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May 2016 · 214
wichitarick May 2016
My souls sanity stays in balance only because of my understanding of how my past & my present are in a fine balance together.
  Never to let them meet ,they must remain discreet
  But not naive to think they both don't play a role
  The clearing of our minds is useful but the present is part of the past
   Age is the dominant factor but it gains the strength from previous delusions

  Many scream WHEN WILL IT END never recalling where it began
  If we want to stay, part of the price we must pay
  Is to live in harmony with our ourselves,not stuck but knowing we never ran
  We will be led astray is a natural fact, it is behind but also part of today.R.C.
May 2016 · 430
wichitarick May 2016
Rolling ,falling ,tumbling , taking on traditions of gravity ,more sincere than religion in its nature
Building from a budding breath,carousing on unsure footing ,climbing relentlessly though unchecked
Frugal in thought, never realizing the true systems that should have been wrought,time will pay as they mature
Blind ambitions masking all intentions, reckless rampage forcing itself upward,but still remaining unprotected

Slowly growing ,taking on new ways, actively rising still uncompromising with a pattern littered with phantoms
daily paying a penance, yet still offering little resistance ,life's luscious moments taking up most of our time
Promises made against hands yet unplayed ,as new trials present themselves matching resistance paid with higher ransoms
Middle ground now meeting ,raking together a center piece more exposed ,playing pasts with hopes for a nicer future rhyme

Brazen bravery shown ,learned as we have grown but with a cost ,missing links leaving out parts of passion
Some may see it as cold ,individually known as bold , still playing part as the trait is linked to our fate
Moments of reason sometimes switching with the seasons , true reason still not a daily part of the ration
Blameless behavior, based without  any reasonable facts, part of how we now react,responsibility now a closing gate

Those cautions we were warned to use now showing themselves as deeper wounds ,time building up a more visible wall
Climbing the ladder ,missing a few rungs  allowable lessons but at what cost, once frozen but still willing to face the frost
Individuals moving with learned motivations but still relying on past lessons ,learning slowly may become part of the final downfall
So we may pick or choose lifes lessons ,making room for our own reasons ,just playing along ,waging like winners so all is never lost.
wichitarick May 2016
Almost overwhelming for many we all just wait! can we see IT,I live every day in redemption but when? why the wait? when I peek over the side will IT pull me IN or or will "IT" push me OVER? "IT' hovers over moves around ,front and back, I smiled and waved "IT" slammed me to the ground, My soul smiles my gate is frozen,I lost my ticket, The more steps I take away from the gate the harder IT pushes me back, REDEMPTION IS FINE-WAITING IS HELL! Rick
wichitarick May 2016
COLD,rush of warm,BLOOD ?,****,quiet,choices? confusion? feeling? grey,ringing in very low tones,911 in a blizzard? wait and find the cuts ,big mess ,broken tables,? will the others know I am "broken" pain LOL ,LIVING in short bursts,how many joints can you dislocate at once? IT pushes me down WHY,WHEN,MAYBE FORGET THIS TIME? clicking sounds dark,blue,green,feelings flat lined?VERY small mind,closed,peeking out? IT WON'T LEAVE RICK
Taking strength from confusion. Rick
wichitarick May 2016
Thanks I awoke suddenly 2.a.m.? pain? confusion? broken? Medication ***** I'd rather be an addict again.breathing color,feeling in reds and yellows,taste in silver like metal hearing ,blue gray,fading, I would like to SCREAM but then others will know,burning? cold?afraid to lay down ,haunting dreams,can only smile with eyes closed,pushing,pulling, from the inside,I am ******* "IT" off,clear but numb,a fishbowl,sleep while standing? HURT? NO, LIFE Rick
One of the first "ramblings" I saved or at least had a direction, written in between black outs after emerging from seizures,relying on smells and hearing to arouse memory,using music to find triggers.
  Any input is appreciated.thank you. Rick
May 2016 · 244
wichitarick May 2016
Don't ever forget yourself, a new journey with two souls
Takes a different strength making you unique
Letting another world come into your own, it becomes a fine line
Upright,stable& strong,has to carry on,when helping the other is one of your goals

  Able to comprehend life may have become fraction ed but will continue as a whole
Broken bliss,seeing through the eyes of another leaves more & more for one soul to gather
Viewing as more than a whole ,forming a single mind to greater than 100 percent has become your role
Taking on weight without showing constraint .facing facts, we becoming one is not seen as a hazard

  Love as a tool, to be tested without normal devices as known on a scale diagram or chart
   A Break through in bonding , sharpening into an an unbreakable edge ,spelling out our future
  Taking on vital breaths that now reach into the depths, losing a single soul ,becoming a single heart
Used to making not breaking ,adjustment to fixing is knowledge ,wisdom you becoming OUR tutor

   A passing day had a contained amount of hours working for health never for  sorrow
  Actions are always met with reactions ,silly phrases passed on by those blissfully unaware
  Flexibility has  added value to OUR cause ,forward as an action,increasing wealth not to borrow
Building,amassing ,rising into a simple routine is now an extreme ,simple function is now a grand affair

   Insurance on a persons future is a comedy of sorts ,bets on a bus wreck on an unknown heavily traversed road
   Born into patterns ,modeling our lives with check and balances ,meeting resistance and yearning ,learning
  Some never know the depths ,casualties of others ,then slowly erode into places unknown,resistant
   but have been given the other to carry the weight ,both going blindly through a doorway of blackness
    accepting life as is it has been bestowed...................Rick
May 2016 · 222
wichitarick May 2016
Never wrestle with my past I knew they wouldn't last fleeting memories never a granite foundation.

No soul searching never a big awakening, a bit, the piece, a voice a whisper even a howling degradation.

A fixation a focus to solid to ever let it flow,our stagnation.

See today but never dream of tomorrow,the peers their presence glaring almost obscene.

Our lust should be to look past it all to ever be serene.

Have comfort & find Peace in yourself by finding your integrity in a MIRROR! R.C.
May 2016 · 214
wichitarick May 2016
Wipe the wetness from my brow,wash the tears from glasses, so normal for me now,so alone but will soon join the masses,No pain no gain,all those distant silly phrases,Have become so in tune with the strain,recognize everything has just happened in phases,It just sits there staring,beckoning calling,glaring,the mask so long ago removed,now I no longer acknowledge the pain,to greet them with my old strength they never understand the truth that I hide,what will I win  in the end? Rick
May 2016 · 267
wichitarick May 2016
Daily lives filled with anything or everything with little boundaries ,samples of simple  emotion
Playing the odds against time ,dancing a little with a  rhyme   hopping along wishing well without diversion
The proud patriot or clever child sharing the want or need for the way to be mild ,blissfully breathing without the commotion
A fresh light is brought on endless worldly lives ,plants ,animals higher or lower all a part of a chain ,simply seeking provision

Bright is much more polite than black ,glowing or glimmering not often associated with blight
Not forcing the focus , a simpler system to just keep parts of living un defined ,not blind, just never tightening the bind
Facing friction head on while it may bring resolve ,often leaves that rash from the scraping ,now the future maybe quick to avoid a plight
Awaking with glossy emotions brings out the hidden giggle an extra wiggle ,maybe possible pressures out of sight but not out of mind

Deliberate Fragmentation of reasoning makes a new journey between a solid desire and a restless soul
As living progresses pressure is always mounting, often leveling, seen from many ways, promising nothing to the past
Stability is easy to unhitch ,flinching needn't be a medical term ,to much baseless fantasy is now left in control.
Needing can be taken as pleasing ,don't show blame if your the helping hand ,negativity will just leave all aghast

Hidden lagging lament showing slowly  as the way to self resent ,but now a new way to play has come to stay
A hidden smirk no longer a quirk but a strong sensible smile:) Jubilation part of our candor is now a daily standard
Will the new way of being stabilize into a final foundation ?, with permanent resilience not just a new way to pay
Corruptions can be addicting even to the soul, paranoia in passing is now the new thrill ,euphoria and all that it render. R.C.
May 2016 · 365
wichitarick May 2016
Peoples advice of an upside down frown when your down although simple is better than nothing at all
Passion playing  ,positioning in places as opposition builds ,back against the rising wall learning self support to not fall
Picking up pieces fitting advice  for something scattered , not forgetting it originally had to be broken as in a brawl
Taking in a tickle as a natural reaction helps to build karma for that future vibe,fresh feelings without the eight ball

Universal recognition, giggling baby's bringing down giants ,pole to pole taking on the same role
ooze & awes provide a positive side, building simple smiling  who knew it could get beguiling
A little tickle producing a powerful giggle,then that obvious wiggle ,flowing on adding karma to our soul
Ear to ear a  description for a grin so devilish some might see it as a sin ,from sadness its appearance could be wiling

Many famous figures having made their impact with a burst of cheer ,forever deep seated not merely a veneer
Smirk as a style not down like a frown, obviously not meant to defile ,gathering glee such an easy way to be
Sending a signal now referred to as a selfie casually contains a twinkle ,keeping the attitude of hope is a positive way to steer
Lifes later lessons of fate and all the weight come about naturally ,joy and jubilance quickly become a way to agree

  Cosmopolitan candor without ever making a sound ,language of millions just awaiting a new reason to form a grin
Relating to a pitter patter can be followed with a titter tatter, accepted cackles bring a pleasant response
Many find frowns easier than submitting to a sly snicker ,faking their frivolity becomes more a challenge from within
Language of laughter is at least fun to continue the practice ,never gaining perfection ,practice never perfect will not be known as harsh :)
R.C.. :)
May 2016 · 483
wichitarick May 2016
Do we use the glossary when searching the back pages of our lives  follow the indexes when something perplexes
Motions making sounds ,representing actions & reactions ,lessons forming curiosity ,constantly seeking answers
Surrounding ourselves with sounds ,breaking into syllables ,basics as a beginning then hopefully turning us into detectives
Now lessons become narratives not always with a heart moving title ,but open feelings harder to bridle, days forming chapters

As new breaths begin in a nursery, mysteries are awaiting within the walls & halls ,nooks & books of  depositories
From embryo to a first cleansing ,protection is constant ,warmth of blankets envelop similar to bindings encasing the fruits comprised on papyrus.
Opening the world through the first window ,light ,sky, flowing forms taken in with a healthy grin,integral parts of out future stories
The main doors as a cover  ,silence is golden while the words are screaming ,what is first? a daily rag ,twirling of the mighty globe?
facts or fiction now lay  fractured

Fondly absorbing phonics ,tasting the clicks or ticks & annunciations  still samples for future refining
Labeled as language or merely absorbed as sound forming ,trying to become an individual expression
Flashcards as roots into an inner corridor, signals separated with commas dots or dashes ,awaiting future defining
Roads or paths laid out like aisles, alphabetized such as street names shelves as floors of buildings ,books as unopened doors to a new lesson

A long life search no longer monotonous as a Dewey decimal offered ,but click or a flick ,automated corrections leaving many clueless
Even building faith often based within bindings ,factors of fame or items for blame made best by those who clearly see the text
Holidays as often as book of the month ,b.m.i. becomes t.m.i. , forever offering lessons in hindsight ,many offerings to amuse
A mind akin to a vault taking in all offerings  by default ,endless it seems for storage capacity ,Librarians or doctors can off a new zest.R.C.
May 2016 · 333
wichitarick May 2016
The seduction of our Salivary  glands began with masses of often overlapping flavors
  Tingling  leap start ,wide eyed but also an abrupt whoa,terrible to terrific
Oblivious ,willing to try ,why not ,blending in the beginning  learning tastes as translators
Breathing in and licking the lips ,wiggling and giggling ,is it? is it? OH the dog.

   Sensory sensations occurring regardless of our inhibitions or wants or needs ,occurring around ,mild or profound
   Youthfully gullible , playing a new game ,scents & smells starting to form deeper wells
  Blush with a rush ,warming into oranges the pinks more profound when arising into the reds ,leaping circling around
Begging for release from the beginning ,but unknown excitement rising edges ,wider wedges ,calmer pastels

Flexing ,fluctuating far out feelings ,far flung excitement all gathered into one instant nervous burst
Staying back,trying to adjust ,mildness is objected to when the rest of the time is only described with bright adjectives
Then we laugh because we have it hidden ,but never quite knowing the blur still an unknown abyss,but always first
Open minded children begin the journey into finding nameless noises,shadowy flavors or tastes moving,directing like detectives

   Burning RED, drops of BLUE, Icy WHITE, now fixed in the mind ,time lost in odors ,blinking color palates poised
  Wanton wisps centered onto extreme extracts ,visualized often sensationalized into auditory overload
Simple as it has begun ,left with nowhere to run, taking it in stride it can never be put aside ,permanence never destroyed
Excreted excitement now being assessed is a far flung idea ,unless you live it, Raising and rising into an endless plateau .R.C.
May 2016 · 201
wichitarick May 2016
It may come in on a mild warm wind ,if your listening for a message I want to send
  Will you receive the happy & meager smile or be brought into a view of pain
a mind can play endless tricks of passion or glory,playing equal part when given consent
Living to perfection or appeasing hearts not our own,leaves an open gap without ever seeing a gain.

  Life as a  message or is it just for us,we go about the day,wonder on our way
  A simple grain or profound & prolific,was it meant to be something or just to pass time
Starts with a breath a sudden flush & rush of life giving blood,it all begins an a clock that gets to stop whenever it sees fit
  Making a way, some very restless others always stay,others stand by & only kneel & pray
A simple manner or a special appeal ,playing simple or with with great zeal
forever continuing in a wondrous path laughing under the covers never feeling anyone's wrath

  Do we send a message now as we live & interact to make us easier to recognize in another's memory
  Write it all down in a hidden diary ,showing one side to the world but another in the mirror
Will the flash back in their mind be real,bland or beige or possibly  complimentary
One day to thousands then the presence builds , lasting past or just a blink & an error? Rick
Thanks. Have not shared much of a few yrs. of prose. some came from very trying times. But would welcome any in put ,trying figure out better methods of simplifying some writing"ramblings" :) Have a great day. Rick
May 2016 · 313
wichitarick May 2016
When  shaded by the flowers isn't there still a bright side up above ,lost underneath ,life within brief glints of light leaving you alone
Can the beauty be so big it creates a dark shadow that leaves many blind ,from which side will the new light shine
Awash in Grandeur sometimes all that glitters is not gold ,old references often make no sense until after the charm has come and the harm has been done .breaking out is better, going froward setting out to roam
Edges are boundless journeys with little reward,  needing a life's compass to show a position not left wandering like a wild vine.

  Taking parts of a whole to become one will eventually leave a lot lacking ,making  us look for an unknown key
Evolving from lower levels from a core to an outer  crust ,beginning lives needing conditioning  before being crushed under falling leaves
Mellow moisture in shade being part of loam ,composting can be seen as introducing new levels of life, new wholeness from algae
A core obliviously internal, rising to  higher elevations, lava now seen as blood from a heart to the mind and eyes and skin something missing it still has needs .

Poets scream of life,love or savagery lurking ,unseen but felt as an emotional twitch, wishing to lessen the night bringing another level in sight
Lost in a labyrinth  ,under elevations whose peaks have reached a phase giving them an extra edge not yet allowed to silhouettes
Rain through roots to strengthen stems for wide leaves ,soft fronds ,petals for power drinking in the warmth of the Sun, the search goes on to fulfill our own plight.
Adding essence with a new gusto is now needed, bringing and breathing carbon dioxide  to eject oxygen, lives now casting new nets

A brazen bet to climb up or push out, letting layers of energy begin life's Genesis,  completion through true synthesis
A true cycle seeking completion gaining strength not to be cut short by anthers unworthy  anonymous  sickle
Not a plight but further strength for the flight ,from intake, finally feelings brought only by boldness  beautifully delicious
Now glowing richness enhanced with color,passion florets to fancy fruits ,paying deep dividends all met through  evolution
Harnessed with a simple collar the greatest restitution  ,now utilized with living respiration,  from a drop to a trickle .  R.C.
Maybe staying focused when left with little. Rick
May 2016 · 346
wichitarick May 2016
Affecting inner senses partial to pleasant ,seeking new ways to change  the now neutral palette
Separating  perceptions with even greater lucidity ,unknown to many while delving deeply into others
Fractional feelings while faint help to form strong bonds, temperatures  rising ,possibly burning only to stimulate
Bases are building blocks, solid but receptive to adding on for further employing frameworks forming futures

Acclimation is leading to a  degradation ,instead of frolicking in the flexibility of our  changing taste
Manners and motions becoming redundant , left feeling flippant and unfocused ,never noticing a cause or effect
simple mannerisms becoming so pale , worlds revolving while we get stale ,losing the appreciation in the haste
Basic known as bland ,begging for release to uplift and simply please ,waiting with something new to detect

Attractions don't have to be delusions ,needing to mix our sensations in order to define further conclusions
Variety is the spice of life, but often we block or stand blind, never allowing life to simply function or flow
Becoming connoisseurs or simply following recipes of others ,making adjustments ,trying to be not caught in illusions
Minor matters require sprinkles,simply a subtle hint ,long stewing or tougher cuts more & deeper flavor for a better show

Lifes plot becoming a larger *** ,attracting scents ,sights,temperatures, bounty is ever present if we take the time to realize
Do they say he was savoring the sodium when referring to the "Old salt" is she a jalapeno? while a seductress
Favored reactions gradually being based on past actions ,flavored so with sentiments, or helping hands of others we that may idealize
Pleasures as piquant ,good taste is not without savour , making the way from tasteless, new life's vitality can be brought by a waitress :) R.C.
Inspiration from a cookbook? Rick
May 2016 · 291
wichitarick May 2016
Sure are great when in dash for time ,never looking at tomorrow only now & what can be mine
Figuring a normal 8hour shift wasn't enough to solve my rift,she won't understand but I wasn't explaining it anyway
Barely knowing each other by more than first names just a smile to last awhile warming up to cool down will be fine
Nothing fancy, is the only palace with the blinking lights outside ,just wanting 4 walls for privacy & a place to play.

Finding those familiar feelings ,but now a possibility of a new claim to stake if so what is the point you want to make
Some never settle leaving that unknown sentiment to simmer on the back burner waiting on a more recent recipe
Maybe going unnoticed then suddenly that wisp of hair raises with a smell or a smile or patterns of playing ,tempting us to take
Almost subconscious as an unaware soul with only one role, reaching out ,connecting, passion as a quick play,simple ecstasy

Philandering is a term for couples while singles are left with a wide open book, the Marriage should have been the hook
  Some fancy friends with a means to their ends  while others seem to stay  content with a snuggle and a hug
Passing people should be known as a natural motion, not trying to always connect with some deep emotion like a common Rook
We enjoy our pleasure but control is not something we are born into ,having to be able to settle into grace not falling for a new crush

Embracing as habit  a hard broken addiction ,while others are always wishing your feelings flow free
Sitting back and watching or never really noticing were never in the way they play, constant fondness for the others is more their way
Some hide and pretend to abide, while others just go full blown with the charm ,never realizing it wasn't about others just their own need
Amazing the game often seen with no shame until it is played on them , placing the next step becomes more precarious when they are not sure where they can safely stay ............R.C.
Just fun. Vegas anyone? :) Rick
May 2016 · 242
wichitarick May 2016
All to be felt ,tasted smelled or seen  ,taken in and stored quickly to take it's place under masses of memories
Re-adjustment  of many functions laid in line as extinct ,not learned more a necessary tool of survival
Our demeanor becomes the great filter ,sifting,sorting  samples of events ,thoughts still only known as accessories
Face value is not always as it seems ,how quick it is noticed before being discarded ,to remain placid or become frightful

Like so many rhymes before tailored for time ,beginning,hindsight's,foresight. taking middle ground rarely completing revolutions
Blinks ,winks bring fragmented views into a colossus, if unexplored will the lack of knowledge ever show it's weight
Often actions simply laid out in fractions ,the view distorted or to many actions for proper reactions,just blind delusions
Strength of memory as viewed through opaque lenses although not recognized is only a partial view of what should penetrate

An original vision when  observed with conditions or reactions involving pain becomes stunted
Blinding future reality blocking a once open mind becomes a normal path unless shown a new  guidance
Others obvious truths often find  paths of least resistance unable to accumulate all the facts leaving thoughts corrupted
Full exposure  is truth, showing faces as proof ,as taken in when fragmented  blindly robbing our memories like pirates

Now if shown the whole pie uncut , no easy pieces left divided to hand out servings on smaller plates
Will a whole flavor become  bigger parts of an unknown missing memory ,placing all the pieces in order
Reflections as a part of building ,bonding with ourselves ,but if cemented like bricks maybe truly sealing our fates
Finally figuring out which are truths or what is fantasy ,will become like a shattered cloud ,a puzzle to make us stronger . R.C.
May 2016 · 231
wichitarick May 2016
My body forces me to sit,I talk a little less,I try to think of tomorrow NOT what I coulda,woulda,shoulda done,even when restless I remain focused,maybe today possibly tomorrow,always getting it right ,no slouch never a doubt,possibilities are endless when always moving forward,brighter lights need more energy the fuel is often from the soul, concentrations of calculations often leave me lacking the simpler rhythms an easier goal,there can be no detection show no rejection. IT'S FOR THE CHILD
Try this in reverse,again more prose, written from sitting to long in a hospital then home . But also without any thought just knowing I had another mission was to still take care of a kid:) Rick
May 2016 · 220
wichitarick May 2016
Was it enough to finally realize we may have something else internal to maintain our gears
  Helping to steer ,guide us into upcoming years,resting in neutral becoming one with us
not bases for structures even known as surreal  ,awaiting it's voice ,patiently waiting through out fears
Once known ,not to be seen as helpless ,learning and living as it is, we go on, played forward ,not to deep to  discuss

Wearing  internal things outward is not  the norm for most ,possibly never knowing we were able to carry the weight
As a ghost is it supposed to remain anonymous in it's role? maybe continually adding more memories to it's inventory
When we find pure pleasure it should be locked in as a true treasure ,as motions move along ,still an unknown fate
Internal psyche united with the face others have come to know ,will we need to come as one to complete a true story

Reception of the perception of what role that  surreptitious character may come to presume vary widely
Taken on like a surety bond  but never questioned ,assumptions made , daily bliss given a free pass
Would we open our mind ,the learning of life to be scrutinized by the unknown scholars to be challenged blindly
Broken barriers as an internal quest is now known as me and my guest ,understand the role no longer second class

Appeasement of a mindless game has now taken on a new role thinking that wrinkle will now become smooth ........:)
Generations build upon undisclosed wisdom of previous experiences ,yet we all just feel somehow bonded
Archaic images ,angels as partners in our lives passions ,religious zealots pushing entitled dispositions ,leaving the individual to deduce
Always speaking of seeking some obvious truth or blindly obeying as a standardized goal how often do we check if the individual has expanded. ........................Rick
Often more prose than poetry,not trying to win a contest but to save a thought or fill a gap of memory before it was lost again to deja vus. Rick
May 2016 · 425
wichitarick May 2016
How many squares on the checker board , one against one comes with an allowance
letting another progress so to see the weakness make a play but when will they pay
Color not as important as numbers ,actions still being based on reactions, secretly basking on their incompetence
Progression can be placid or briskly making its way to persevere, paving  a hidden path seen as the winning way

seeing just squares on a board rectangles have four sides ,then why not four players
Red and Black are known as blood and death, is an unknown hidden mire behind the supposedly simple game
Check and balances is often a tale of life, opposing sides as part of strife ,are we to be patrons or purveyors
Positive motions  moving forward often with hidden emotions ,outside actions can not interfere others can make a counterclaim

Passively we can make allow a process, shifting a game without showing shame, while the partner pays the penance
Premeditation using a  shadowy mindset is now an advantage, parceled out  as actions instead of knee **** reactions
Cresting high creating confusion can create new abilities rather than the perceived disabilities when making a play against tenants
Small disks now taking on a new role with different risks ,stacking for strength ,focusing while also shifting still hiding our passions

Piece to piece ,place to place, face to face, laid out on the table ready to begin realizing only one will be left to guard the stable
flip of a coin to decide the beginner, but many processes will be engaged ,passing on ,leaning back before we decide a true winner
Mid game break or mid life crisis ,the surrounding hushes or whispers happen making an unknown mark yet to have a true label
Payed with the subconscious and some sweat ,hopefully no act has made something possible so we're not seen a just a beginner R.C.
Just fun,from watching "to smart" honors kids playing checkers like it was LIFE or DEATH :) Rick
May 2016 · 463
wichitarick May 2016
With the world watching a virtuous soul is now presented, porous as a sponge  blindly absorbing life
Simple cause taken on without the applause ,not self seeking but more a fellowship of thinking
helping others to decrease a possible pressure ,naturally obligated by their own inward beauty hiding self righteous strife
Lifes progression played as simple evolution ,also reasoning with simple goodness coming naturally with no blinking

  Many brought into redemption even before conception, playing life as a parable will be good for their soul
They build natural wealth by not showing favor. walking tall, facing forward taking a stand while not being standoffish
Fellows with friendship easily find kinship in what mutual aid there is to give away ,freely  taking on any role
Normal folks with nominal means paying penance , providing blindly for others ,giving rather than being selfish

Humans acting coarsely can be part of the picture ,further testing each others  humanity
While many of us show promise & always perpetuate common courtesies ,fewer show perfection with gratitude
without showing An outward goal not freely recognizing their basic role not to become enveloped in the vanity
Not blind but with blinders ,risking without being risque governing of their morality is now their internal attitude

  Always having lived in a spiral ,the living sphere the bountiful bowl adjusting ,making room , to arise above the gloom
Not anointed,never seeking personal gain but truly absorbing fellow peoples pain,passing it on in a progression of kindhearted folk
Simple as an up front demeanor paying a cost for freedom ,karma ,day by day ,pay to stay ,sweeping ALL  the corner to sleep in the room
Melding fortunes of anonymous humanity is brick by brick helping good fortunes stick ,solid marks on humanity they did invoke. R.C
Written as a self note,or the awareness of some people that came into mine & my teenage daughters life, asking for nothing,promoting nothing,expecting nothing but maybe to pass it on. a village can raise a child.people subtly pointing a safe direction will pay in many multiples for us all. Peace takes practice. Rick

— The End —