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Sep 2017 · 325
wichitarick Sep 2017

Flighty mind slowly taking it's toll,quest for simple rest having eluded even the best

Finding flowing rhythms a constant quest ,searching constantly for a moment's contentment

Minds energy backwashed onto a mellowing brain,we want but are left oppressed

Finding seclusion is the ultimate solution ,bodies needing this simple investment

Splashing memories make bad bedfellows ,mellowed mind traded for distressed

Daily drama deliberately dealt with ,caressing ourselves to crash,not wanting to be menaced

Fantasy fiddling on the edge with reality ,playing roundabout as our emotions are caressed

Create a phantom with pharmaceuticals with no guidelines to follow, searching for a method

Broad imaginations bridled must be put on idle to receive repose ,holding back becomes harder to accept

Wash away the wisdom of the day ,try to find that neutral space ,blacking out to much reality ,just needing the noises to be deafened . R.C.
A few thoughts on insomnia ,our mind and our body's aren't always on the same plane . Thanks for reading,your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Sep 2017 · 391
wichitarick Sep 2017

Often what we need is all around ,falling light,simple sound,lost until we actually look

Splash of rain momentarily a pain is the life's blood for most all living

Strolling into the wind are we  flustered  as it makes us bend or thankful for the coolness as we walk

Life is dealt in spades ,take pleasure with each treasure,tokens accepted then gladly given

Practice makes perfect is our daily plan,what will work,made in haste or taken from a book

When will we see to set our own stage ,break free from a cage,watch our narrow path widen

Accepting but still hesitant ,await what could be bright or will it bring us down,something hidden, wanting to revoke

Strength from within harnessed,finding new drive,  watching it build ,maybe something new on the horizon

Reflections in hindsight build inner muscle,Lessons earned when willing to uncloak

Who pays the penance, where will we retrieve the vigor when left lacking  will we see the vision

Finding more room in our soul becomes an unforeseen role ,adjusting each day
like an artist from a simple sketch to that final masterstroke. R.C.
We often need something extra to rely on,it often isn't the others we can reach out too, finding that hidden inner strength can be a real growing experience
I appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Sep 2017 · 450
wichitarick Sep 2017

New dawn new day cup of joe to begin the day,starting in line helping to create more urban decay

Waiting out winters feeding the flock, spring warmth brings bringing ceaseless hours for that new crop

Daily mail brings new news while men in a truck pick up the muck,while another prepares to make repairs while caught up in the drudgery  

Clerks & cashiers line up with peers at home behind desks or registers ,more & more simply wanting to beat that clock

Many in uniform protecting the rest from the next storm ,defending all of us & themselves stubbornly

Famous factories forged many generations in fire ,painting a lifestyle for many to admire,building a nations foundation in solid rock

Times change ,full circle to a broad range ,equal rights brings new light ,hoping to help move many upwardly

Wheels of rubber or of steel always moving ready to help seal a deal ,someone at the helm across the nation or around the block

Many more labor with lumber like ants on erector sets,from floors to steeple ,finalizing with grass & shrubbery

Miles of coastline mean fisherman don't flounder,line or net they get what they get anything to feed the ever growing flock

Others eager to learn for new knowledge they do yearn ,teachers take on the task to guide the classrooms fortunately

So paid in  sweat equity or in blood for the brood,  many gather at the end of the day
but never forget to tip the barmaid or tender at your local brewery. R.C.
A little fun for labor day! Maybe could have went another way & thoughts for all those callouses and bulging discs or grief some of our bodies pay for that payday:) My best to people. Thanks for reading & your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Wrangling of words might become a tightrope  for the writer to *****

While the reader may feel the fervor that an author still hasn't discovered

Frequently fondling of familiar phrases may become dull,lost in a lull,hiding behind hope

Basking over prose a browser can feel close,bring themselves to find what the scribe may not have recovered

Lost in a webster's lottery laboriously lamenting in language, mindless and in a mope

Scholar wanting the lecturer to teach ,essayist out of reach,more reason for rhymes for which they hunger

Easy essays aren't eloquent,lingering thoughts quickly lost,locked in with no code

Simple students wishing for more a peek inside the penmans mind ,giving them even more reason to wonder

Almost lost like an old cowboy song,left to search in a field with little yield,memories too easily erode

Bookworms wringing hands await on the edge of a seat ,their fondness for dialog wanting to be pleased but the dramatist waiting to ponder

Wordsmiths wants sometimes leaving them empty,then like an open sky raining down phrases leaves them with a new day and new way to reload . R.C.
Sometimes lost in word play can be funny:)  Had the title as RATION OF PASSION but maybe lost that thought?   But also the thought of how many readers truly do await their favorite writers next pages. even the new crossword brings a higher heart rate until it is solved:) thanks for reading ,your comments are helpful Rick
Aug 2017 · 582
wichitarick Aug 2017

Hindsight is no time to find out that you made yourself alone

Grasping at memories is dangerous when needing to build a strong future

As inner strengths are built from each other ,now in triplets,their calendars are unknown

Caring can lend itself to corrupting,fleeing in fear to find out the forgotten was yourself,going down easy is impossible,once it's you in the position of elder.

To much gained through pain,builds a rough exterior but delivery from the heart is rarely shown

Why must we bow preparing for some fatal vow,should we feel appeased and know our souls have shelter

Empty promises made and duly accepted,should guilt be for the giver or receiver,if nothing is gained have we grown

Self supporting can be seen as selfish,we must have our own power before becoming strong enough to support another

How are we left with nothing to ask , wondering if we completed the task, will the truth be shown

Optimistic, stuck on idle or reserved with integrity from our knowledge of being realistic,because nothing new will occur

Many roads traveled are open but leading to the same path, no matter what decisions are made, who really holds the key to the gate is unknown. R.C.
I thank you for  reading ,your input is appreciated.  Rick
Aug 2017 · 309
wichitarick Aug 2017

Many awake not knowing their fate but still automatically muster a smile
Another never evolves past hells gate

Comfortable in brewing pots of care, extending themselves so others cups run over
Broken bloke receded to deep within

External,internal many blessed with something maternal ,solid not just for awhile
Lost in limbo ,faceless unknown role with no soul

High pressure parenting,tactfully tickling insuring the recipient will be no imposter
Mostly consumed with animosity

Babes born with a grin set to win,can't wait for the game to begin,someone to admire
Many on auto negative, burning,to late to grow

Not all is merry minstrels don't be a fool, ready to move forward seeing clear & sober  
Inner darkness blocking light,Closed doors leave no insight

Adjusting our way to enlighten our stay, a positive edge makes a bad day not so dire
Simmering in hate is the greatest weight,always outranked

Take a day to break away or the sour will overcome,find time for a chime as we grow older
When only hearing in black tones all that is felt is moans & groans

Spreading good cheer brings many others near, passing on the wealth is in good style
Negative vibes leave a soul closed

Often learned late or mellowed with age ,hearts enlightened for the owner
Fast pace can leave us out of the race

So make a moment to mimic a clown and don't be down ,learn to make ourselves as the model to inspire
Starting in negative or always on zero makes an easy to solve equation. R.C.
Not sure why it began? but negative seems to be a popular rumor in much of the instant news, has always been odd to me how some see themselves as bright positive influences BUT almost always respond in a negative manner about others? it helps keep myself in check so I still see the good in that:)
Wrote this differently,not sure if it has a name or style? but left a postive and a negative. I appreciate your reading. your input in helpful.thanks. Rick
Aug 2017 · 194
wichitarick Aug 2017

What if I simply to wanted to say nothing

Caught in limbo,not agile or limber ,nor stuck in the middle

No pile of lists  or testy jests ,drawing from an empty well,no thoughts running

Not producing even a wink or nod,no logical rhyme or reason or answer for the riddle

Devoid of a new view ,empty halls with blank walls ,neutral not worth discussing

Midland mind,nonsense aside ,absurdly adrift again ,but taking middle ground wanting no committal

But sometimes simply life provides pushing pressure we want freedom from it's rushing

Deciding to make an about face,just not enter the race, take a step back from the pace
simple is more civil

Somedays leaning left or bending right,bold red or bright white now simply beige bypassing loud or crushing

Lazy being low, crazy or hazy  when too high,today my hero is zero ,being neutral is not artificial

So today before things may go astray or pretending to be happy or gay  or being seen as corrosive simply seek to be impassive ,save tomorrow to let the emotions go back to running. R.C.
Sometimes it seems the world is put in our way ,rather than taking it in or going with the flow we just need to shut it ALL off! Not even the safe road but truly neutral,happy or sad take effort and energy. But a little fun . Thanks for reading. I appreciate your input. Rick
Aug 2017 · 220
wichitarick Aug 2017

Thoughts from our past often leave many aghast, something there always staying on the edge

Is it a sin to keep it buried deep within,will holding back effect how fast we grow

Often unwittingly laid aside ,mental block becomes your rock, but still left with a lifetime on a ledge

Building up passion over a lifetime, repairing a soul  became an endless role

Unable to cradle a fable can leave us all alone ,maybe find time to see,  finally make a pledge

Many factors make up fear, some hidden, others right here,but always gnawing like a hidden troll

Mellowed over time but a shadow covering what was behind,in my mind it has made an etch

Midnight trauma makes it's call,vivid flashbacks total recall,asking no ransom as it robs my soul

Awaking from twilight into a new daylight ,bright dawn breaking the yawn,past hours of torment have left me a wretch

Awaiting by the back gate, new freedom needs to play a part,gaining not feigning to be our new goal

Maintaining face while remaining in the race, we can gain new power from leaving parts of the past,find new control without regret. R.C.
Could have gave deeper thought,but am sure I have in other ramblings over time, thoughts feelings on living with past memories . is amazing at we can simply work out if we know we have freedom of all thing that enter our mind.  "Peace Takes Practice." thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Started with pennies gathering dandelions from here to the horizon
lincoln heads exchanged for licorice  and a bad case of sunburn......

Soon fall will be making it's call,gently landing, billowing and lining curbs and fence rows.
For a few counted as a blessing for the neighbors and friends that would rather pay a young man to do their raking .

Daily read is an addictive need ,getting out that fresh news is not just a muse ,so a lot of rolling held down with a rubberband ,new bike a new route , Once a month collections left me with a lot more clout.

Some farm boys born into it others just dropped at the gate,rows that grow and sunbleached blisters soon to be their fate. Bales to buck  or the need to ****  those crops that are used to feed. Piece work pay not much reason to stay.

Once only a happy thought for the new munchies that were bought ,soon those plates would be my new fate,hot wet & busy from the starting gate,regular pay & food of the day left many reasons to stay,kitchen camaraderie helping to nurture a future.

Boys and their shovels bonded like Lassie without getting sassie ,cooling air brings more flakes ,daily rituals measured & treasured unless they lay on a pathway or roof
piling high brings a sigh, met with manic pressure,pay increasing by the weight, gold awaits as you clear those gates.

Hurry up and wait but still stand straight,little sleep, lots to clean ,Haze grey and underway,mechanical monkeys maintain fast flyers,give it all,life or death play it out until your last breath.

Hard trails tell lots of tales ,mostly dollars marked by sweat, spent quick but  with little regret,Heavy metal ways marking days,calloused ,corroded smoothness eroded,
but clean , polish a few layers of paint makes for a quick sale.

Settling in, picket fence with no chagrin,time card stamped life revamped,to travail with no avail  ,endless hours all devoured ,no gain without pain gladly paying penance for our sliver of pie,Anchor & chain bring great weight, left with none when it is done.

Started a race already ahead several steps ahead of the pace,taking it all in anything to produce a grin,rising never to find a prize,suddenly crash & burn at every turn,burning bridges missing mates, finally awakened to an open gate honesty with myself lifted all the weight.

Due date time to wait,no choice for pink or blue, advice in the air now even strangers seem to care,instant true love ,positive protection will be their recollection,daily reaching for the teaching to make that simple glow grow.

So as we roll on all we can ask is a new dawn ,learning to live with what we gave, Hopefully blessed with lessons learned in hindsight ,may the light shine on us even at night bringing bounty to all stages of life.
Maybe a slice of life ,labor and callouses ,was harder to condense or not ramble to much:)  But tried to present something in a different style . Many thoughts here.  I appreciate your reading. your thoughts are helpful. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Aug 2017

Awakened to a shimmering light bring us out of the darkest night

Easily showing it keeps growing ,can such a broad spectrum be covered by grey

Lumber from our slumber,slim wishes for the day ,what will be found to make the afternoon bright

Hidden deeply behind daily shadows will make bringing a band of color closer even harder to stay

Maintaining mundane mindsets, becoming locked into the lowdown, needing that crack in the glass to let in some light

Gradual gradation slowly shows it's beauty ,brightening the darkest corners is it's way

Bland can be burdensome with no outlets for pressures ,then simple specters delight

Clouds can form many formulas ,brewing,billowing into blackness but as the sun shines through relaxing into a true versicolor display

Globally roaming in a battle of adversity,sometimes brightly beaming  or closing darkening bring about fright

Displayed across a valley marbled mosaics showing the prisms before the darkness  won't let it play

Blinded by blackness most remain sedated while others accept iridescence,
with it's colored arc we remain pacified .R.C.
Had the visual idea ,could have tried harder with thoughts of our minds or actions and comings and goings of fast moving weather. Thanks you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Aug 2017 · 196
wichitarick Aug 2017

Songs about the rain seem to be a popular way for many to pass on the pain

Maybe just hearing water falling from skies and knowing it is simply to hide their own tears

While plenty of others regail of desert nights or the beauty of the Mountains ,upper waters washing creating the most disdain

Cowering under thunder ,clenching  from the mighty jolt of that lightening bolt ,opening up our fears

Before the thoughts of flowers or green grasses must come the wetness of the rain

Fade to grey or turning to black blocking the suns beauty & warmth is less revealing than when clear

After a bad dry spell and clouds are caught rolling in, expect many to yell as water now runs into the well

Plenty to say of puddles, barefoot kids or baby ducks ,playing it up as it will soon disappear

Some say go away until another day, while others pray for it to stay for crops to rise where it fell

Country thunder crooning or mellow Mozart's musings ,maybe pop of a raindrop
& stormy rockers rolling,  each singing their outpour for a downpour in a way they feel clear. R.C.
Something fun,always a reason for many to write,  all types of weather remains a popular one.  I appreciate your reading and your thoughts or words are useful. a good day to you. Rick
Aug 2017 · 207
wichitarick Aug 2017

Bringing up some inner need ,following along taking exact steps of an unwritten creed

Many start early ,yet so many ways to play will there be a hidden cost or who will have to pay

For some, that ever present grin balanced above their chin,was it to hide something  to easily give the others a lead

Remaining quiet in the corner as an obscure foreigner ,not attracting attention is their greatest relief for the day

Stuck in the middle but not trying hard to solve a riddle, some are more apt to worry for others or to help those in need

Back to the beginning who or what are we trying to truly gratify, is it a game of predator and prey

Early days we easily play then rules help set patterns that we must obey,lay low or get caught up in the stampede

Conforming or self absorbing who are we really helping to make happy when we play

With what actions will we receive the best reactions ,who are we trying to please when we succeed

So as we play the game who will we really please, loving ourselves or living to appease
either way there will always be someone to repay .R.C.
Not sure why this came about ,but how do we balance pleasure? or why are we happy? for our own benefit? or to make another happy too? a lot of ways to think on this? spend so much time trying to please another never even realizing you can be happy just for yourself,often learned in hindsight for some or for some finding a way out of depression knowing they can be happy with just a simple thing for no reason at all?   Maybe lost track a bit but the thought was there.  Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful . Rick
Aug 2017 · 190
wichitarick Aug 2017

Morning bells calling ,jolted to rise but our mind and eyelids still falling

Rise from the sack kicked out of the rack ,awakening to find what new price we must pay

Leftover humming from the night is still quite bright ,that unknown sonnet is calling

Wonderful note we now wished was wrote, so that beautiful sound would not go away

Was it a chorus or a lone soul harmonizing ,left grasping, wishing to catch it before it goes missing

Is it a crime to miss a chime ,true longing for that lost rhyme ,it's going away but we want it to stay

Searching for the sonnet,missing a beat ,not quite on it ,in the distance almost hearing but then new notes keep replacing

Was it some old tune or a new poesy to make us more rosey,still calling we stand back but still wishing for the outcry

On the way about the day the sound still resonates yet we must wait ,will the next be wrong when it comes to the gate or again leave us wincing

Constant consonance in the air we just sit and stare,tapping and whistling we will still try

Simply a shanty but it's grip quite uncanny ,all thought we devote for that note  but will that next serenade have us reminiscing . R.C.
Probably had the first thought about how many sounds we rely on or even are truly annoying ,but also what of those sounds we enjoy but can't get out of out head ,but also having that song in your head but not quite sure what is was?  maybe why some people write songs tired of trying recall others and simply write a new one:) I appreciate your reading . Rick
Aug 2017 · 1.2k
wichitarick Aug 2017

When does it's presence take the stage, what is the beginning to set the gauge

Where does the needle find it's direction,will magnetism or a magnet bring the unseen guidance

Finding the way or a guiding light, day after day to make our plight,writing a book page by page

More than a map or general guide ,when called upon from within it will enlighten

is it irony of the needle pointing north & so many looking up ,is there a gain in it's weight as we age

Trusting children showing elders what they may have lost,we're caught looking down for our days to brighten

Playing a game of comparisons, but some may find nothing or no one  to relate

Simply an instrument a device to measure, whether to take the high or low ground
it may take the shock of reality to truly frighten

Is there haste when we make chaste or is it taken from lessons learned as we debate

Trust sounds easy but a rare find given & received by the scrupulous and over time it will heighten

Many may never notice which direction their own needle points or how it will all equate

So we spin the dial hope it comes back to true north as we go forth ,our best hope we will hold it all in it's circumference. R.C.
Had the title so the thought was present,but also seems to be a popular topic for some,it seems even more prevalent with so many providing their own quick thoughts on a wide range of topics.
But what rule book do we use use to judge?  I came by honesty backwards ,not much bad surprises me but am always truly humbled at people with true honesty or even further truly humble,unlike what many may perceive of the world ,I find a lot of people who don't even comprehend how to lie ,cheat or steal .   I appreciate your reading and your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Jul 2017

If you drink away the pain who is to gain except for the man that owns the liquor store

Never a planned event ,would you living your own life differently been a step to prevent

Inward feelings festered ,drawn into a stoic cluster,hidden but outwardly you seek more

Saving face is now standard fare ,you seeing yourself as right no matter how the discussion went

Not planning for a future or stopping to nurture ,grasping reality quickly becoming a bore

Others looking inward while you are busy blocking ,never realizing the energy you've spent

What will it take for an inward soul to awake,simple expressions are waiting for you to explore

Inward accusations, self examinations make dangerous bedfellows,slow torture in waiting to repent

We rarely read our own message,not seeing the good while focused on bad, the deficits are easiest to underscore

Time is the true tester not leaving old wounds to fester,truly needing to solve  from which branch those feeling originally stemmed

Starting with need ,knowing it's not greed to reach out or ask for help upon which we can feed ,no shame in simply wanting an overhaul

Rather than seeing others or the world at fault it has become time for us to lay it on the line ,that our own heart is now the strongest thing in which we can depend. R.C.
Although i have lived this,not sure where this came from ,maybe from thoughts stirred from a poem about addiction I read yesterday. Not necessarily applicable to just that ,the freedom that honesty with myself has given me has been strenght ,if I can pass that on or share it seems a double bonus. also maybe from thinking of my teenage daughters naivete & just simply my own survival has taught me in hindsight.
Maybe just to bad some life lessons are only learned with pain. I appreciate your reading and any thoughts are appreciated. "Peaces Takes Practice" Rick
Jul 2017 · 457
wichitarick Jul 2017

Super sun bringing all assortment of energy,creating life

Cowering under it while also bowing to it ,taking the strength provided

Blessed by the warmth then cursed by heat, following while falling in strife

How strong our need blessed by it's speed ,with it our patterns are guided

Without it's mass the day is less giving .earth left in her berth like  man with no wife

So much dependence, making all around us more splendid  and  many more excited

In control of dusk & dawn ,forming the basics for common man from the sky

Growing from it's glow a warm friendship it does bestow, forming a foundation for the climate

Closest star  many more afar, don't dare stare into the glare, so far away yet the strength is nearby

All that we see started with that light, bringing endless energy, grand aurora showing the finest

Rolling on the axis  divided by the light, mother earth finds solstice  making do comfortably

Reflection on the moon in the night, from crescent or full helping to keep our sight
a great orb that will always remain a giant . R.C.
Seemed fitting for the hot summer heat. but the same sun will be welcome in Jan. so we keep it in perspective when we have seasons at least. I appreciate your thoughts & your reading. thanks. Rick
Jul 2017 · 293
wichitarick Jul 2017

If I were to write a lullaby ,really take the time to find that line, would  others be inclined to feel inspired

Take the fledgling feelings & let them grow in verse,simply maiden feelings letting them go showing others how they might flow

Many write of love,finding,wanting,saving even the deepest craving,then broken, leaving their hearts rewired

Other thoughts may come forward ,learning of ourselves as we write of others, laying it all out is allowing us to grow

Humming along yet another song, using the same old words sometimes feels so wrong
at times it seems a new poet needs to be hired

Words in a stack can truly have our back ,digging deep ,really letting it show

Many flinch but we will sing along showing both sides ,right or wrong,not yet knowing from whom we should hide or which is to be admired

More of life caught in verse, letting it out unrehearsed ,harmonizing it all to let it glow

Be it a ballad telling a life's tale, possibly a hearts blues rising into a wail,telling from the soul as it transpired

Other folk find a bit of the country to croon, same as a city feeling just with a better view

So setting it up for a sing along can't be wrong,some more words to hum to help break a doldrum ,making us feel better or helping another to be inspired . R.C.
Was simple,but had the title and listening to music just tried to let keep it on track  or flow. thank you for reading & I do appreciate your thoughts. Rick
Jul 2017 · 241
wichitarick Jul 2017

Not so long ago some folks came to a new place and decided to stay

In fairly short order maybe wide open spaces left them wanting to break away from the current rulers braces

Protection for the people came second after a vow to King or Queen,for the people was a new way to play

Simpler to remain quiet & let larger matters pass,new questions with their new land & how much control they should have in their new places

Not a question of righting a past wrong ,but of how a  future can become living a truly different way

In the beginning many preferred to stay,being revolutionary was evolutionary  cutting all ties leaving no traces

Was this "Common Sense" really a major Paine ,sweet Virginia calling, a meeting meant for all in a great Hall,that first draft writing a plan to break away

How continental of the early congress to finally sign ,although they argued about when the proper day,two agreeing so strongly they met their demise on that day

Thirteen as a lucky number ,but their decisions would allow no slumber that new freedom came with a high price to pay

Oh what a declaration Thomas did exclaim for those that agree and those that remain
we will have great day to honor this new found way

So like a new birth they said I do declare and began adopting and publicly reading of their declaration of Independence & proclaiming new faces

So we break out the banner ,band together to b.b.q. in every manner ,red white and blue for me and for you and a chance to show that patriotism has not gone astray. R.C.
A day late ,but thoughts for U.S. Independence day, just a little simple fun , didn't exactly proof read so I hope the founding Dads would approve:) Thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Oh and Happy Independence Day. Rick
Jun 2017 · 602
wichitarick Jun 2017

Nightbird,Nightbird cawing  in the twilight ,outside my window causing us a fright

Long comes mornin when pretty birds are singing in a big blue sky ,but they soon flyaway & the clouds turn grey

Had laid & slept, dreamt of a better time, windy warm felt like we were limber, lofty like a kite

Soon those feelings are turning impossible ,nothing is  plausible ,again thrown into the fray

Pretty flowers, greening grasses laid out in a grand display then like the breath of hades is sent into blight

Lovely memories,mommas and poppas, brothers & sisters, with many a friend but with time I've seen their passing & felt them go away

Gentle mist softly sending us into bliss, gathered in pools,  streams to flowing rivers then amassing into crashing,bashing salty waves frightening like suicide

Cuddly kittens cooing,playing puppies barking ,turning into lions and wolves growling and howling at the moon while at bay

Evolution,revolution of earth spinning ,showing cycles of light, fading then dark,darker darkest ,then alone & terrified

Begin with a grin,awake to forge ahead when we win,slowly breaking stride,left with more to hide,how much will the next load weigh

So it seems we're left with what we see hear or feel ,right or wrong
time it seems helps us take it all in stride. .R.C.
Originally started harmonizing some words in a bluegrass or folk style,but then just added to it , I don't tend to "fill in the black" :) but thought maybe better to show good & bad or dark & light? But thanks for reading. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Jun 2017 · 463
wichitarick Jun 2017

Outside looking in what can be seen skirts or flirts on the edge , fulfilling an unknown need

Earliest teachings see a smiling sun as a reason to arise ,dancing dinosaurs deliver so many merry messages to learn

Listening & learning, inquiring of future ventures, at our most powerful yet still naive

Human mind always biding time,bored at idle seeking that bigger title,not content with stepping down, rising to the top  for what we yearn

Some catch it early making it harder to stop,testing limits, whole pictures broken to remnants,setting plans for a future we cannot perceive  

Starting on a smooth safe road why test the speed limit ,veering off the straight & onto a narrow downhill path with a obvious dangerous curve

Security leaves many secluded often growing with maturity,fear of this also makes many strike out, a break from boredom ,mindless reprieve

Most never know of their falling, others find it appalling ,seeing ourselves through a tainted mind so we don't reveal the curse

Started on soft sand ready to deal with matters at hand ,slowly adapting,reaching out,grasping needing more & more to keep our mind at ease

Many simply stroll along in idle awaiting what is final,while a sibling or friend
move into motions that cannot be put in reverse

So is it learned or taught or in the D.N.A. ,short or here to stay  ,or self taught
coping skills formed into a disease .......restriction,constriction

So how is it we go blindly onto a trail that may eventually derail,what signs or signals should  have been  heard ,having full control is ultimately what we deserve.R.C.
Tried to stay with the first thought,at what stage to we start learning to find an easier way or do something to make "it" easier,or when does does making excuses become full blown addiction ? the freedom of thinking for ourselves is maybe not as honest as some may feel it is. The freedom it has given me is the strongest thing I have ever achieved so I often have to remind myself. Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
wichitarick May 2017
Family's plight for a now lost vision that ended none to bright

Unknown fate was their open gate ,being alone yet surrounded by so many others

Friend's or enemy's  comrade or foe ,could have become mates if they would have met under a different light

Many went with never a chance to prevent, facing factors set upon them by unknown actors

Fledgling feelings of patriotism maybe soon to be cast aside, as the rockets red glare explode with the largest might

Hearts at home worry as their soul mates roam ,saving some unknown people from meaningless matters

Hoards of humans cast onto sides ,winning by numbers & a line in the sand,some left to go home alone but left shuddering in fright

A single life lost casts a long shadow ,nameless,faceless kin removing a notch from genealogy,loving memory's as the tears scatter

Brothers in arms, soul mates of the sea make a pact to go out together ,but all are not chosen so the others live a lifetime in plight

Pause for the cause maybe to give all we can give, but as we go  our closest relations are just left to start a new chapter

Ample amounts of Flags & wreaths now a simple marker ,white marble crosses assume they know the religion of the soul that took flight

Many speak of while others grieve for victims of war, when people left at home now carry the heaviest anchor

Medals of honor or purple hearts bring the greatest weight when the grim reaper chose the fate,now the many,many other friends even foes are left to  cry in the new daylight or to read the prayers by candlelight. R.C.
Many thoughts for so many lost. The best legacy is that we do know them always,souls not lost . for some folks I have known & many more I have never met,but mostly for the people we see every day & we all share more than we know in that they hold another's memory in them too. Thanks For reading ,input is appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
May 2017 · 502
wichitarick May 2017
SOUND INFLUENCE (Heard anything good lately)

A ping did ring just traveling out past anyone or anything that it may influence

Initial beat echoing into the street, wasting no time as it sends out it's vibe

Resounding resonance coming from deep within ,not bashful or sent for finesse

World of vibrations often felt more than seen ,sent out but not always receiving a reply

Simple softness with fluttering feathers,mild tweets & chirps from their beaks,
subtle sounds how they caress

Pitter patter of spring rain to the ROARING THUNDER each sending it's own message,making memories or bringing us to cry

Horns or bells warning or ringing with pride either to stand up or step aside
meant to reach out to us not to regresse

Whispers forming an aria ,rhythm and melody making an opera, singers following their feelings bringing some to a new high

Rocky rumblings rolling ,fire exploding ,waves splashing and crashing ,wailing winds
spinning she speaks, even though we try her voice we cannot suppress

Each object on it's own makes it's own tone ,brought together forming patterns to be understood ,our need for new scores we will never pacify

Which one will reach us maybe even teach us then bring us around for a frown or a smile that all started with a simple sound.R.C.
Always a new noise, at least it "sounded" like a good idea:) thanks for reading
I also like the way a lot of it is the same but taken in individually.
  any input is appreciated. Rick
May 2017 · 340
wichitarick May 2017
Dreaming maybe flat for some ,lacking luster just another boring bed time story

Were their baby thoughts just played in black and white ,not having experienced the lustrous world of color

Genuinely  at rest or just scheming new ways to get out and play ,truly uninhibited never wary

Stagnation of imagination just lays low offering no glow,blindly sleeping revealing nothing of luster

From which corner of the minds eye do they come ,mysteries or memory's ,real or imaginary

Grand thoughts just an illusion ? Do we need to slumber for them to come from down under or calling them to muster

Easily some would scare if dealt more than common fare,when suddenly thrown outside the box will all the thoughts be scary

If blind at rest when do they ever show their best, deeper thoughts wrought from the soul, are they simply not caught in mindless clutter

How much we do invest for a simple nights rest are some just blessed while for others it just temporary

What of the daydreams, just no big illusions never to wander into delusion, while others minds race and flutter  

Stuck on bland how will they know when to make a stand? not a thought rising in the night.cut copied and pasted all to ordinary

So which will it be, to scream out while rusting or scuffling or drift into simplicity
with little bluster and lustre . R.C.
Tried a little backwards than usual dream time words or nightmares ,what of the "normal" people who just nod off & claim to ver dream? is foreign to me more so than the rise or fall & intensity of most of my life & true rest . thanks for reading wasn't sure on the title,all input is helpful.  Rick
May 2017 · 312
wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3,
hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners to be applied from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Sorry is a double post,web site kicked it back or showed not logged on? But appreciate your reading  Your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
May 2017 · 257
wichitarick May 2017

Marked from birth to possibly follow another's ideals ,but even before an utterance is understood someone has to foot the bill

The first baby blankets all look alike,pink or blue which one is for you

First big brunt of hoochie coos ,giggling & wiggling on command ,then a.b.c-1,2,3, hearing Mommy or daddy enough to make a child ill

Color or number at all hours unless we slumber ,at least standing and walking are natural and offer a better view

More lessons from the bath,take each cue it is for you,brush the teeth or hair as we were guided, not on your own free will

Then the dressing, lacing those shoes ,belts tight, collars up, buttons done nothing is left askew

Constant barrage of new sounds or words always another to be found  ,separating to,too or two will help define your skill

When to stand  walk or talk is for now subject to another's command ,applying another's knowledge as we grew

All manner of manners are lessons, from setting a table or our hair,they feed us more & more although we feel we've had our fill

Simple stride we did abide, but starting to see outward, fracturing the glass, freedom is nice but lessons will be few

Family's resign to mark their sign ,schools further forge their rules or political expectations thrown at us like swill

Rules seen as jewels, new guide in which to confide,abiding is safe, same as their teachings of faith ,so rest easy and have another bowl of follow the rule stew.R.C.
Maybe not as deep as originally intended,but it seems now matter how smart some think they are or independent we to large degree end up being nothing more than what was originally thrown at us or "taught" to us, so which is the larger lesson for the teachers or those they have taught? :) Thanks for reading. I appreciate comments. Rick
May 2017 · 314
wichitarick May 2017

Once again I prepare for the comfort, to set aside any new despair as I am drawn into it's lair

Will that familiar feeling leave me reeling,once again and to often with much chagrin

Anticipation of a warning a sort of mental mourning ,finding middle ground is the closest edge to being fair

Bringing two opposites together ,pleasing participation is the goal,but each side fighting from within

Who would have thought that being terribly tired could bring such treacherous torture,only reaching inside if you dare

Many remedies offered ,singing sonnets letting a mind go adrift,relaxing melodies
flow freely for women or men

People vary widely wanting to find a niche, making us all unique,  will those hidden demons that keep us awake be gone with a prayer

Originally was never fraught with frightful thought but time and having no answers
has left us asking when

Back inside our self, try to keep those memories on a shelf ,they lay low until suddenly propelled screaming out like an auctioneer

Time becomes twisted creating larger gaps with intermittent naps,again easing into
what is to others normal rest ,we can merely try again

Left lying alone having never feared it, facing forward with wit & grit ,but still unknowing facing each night like new premier .R.C.

Maybe a bit more than just sleepless , some may have true demons waiting if they sleep? Maybe is more natural to fear the unknown than something we can see? Thanks for reading ,all thoughts are appreciated Rick
May 2017 · 356
wichitarick May 2017

Alone but free like a sole tree with just the wind to release the energy

Standing statuesque in an open field not even  anothers shadows to hide behind

Not forgotten it all was started with a simple seed, rising high from something rudimentary

Appearing out of place,memories like the massive roots,drinking it all in ,stowing it all away so cleverly

Learning to stand alone flowing with the wind instead of against it ,while also taming to not be so wild

Time recalled in rings stood the test of time maturing like many things ,capturing moments from a sapling to the elderly

Syrupy sap brings life to one or sends a message to the other of a generation gap,chlorophyll building energy is  like kool aid for a child

While growing upward in a meadow or on a hill still reaching up & out ,air rustling it's leaves or our hair so tenderly

Some meek or seen as weak like an aspen or elm ,an old bloke maybe like an Oak or with the beautiful flowers or fruits and be so mild

Alone in the winter, lessons with another season,stark against the chill,building strong character like our will,bark like skin tough and leathery

Warm colors bringing falls beauty like we fall for another cutie,we are always  adoring  each other, but are they also seeing  themselves as though they just smiled

So stuck in the ground looking around, branches like hands reaching out,spring green adding summers weight,but with age and fall the wind now blows, frees the leaves to make further inquiries R.C.
Our own freedom to walk amongst the trees was the original idea I suppose ,but we are sometimes stuck too maybe need the wind to let us release our own leaves or take take leave? I thank you for reading any thoughts are appreciated. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
May 2017 · 278
wichitarick May 2017
Will finding that path be easy ,will it be lit with the brightest light

Traveling along a normal road,looking left pulling me into a dark downward spiral

But bending to the right,instantly admonishing all guilt ,seeing an end free of all plight

X marks a spot coordinates all set ,seems a simple destination, but will it crash or has it gone viral

Searching for a new route is a natural way, old style to pray or now a new app.checking for headings before taking flight

Truck stop road map or preachers pocket book ,times are always changing is there a new style

If I were to die I couldn't  simply hit reply ,fast forward it or heating up the latest tweet

Will it now be tracked liked postal packages,immediate delivery or money back guarantee, liberation shouldn't take awhile

Will the sermon speak of a new App., free wi fi for the ascension to the twilight

Heaven gates now surrounded by satellites ,their roles on our souls sent to the nearest cellular tower,deepest information  they do acquire

Either or, receiving signals from space with many  caught up in the race,
So finding the path from the wrath may be bright but will still be unknown with hindsight.
Little fun . Little more fun than a F.B. death notice:(   Thanks for reading ,all thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Apr 2017 · 208
wichitarick Apr 2017

Standing, staring out into the bright night sky will I once again be wrapped into the wonder of how far off we can truly wander

Taking it all in with that first wink ,if not caught up,it will be lost with a blink

Reflections from unnatural city lights a hindrance ,still looking up will leave my current thoughts asunder

Our many days leave us waiting for the stillness of the night ,hovering above with blues or blacks like ink

Often only following east to west ,sunrise or sunset each carries it's own luster

Moonshadows or sunburns we are small under the brilliance of it all,again peering out leaving us with so much more to think

Caught amongst the quagmires of constellations,whimsical lines ,connecting dots bringing our musings to muster

Often blessed with wonderous moonglow or simply with a pleasant crescent still we adore the obelisk

Do we have an inkling what is contained in that distant twinkling ,just left to sit in awe under its cover  R.C.
Few moments from a nights walk. Appreciate your reading. all input is helpful.
Apr 2017 · 298
wichitarick Apr 2017

From that first wink,blink & nod we are seeking & reaching ,not always a necessary want but an inner need

Reaching out without a thought grasping ,gripping ,wanting something yet unseen

My inner core always seeking more,if something is not known will it be depicted as greed

Why don't we all want more looking for that next big score,always wanting out not to be stuck in between

Many choose to seclude ,while others  always asking what can be found with the greatest speed

Like a trap that has been laid ,will we know if all the cards have been played ,will wishing for nothing mean we're serene  

How often is it realized what we have found,passed off or so profound ,laid upon us like a creed

A piece of me, a part of you elevated to some higher plane ,yin or yang oh which way will we lean

With each their own for others the meaning may be  unknown,that personal twitch
is harder & harder to defeat

Abstaining from complaining ,resolve to evolve head out on a "normal" path,
It remains hidden within,sometimes easier to just come clean

Often an unknown waiting idly until grown ,with no comparison how will we know,
maybe not most prevalent but with other problems it does compete

We may all have our own internal twitch unable to turn off or on with a switch
Learning to live with "It" & having some resolution in the grand scheme. R.C.
Am sure many can relate to that something,maybe something we have just learned to live to with ,but to others may seem over the top? Had came about for myself as an easy way in reference to my aura ,postictal feeling or thoughts ,but feel we can all have "it". Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Apr 2017 · 297
wichitarick Apr 2017
First breath awaking in darkness, silence then given quickly to a rush, whisked into heat and noise
steady, holding back clinks,pings ,rings warming into soft flashes almost melancholic if it were bottled as beauty
Flush with the freshness of a moment so instant, smells broke into color segments seen as slides, a long lifetime voice
Harboring back before seeking outward motion ,yet relaxing with angst, not realizing to soon become one again acutely

Broke out of that beginning ,steadily come out of unrest can now become the hardest test
Wanting to lay back in that happy although confusing matrimony of several souls ,placidity quickly becoming memory
Tension tucked under a softer note until it vibrates into the moment ,helping the noise grow it is yours to divest
Having to come up and face the pain is now not your decision to restrain ,it WILL be now ,unregulated even scary

Processed at a baseline level, the neutral of what is next is almost impossible to place into text
Begging to stay back but intentionally standing up ,dusting ,cleansing,rinsing, allows much more freedom to our soul
Broke out to scale a new life ladder ,will it hold the weight of our future fate as we gain new ground anxiously without proper rest
Standing now are we ready for the approaching head wave ,inner trust is a positive must when seeking new ground is our role

MADE IT! only a moment we gained a bit ,realizing the true life drama of flesh and bones is not some elusive parallel
Stretching out, making movements as a process of testing ,finding levels and degrees of burn or recall
Fast forgotten ,moved along rode out up and over more obstacles ,a course without remorse a blinding spinning carousel
Fast but with resolution ,more as another marker to gauge all oncoming events ,rising to the next level with new wisdom to enthrall.R.C.
Dusted this off, Probably with the idea of the conscious & then almost blind world recovery then collapse of mind & body,I remain grateful but is a true battle for some,a true balance. Thanks for reading I appreciate you in put. Rick
Apr 2017 · 179
wichitarick Apr 2017

Letting our mind wander can lead to a real plunder ,stray from the line will not be fine

Gradually trained to tactfully tally, blindly waiting our turn veering left or right not seen as to bright

Perfect perseverance to a parallel is taught off a white line is not fought,this kind will lead to something Devine

How to stay grounded while absorbing others energy  ,when only looking into black how will we ever see the light

Palpable persuasions force us to respond in the way that is recommended,when only following how do we refine

When being lead, how will we know when only going with the flow,what is to be the trigger to make us fight

Claiming true identity & finding our own serenity not to be factory stamped but matured like fine wine

Even the groovy seem to follow inside, never seeing outside the group or noticing the beacon to give them flight

When forced do we ever truly feel how to fit  ,are we now outside looking in shown a way out, will we take the easy way & resign

A new day awakening or just another soul led astray ,what might be the outcome of a free mind finding it's way ,maybe new wonders not old history to rewrite.R.C.
It seems in this "new" age we hear more and more of people who are original or simply not following rules etc. is funny how many live in beigeland and claim non conformist ideals:) nothing wrong with the hope that a white picket fence offers:) It is a game of give and take ,running water is rather addicting. Thanks for reading ,thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Apr 2017 · 233
wichitarick Apr 2017
Rising from reductions ,weightless whisp then a possibility of fright in flight
Startled, raked back into normalcy, ignorance to the fathoms of the breath the inner depths
Blissfully blind to the peers, but internally largely unknown fears, passive knowing only right
Fractions of forces gathered to form a mass ,drips driven down gradually gaining while you slept

As a minion not forming an opinion is never a crime ,shame or blame a yet to be played game
That blink or wink still unknown verbs ,waiting for the possibility to become part of your personality
Remaining suppressed, not ready for our minds or souls to fully digest,awaiting in embers until forming a flame
Naivete begins as a valuable trait ,holding back fears or tears ,behind curtains ,future fumblings maybe forthcoming

Applications in stages,still blind but curiosity for the future is strength,from blind to building blocks
Distressing verbiage now seen as fancy neuro terms ,tics ,twitches ,no longer from unknown trenches
when younger we plunder ,no time to sit or wonder,maybe symptoms mild,grains waiting to be rocks
Mediocrity can become costly in blunders ,recall that knowledge or sit wondering on the benches

Mild medium as kind stages then BOLD,BRASH even DEADLY,DISASTROUS no longer just phases
Presence of mind now seen as a "present to OUR kind" no fiction or labels, now a need to be stable
Discovery is not an end but maybe a new beginning ,future pain now known to be winning
alien ramblings into recognized ,certified,specialty, terminology ,up to par not living a fable.R.C.
Dusted this off. Think this works well in showing how to not let something or things from our past truly possess our current living.
Indifference is not resolution,blind still is a blurry memory,allow to live for a future.
Appreciate your reading all input is a big help. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Apr 2017 · 241
wichitarick Apr 2017
So many tunes of love ,have been there & been in doubt, follow the obvious path or take another route

Some seem to start simply building on hope ,foregone conclusions already trying to build a future built on delusions

Same basic story of starting with a solid foundation,brick by brick building, but even a lock & key often take a little jiggle or have some doubt

Did you ever have a shadow of suspicion deep within your mind ,now there is resolution because you've found your own kind & another to whisper the solutions

To many masters & even more fools living is easier but there are still rules
simply needing each other carries the most clout

Seeking early harmony forgetting it is still work ,plenty of time to mark the other a ****, still learning to make individual contributions

Bonded,blended, intertwined like deepening roots of a tree,continually paying a fee
remembering to hold together as it was vowed

Poker made easy when starting with a pair,no bluffing but you can read each others mind,Your call but still seeking solutions

People not able to live without, but then leave many burning bridges ,were bonds ever sealed if always in revolutions?

Others  wandering, while still wondering,suddenly blissful ,blindsided by unseen bonds ,found a singer for the band,affinity & rapport is finally allowed.R.C.
More "Lovey" than my usual thoughts,but an easy recall how true love just simply came about
Which I guess now would bring the thought of do ever completely fall out of it? :) more wore out in my case:)
Thanks for reading appreciate any thoughts. Rick
Apr 2017 · 366
wichitarick Apr 2017

Feels so good to feel so fine the depth of the internal cavern can not be seen

Nothing can please me more than to know the true score of the path I have laid & where it leads

Unfettered emotion flowing, even the blinks bring a smirk ,the blackest night serene & clean

Glowing so great ,running about why must we wait, beauty among the flowers without noticing the weeds

Oh all the ways we have played, think about it, would we have rather stayed now that we know the view was so pristine

Held back so many times I now have the utmost urge to splurge,Jumping to the forefront  not just our immediate needs

Past performance be ****** ,shut that gate take my eyes off my lingering fate
merely a moment's notice to let'em roll on number thirteen

Those frisky feelings might corrupt the dealings ,but a simple price to pay
if wanting collect to on life's receipts

Break out a favorite band maybe a party at hand! colored lights & carousels
Jumping UP holds a lot of clout when it is with the energy of a teen

Juke joints or sock hops ,keggers or peace party's or Monster Mosh takes some grit
simply a faster way to absorb life's treats

So Sunshine or rain won't let my smile wain to pass it on,shake their hands so they get a grip whispering to let it rip as we're heading off to sights unseen
Bit of fun literally ,had a mood set by some favorite music,so it came easy:)   I appreciate your reading & input thank you. Rick
Apr 2017 · 552
wichitarick Apr 2017

People always barking about another path to change our ways ,how we will be for ever grateful in our future days

Forcing from silence previous happenings or innocent back slappings,slipping back to something never viewed as bad

Self recollections once seen as fine now only felt with disdain, or a new view of how we may have strayed

Smiling once held in the highest regard now slipping into half a frown ,possibly by a simple sentence from some cad

Wealth with wisdom ,daily dealings acknowledged with glee ,simple patterns, way of life not requiring much of a barricade

Never noticed until another decided we must pry open life's ledger,slowly taking away a smile ,falling into a blind trap

Born into contentment,unknowing,we have to learn resentment ,why have we waited all this time to be afraid?

Another's point of view often drawing on speculation can become our new prelude
our previous Peace now becoming flat

So should our inner resolution be tended to & mended on with only ourselves as the judge,the balance of the soul laid upon our own scale to be weighed.R.C.
Solving problems within ourselves that may not exist? Differences between realizing & creating .if nothing was wrong to begin with did we really need to fix it?
  A fine line guidance but still remain ourselves.
Thanks for reading, all input is appreciated . "peace Takes Practice" Rick
Apr 2017 · 559
wichitarick Apr 2017

  Naturally in need we gather together never losing a desire for a shoulder as we grow older

Babbling babes needing moms but also giving as much as they acquire

Separate but coming together as one ,even early games requiring more than one card holder

"Lean on me" or me on thee,singles to doubles makes it easier to pick up the rubble or put out the fire

Alone or lonely the singular verbiage can be cured with some care a simple share ,a little warmth when it's colder

Merely a prop to help if we drop ,how deep seated the need how much of the others soul does another require

Becoming one, a necessary achievement, is it possible to gain this without a buoy as life adds another folder

Working alone sensible for some ,better when another will listen to our groan or give us someone to admire

Two to tango or more to Fandango ,better than dancing alone ,together more fun  than being a loner

Non typical hired help they would do the job for free ,so enjoy a helping hand a striking conversation ,is easier to make each other smile:) R.C.
.Do we need another? is truly content possible when alone ?things do work better in pairs:) thanks for reading all in put is appreciated. Rick
Apr 2017 · 435
wichitarick Apr 2017
Fluctuating feelings,endless raindrops flowing freely in our minds beginning with weeping...
Simple expressions smirking, smiling never beguiling picking up perceived perceptions...
Gradually graduating, waiting to be defined curiosity as a helper.
Adding to a emotional list,simple samples to leave us smiling, storing fledgling perceptions.
Growth of anonymous senses without pretenses layering in levels loosely stacked.
Unknown actions can create new consciousness clear paths rapidly become another titillation,unfocused, acquiring new knowledge of our senses.

Fables or cut & dried on a table, reminders of danger, more learning is required, to be careful, actions have reactions.
Middle aged resilience leans towards laziness , simple lessons idly waiting, rising or raging hormones...
Maybe now reverting back to to an open minded teenage mess.
Stop,think, forward with learned caution ,processing procedures or fall into flagrant mating.
The lessons learned thrown aside, spontaneity instead of logic, not reasoning for future distress.

Friendly, finicky, joyful, jovial, anxious, regressing, positive, become life shaping a personality.
Lessons falling from skies ,bubbling from underneath, like it or not always along the pathway
Absorbing through language, actions, maybe lineal, inherited...then sharpened to become more an internal part of our individuality.
In stages - never really understanding the gauges - a deeper spirit ,developing whit clamoring, climbing up a bit.
Finding feelings, new intensities, finding with more fervour, progressing with new sentimentality...

Fluctuating with a daily play, goodness with glee, sadness with wrath, passion with affection...
Sensibility - gifted through experiences - leading to instinct, forming, acquiring apathy.
Flowing like chad, ribbons of color, grandiose glitter - as if from an exploding pinata. A distraction or attraction...

Do we learn to love or live to love?
Left with only what we've lived...
The feeling; our only collection. R.C.
Maybe a little rough around the edges but is how my mind was feeling when I was putting those thoughts & feelings down.
  The mental mind game of reconstructing or re learning tastes,smells as they link to visual or audio sounds simple ,until we have a blank slate, what if BLUE were always HOT now? but fascinating how ready we are to adapt :) no excuses just take that step can be a great way to fix what ails you:) thanks for reading I appreciate any input.Rick
Apr 2017 · 306
wichitarick Apr 2017

Oh the endless possibilities,all that is or will become within our sight to be touched  smelt or  felt

Personal memorabilia builds into more than recollections ,from buds to blossoming into full blown obsessions  

Numismatic  fancy word for adding another to the ***,dates or weights all pitching towards the wealth

Postcards from yonder,seashells to make us wonder,each time feeling more & more obliged to add another to our possessions

Many admire a rhyme another note always gets their vote ,passion play often the only way, sounds helping their health

Never hear of a person acquiring empty shelves,books will fill any nook ,stacked vertical or leaned horizontal,their words have answered many questions

Rag doll & a race car now turned to bunches of Barbies spinning Hot Wheels
their true beauty just another notch in the belt

Ticking of clocks always keeping time ,some require mere cases, meager to monstrous taking on entire museums

Sending a simple letter has now gone postal,finding that rare picture will make their hearts melt

Garbles of marbles across from mismatched matchbooks,their  appeal is real
as we add more pieces

Bats & ***** gathering dust,minor leaguers gained no fame ,now  junk transformed to memorabilia their distinction now unparalleled  

Avon calling the scent once a common present,not so old bottles now treated like divas

Knick or nack another's brick brack  maybe a future adorers prize
our simple junk adds some *****,past brought to present at a glance
those many baubles just waiting to be shared. R.C.  
Little fun,also a reminder when doing spring cleaning:) Not Junk that is my ???:) Thanks for reading any & all in put is appreciated . Rick
Mar 2017 · 232
wichitarick Mar 2017

Has it all really ended this way ,so abrupt ,did we ever believe there were proper rules

Starting with a simple path ,looking out ,moving on ,no reasons to fear

Trails & trials, simplest of words bunched into files, merely collecting samples some basic others held as jewels

Wading forward, occasionally stuck in the muck & mire,when slipping in  time,  switch a gear

Why bother to say it if you weren't going to play it ,lessons in hindsight so often overlooked

Final finish came without notice, leaving reversal irrelevant,left with simple knowledge of each day we should revere

Mid life not in crisis but simple evaluation can be revealing,  merely more pages to read in hopefully a longer book

Full circle, 360 degrees what is the comparison for completion,which direction are we supposed to stear

Wink,blink or a nod ,fast & faster is how long time may last ,did we remember to listen to that babbling brook

Unknown with a scent of caution, but not using  true fear to  take another swath

Greatest gorge to minor indent, move forward with strong intent,pure beauty when found  will become quite clear. R.C.
Thoughts on not knowing that infamous "what is next" but also thinking myself & watching a 19yr. old run wild:) do we just get lucky for some of out behaviours?    But did try to write this in reverse? not sure how that worked? Any thoughts & your reading this are much appreciated. Rick
Mar 2017 · 199
wichitarick Mar 2017
From  first wishful whimpers  seeking outside guidance, waiting bedside to ease their journey as they glide

Mindless monitoring ,standing by awaiting ,like a living umbrella that is seeing the rain before it falls

Fondly finding nourishment or just subtle words of encouragement ,your always along for the ride

Upward & outward  growing never really watching where their going, idly we wait at their every beckoning call

Staunchly guarding babbling babes ,blocking bruises ignoring their sly ruses ,taking it all in stride

Bringing them up while also laying them down,waiting to walk until they are taught to crawl

Wonders of the world waiting to crush, sit idly not wanting to rush ,for deepest mysteries they will need a guide

Wishful thinking for the good ,but stuck following from sippy cups to them out drinking,showing the other side of the eight ball

Sparkling imaginations can bring many situations one fleeting another worrying
but still wanting to be the person in which they would confide

So from that first bashful brush is no escaping that deep personal rush ,something was deep set naturally to always protect them & give it your all.R.C.
"Kid" Home for spring break maybe getting on my nerves? :)
Maybe should have included words like adjustable or flexible? thoughts on parenting & plumbing:) I appreciate your reading I can always use help or simply your thoughts, so they are appreciated also. thanks. Rick
Mar 2017 · 245
wichitarick Mar 2017
  Re.......leasing me ,letting go, been holding back for a long long while

Not what has past or what has been built to last but why not now find a reason and let go again

Spending to much time staying far away from things deemed vile or softly coddling others to avoid a  rile

Pleasing me, might just take a moment to allow my self a smile,even if it is to the naysayers chagrin

Wink at me, while I blink at thee ,a little fun while awaiting the time to randomly run off & explore a new mile

Don't misunderstand what it means ,not all that it seems, maybe just taking a few moments out to finally win  

When resolution is left suspended in solution,maybe your still hiding, really isn't your style  

Walking through the mind still leaves an open gate, tiring from the wait, wanting to just take a new spin

A simple jaunt  that once reached the equator might now be a serious trial

Why hold back,no longer leader of the pack,looking to the stars maybe just to far
out of view, just something new, not quite so foreign

So a spin of the compass ,no binding that ties us , Up & out like a bird in the warm wind ,explore a sunset & another moonglow in the twilight . R.C.
Thoughts while listening to a song ,oh what a road trip could do for a soul:) I appreciate you reading a any in put is welcomed. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017
Don't need an explanation they always know you like they knew you before

After your journey that has been so long, aren't just shadows at the end of the hall

Often travel in pairs nudging with the extra edge to actually takes those dares

They may be leaning your way or you holding up theirs ,picking up the pieces helping to restore

From an early age we help set the stage ,learning the give & take ,watching out for who really cares

Tested internally, somehow growing more energy to give,learning how to open a new door

Guidance is given while simultaneously taken in, unknown importance playing like a bannister on the long stairs

Bashful helped to be bold while maybe too bold put on hold, to often cushioning the space from our heads to the floor

Practice makes perfect,willing to settle for always rehearsing,helping to block the future demons from their lairs

Lean on me or them ,her or him ,kidding with kindness,giving with mindless love, inward or outward devotion is always from the soul  

Merely matching mates is nice to have the balance at any rate ,the weight isn't as great when split into pairs

So extend a hand give a lift help another to manage that next riff,life will be better when true friendship is the next Goal! ...R.C.
A bit of fun maybe from hearing so many songs about friendship?
Left more as prose or just my thoughts in one succession . Thanks for  your reading and all input is appreciated . Rick
wichitarick Mar 2017
Took a simple walk today, just a fresh breath maybe a hint of springs first green

Holding back so much ,simple is  to normal, maybe becoming to ingrained

Cool air brushes the hair, wafting across the sleeping roses ,but with spring rains their beauty will be seen

Somehow as I stroll something is calling to go beyond the knoll,maybe that hidden feeling to be unchained

My restless time wanting to roll in a new ambience,left wondering what will be the new scene

Following along,feeling it flow, unsureness  replaced with a new way to flow ,waiting for something to be explained

Looking out ,not back ,no recount, taking trails toward a view that is new & serene

While the willows  breath helps me add footprints on a path,feeling new freedoms can not be restrained

Hidden inside some emotions blind, will the new wind soon intervene

Finally ripples reflect that glassy glow ,sights & sounds coming in, new beauty yet to be tainted

Spring birds flutter ,grass greening like glitter, streams trickling,the scent & sight reflect across the water reminding me mother nature is still Queen. R.C.
A few feelings from a morning walk. Also determined to watch the bustle & color of spring from the river bank rather than a window:) I appreciate your reading and input is appreciated. Rick
Mar 2017 · 201
wichitarick Mar 2017

Carried in the womb moving from room to room ,joined at the hip making a way
where ever she cares to take you

Limber legs laying not yet running or playing ,up right rising finally standing

Counting one,two that foot in front of the other not now but soon to have a clue

Walking at last, the elders aghast,still falling but fidgety so no stalling

Lessons learned picking up the pace, soon leaving the slipper & into a shoe

One room is a big world before that first stride,the outside will soon be calling

Formally forming forward movement is now a constant ,more motion to provide a better view

Earned a new view but left our emotions askew,sights & sounds all around ,discovering  freedom is enthralling

Started slowly then outwardly growing ,stepping out now has clout,what will we find that is new

Limber legs as part of the liaison, lumbering along learning new rhythms ,skipping soon to be running

An inch to a mile ,that step from the porch down the walk to a trail ,new journeys will soon be up to you. R.C.
Little fun, had a thought when I couldn't walk for a few days:( so took it all in stride:) & started this. I appreciate you reading and any thoughts are helpful. thanks. Rick
Feb 2017 · 358
wichitarick Feb 2017

Looking for that lift up or a sample of real let down ,something snappy or simply sappy

To each their own what ever gets them in that zone ,giving s that often a real get up up & go

Hearing that sound brings many around, synchronized on the tempos & tones as they become catchy

Mixtures of words from sonnets about bonnets or biker trash screaming out wrath of fire from below

Valuable lessons brought out from musicians sessions laid upon our minds new feelings we accept gladly

Minus the lyrics still giving deeply, sound from symphonies left us reeling shiny Tubas to tiny piccolo's

Fortunes or flowers or all that love empowers ,earths fortunes & fables
often imaginations left to run wildly

Don't touch that dial it's not that vile,driving to the cube ,better than what is playing on the elevator's

So let the sound of reason not bring treason ,make it to your own pleasing sounds resound to make your day go nicely.
Always something fun or fancy with music. Thanks for reading. Rick
Jan 2017 · 256
wichitarick Jan 2017
Resting as a simple harmonious repetitive cycle ,a way to become one again

Drawn to the down ,panels of flannel timed to switch to  another channel

Drinking in warmth,white noises now the norm, from frantic to washing away the pain

Pounding pump moving life's liquid, parts working in sequence doing all they can handle

Internal horrors no longer forbidden ,paranoid paralysis in restless reality drained awakening even harder to explain

Our many mortal moments rushing in now formed memories ,all the best taken with one rest,each night a new gamble

Life is about receiving so we're able to to do the giving ,knowing we can not stay forever,it's impossible to obtain

Oh brother should one bother to go to sleep at all,will the submission gain a new admission to the beyond ,through which  gate will I ramble

A lock & key hidden inside of me ,with the departing will the others finally see it was bigger & I simply bowed under the strain

Not chosen, but a much simpler path to meet ones wrath Harshness of writhing in agony hidden screams for the funeral preamble

So as I lay my head to rest should one worry if they may soon be someone else's Guest ,comfort with the knowledge that it wasn't all in vain. R.C.
Just thoughts,but also part of reality ,,feel blessed that a seed has never been planted to let those thoughts over take me.  I appreciate your reading even though I may not comment as much as I could I am reading others work here & appreciate & any input ,thanks. Rick
Jan 2017 · 501
wichitarick Jan 2017
Breaking out with nothing more than meager minds & meandering souls

Still not even a glimpse of that elusive blue sky for which other neighbors are willing to die

How bad the history to toss it in the wind & follow the passing wind for a new life taking on unknown roles

Leaving mongrels for fabulous futures overly protective she nurtures ,what will her resolve signify ?

Pressing passions peeking out ,climbing onto a new board will the beauty be worth the unpaid tolls?

Integral,meshed strength from mind,body & soul are the naysayers merely jealous of this because they have a short supply?

How can people have no country when they are standing on firm ground then who becomes the master to confirm or deny

Mass exodus from natures over abundance or her maximum denial ,in the distance are new goals

People proud of their past yet forgetting from where they came who are they to say I am just some guy?

Living with a new label "stranger in a strange land" now with life's biggest gamble

whether coming east,west,north or south all simply seeking new homes.R.C.
Could have tried harder,but simple thoughts after helping some folks ,literally arriving to the middle of the U.S. from parts unknown Africa with the shirt on their back,but with more strength than to many others I have met in recent times,imagine learning to wear a coat for the first time at 40 yrs. old? :) But it also still begs the question,are they gaining something or losing something as they become "Americanized" ? I appreciate any in put "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Dec 2016 · 306
wichitarick Dec 2016
With a new day may come yet another way of lifting our hands in praise

Usually formed fondly,friendly even fictitious, a goal to show people internal passions

Pick or choose from a season ,another's passing will bestow a ration ,many way's that your heart plays

Break out with festival or feast ,way above not with our least ,leaping as one to form stronger liaisons

An anniversary of a day others overcame adversity ,they did not know it would become a day of cabarets

Take a break visit a lake often unknowing  why it was originally laid on our plate ,the thoughts lost like so many cliches

Fantastic fantasy enjoyed by young & old,winters yield to May day bouquets

Santa & Jesus co-mingle & enjoy a smore,  a Big Bunny lays pastel eggs while the other hall is for those that sing praise

Cheers with beer for the rockets red glare don't tread on me no don't you dare ,strength takes time this isn't just some phase

Our for-bearers strife left us talking Turkey, conversations with in-laws a bit murky,what would they think knowing football was the over riding craze

Surviving another year affords you a cake, simple gesture considering what is at stake ,some of the former days now left in a haze

So send a card ,light a tree,carve a squash,blow a candle ,fill a stocking or basket say your prayers ,but remember we're keeping memory's you can't replace.R.C.
Bit of fun ,but as it says anything to help the others get cheered up for the holidays:) Appreciate you reading any in put is appreciated. Happy Holidays. Rick
Dec 2016 · 284
wichitarick Dec 2016
Upwardly mobile moving as it radiates unconscious of the energy it creates

Mapping our mind as we come to find again new places from unknown spaces

Almost a tease with which some ease into it's cradle,waiting for the new level it elevates

Circling & cycling feeling the shadow as it begins to grow,pressing pressures of the phases

Some say eye in the sky, but we watch it, not in reverse,masterful with which feelings it delegates

Sensations magnified as it's brightness cast ,many reaching out to sing it's praises

Mirror of the Sun it is the lesser one ,helping with calculations of man,many bonded as soulmates

Rising then falling crescent to full ,waning or waxing ,brightness to blackness always helping to mark our days

Forcing natural habits ,laying patterns marking out situations ,part of our soul is in what it narrates

For the joy of spring brides & rising or falling tides ,many feel as a predictor of weird & quirky ways

Bright beaming leaving many screaming ,slivers mere quivers,again varying for which moods it dictates

Another night with the Moon will be waning soon ,leaving leaving the warm sun and another day to play. R.C.
Have always had a strong bond or aura with the moon but with some of the more recent moon cycles & my own body/mind changes the presence was unavoidable. was more fun than to serious:) I appreciate your reading ,any input is welcomed. Rick
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