hard.

When all the program was over and done,
On to Grandma's and Grandpa's for more food and fun.

A few years later instead of the farm we'd go,
To the old Rock  House -- home of Tena and Joe.

Eventually the group grew too large and so
To Potwin Community House we did go.

So today we give thanks for a legend in our time,
For Grandpa and Grandma and the memories they left behind.

And for friends and aunts, uncles and cousins,
We come altogether each year by the dozen.

to remember the past and visit a while here.
Then to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

- Doris G -- 1983
Found this buried & brought a smile, something my Grandma wrote yrs. back.
seemed fitting today. My Moms Mom,although I was not close to her,I feel I knew her well,I am like my mom and she was like her mom.
Interesting lady ,although she never had a reason to use it ,she learned new things her whole life obtaining degrees and mail order degrees:) in all manner of topics,even when blind she continued reading by mail order cassette tape:)
But I Hope folks have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for reading!Rick
1.2k · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

When does it's presence take the stage, what is the beginning to set the gauge

Where does the needle find it's direction,will magnetism or a magnet bring the unseen guidance

Finding the way or a guiding light, day after day to make our plight,writing a book page by page

More than a map or general guide ,when called upon from within it will enlighten

is it irony of the needle pointing north & so many looking up ,is there a gain in it's weight as we age

Trusting children showing elders what they may have lost,we're caught looking down for our days to brighten

Playing a game of comparisons, but some may find nothing or no one  to relate

Simply an instrument a device to measure, whether to take the high or low ground
it may take the shock of reality to truly frighten

Is there haste when we make chaste or is it taken from lessons learned as we debate

Trust sounds easy but a rare find given & received by the scrupulous and over time it will heighten

Many may never notice which direction their own needle points or how it will all equate

So we spin the dial hope it comes back to true north as we go forth ,our best hope we will hold it all in it's circumference. R.C.
Had the title so the thought was present,but also seems to be a popular topic for some,it seems even more prevalent with so many providing their own quick thoughts on a wide range of topics.
But what rule book do we use use to judge?  I came by honesty backwards ,not much bad surprises me but am always truly humbled at people with true honesty or even further truly humble,unlike what many may perceive of the world ,I find a lot of people who don't even comprehend how to lie ,cheat or steal .   I appreciate your reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
I WHISPERED,'I am too young,'
And then,'I am old enough';
Wherefore I threw a penny
To find out if I might love.
'Go and love, go and love, young man,
If the lady be young and fair.'
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
I am looped in the loops of her hair.
O love is the crooked thing,
There is nobody wise enough
To find out all that is in it,
For he would be thinking of love
Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon.
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
One cannot begin it too soon..........Poem by William Butler Yeats..........
Don't post to much of others peoples writings but a few words of this were used & stood out
Unfortunately it was in relation to LOVE but from someone who had also killed their entire family:(
Never knowing ALL that LOVE contains? Rick
"O love is the crooked thing,
There is nobody wise enough
To find out all that is in it,
For he would be thinking of love
Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon." Yeats
wichitarick Jan 2018

Frozen breath holding back weight, against the chest seems great stacked like stones

Starting softly to see from the third door down the row,reclusive, damage is waiting to show

Others in red alert our mind coming on slow, their fear no reflection on our unknowns

Peace while in waiting,thoughts flow slow into a reflecting pool,echos beginning to grow

Time blown backwards when clocks stopped ticking , simple assessments our only goals

Mental evaporation senses left wide open,trying to find the song but only get static from the radio

Held back by grogginess looking out from fogginess ,bits of life as viewed through those holes

Oh MY I made it,escaped , BUT when will blackness call again,laying low not quite thinking of that other plateau

Bolted ,jolted rousing frequently followed by drowsing,hearing as a low hum ,sounds soon forming new tones

Nonexistentance now part of the ritual ,for the witness memories are visual,slowly waiting to say hello

Perspective has changed, await for thoughts to be rearranged ,senses in collusion with massive confusion,new beginning like waiting for future episodes . R.C.
Is a simple perspective on what many go through daily , normally would not say this but defining "Postictal" would help. it is a unique perspective and can be ever changing so we are never quite able to prepare for "it" ,kept it in the scope of just the perspective of the small window not the whole experience I may try to expand on it. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
910 · Feb 2019
wichitarick Feb 2019

Sitting there in that all to familiar chair ,sounds all around but not a cheer I could hear

Facing the beginning of that not new feeling ,slumping downward but frozen from reaching outward

Mind in place so far no  disgrace,settling in for the unknown to begin, slowly trickling down to an invisible lower tier

Pressures pressing, muscles stretching ,becoming faceless ,unknown to be strong or become a coward

Clenching quickly becoming entrenched warm glow resting as the mind becomes more lucid but without fear

Losing faces or places of all we held dear ,measurement and scales  off kilter ,emotions  floundered

Clouds forming spaces receding now unable to give that final greeting,simple breathing  creating it's own atmosphere

Auras completing their cycles, mindless focus going spacial ,blossoming then building will this be stronger longer than others previously encountered

Drawn deeply into the lair has again left our soul  bare ,we are left to hold our own as we drift into that thousand yard stare. R.C.
Is what the aura feels like or Pre- seizure time before a gran mal or tonic clonic type seizure,in many way ways over laps with other things as people might relate to a panic attack or period before a migraine. <hanks for reading your input is helpful Rick
892 · Sep 2018
wichitarick Sep 2018

Foundations forming as minds wide open are blindly accepting of challenges or change

Unestablished, not even finding middle ground, lost in between either up or down

With no guiding light loose minds quickly become lost in the dark ,scruples are still not trained

Slowly feeding the frenzy finding bright while blocking out black,washing memories before they're allowed

Rituals become normal with time, as simple as walking  new desires can be stalking but reality can not be feigned

Well laid plans systematically rundown,lost perceptions now lounging,responsibility now so easily disavowed

Reckless rambling  instead of learning to live  ,strategy's played out in days forgoing any planning while existing unconstrained

Now lost never knowing the promise that could have been ,unpaid debts to yourself  don't carry much clout

Bargaining with time is certainly not fine,life slowed down enough to see some light relax the fight and define constraint

Now with new beginnings realizing how far behind we have fallen,rising daily to find a new route

Life opening up, stalled visions now surrounded by light, a better bet when we know the odds,new views to be entertained . R.C.
While it is certainly a big part of who I am surprisingly my own sobriety ,drug free has not came out in sure a few lines would not pay proper homage to the vision I discovered when realizing I could be in control of my own mind. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Thanks I awoke suddenly 2.a.m.? pain? confusion? broken? Medication ***** I'd rather be an addict again.breathing color,feeling in reds and yellows,taste in silver like metal hearing ,blue gray,fading, I would like to SCREAM but then others will know,burning? cold?afraid to lay down ,haunting dreams,can only smile with eyes closed,pushing,pulling, from the inside,I am ******* "IT" off,clear but numb,a fishbowl,sleep while standing? HURT? NO, LIFE Rick
One of the first "ramblings" I saved or at least had a direction, written in between black outs after emerging from seizures,relying on smells and hearing to arouse memory,using music to find triggers.
  Any input is appreciated.thank you. Rick
825 · Aug 2016
wichitarick Aug 2016
Loose congregation of words ,mixed syllables,sounds ascending to  an annunciation made upon announcement
Clashing conundrums of verbs accented with adjectives  ,while crashing and dashing looking for a place to stay
Confections with conflictions searching for reasons to become more easily resounded
Papier-mâché used as the blind box  waiting to reveal its hidden appeal ,will we use sticks for new words fray.

Teachers use their rulers to help crack the skin or  layer of drooling uninterested information gatherers
  Finding synonyms is easier with a hungrier  fool  ,yet opposites distract if paying pledges to the papers
Finding the unknown fabulous riches still hiding inside is best without the blindfold ,hearing proper direction is what matters
Cracking the outer code ,scattering packages of messages is titillating especially if involved  as crossword players

Clarification containers from Macmillan help refine an ongoing array of writing gone astray
Pulling new or familiar sounds to another level ,hollow waiting to filled with tasty sweets
True copy that has been pasted,not wasted gathered into changing shapes in a new way
Can make our day, just right for many to explore the contents, blindly poking formulating new treats

Thesaurus as a party tool could it be  taking on the shape of a walrus
Antonyms with  many wrappings ,nuggets or nougats of wisdom
Wordy party favors masked new flavors seeking to be savored ,hidden like walnuts
Players programmed with reading ritual learn to approach life with new optimism.
I Liked the title & saved it , so I added more over time ,not my normal method or how I originally came by writing my feelings down anyway. still feel it weak ,with so words,language,could have taken it another way, with a  PINATA  being Hispanic & often times language barriers ,but everyone can acknowledge candy ,treats or sweets :)
  Thank you for reading. still getting a feel for any input is appreciated . Rick
686 · Apr 2020
wichitarick Apr 2020

Many explanations for what are  personal exclamations,  sights unseen by the the ones that are keen

Tastes and smells sights or sounds, simple hints that lead to something so profound

Electric waves washing over me, mixing mental physical energy to create negative synergy

We lie in wait at a familiar gate opening to an unknown fate, minor glimpse for what is inbound

Forcing me down, swift or slow still leaving it's frown,frozen in time  yet another check in my  diary

Sampling a storm,hellacious hurricane to circling cyclone, electric waves fluctuate on a battle ground

Mystical  madness robs our gladness, strong voo doo, frothing foaming wild animal halting my stamina, taking moments of our legal sanity

Sudden stagnation of time like stopping sands through the hourglass,seeking escape while the spasms further impound

Another frightened night falling into the fold, moments ago we were so bold,  now I prepare for random phantoms to make their inquiry

Un rehearsed Dark drama silently awaiting, constricting contrast, marked moments, embedding memories that may soon pass or will I be drowned

The mystery in the middle of my mind leaves me wondering, it's appeal has a hidden zeal like a mysterious friend who may play nice or leave an injury

A witness saw my soul, blindsided into oblivion, came again  without showing it's role,  survival came again today, maybe tomorrow my resting place be found. R.C.
"Peace Takes Practice"
This may not be understood at first by most,but is the actual time line or while it is happening of a seizure at least from my side. I now have 3 poems one before or Aura and this during and one after or "postictal" and am curious how to group them together? I appreciate your reading,any input is helpful. Peace. Rick
658 · Aug 2018
wichitarick Aug 2018

Many moons have passed since we've seen her last,if she ever sees the light won't she be aghast with whats goin on in life

Lost trying to find her head, moving fast to only go in reverse many seem to follow that self inflicted curse

Trying to feel special forgetting each moment is crucial , to be unique while ending up as Satan's wife

Her simple ways were a sample of how safe life can be,not bothered by the unknown or blindly protected by verse

Filled with faith slowly being swallowed by the wrath,once blessed now surrounded by vice

Lambs to wolves not knowing how swiftly in revolves ,time did not allow to protest or rehearse

Unsure of tactics, quickly blinded by others antics,starting to feel as if being laid out for sacrifice

What became of that Rainbow when part of a dream was able to flow,time doesn't offer healing in reverse

True pathways once impervious became faded,now always waiting for the good news to arrive

Now bogged in a mire forgetting to aspire,,living time passages or some other old fogies rhyme,what will it take for her to come back to earth .R.C.
Hard to explain, but had the title and was singing a song, thoughts of someone I lost and has remained lost it seems even to herself. .thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Rick
641 · Jul 2016
wichitarick Jul 2016
Kool-Aid and hotdogs as our standard fair ,no shoes same shirt close cropped hair.

No more sitting in order or lunch on a bell, switch dropping pencils to using crayons for a spell.

Crossing guard gone, now an old couple on the porch, they don't yell mostly just stare.

Soon flies as busy as the girls & boys,not idle but  running wild, spring  rain ,inside Hell.

Greening grass yellow dandelions, bothered by bugs brushing it all off without little care.

Awaiting the nearest pool or a wash in a river ,lake or pond, Lifeguards sitting on a citadel.

Burning red replacing winters white peeling skin but still a grin not understanding despair.

Patriotic dues merely a muse , really want the fire crackers & smoke to wish America well.

Fishing & wishing ,frogs at night catch our sight ,lanterns create patterns with the stories we share.

Birthdays & Sundays keeping us clean Long enough to recall when we return to alphabetical personnel.

New clothes & now shoes no longer we muse ,Dad always taking us for the last summer cruise. :) R.C.
A taste of summer:) I wonder if the two neighbor boys trying to destroy each other with fire works know what they made me think :) thanks Rick
638 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
Writing is useful,but does it come out as maniacal or insane,is hard to express a simple thought without showing the depths it was wrought. a gain is my own, almost selfish rarely ever shown. when all the cards are on the table it is hard to be a magician.
The play with words & sounds become increasingly centered, a hope for focus, a wish to not be led astray ,to far away from the conscious edge while still seeking an epiphany .
That transition is easier to live as a lifestyle,rather than holding back ,better to know the truth than to hide from the present ,how many sit with it or are afraid or find it vile.
A corruption of thoughts & feelings or convoluted dreams can be dealt with stoically or possibly handled & fondled serving as a gift to the mind & soul that are willing to own them. R.C.
638 · Oct 2018
wichitarick Oct 2018
When reaching out you soon find yourself searching farther down   or seeking that once glossy crown

Why start second guessing something that was clearly missed,waiting patiently for that puzzle train to come by again

Finding inner power often not needed until we are lower,open question can we survive any suffering alone

If needing a guiding light when the streets are not quite so bright, will we know to seek help at the helm

To often stuck never noticing the rut,harder to recognize from the inside if we're in that zone

Glass half full but floating in an open pool being drawn out by the tide ,quickly time passes almost overwhelm

Goodbye mister bluebird voices floating in the air, come again when the day is fair,your voice helping me to regain my own tone

Clouds quickly breaking, bright beams flowing in everywhere,reaching out to others do we dare,will they be the quickest to condemn

So many fallen before, life moves so fast, too quickly become her *****,certain events we can no longer postpone

Clouds quickly breaking bright beams flowing in everywhere,reaching out to others do we dare,most of life is gone before we know it, so much of the world that is never seen

Left alone Like a sapling bending in the wind  R.C.
Usually by the time someone needs help it is to late,we hear all the time to be there for someone ,but that works both ways ,or what if they are not a willing recipient . Thank you for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
603 · Jun 2017
wichitarick Jun 2017

Nightbird,Nightbird cawing  in the twilight ,outside my window causing us a fright

Long comes mornin when pretty birds are singing in a big blue sky ,but they soon flyaway & the clouds turn grey

Had laid & slept, dreamt of a better time, windy warm felt like we were limber, lofty like a kite

Soon those feelings are turning impossible ,nothing is  plausible ,again thrown into the fray

Pretty flowers, greening grasses laid out in a grand display then like the breath of hades is sent into blight

Lovely memories,mommas and poppas, brothers & sisters, with many a friend but with time I've seen their passing & felt them go away

Gentle mist softly sending us into bliss, gathered in pools,  streams to flowing rivers then amassing into crashing,bashing salty waves frightening like suicide

Cuddly kittens cooing,playing puppies barking ,turning into lions and wolves growling and howling at the moon while at bay

Evolution,revolution of earth spinning ,showing cycles of light, fading then dark,darker darkest ,then alone & terrified

Begin with a grin,awake to forge ahead when we win,slowly breaking stride,left with more to hide,how much will the next load weigh

So it seems we're left with what we see hear or feel ,right or wrong
time it seems helps us take it all in stride. .R.C.
Originally started harmonizing some words in a bluegrass or folk style,but then just added to it , I don't tend to "fill in the black" :) but thought maybe better to show good & bad or dark & light? But thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
584 · Aug 2017
wichitarick Aug 2017

Hindsight is no time to find out that you made yourself alone

Grasping at memories is dangerous when needing to build a strong future

As inner strengths are built from each other ,now in triplets,their calendars are unknown

Caring can lend itself to corrupting,fleeing in fear to find out the forgotten was yourself,going down easy is impossible,once it's you in the position of elder.

To much gained through pain,builds a rough exterior but delivery from the heart is rarely shown

Why must we bow preparing for some fatal vow,should we feel appeased and know our souls have shelter

Empty promises made and duly accepted,should guilt be for the giver or receiver,if nothing is gained have we grown

Self supporting can be seen as selfish,we must have our own power before becoming strong enough to support another

How are we left with nothing to ask , wondering if we completed the task, will the truth be shown

Optimistic, stuck on idle or reserved with integrity from our knowledge of being realistic,because nothing new will occur

Many roads traveled are open but leading to the same path, no matter what decisions are made, who really holds the key to the gate is unknown. R.C.
I thank you for  reading ,your input is appreciated.  Rick
581 · Oct 2016
wichitarick Oct 2016
Normal names ,mediocre games many awaiting the evening to be untamed

Tantalized by trickery to be teased with the expectation of tasty treats

Carousing kiddies can't wait to click their heels but to stay away from home

Tall top hats tilted with final facials gilded ,laughing or trembling just for the sweets

Dedication by many overlooking a link with religion ,cut loose with no chaperone

Frightful or often funny ,individually punny ,some just trying to give others the creeps

Dancing damsels are distressed, Knights to guard them while monsters just groan

Freaks frolicking standing aside while the princesses make their leaps

Graveside now nice for a time,freaks from the shadows both smile & moan

All invited to the grand ball,party to remember for peeps & those that are tall

Uncage the animals,make up for others,imaginations rule, no excuse to sit like a stone

One night to recall came to play in fall,beautiful or bewildered came together to enthrall . R.C.
Bit of fun for the "spirit" of a Holiday,we love our holidays no matter the reason.   Appreciate your reading, I never know what people think so any input is appreciated . Happy Fall. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Started with pennies gathering dandelions from here to the horizon
lincoln heads exchanged for licorice  and a bad case of sunburn......

Soon fall will be making it's call,gently landing, billowing and lining curbs and fence rows.
For a few counted as a blessing for the neighbors and friends that would rather pay a young man to do their raking .

Daily read is an addictive need ,getting out that fresh news is not just a muse ,so a lot of rolling held down with a rubberband ,new bike a new route , Once a month collections left me with a lot more clout.

Some farm boys born into it others just dropped at the gate,rows that grow and sunbleached blisters soon to be their fate. Bales to buck  or the need to ****  those crops that are used to feed. Piece work pay not much reason to stay.

Once only a happy thought for the new munchies that were bought ,soon those plates would be my new fate,hot wet & busy from the starting gate,regular pay & food of the day left many reasons to stay,kitchen camaraderie helping to nurture a future.

Boys and their shovels bonded like Lassie without getting sassie ,cooling air brings more flakes ,daily rituals measured & treasured unless they lay on a pathway or roof
piling high brings a sigh, met with manic pressure,pay increasing by the weight, gold awaits as you clear those gates.

Hurry up and wait but still stand straight,little sleep, lots to clean ,Haze grey and underway,mechanical monkeys maintain fast flyers,give it all,life or death play it out until your last breath.

Hard trails tell lots of tales ,mostly dollars marked by sweat, spent quick but  with little regret,Heavy metal ways marking days,calloused ,corroded smoothness eroded,
but clean , polish a few layers of paint makes for a quick sale.

Settling in, picket fence with no chagrin,time card stamped life revamped,to travail with no avail  ,endless hours all devoured ,no gain without pain gladly paying penance for our sliver of pie,Anchor & chain bring great weight, left with none when it is done.

Started a race already ahead several steps ahead of the pace,taking it all in anything to produce a grin,rising never to find a prize,suddenly crash & burn at every turn,burning bridges missing mates, finally awakened to an open gate honesty with myself lifted all the weight.

Due date time to wait,no choice for pink or blue, advice in the air now even strangers seem to care,instant true love ,positive protection will be their recollection,daily reaching for the teaching to make that simple glow grow.

So as we roll on all we can ask is a new dawn ,learning to live with what we gave, Hopefully blessed with lessons learned in hindsight ,may the light shine on us even at night bringing bounty to all stages of life.
Maybe a slice of life ,labor and callouses ,was harder to condense or not ramble to much:)  But tried to present something in a different style . Many thoughts here.  I appreciate your reading. your thoughts are helpful. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
566 · Aug 2016
wichitarick Aug 2016
whether rich & famous or poor & down trodden that final wailing howl always sounds the same!
The pain is so deep not even the grim reaper can creep into that bleeding broken soul!
We hustle our pennies our nickel & dimes, often so tired it seems almost a crime!
To remain upright stable & strong, encouraged by our belief that we will be never be lame or driven insane!

A flip of the coin & a quick roll of the dice,a glance so fast we never think twice!
We never know they never know us ,who asks you if it was worth it or if you had a nice day!
Is our existence is only meant for us ,or to gain the wisdom to teach them to play nice!
The measurement of man is taken at many levels, the judgment is constant but who knows the right way!

Do I accept the fact that it always on my windowsill,but enjoy it still a few feet from the front door!
Those who make conclusions never understanding their delusions,do know a true meaning do our souls need cleaning!
I remain the aggressor the pursuit can become obsessive,we need a real reason to keep us from the floor!
Who is it that remains elevated to a higher place or that tumbles from grace,is there really a final final intervening!

As quick as today as fast as tomorrow maybe even now,will the hours be everlasting or quick & to the point!
Our lives are a giant passion play we always think we we'll make it to the final golden end!
Is more like the beauty rainbows or butterflies why does it always bring thoughts of being dressed in black!
The peace a harmony of my moments before me,we should make it worthwhile not worry about when we'll be anointed! R.C.
More like final thoughts or what would they include?
Has been re-titled more than once. had a little dust on it :) Any in put is appreciated .thanks for reading. Rick
561 · Apr 2017
wichitarick Apr 2017

  Naturally in need we gather together never losing a desire for a shoulder as we grow older

Babbling babes needing moms but also giving as much as they acquire

Separate but coming together as one ,even early games requiring more than one card holder

"Lean on me" or me on thee,singles to doubles makes it easier to pick up the rubble or put out the fire

Alone or lonely the singular verbiage can be cured with some care a simple share ,a little warmth when it's colder

Merely a prop to help if we drop ,how deep seated the need how much of the others soul does another require

Becoming one, a necessary achievement, is it possible to gain this without a buoy as life adds another folder

Working alone sensible for some ,better when another will listen to our groan or give us someone to admire

Two to tango or more to Fandango ,better than dancing alone ,together more fun  than being a loner

Non typical hired help they would do the job for free ,so enjoy a helping hand a striking conversation ,is easier to make each other smile:) R.C.
.Do we need another? is truly content possible when alone ?things do work better in pairs:) thanks for reading all in put is appreciated. Rick
554 · Apr 2017
wichitarick Apr 2017

People always barking about another path to change our ways ,how we will be for ever grateful in our future days

Forcing from silence previous happenings or innocent back slappings,slipping back to something never viewed as bad

Self recollections once seen as fine now only felt with disdain, or a new view of how we may have strayed

Smiling once held in the highest regard now slipping into half a frown ,possibly by a simple sentence from some cad

Wealth with wisdom ,daily dealings acknowledged with glee ,simple patterns, way of life not requiring much of a barricade

Never noticed until another decided we must pry open life's ledger,slowly taking away a smile ,falling into a blind trap

Born into contentment,unknowing,we have to learn resentment ,why have we waited all this time to be afraid?

Another's point of view often drawing on speculation can become our new prelude
our previous Peace now becoming flat

So should our inner resolution be tended to & mended on with only ourselves as the judge,the balance of the soul laid upon our own scale to be weighed.R.C.
Solving problems within ourselves that may not exist? Differences between realizing & creating .if nothing was wrong to begin with did we really need to fix it?
  A fine line guidance but still remain ourselves.
Thanks for reading, all input is appreciated . "peace Takes Practice" Rick
536 · Jul 2016
wichitarick Jul 2016
The echoes from my mind could be the ringing in your ears?

Minutes of the morning turning to hours of afternoons

Carrying the weight of the day on the evening breeze

As if in spite into never ending hours of the darkest night

Hints of light despite the falling back, glancing through

The new sun is strength , needed to form even bigger shadows

One revolution almost completed ,keeping us nervous even though we have succeeded

Others scream or live for a lifetime of revolution on the whirling globe

Meager minds taking a wealth of wisdom in a simplicity of survival

Basking in splendor of surviving breakfast to breakfast or a yawn to dawn. R.C.
Thanks for reading, any input is appreciated . Rick
517 · Sep 2020
wichitarick Sep 2020

Make our way from day to day but with the moonlight they always come prowling

Black cats in the shadows, seeing them in pictures or in zoos is false news, we know they are still roaming

Distant shadows on a horizon, constant reminder we can be kinder, with dusk we might be scowling

Blinded from the fog mired inside a bog much lost at great cost, now with abstinence we still hear that cold wind blowing

How often do we get lost while simply looking for ourselves, left in idle while sunny skies are clouding

Memories of matters though long resolved,  deeper issues never totally solved, playing on level fields while life is still mysteriously sloping

Background sound or boogie beat of a band can be more than some can stand, needs not always physical, true triggers can be in the carousing

If we choose to resign to those flashback blues, dormant or docile emotions often hidden to those who use, Coyotes constantly calling

So, we keep waiting while nothing changes, maybe in reality nothing needs changing, simply searching for something that isn't there, mindless madness altering

All that I am drinking is the nectar from the skies, on a real rainbow my mind now flies,Life on life's terms still has berms, demons at many doors pounding

Standing at the edge with that solemn vow I pledge, my temperance has paid in spades
left the fight to find how LIFE is about constant learning

Keeping them at bay, even when we're ready to go astray, distant moaning in time with our groaning, our new game is to hear those Wolves constantly HOWLING R.C
Was done in line with my own sobriety birthday and recent talking with others and some close to me having abuse issues is a reminder of how it has never left me  and know the rules of life are constantly changing."PEACE TAKES PRACTICE"Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick
509 · Aug 2021
Beginning To End
wichitarick Aug 2021

In the beginning we never see a future or how our beginning is an unknown journey

Messes made of bodies minds and souls even with best intent we lose ownership undecisive we pay daily rent

Mind's eye open with blinders mass infusion removes 20/20 vision, Perception impossible to visualize when retention is blurry

Hard to nurture an unknown future, fail to feel gain when part of our conception of the addiction is the pain, withdrawal easier that trying to comprehend

Living in an ocean always floundering, current washes us out in a foamy flow living a ride against the tide, perpetual sinking easier on water that is murky

New friendship to replace hardship examples work if listening, best result is strength gained from sharing pain, first truths hardest to transcend

Making our way day by day, open mind policy is here to stay, flexible function permanent not stuck at the junction, moving on easiest when not frozen in worry

First step hard and largest, short paths still open large maps, reading them becomes part of our internal assent

Hard to heal a wound until it is found, injuries remain open when always removing the stitches, discovery best part of recovery

Hard to listen when always apprehensive, shell hard to break when feeling everyone is on the take, true freedom found when knowing we can become our own best friend

Sense of self hardest to find is felt rather from words or from books on a shelf,learn as we go finding something we did not know, basic lessons now part of self-preservation, life can no longer be taken as humbly R.C.
Although a little early, is from having thought of my own sobriety,drug free Birthday ! The lessons taken from this are freedom and honesty with myself.
I admit this started as more of what I still want to show in prose, not to read like a  "how to" guide but what has long term sobriety shown me?I often take life as lesson and this has  been the the biggest one. so will still works towards showing what I may have gained. appreciate your reading, your thoughts are helpful."Peace Takes Practice" Rick
509 · Oct 2017
wichitarick Oct 2017

Take your place this is not  a race ,soon to ask if what brought you here was worth the price

I just want to pay to not stand idle and reminisce ,that full cart & those 5 kids ahead should have been a sign of a long day

Never considered stealing but this has me reeling, rethinking my vow to always play nice

Opened the aspirin first ,now considering buying beer, my morning smile has turned to to a leer  

Mom forgot something, sent head child back into the wild,biding time who am to criticize

Enquirer SCREAMS u.f.o's here,looking around that is clear,now noticing for the first time all the kinds of mints & gum sold here

Dripping ice cream has me about to scream,the quality of my dinner determined by whatever else she buys

Muzak & me are about to have an epiphany,one more note could be all she wrote ,the elevator sounds of the seventies are becoming surreal

Patrons starting to pay heed they also want speed,pacing like bulls before the race ,just waiting to terrorize

Checker changing color, her eyes growing colder while bagger acting bolder,getting a few munchies is spinning into quite the ordeal

Her order finally tallied ,cheers break out from those who rallied ,she forgot her money so quickly I pay her fare ,just to escape, not caring if it is my own bills that are compromised . R..C
Little fun from the grocery store!  Our patience really is a virtue:) thank you for reading . Your input is helpful. thanks Rick
507 · Dec 2016
wichitarick Dec 2016
What if I had music coming from my tears would the speed they flowed increase my fears

Breaking out of the ritual & routine, what is to become, is yet to be seen

Some only know the ringing while others receive future symphonies into their ears

Is it going out or is it coming in ,receiving is pleasure while formation is pain

Tapping toes,passing time, routine melody's running around my mind melancholy muses hidden for years

A living link brought out in rhyme ,emotions are not a crime ones loss is anothers gain

whether the verse began as terse or left us enthralled,a vibe is delving into our souls

No language as a barrier when the music is the carrier,harmony as a role leaves little to explain

Simple vibrations outward gyrations making their way through our mind,inward bliss becoming one of our goals

Possibly imitating nature ,woodwinds finding their way back to the forest,birds

beckoning with their beaks new ,notes nice language for our brain

Sampling simplicity with a mellow tone,then all encompassing sounds making their rounds ,bringing beauty into our homes

Chants to chorus, raps to rhythms doling out the dirges that eventually encompass our souls. R.C.
Sounds,music seems to be the one neutral ground many can find temperance in? pretty simple considering the amount of time & parts of my soul I have allowed to become swallowed or covered by sound. Any input is appreciated.Rick
506 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
From the LIVING SIDE OF DEATH! So narrow minded that seeing  the world through the eye of a needle,self worth is now measured in micro-grams & by gauges ,our shame & no one to blame,simple conclusion or final convulsion,LIFE not STRIFE. Peace. R.C. 
503 · May 2017
wichitarick May 2017
SOUND INFLUENCE (Heard anything good lately)

A ping did ring just traveling out past anyone or anything that it may influence

Initial beat echoing into the street, wasting no time as it sends out it's vibe

Resounding resonance coming from deep within ,not bashful or sent for finesse

World of vibrations often felt more than seen ,sent out but not always receiving a reply

Simple softness with fluttering feathers,mild tweets & chirps from their beaks,
subtle sounds how they caress

Pitter patter of spring rain to the ROARING THUNDER each sending it's own message,making memories or bringing us to cry

Horns or bells warning or ringing with pride either to stand up or step aside
meant to reach out to us not to regresse

Whispers forming an aria ,rhythm and melody making an opera, singers following their feelings bringing some to a new high

Rocky rumblings rolling ,fire exploding ,waves splashing and crashing ,wailing winds
spinning she speaks, even though we try her voice we cannot suppress

Each object on it's own makes it's own tone ,brought together forming patterns to be understood ,our need for new scores we will never pacify

Which one will reach us maybe even teach us then bring us around for a frown or a smile that all started with a simple sound.R.C.
Always a new noise, at least it "sounded" like a good idea:) thanks for reading
I also like the way a lot of it is the same but taken in individually.
  any input is appreciated. Rick
502 · Jan 2017
wichitarick Jan 2017
Breaking out with nothing more than meager minds & meandering souls

Still not even a glimpse of that elusive blue sky for which other neighbors are willing to die

How bad the history to toss it in the wind & follow the passing wind for a new life taking on unknown roles

Leaving mongrels for fabulous futures overly protective she nurtures ,what will her resolve signify ?

Pressing passions peeking out ,climbing onto a new board will the beauty be worth the unpaid tolls?

Integral,meshed strength from mind,body & soul are the naysayers merely jealous of this because they have a short supply?

How can people have no country when they are standing on firm ground then who becomes the master to confirm or deny

Mass exodus from natures over abundance or her maximum denial ,in the distance are new goals

People proud of their past yet forgetting from where they came who are they to say I am just some guy?

Living with a new label "stranger in a strange land" now with life's biggest gamble

whether coming east,west,north or south all simply seeking new homes.R.C.
Could have tried harder,but simple thoughts after helping some folks ,literally arriving to the middle of the U.S. from parts unknown Africa with the shirt on their back,but with more strength than to many others I have met in recent times,imagine learning to wear a coat for the first time at 40 yrs. old? :) But it also still begs the question,are they gaining something or losing something as they become "Americanized" ? I appreciate any in put "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
492 · Dec 2017
wichitarick Dec 2017

Busy bird fluttering on my soul, hidden meaning what will be it's role

Caged for contempt unwilling to repent ,inept inside desiring early release

Facing a failed future ,forced into a silent interior,should we seek a new goal

Flexible figures can face the wind ,standing upright, will the doubt decrease

Taking daily tests trying to remove the torture,join the pieces to make whole

Face to face before & after has become a lifelong race,pain will only increase

Left looking out leaves more room for doubt,daily ritual takes it's toll

Left lingering ,restless then mindless meandering, but also time for a new belief

Seeing them soaring leaves my mind exploring ,will new visions need an overhaul

Bees countless trips produce plentiful pollen,requiring endless work but bringing great relief

Taking a new view mind partially askew ,past lessons played out ,but ready to remain open and face each new squall.R.C.
Learning to adapt ,finding new lessons in many things around us,change is always part of growing. Hopefully not forced to just sit and stare out a window.
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
486 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
Do we use the glossary when searching the back pages of our lives  follow the indexes when something perplexes
Motions making sounds ,representing actions & reactions ,lessons forming curiosity ,constantly seeking answers
Surrounding ourselves with sounds ,breaking into syllables ,basics as a beginning then hopefully turning us into detectives
Now lessons become narratives not always with a heart moving title ,but open feelings harder to bridle, days forming chapters

As new breaths begin in a nursery, mysteries are awaiting within the walls & halls ,nooks & books of  depositories
From embryo to a first cleansing ,protection is constant ,warmth of blankets envelop similar to bindings encasing the fruits comprised on papyrus.
Opening the world through the first window ,light ,sky, flowing forms taken in with a healthy grin,integral parts of out future stories
The main doors as a cover  ,silence is golden while the words are screaming ,what is first? a daily rag ,twirling of the mighty globe?
facts or fiction now lay  fractured

Fondly absorbing phonics ,tasting the clicks or ticks & annunciations  still samples for future refining
Labeled as language or merely absorbed as sound forming ,trying to become an individual expression
Flashcards as roots into an inner corridor, signals separated with commas dots or dashes ,awaiting future defining
Roads or paths laid out like aisles, alphabetized such as street names shelves as floors of buildings ,books as unopened doors to a new lesson

A long life search no longer monotonous as a Dewey decimal offered ,but click or a flick ,automated corrections leaving many clueless
Even building faith often based within bindings ,factors of fame or items for blame made best by those who clearly see the text
Holidays as often as book of the month ,b.m.i. becomes t.m.i. , forever offering lessons in hindsight ,many offerings to amuse
A mind akin to a vault taking in all offerings  by default ,endless it seems for storage capacity ,Librarians or doctors can off a new zest.R.C.
472 · Dec 2021
wichitarick Dec 2021
New age blindly falling from grace, fighting a hidden enemy

Teen and anxious once the norm now a psych diagnosis, distress taken as some bad label

Faceless facts hard to retract, flashing light world in blight, Harum-scarum analysis isn't reality

Inner truth now given to a mental sleuth, hidden truth never seen, cause and effect does it mentally disable or inadvertently enable

Swallowing knowledge left us choking,  repetition offers no variation, life has no on or off switch, harder to remain stable when emotions are constantly displayed openly on the table so irrationally

Paranoid covered in a blanket of fear, selected target our mind now a part of the market, pointing at humans being inhumane part of the game, being playful becoming a lost fable

Why always recall when you're about to fall, simple shuffle of memory cards can show greener yards, following pre-plotted maps leads to another casualty

Not as bad as it appears, forget learning to simply survive, permanent pessimist, Impossible to relax when buried in facts, wasteful worry replacing meaningful ways to remain grateful

Instant diagnoses blown into multi tethered prognosis, finding middle ground when being told you're not normal or crazy leaves many lacking, losing leverage when searching for adequacy

Mass medias senseless sayings gather no moss to keep the blues ball rolling, taking fun from function,  new dog and pony show, subconsciously afraid, living life now seen as something fateful

Digging our own graves, personal pall bearers for basic thought, selling freedom for an unfulfilled diagnosis, words a magic elixir, removing ways to face fear rationally

Social wisdom masking the freedom of a child to walk through a puddle instead of a lifetime of insight finding knowledge to walk around them, remembering to smile gives strength to go the extra mile, life on life's terms need not be painful. R.C.
First thoughts were follow up on something I did before on  basic thoughts being changed by negative feedback,or "feeling" something mentally wrong when it is just LIFE! goes deeper and wider than simple prose allows and is now several generations deep,do we try and reverse this?  or become scared of our shadows? :) thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful,PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. Rick
468 · Jun 2017
wichitarick Jun 2017

Outside looking in what can be seen skirts or flirts on the edge , fulfilling an unknown need

Earliest teachings see a smiling sun as a reason to arise ,dancing dinosaurs deliver so many merry messages to learn

Listening & learning, inquiring of future ventures, at our most powerful yet still naive

Human mind always biding time,bored at idle seeking that bigger title,not content with stepping down, rising to the top  for what we yearn

Some catch it early making it harder to stop,testing limits, whole pictures broken to remnants,setting plans for a future we cannot perceive  

Starting on a smooth safe road why test the speed limit ,veering off the straight & onto a narrow downhill path with a obvious dangerous curve

Security leaves many secluded often growing with maturity,fear of this also makes many strike out, a break from boredom ,mindless reprieve

Most never know of their falling, others find it appalling ,seeing ourselves through a tainted mind so we don't reveal the curse

Started on soft sand ready to deal with matters at hand ,slowly adapting,reaching out,grasping needing more & more to keep our mind at ease

Many simply stroll along in idle awaiting what is final,while a sibling or friend
move into motions that cannot be put in reverse

So is it learned or taught or in the D.N.A. ,short or here to stay  ,or self taught
coping skills formed into a disease .......restriction,constriction

So how is it we go blindly onto a trail that may eventually derail,what signs or signals should  have been  heard ,having full control is ultimately what we deserve.R.C.
Tried to stay with the first thought,at what stage to we start learning to find an easier way or do something to make "it" easier,or when does does making excuses become full blown addiction ? the freedom of thinking for ourselves is maybe not as honest as some may feel it is. The freedom it has given me is the strongest thing I have ever achieved so I often have to remind myself. Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
465 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
With the world watching a virtuous soul is now presented, porous as a sponge  blindly absorbing life
Simple cause taken on without the applause ,not self seeking but more a fellowship of thinking
helping others to decrease a possible pressure ,naturally obligated by their own inward beauty hiding self righteous strife
Lifes progression played as simple evolution ,also reasoning with simple goodness coming naturally with no blinking

  Many brought into redemption even before conception, playing life as a parable will be good for their soul
They build natural wealth by not showing favor. walking tall, facing forward taking a stand while not being standoffish
Fellows with friendship easily find kinship in what mutual aid there is to give away ,freely  taking on any role
Normal folks with nominal means paying penance , providing blindly for others ,giving rather than being selfish

Humans acting coarsely can be part of the picture ,further testing each others  humanity
While many of us show promise & always perpetuate common courtesies ,fewer show perfection with gratitude
without showing An outward goal not freely recognizing their basic role not to become enveloped in the vanity
Not blind but with blinders ,risking without being risque governing of their morality is now their internal attitude

  Always having lived in a spiral ,the living sphere the bountiful bowl adjusting ,making room , to arise above the gloom
Not anointed,never seeking personal gain but truly absorbing fellow peoples pain,passing it on in a progression of kindhearted folk
Simple as an up front demeanor paying a cost for freedom ,karma ,day by day ,pay to stay ,sweeping ALL  the corner to sleep in the room
Melding fortunes of anonymous humanity is brick by brick helping good fortunes stick ,solid marks on humanity they did invoke. R.C
Written as a self note,or the awareness of some people that came into mine & my teenage daughters life, asking for nothing,promoting nothing,expecting nothing but maybe to pass it on. a village can raise a child.people subtly pointing a safe direction will pay in many multiples for us all. Peace takes practice. Rick
458 · Jul 2017
wichitarick Jul 2017

Super sun bringing all assortment of energy,creating life

Cowering under it while also bowing to it ,taking the strength provided

Blessed by the warmth then cursed by heat, following while falling in strife

How strong our need blessed by it's speed ,with it our patterns are guided

Without it's mass the day is less giving .earth left in her berth like  man with no wife

So much dependence, making all around us more splendid  and  many more excited

In control of dusk & dawn ,forming the basics for common man from the sky

Growing from it's glow a warm friendship it does bestow, forming a foundation for the climate

Closest star  many more afar, don't dare stare into the glare, so far away yet the strength is nearby

All that we see started with that light, bringing endless energy, grand aurora showing the finest

Rolling on the axis  divided by the light, mother earth finds solstice  making do comfortably

Reflection on the moon in the night, from crescent or full helping to keep our sight
a great orb that will always remain a giant . R.C.
Seemed fitting for the hot summer heat. but the same sun will be welcome in Jan. so we keep it in perspective when we have seasons at least. I appreciate your thoughts & your reading. thanks. Rick
452 · Sep 2017
wichitarick Sep 2017

New dawn new day cup of joe to begin the day,starting in line helping to create more urban decay

Waiting out winters feeding the flock, spring warmth brings bringing ceaseless hours for that new crop

Daily mail brings new news while men in a truck pick up the muck,while another prepares to make repairs while caught up in the drudgery  

Clerks & cashiers line up with peers at home behind desks or registers ,more & more simply wanting to beat that clock

Many in uniform protecting the rest from the next storm ,defending all of us & themselves stubbornly

Famous factories forged many generations in fire ,painting a lifestyle for many to admire,building a nations foundation in solid rock

Times change ,full circle to a broad range ,equal rights brings new light ,hoping to help move many upwardly

Wheels of rubber or of steel always moving ready to help seal a deal ,someone at the helm across the nation or around the block

Many more labor with lumber like ants on erector sets,from floors to steeple ,finalizing with grass & shrubbery

Miles of coastline mean fisherman don't flounder,line or net they get what they get anything to feed the ever growing flock

Others eager to learn for new knowledge they do yearn ,teachers take on the task to guide the classrooms fortunately

So paid in  sweat equity or in blood for the brood,  many gather at the end of the day
but never forget to tip the barmaid or tender at your local brewery. R.C.
A little fun for labor day! Maybe could have went another way & thoughts for all those callouses and bulging discs or grief some of our bodies pay for that payday:) My best to people. Thanks for reading & your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2016
Surrounded by chatter meaningless voices taking on no life, not growing close enough to truly matter
That single thought is wrought from inside a busy mind ,buzzing then blinking
Revolutions revealed then quickly covered by the layers of life then quickly shatter
Tuning in to turn on catching a wave of thoughts as they turn to foam,again rethinking

Basic beginning quickly becoming whirlwinds,people &places; bumping into times
Continuing in passing, possibly collecting in small portions,randomly puddling
Opening a new window brings stronger rushes Spiraling sounds rises then declines
A slower gap looking back, a moment then forward to groping screaming notions doubling

Fright never settles ,even with jolly Conceptions begging for more attention
Building of life despite flashes of phantoms whisking into familiar forms
Calm is often felt as a negative the pace a race forming an unseen addiction
No barrier and often the weight to great for a single carrier waiting to preform

Compared to clouds ,billowing rising with heat brought down with cool rain
Downward it came, leaving even heaving it's cleanliness awash in a confused mind
Maybe thoughts controlled by gravity all the weight taking taking a lower seat with the pain
Bewildering how many mannerisms present themselves ,then wreckage offers a new page
reluctantly we open it back up to see what we may find. R.C.
Probably NOT vivid enough:) or at least at times, trying to turn OFF
a brain with no switch. Rick
448 · Aug 2016
wichitarick Aug 2016
What is left to say if simply transcribing another's  antidotes

Will not knowing an idiom from a metaphor automatically make me an idiot?

Left to our own devices now will be up to the reader who surmises  or denotes

Will particles of paraphrases become our own, simply a contest to find the wittiest?

Alliteration in our communication stresses our sounds like more bass from out throats

Faced with future facsimiles will we ponder to produce our own or leave us inexperienced

Seemingly sly salutations setting by the wayside wishing to be brought forward for their own votes

Smooth as a baby's **** some configurations combine to make them the silkiest

Sometimes simple silly slogans become our deepest thought leaving little to decode

Tricky trusty truisms tantalize while beige boring subtitles often stand the test

Reaching for fruit that will fall anyway,does it become easier to the take the lesser road

Reading and receiving often one sided or deceiving, playing differently when put into
writing it will now be left to the reader to decode. R.C.
This wasn't meant to be so much my building disgust for "google geniuses" or c&p; "originality" but wanted to pull more from synonyms of phrases ,also with memory problems & reading a lot is something not noticed when we apply a new word for description? But thought the idea is fun.thanks.I am trying clean up some of my ramblings,so any input is appreciated thanks. Rick
443 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
Anchors aweigh they say as they also stand  two abreast for a silent moment to pray
Motions are made ,each vital in their role, laying to rest a comrades soul is the final goal
With ceremonious pride another mate laid over the side ,counting fathoms for a place to lay
Sounds of Taps against the mist of white caps brings strength maybe hiding the need to console

Many maidens of many seas have always awaited with their welcoming nets
Kiss of the wind or the breath of Poseidon if your on top it is below they want you residing
Morning sky's to moonbeams allowing enough light to guide as another mate is welcomed to the depths
All nationality's are linked by the bond accepted when cast to sea to let the waves do the guiding

All manner of craft, different from stern to aft ,leaning or listing albeit port to starboard
Always needing hands for the cargo's & their holds, the lady's open with  welcoming gangplanks
Whether active or after the fact  as an act or accident ,last rites can not be bartered
Calling from Atlantis no better honor could she grant us than laid to rest while closing ranks

Flying a flag on high as representative of allegiance  or to pay homage for brotherhood of crew
Waving banners laid out for good manners as ceremonial processes proceed ,with Officer of the Deck calling
"All hands bury the dead".
A chaplain may pray to those that stay ,joining with others to do what is right for their brothers for the card they drew
A journey that began from a pier or a berth ,from crows nest to gallows with trolls ,swabee or swashbucklers ,sardine's or submariners
Mates of all rates treated as equals ,if paying the highest toll, when checking off the final logs the names all blend together
   when the new home will be at the deepest fathoms they can not tread . R.C.
Written for memorial day for burial at sea.   Thank you. Rick
441 · Mar 2022
Sax Sets The Tone
wichitarick Mar 2022
Sax Sets The Tone

Pick or choose will vibes come from Jazz or blues

Music often invokes passion, playing from the heart reads from a musicians chart

Many notes get varied votes, orchestral highs too skid row lows

Enjoyment a goal with their deployment, free verse is footloose while Romantic feels poetic

For rockers guitar often takes lead, other styles use woodwinds to set the speed, maestro out front for their shows

Alto, baritone,soprano,different levels to revel, split reed distorts the feed, minstrel moans wildly while a crooner leaves us lovesick

Many think jazz as boring, while mellow fellow rises to screaming madness before realizing to whom they owe the gladness

Many sounds from minor or profound fill a niche melodies answer a hidden wish, true artists can naturally FEEL authentic

Wonder now if Mr. Sax would relax hearing how his sound has become so profound, widely heard from orchestras ,bar rooms and radios

We are left to take our pick of how a sound will get our vote, systemic strumming or a low humming,from Brass you ask? for some the equation only answered if the SAX is majestic.
Was done from a prompt about the saxaphone! was msuic so felt it would be easy to set the "tone" I often use msuic to set my vibe or find ideas with prose
so also seemed like a way to pay back the karma:) Thanks Peace. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
COLD,rush of warm,BLOOD ?,****,quiet,choices? confusion? feeling? grey,ringing in very low tones,911 in a blizzard? wait and find the cuts ,big mess ,broken tables,? will the others know I am "broken" pain LOL ,LIVING in short bursts,how many joints can you dislocate at once? IT pushes me down WHY,WHEN,MAYBE FORGET THIS TIME? clicking sounds dark,blue,green,feelings flat lined?VERY small mind,closed,peeking out? IT WON'T LEAVE RICK
Taking strength from confusion. Rick
436 · Apr 2017
wichitarick Apr 2017
Fluctuating feelings,endless raindrops flowing freely in our minds beginning with weeping...
Simple expressions smirking, smiling never beguiling picking up perceived perceptions...
Gradually graduating, waiting to be defined curiosity as a helper.
Adding to a emotional list,simple samples to leave us smiling, storing fledgling perceptions.
Growth of anonymous senses without pretenses layering in levels loosely stacked.
Unknown actions can create new consciousness clear paths rapidly become another titillation,unfocused, acquiring new knowledge of our senses.

Fables or cut & dried on a table, reminders of danger, more learning is required, to be careful, actions have reactions.
Middle aged resilience leans towards laziness , simple lessons idly waiting, rising or raging hormones...
Maybe now reverting back to to an open minded teenage mess.
Stop,think, forward with learned caution ,processing procedures or fall into flagrant mating.
The lessons learned thrown aside, spontaneity instead of logic, not reasoning for future distress.

Friendly, finicky, joyful, jovial, anxious, regressing, positive, become life shaping a personality.
Lessons falling from skies ,bubbling from underneath, like it or not always along the pathway
Absorbing through language, actions, maybe lineal, inherited...then sharpened to become more an internal part of our individuality.
In stages - never really understanding the gauges - a deeper spirit ,developing whit clamoring, climbing up a bit.
Finding feelings, new intensities, finding with more fervour, progressing with new sentimentality...

Fluctuating with a daily play, goodness with glee, sadness with wrath, passion with affection...
Sensibility - gifted through experiences - leading to instinct, forming, acquiring apathy.
Flowing like chad, ribbons of color, grandiose glitter - as if from an exploding pinata. A distraction or attraction...

Do we learn to love or live to love?
Left with only what we've lived...
The feeling; our only collection. R.C.
Maybe a little rough around the edges but is how my mind was feeling when I was putting those thoughts & feelings down.
  The mental mind game of reconstructing or re learning tastes,smells as they link to visual or audio sounds simple ,until we have a blank slate, what if BLUE were always HOT now? but fascinating how ready we are to adapt :) no excuses just take that step can be a great way to fix what ails you:) thanks for reading I appreciate any input.Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Awakened to a shimmering light bring us out of the darkest night

Easily showing it keeps growing ,can such a broad spectrum be covered by grey

Lumber from our slumber,slim wishes for the day ,what will be found to make the afternoon bright

Hidden deeply behind daily shadows will make bringing a band of color closer even harder to stay

Maintaining mundane mindsets, becoming locked into the lowdown, needing that crack in the glass to let in some light

Gradual gradation slowly shows it's beauty ,brightening the darkest corners is it's way

Bland can be burdensome with no outlets for pressures ,then simple specters delight

Clouds can form many formulas ,brewing,billowing into blackness but as the sun shines through relaxing into a true versicolor display

Globally roaming in a battle of adversity,sometimes brightly beaming  or closing darkening bring about fright

Displayed across a valley marbled mosaics showing the prisms before the darkness  won't let it play

Blinded by blackness most remain sedated while others accept iridescence,
with it's colored arc we remain pacified .R.C.
Had the visual idea ,could have tried harder with thoughts of our minds or actions and comings and goings of fast moving weather. Thanks you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
432 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
Rolling ,falling ,tumbling , taking on traditions of gravity ,more sincere than religion in its nature
Building from a budding breath,carousing on unsure footing ,climbing relentlessly though unchecked
Frugal in thought, never realizing the true systems that should have been wrought,time will pay as they mature
Blind ambitions masking all intentions, reckless rampage forcing itself upward,but still remaining unprotected

Slowly growing ,taking on new ways, actively rising still uncompromising with a pattern littered with phantoms
daily paying a penance, yet still offering little resistance ,life's luscious moments taking up most of our time
Promises made against hands yet unplayed ,as new trials present themselves matching resistance paid with higher ransoms
Middle ground now meeting ,raking together a center piece more exposed ,playing pasts with hopes for a nicer future rhyme

Brazen bravery shown ,learned as we have grown but with a cost ,missing links leaving out parts of passion
Some may see it as cold ,individually known as bold , still playing part as the trait is linked to our fate
Moments of reason sometimes switching with the seasons , true reason still not a daily part of the ration
Blameless behavior, based without  any reasonable facts, part of how we now react,responsibility now a closing gate

Those cautions we were warned to use now showing themselves as deeper wounds ,time building up a more visible wall
Climbing the ladder ,missing a few rungs  allowable lessons but at what cost, once frozen but still willing to face the frost
Individuals moving with learned motivations but still relying on past lessons ,learning slowly may become part of the final downfall
So we may pick or choose lifes lessons ,making room for our own reasons ,just playing along ,waging like winners so all is never lost.
427 · May 2016
wichitarick May 2016
How many squares on the checker board , one against one comes with an allowance
letting another progress so to see the weakness make a play but when will they pay
Color not as important as numbers ,actions still being based on reactions, secretly basking on their incompetence
Progression can be placid or briskly making its way to persevere, paving  a hidden path seen as the winning way

seeing just squares on a board rectangles have four sides ,then why not four players
Red and Black are known as blood and death, is an unknown hidden mire behind the supposedly simple game
Check and balances is often a tale of life, opposing sides as part of strife ,are we to be patrons or purveyors
Positive motions  moving forward often with hidden emotions ,outside actions can not interfere others can make a counterclaim

Passively we can make allow a process, shifting a game without showing shame, while the partner pays the penance
Premeditation using a  shadowy mindset is now an advantage, parceled out  as actions instead of knee **** reactions
Cresting high creating confusion can create new abilities rather than the perceived disabilities when making a play against tenants
Small disks now taking on a new role with different risks ,stacking for strength ,focusing while also shifting still hiding our passions

Piece to piece ,place to place, face to face, laid out on the table ready to begin realizing only one will be left to guard the stable
flip of a coin to decide the beginner, but many processes will be engaged ,passing on ,leaning back before we decide a true winner
Mid game break or mid life crisis ,the surrounding hushes or whispers happen making an unknown mark yet to have a true label
Payed with the subconscious and some sweat ,hopefully no act has made something possible so we're not seen a just a beginner R.C.
Just fun,from watching "to smart" honors kids playing checkers like it was LIFE or DEATH :) Rick
424 · Jun 2021
wichitarick Jun 2021
WILted FLOWer CHild

Each generation looks forward condemning those from their past

Generational passion played out in rations, brewed in the bellies of momma who don't always plan for future drama

Dreams start as a child minor or mild, gentle inside inane shows itself from pleasant too insane

Dismiss the silly human race yet them rebelling is simply keeping up with others pace, invent the intent never truly marking time for karma

Burned bridges serve no purpose when the raging river remains, living legends are for learning more often leaves followers just yearning, lost within others' views your freedom is truly cast by what they proclaim

Grandma and grandpa now in tie dyed rockers showing grand-kids peace signs with arthritic hands, dementia-tinged memories of groovy songs that weren't all wrong, hard to show them the way if minds won't play, more of a clash in the current genre

New beginning not about right, wrong or sinning, visions of paradise few willing to compromise, Vision of pro-life lost because focus is only their own and at any cost, hard to see fate if lost in hate, an easy life lost in strife meanings harder to explain

Summer of love changing to winter of hate, players forecasting their fate, Life is what we make it, feeding a passion internally to rise up against unknown enemies, many new ways to view what is proclaimed as  righteous dogma

Many in strife fail to see the miracle of Life, enhanced by her luster, fail to realize beyond personal pleasure, to quick to insert they can,t make it here anymore,many now seem to complain just to entertain

Violence is nothing new always a tale of old and another view, folkies seen as yokels ,many more feeling Stuck in the shiny side of hell, Dance of death becoming their new aura

Lost at sea on their own ego ship, face into a wind of change, simple sailors see the sea taste the salt, new life looks to the skies, still similar neither content seeing life through a stagnate windowpane

Love and Peace replaced by blood in the street, Race is short and over before knowing if pain was worth gain, quickly played out in pluses or minuses, left in solitude with just the story, love ins lost to bad tastes of twitter and strangers on facebooks hidden melodrama

West meets east in Peace, returns in violence, lovely day gone astray as  another hatemonger starts a foray, wilted flower child needs a new drink from that characteristic bottle of champagne R.C
Think it explains itself, but is also worthy of more than a passing thought
has ways a generation views the world changed so suddenly or now more prone to mass media and ways they and we process information? "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jun 2018

Treacherous mix of trash that was supposed to be yesterday now lost

Today slow to reveal itself often not brazen, memories forgotten on a shelf

Finding moments of mental freedom become gifts ,constantly tested, but is there a cost

What mind set was there before it made itself known,maybe in limbo or just a hidden Hell

Can we safely question a scale with no balance ,Is it safe to seek a new heart without knowing our own soul

Time, it began, we know it will end, are my expressions today helping the happiness that I wish to dwell

Forward,forward until we fall ,time stands still until finding a new call,left wondering what will be our new role

Banished back to basics found forming new senses,will they be replenished or left to live as an infidel

Exchange days for daze alert for a maze,bad odds to begin a race ,improvement is now always the main goal

Yesterday lost,Searching in today ,unsure of tomorrow has left us stranded in middle ground focused again on something to repair

No longer comfortable with being "fine" or o.k. to just whine,was something missed or will we be prepared with this constricted confidence for a rise or fall if suddenly swept up in the next squall. R.C.
was originally the idea many have of always being in limbo of either sick or recovering ,so when does the "normal" time start or end? is hard to explain for many,is also different than many other problems in that we DO recover ,only to crash over and over again so it becomes a revolving door .
  The patterns of this can become your undoing if you let it.
Thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
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