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Sep 2022 · 408
Votes For Notes
wichitarick Sep 2022
Votes For Notes
Choosing one style from an unlimited pile is as hard as Diamond or making a square Rock Roll

Collective collaborations create unique feelings individually or in community, music has Magic to be heard not seen

Unlike sights we are left to feel sounds, Hidden charm inside a subtle chime, fledgling feelings grow from a bass down low expanding beauty upon a listener's soul

Begin life in searches,  nursery rhymes to funeral dirges,  endless players add constant layers
competition for compositions adding more jewels to our Crown

To the Dead I am Grateful, gatherings of folkies & Yokels expanded our vocals not left steaming & screaming like my Metal head friends, new found Freedom gathering ticket stubs by the pocketful

Rockers often scream of taking life to an edge in dispute of which way their soul should pledge leaving us alone in the lyrics to roam, internal interpretation often sifting each listeners reasoning

Hillbilly humming solo guitar strumming, a mixed medley I feel fondly, fond of Chet's precision style, violin or Banjo a sure win ,styles changing as I mature

Always searching feeling fuller when it is found, limitless vibration forms vibes within me grooves given and received, Sixth sense flowing internally helping to align mentally

Life in a song is better than trying to maintain without one, it is to the words or sounds I aspire looking outward to keep my mind "Out of the Mire"  R.C.
A personal homage to music in general not a particular style or artist!
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Aug 2022 · 304
wichitarick Aug 2022

Providing an edge to tarry or toil open pathways to anywhere

Like brooks connecting streams that flow into bigger rivers

Their history limitless as they connect footsteps, unite people or disconnect them mystery laid upon each square

Corner to corner varies widely whether local or foreign, goal of each walker differs

Walkways perpetually taking second place to a street that carries the name, standing as middle ground between the house and a thoroughfare

Gates can say OH WAIT or come on in bordered by fence of all flavors, always friendly with the footpath while adding totality to a structure

Tykes on trikes in training, Rises or falls caused many a bicycle blunder, either is fulfilling leaves lasting memory whether experienced or beginners

So many Hellos to neighbors or strangers a nod in passing payment to them for an unknown cause opening a chance to give a dull day a little luster R.C.
Was from a picture of a sidewalk! Wanted to show more from the view of the sidewalk! Fell a little short imo but still came together, Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Rick
Jun 2022 · 262
Paid To Paint It Black
wichitarick Jun 2022
Paid To Paint It Black

Another Red door my job is to paint it Black, they are never done always two more on the rack

Would I be put asunder left in constant wonder if just one door might be painted another color

Red resembling rust always a bust, thoughts of other color not left to wonder

Various hues bring other views while dark stands alone, many reasons to color an entrance from religious to obscure

All my clothes winter or summer refaced with rust or flat primer or pleasing pigments of charcoal

Solid steel adds a secure feel, brass hardware a subtle but luxurious appeal, Noticeable link for a criminal buffer

Many other iron projects to clean paint or polish, paint black doors on Friday to have the weekend to dry,
not to dismiss how security was our main goal

..........Another Red door my job is to paint it Black, they are never done always two more on the rack..........

Had a hidden dream a bolder color besides flat or gloss charcoal tones, last day I should have played leaving just one passageway purple or magenta showing more contrast with my blue collar

Buried in rust always a plus, paycheck never lacked as long as I didn't slack, often heard **** on the radio SCREAMING

..........Another Red door my job is to paint it Black, they are never done always two more on the rack..........
Was from the song "Paint It Black" by the rolling stones! I worked in an ornamental iron shop for a few yrs. and dip painted many thing including LG. security doors,with hundreds of gallons of red primer & Black gloss paint can see how the words had their own meaning :) Literally painted EVERYTHING black including my clothes boots and hair and skin :)  Thanks For reading appreciate your thoughts. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
Jun 2022 · 310
Screen Door Always Open
wichitarick Jun 2022
Screen Door Always Open

Flashback of a slow train on a narrow track, visions from a car window or old pickup truck

Memories of tasting dirt roads and noisy toads, taking it all in while old wheels spin

Arrival looks like a revival minus the Bible, Wind washed home between railroad tracks next to a river bank

Juvenile sensations sensationalized, taste of mulberry, watermelon, Kool-Aid in Tupperware, refinery a constant scent of tar or diesel, Smell of whitewash not political yet, waiting line at the tire swing

Barefoot brings bee stings, soft familiar feeling of clover between toes, whiffle ball for all, plenty to do for me or you, willingness to play holds highest rank

More fun  catching bait than avoiding the old bait and switch, Lessons laid out and kept separate like hooks on a trot line, uncaring for the memories these days would bring

Collecting sunshine brings blistering burns, red skin clashes with red hair, grass stains and heat show no pain,  remove both with wonders of the wash tank

No hills but a few Dales, Lakes and streams in between, Grandma Nellies reward a penny for each dandelion dug endless fodder for young hands to wander, like a merry-go-round little minds spin and spin

Few recollections of adults they must have been bored, stayed in shade porch protected,  order by age from front to back

Melancholy notes drifting down from meadowlarks or mourning doves, mixed country or Beatles on a.m. radio,  sights, sound, tastes enter, mark unique imprints on our soul, carried softly to the end

No future lost when unknown, will we miss it when it's gone, Ciyfied now to those old folks I still give a bow,
next time we see an old house with the screen door wide open is more family's adding to memoirs to their masterwork
Summer time flashback of a little kid,how happy we can be with so little.
Appreciate your comments,thanks for reading. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
Jun 2022 · 254
Inspirational Sounds
wichitarick Jun 2022
Inspirational sounds

Words or sounds placed perfectly plinking away lightly then reaching down deep to mold my soul

Grand day! YES it was when "Songs" was first heard, like adding lotion to raw emotion too tone and soften

Distantly aware what effects have taken over like musical magicians each word or note plays a different role

Humble as my hearing is, connected to a mind that was put into timeless bliss, change my mind instantly from loathsome to AWESOME

Painter of words blending hues with many expanded views help to set my mind in motion, giving freedom to my head and new control

My Heart not Fragile nor thrown Roundabout  more as a welcome sedation feeding inner elation, setting a Mood for A Day at the Heart of the Sunrise an expanded spirit no longer an option

Going on a venture with a Star-ship Trooper brought Perpetual Change to All Good People who were ready to listen, a new school for our senses to enroll

Mindset of placidity falling backwards needs a JOLT not some lovesick potion a mental message to my Neurons, brain released from pain like a prisoner without a warden

Not looking for forgiveness or to be forsaken but to give the Love that can be taken, pleasing memoir painted upon our soul

They say NO I say YES, I need visionary friction to feed my addiction, the release will appease, mentally tease shift a rift excite and encourage, elation shows as a gift my mind has a new watchman
Was done as Praise to the band YES ,the passing of their drummer Alan White
Was the prompt but  am a life long fan so is more fitting to the entire band and all their music and sounds from all members.  (though certainly not enough) 25% of everything I written has had their songs playing in the background when writing :) thanks. appreciate your comments. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Jun 2022 · 255
Craving The Color
wichitarick Jun 2022
Craving The Color

Is it and wonder we crave the color

Many angles to finagle our desire, beauty or scent heartfelt softness of each petal

Nothing simple why their symbolic from pompous too bucolic, varies from culture to culture

Bold as gold Crimson luster exudes from a cluster, shared by saints or signs of a devil

Gardeners pay a price when handling the bramble, drops of blood reflect each blossom, beauty is worth the gamble

Favorite tint carries a hint of wisdom, white as purity, mellow yellow brings joy, BIG and BOLD or pastel is soft and gentle

Countless days dependent on the image meshed with chocolates become almost redundant, sinners or winners they are laid across the saddle

Bride and groom enter a room share in the passion, her rosy cheeks polished pink, Piano softly plays "The Rose "
making each feel special !
Was fitting for the first day of summer :)
Thoughts on the many ways we use the rose as a symbol, a display for a casket or a wedding or valentines day can be interchangeable,as a gardener could have included more ways they are symbolic.also are often used in songs of love and hate, common in art and tattoos . Thanks for reading your comments are helpful :) Peace Takes Practice. Rick
May 2022 · 317
Camouflaged Caskets
wichitarick May 2022
Camouflaged Caskets

Best of a generation first to shout with passion, didn't stand idle ready to march to battle

Cemeteries more famous than the quarrel, become markers for its members

Personal diary lost in history, now next in line of people mixed in raw data

Mausoleum, crematorium even more buried at sea, just a mark on a map where they take their final nap, they lie alone in that zone whether airman soldier's or sailor's

Hearse did roll so silent , not a hint of anything violent, Tears flowing have a universal language, sounds like rain marking pain, form a storm covered by dark clouds

Paths of life mixed in strife, roads paved with headstones sealed with blood, marched on by friend or foe, they become a still frame in someone's mind

Real lives in disguise, their destiny not discreet, many tags moving, dog tags on top, toe tags on bottom, So many wars largest given numbers

Disturbing ritual never ending vigil, Final decision a true gamble, no trial it is final, certificate for family's wall is all that is signed, do those crosses stand as symbols

Who will know in the end what was right, under the scope does their life bring hope, does the death bring Peace with honor, are they now a new generations instructors

Does dirt disguise their demise, death mask worn like a fashionable veil, flag on a casket worn as a shroud hides a soul's pride, connects all cultures takes all comers, final march guided by deaths Angels.
Not quite as the first thought on the title  was, but still needed a new memorial day thought! Aside from the niceties or pain no matter the cause it is hard to avoid  they become memories and numbers ! "Peace Takes Practice" appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
May 2022 · 308
Speaking Drinking, Thinking
wichitarick May 2022
Speaking Thinking & Drinking

Lifes Knowledge taken from many avenues from sweat equity or upper college

Courtesy easier to hide in writing, voices carry many tones, simple clatter rising, levels GROW as the beverages flow

More we imbibe the less we subscribe to Emily Post, wisdom and manners begin to blend with verbal garbage

Tongue twisters become more tasteless as the head gets more wasted, uncaring we become part of the local show

More we drink the less we think, simple minds make companions easiest, tomorrow far off behind that mental blockage

Did Hemingway think he would make a future A.A. quote, Wonder if his liver were about to quiver or the blood alcohol levels were about to overflow

Speaking, thinking and drinking can become a mess in a sentence, if mixed the wrong way they might require bail,
be cautious what you wish for under the mistletoe

Will we recall to hold back the words at the next happy hour, or as always, a few ounces will have us hollering like it was our last rodeo. R.C.
For Hemingway quote,"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk"  Used the SAID and DRUNK part literally! My mouth mixed with alcohol is half of why  I have long term sober drug free ! Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
May 2022 · 232
Histories Mystery
wichitarick May 2022
Histories Mystery

Lost in the past a life known to few covered by new souls who did not know their true roles

She never made a plan blind to a future she could not scan, ways of life not always pastel and paisley

Was her howl the only one that day, how much the cost for penance paid, SIDS or SUDEP still unknown acronyms

Was it the sandman or monster under the bed,  was  left as mystery to me, secret family history

Did her last caress fade to black,  soul left in silence, hidden grief no relief, left alone blind to life's challenges

After the Four Horsemen deliver their message nothing else matters, angel of death laughing at her misery

Secret soul like a fly on a wall but a White elephant in the room no one spoke of those unseen, left to ponder if Mom ever wondered about the lost narratives

I was told to LIVE for today, You're living your some-days today and tomorrow, left alone with no memory does not define synergy

Left in the dark, No new light of that night, Mangled memory did she always feel Unforgiven? Mom's secret left without answers

Alone we were left to Ride The Lightening, full of energy and unique but always that internal mystique, Her actions mercy left as fodder for the antagonists

She never came clean of what was seen leaving a lifelong question but there would be no ME without Rick Lee.
Was from a prompt about Metallica songs! The song "Enter Sandman was about infant death or SIDS !  I was named for a brother that only lived to 6 Mo's and no one ever talked about it,so was always that "that thing" ,always felt my Mom was left alone with this. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
May 2022 · 183
Black Room
wichitarick May 2022
Black Room
In the Black room with walls of black curtains when my mind was vacation

Starlings became personal darlings, Dark eyes gather no moonbeams

Holding back all daylight, Dark blocks the vision like mental images in remission

Stuck in this Pace with a mysterious shadow, where Grey would seem bright no glow on the edges

You cried NO ropes could hold you, NO ONE would scold you, still left in the darkness with a mind and body in detention

Bought the ticket, covered all windows, Create a sad time putting my own mind on vacation

        " As I walked out, felt my own need just beginning"

Create a new Line, unknown waiting, for a lost train, restless withering

Ghosts unseen, traces of  those faces hide from themselves, Shadows outside always creeping

Party with a rough crew, her smile a hint of kindness in the dark night

Old wounds left open, never forgotten, like scary traces where the shadows talk to themselves

Return to a jungle mindless dark eye, time for redressing open new windows, unfriending Starlings

Letting light into the dark, creates new shadows that are no longer afraid of themselves. R.C.
From the song WHITE ROOM by Cream......
Followed thoughts of the song ,but where we or I left in darkness not knowing we NEED light to get out, be it  mentally or with addiction so followed my own path with addiction.we need light to make shadows. "Peace Takes Practice"   Thank you for reading, your comments are helpful. Rick
May 2022 · 269
JukeBox Jingles
wichitarick May 2022
Jukebox jingle
Wonder or ponder for memories of mom's song

When searching for something I can hold onto, feeling F.M. from the kitchen or flipping 45's from a bar room

Bottles or glasses mixed with ice behind a bar have a unique symphony, ONE voice ABOVE the rest comes out strong

Beatles or Elvis followed by a country crooner sets a tone even sooner, placing her with ONE melody too much to assume

Nickels dimes make a rhyme adding up to quarters, loose change promises a full range of emotion appeasing the throng

Melody selection given picked for a payee always up for election, a few free from the house helps the mood to resume

Sonnets become symbols, Fun not fiction can create livable function, many would do anything for that familiar ring

Collective ballad would be a mixed salad, theme from jeopardy clash with glass, slivers of silver mark tips in a jar cash register ringing would leave my MOM singing at a small-town Kansas saloon

Sounds never go away but feel blessed not cursed that they are in my head to stay, few dollars an old juke box make it mellow for this fellow, take away that ghosts' sting

1 through 100, A to Z, big box on the floor ready to set the score, thoughts of her create that familiar internal stir, left fetching for mementos on anniversaries, passion changes like top 40 and the smell of Avon perfume. R.C.
Thought is for a song for my Mom on mothers day!
Not sure she would have had a song? But she ran a nightclub for many yrs  so my memory is from the sounds of that bar room and kitchen :) get a mix of ROCK from the kitchen with pop,country from the juke box and chiming of glassware and ice :)    a toast to all Mothers out there. thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick
Apr 2022 · 265
Casts, Braces or Slings
wichitarick Apr 2022
Casts, Braces Or Slings

Night or day blend into one, windows blacked out, limit all doubt
Holding back hurt, mental game to disguise deep pain
Knowing others DO feel like me but they are not here to see, that philosophy hold lots of clout

        Here in my room
Soon to test the limits of my soul, Life WITHOUT GRIEF major relief
Tomorrow's mystery will be if I Capture a fracture, closed, open, hairline, new day await another X-ray
...............Breaking Bones........
Backed into a corner hiding behind the light, unlike many I hold back over bearing internal fright
She will soon be throwing her stones, Loss of air, SCREAM of death
Who will I be when I awake, nervous neurons playing foresee my fate

Here in my room
Soon to test the limits of my soul, Life WITHOUT GRIEF major relief
Tomorrow's mystery will be if I Capture a fracture, closed, open, hairline, new day await another X-ray
...............Breaking Bones........

My room, a bed, became a padded throne, revolving time has no zone
Longing to lumber or to be put under, past flashbacks of TWISTING my lumbar
Mystique of fate hangs like a black or gold gate, which entrance or exit always an unknown

Here in my room
Soon to test the limits of my soul, Life WITHOUT GRIEF major relief
Tomorrow's mystery will be if I Capture a fracture, closed, open, hairline, new day await another X-ray
...............Breaking Bones........

Have we held the door closed to long, blind to the good adjusting too easily with the wrong
Unexplored outside grows larger while the walls closing in make a room smaller, do we give up or call the queen of hearts on her bluff?
Have the number of bumps or bruises increased over time? Has age just showed me I am not as strong?
Many gambles as we ramble, move forward into wicked wind, are we failing to foresee a fine future or blinded by hate without feeling love

Here in my room
Soon to test the limits of my soul, Life WITHOUT GRIEF major relief
Tomorrow's mystery will be if I Capture a fracture, closed, open, hairline, new day await another X-ray
...............Breaking Bones........
Was from the song "BREAKING BONES by  OFFSPRING, so reading those lyrics is helpful,followed the thought BUT tried to show or rise above just keeping the door closed to negative! Having seizures in my sleep and the gamble each time I lay down explains my thinking better.That bedroom is our mind, OPEN minded is a lifestyle
Mar 2022 · 377
A Better Taste Than Kale
wichitarick Mar 2022
A Better Taste Than Kale

We Skipped the light appetizer
They had become such a bore
Restaurant was kinda *****, there were cockroaches on the floor
Place was so crowded we did know what was in store
Juke box humming harder as bugs flew across the ceiling
I told them I DIDN'T drink
as the waiter ran away............

So not much later she cried rather have a mater or a tater
Miss Miller SCREAMED her tale
In her face you could plainly see
She cried there has to be a better taste than KALE!

Vegetarian waiter returned and said "There is no reason"
The truth is obvious to ME !....Would not let Miss miller be!
Flavors quickly falling like a house of recipe playing cards
She said put the meat in the fire I am NOT one of the vegetarian virgins
who came in from the coast, oh my eyes were OPEN!
But the waiters were obviously closed!

So not much later she cried rather have a mater or a tater
Miss Miller SCREAMED her tale
In her face you could plainly see
She cried there has to be a better taste than KALE!

She said! We are home on shore leave, had plenty of ****** food at sea!
She was SCREAMING for her drinking glass and I was starting to agree !
Recalling King Neptune had warned us about barmaids named mermaid
She was smiling faintly and once again began her plea!

So not much later she cried rather have a mater or a tater
Miss Miller SCREAMED her tale
In her face you could plainly see
She cried there has to be a better taste than KALE!

Sound of music was stronger than the waiter who was a Queen
Didn't know the front from his own behind.
The truth is the restaurant was not very clean
We had not ordered, starting to eat the menu cardboard
Making us miss that ocean meal and the shipboard bed
Smells and sounds HER VOICE come quickly

So not much later she cried rather have a mater or a tater
Miss Miller SCREAMED her tale
In her face you could plainly see
She cried there has to be a better taste than KALE
Was for a prompt on the song "A WHITER SHADE OF PALE" so would help to look at those lyrics first,
Was in the Navy so that helped
Am a life long cook and well known to eat most anything but somehow the taste &"magic" of kale eludes me :(
Authors note! no vegetarians or waiters were offended in the writing of this poem :)  Thanks for reading,your thoughts are helpful. Peace. Rick
Mar 2022 · 438
Sax Sets The Tone
wichitarick Mar 2022
Sax Sets The Tone

Pick or choose will vibes come from Jazz or blues

Music often invokes passion, playing from the heart reads from a musicians chart

Many notes get varied votes, orchestral highs too skid row lows

Enjoyment a goal with their deployment, free verse is footloose while Romantic feels poetic

For rockers guitar often takes lead, other styles use woodwinds to set the speed, maestro out front for their shows

Alto, baritone,soprano,different levels to revel, split reed distorts the feed, minstrel moans wildly while a crooner leaves us lovesick

Many think jazz as boring, while mellow fellow rises to screaming madness before realizing to whom they owe the gladness

Many sounds from minor or profound fill a niche melodies answer a hidden wish, true artists can naturally FEEL authentic

Wonder now if Mr. Sax would relax hearing how his sound has become so profound, widely heard from orchestras ,bar rooms and radios

We are left to take our pick of how a sound will get our vote, systemic strumming or a low humming,from Brass you ask? for some the equation only answered if the SAX is majestic.
Was done from a prompt about the saxaphone! was msuic so felt it would be easy to set the "tone" I often use msuic to set my vibe or find ideas with prose
so also seemed like a way to pay back the karma:) Thanks Peace. your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Mar 2022 · 327
Timeless Turnstiles
wichitarick Mar 2022
Timeless Turnstile

Beginning as one united coming or going using a single door

Plans playing out always solved with little doubt

Plenty of passion divided equally, the other familiar face means most issues a minor chore

Another figure adds more rigor as households grow, extra weight not too great, remaining attached to the commitment still devout

Singles slowly separating, unknowing we stop growing, once common ground becoming a hidden topic to explore

Day to day we still play but with an ever-increasing price to pay, going from a one-way slow lane into a faster double roundabout

Finding a meeting place on middle ground harder and harder to be found, passion lost viewing another with a blink or nod makes them easier to ignore

Knowing this ceaseless hurry is ending our relationship in a flurry, finding times balance will repair romance no longer lost under times shroud R.C.
Done on a prompt, from the thought of  "We’re in such a hurry most of the time we never get much chance to talk. The result is a kind of endless day-to-day shallowness, a monotony that leaves a person wondering years later where all the time went and sorry that it’s all gone"
I reflected on a time in life when we thought this was happening to us when married and took time each day to reflect as a family! Thank you for reading. your thoughts are helpful,Peace Takes practice. Rick
Feb 2022 · 255
Frozen Willows
wichitarick Feb 2022
Frozen Willows

Stroll beyond the knoll takes me on a familiar stage,  releasing my mind to higher places

Pacing a trail leading me along an edge, mind divided between forward or reverse

Wandering do I wonder the Cost of color, contemplate reasons for seasons, she reveals her beauty in phases

Frost has a cost, distance lost in an instant, exposed by a sunrise, illusions not easy to coerce

The ice while nice also a vise holding back fodder for the birds to eat, Warmth and color embrace emotions internally set the pace while winning new races

Basking in the beauty of distortion seasons keeping visions in proportion, Bare without an armor of green leaves, grass now ghostly, unknown images appear sensations something we can't rehearse

Imagination provides an amalgamation of contrasting perception, sensations so strong felt even if blind, emotions a fusion often in confusion laid out on many stages

Hear wind whistle through thistle, Mellow memory a memorial to the sound of willows on the water, spring green gives new noises, wispy willows having a rebirth

Unknown images appear, notes from birds we can hear, using natures messenger service showing her gladness, bathing us in beauty with unknown shamans

New night wandering left my mind pondering , blocked by blackness, left to roam alone hearing a moonbeam, feel the color of the sleeping flower, truth beyond a Sirens song , spring in the air,  Mystery has no history waiting to show her mirth

Emotions champions of all seasons, time passages hitching a free ride inside my mind, nature offering endless innovations on our sensations R.C.
Thoughts of spring green when suddenly frozen in an ice storm then buried in snow took a walk anyway and still heard the birds calling!  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
Jan 2022 · 347
Memories Toy Chest
wichitarick Jan 2022
Memories Toy Chest

Something most hold in common is  the joy from a child's first toy

Marking time with bounces of a ball or combing a dolls hair, simple samples when life was still fair

Teddy bear on a tricycle towing a red wagon became a daily highlight for freckled faced boy

Sand box unifies the block, Tonka trucks take over, shovel & pail never fail, forming fundamental liaisons, fresh friends unknown to despair

Christmas tree bearing notions, free fodder for the toddler, tiny top fascinating for a tot older sibling needs a little more to not be a bore, each gift reveals internal joy

Crayons and coloring books fill a nook, many images and glimpses of our past, memories now memoirs, all of life's offerings nothing can compare

Focused on fledgling fiascos too more amorous teen things, flash before a crash, skateboard or Schwinn California cruiser either a bruiser when seeking search and destroy

Army men cheap to begin before g.i. Joe or barbies, cap gun for fun, noise for playing on the run, never standing still long enough to stare

Grandmas egg money the best for a stash of cash, bought candy or unknown present I would never resent, she was a kid at heart acting old merely her decoy

Glimpse through a child eyes, thought or flashback of childhood and early life, fishing pole or frisbee a cheap fee for a lifetime memory, simple sample of how  we care

Lifes diary often leaves out those trifles that came for free, when we never feared a future unknown, nothing lost when not seen, a minds toy chest held close to the vest the items enclosed permanent parts of our history R.C.
Thought was first on our or my first toy or a favorite toy and how much they can mean to us!
Suppose I said it in first person and third person?  I did ask a few people what their first or favorite was. Also humbling those 99 cent army men seemed more important that the junk I have now:) be well PEACE thanks.  
Thanks for reading your thoughts are appreciated. Rick
Jan 2022 · 316
Gregorian Birthday
wichitarick Jan 2022
Gregorian Birthday

Stop for a day to reflect on minutes passed away, plan for a future to grow and mature

Wisdom comes with days caressed, will we know what was lost when distressed

Ten to twelve cycles marked by Caesar. leap year leaves out thirteen, seasons cycles part of mother nature

Hold fast wave bye  to the past, making it happen is not dependent on happenstance

Pleasant periods bordered by moments of raw emotion,unknown future will be shown good or bad we are our own moderator

Dates do not wait, progression never caring about personal recession, happiness dependent on whether we take a chance

Counting with clocks or calender's or handily with our fingers, stars make their mark from far away, while the sun is always the common denominator

Many claim to know what it takes to help us grow, be great or atone our sins away, might as well tell your troubles to the moon, real truth is upward in that great expanse

Facing ourselves not always viewing the same reflection, mirrors also show bad with glad, only internally do we know if we are a giver or taker

Resolutions dependent upon revolutions, marking moments, making memories, how we hold up relies on keeping time when life is a dance

Reasons for seasons shadows really have a tale to tell,images cast depend on earths revolution

time passages playing on personal calender's, make today count for tomorrow, from lost minutes we can never borrow, smiling for the future we will never be a failure. R.C.
Meant for the NEW yr. a little late so hopefully not telling of my future:)
Could have used a few more examples of our current calendar or way we mark time! also listening to a few philosophize on meaning of life,time etc.left me wondering if they really get "it" time,evolution is a little more simple than all that ,those leaves are green from the sun not a gov. conspiracy :) Hope have a "brighter" future happy NEW year. "Peace takes Practice" thanks for reading your comment are helpful. Rick
Dec 2021 · 469
wichitarick Dec 2021
New age blindly falling from grace, fighting a hidden enemy

Teen and anxious once the norm now a psych diagnosis, distress taken as some bad label

Faceless facts hard to retract, flashing light world in blight, Harum-scarum analysis isn't reality

Inner truth now given to a mental sleuth, hidden truth never seen, cause and effect does it mentally disable or inadvertently enable

Swallowing knowledge left us choking,  repetition offers no variation, life has no on or off switch, harder to remain stable when emotions are constantly displayed openly on the table so irrationally

Paranoid covered in a blanket of fear, selected target our mind now a part of the market, pointing at humans being inhumane part of the game, being playful becoming a lost fable

Why always recall when you're about to fall, simple shuffle of memory cards can show greener yards, following pre-plotted maps leads to another casualty

Not as bad as it appears, forget learning to simply survive, permanent pessimist, Impossible to relax when buried in facts, wasteful worry replacing meaningful ways to remain grateful

Instant diagnoses blown into multi tethered prognosis, finding middle ground when being told you're not normal or crazy leaves many lacking, losing leverage when searching for adequacy

Mass medias senseless sayings gather no moss to keep the blues ball rolling, taking fun from function,  new dog and pony show, subconsciously afraid, living life now seen as something fateful

Digging our own graves, personal pall bearers for basic thought, selling freedom for an unfulfilled diagnosis, words a magic elixir, removing ways to face fear rationally

Social wisdom masking the freedom of a child to walk through a puddle instead of a lifetime of insight finding knowledge to walk around them, remembering to smile gives strength to go the extra mile, life on life's terms need not be painful. R.C.
First thoughts were follow up on something I did before on  basic thoughts being changed by negative feedback,or "feeling" something mentally wrong when it is just LIFE! goes deeper and wider than simple prose allows and is now several generations deep,do we try and reverse this?  or become scared of our shadows? :) thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful,PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. Rick
Nov 2021 · 298
wichitarick Nov 2021

Many memories come or go fleeting thought of once moving fast

Living in the present not always a gift, beige or bland nowhere to make a stand

Take another piece of me, got locked in lost soul never again to be free, once saw everything with open eyes unfolded maps world so vast

Prefer to roam without a home, unsaddled no bit or bridle always on idle, time was a scam never wore a watch upon my hand

Completing hitch hikers guide a source of pride, thumb out or cheap greyhound ride, memories fade left to rely on what was photographed

Always wondering where a river went or raindrops are sent, wayward youth a highway sleuth Unlimited vision with no mission, wandering soul enclosed white pickets complete that demand

Inner strife from hiding vagabond feelings wanting to get lost again in past misdealing's Length of Layovers timed by hangovers, now life outside bottles or baggies a more realistic blast

Born in the parking lot so always been on the out, Set to roam with a spin of the globe, coast to coast beach to beach now stuck behind a hidden line in the sand

Vagabond looking out across new land, unsettled not ready to make a stand,Leaning on an edge split inside with a wedge, held back by new wisdom of my past

Designated drifter part time grifter forgetting to nurture a future, realizing wisdom can come slower, much to gain with pain, internal freedom not always planned

Dreams from a past trickle out carrying much clout, what weight so great it was to slow the hobo, settled in with a new grin becoming my own life's greatest enthusiast R.C.
Maybe sitting to long brought out a few memories? started as from third person but drifted into first person.accepting change is often the real obstacle in our own growth :)  Thank you for reading Your input is helpful Peace takes Practice. Rick
Oct 2021 · 350
Fill In The Blanks
wichitarick Oct 2021
Fill In The Blanks

Hard to sell a tale with no title, words form first thought on how a memory is wrought

Spaces in select places allow ad-lib thinking, would a prescription be useless without the diction

Even or odd numbers owe their life to letters, alphabet soup takes more ingredients to add to the ***

More we learn more we yearn , added phrases written or heard knowledge is power whether from fact or fiction

Treasure the pleasure of the story growing, as we read, we feed getting fuller as we are taught

Languages linger until formed into sentences, phases of phrases come and go with different meaning given or taken, reader or writer hold a unique vision

With no verb Ned is neutral while Nancy in bright neon is fancy, exclamations with explanations add detail, twisting of details in tales thicken a plot

Puzzles can be playful, missing pieces part of its function while also raising a player's stress become part of the addiction

Endless sound to be found come together as notes are formed, while adding lyrics show it as more human from plain or pain or something mystic held happily or healing someone distraught

No rank if pages are blank, only score when they hold more, letters lack meaning until formed into words, sentences grow adding information like more homes in a subdivision

Left in a ledger or record marks time in history, names separating families so their heritage is not a mystery, marks on maps just a spot over which people have always fought

So, take heed as we read marks or letters making us better, sensitive subjects shared sensibly, tablets show early scripture, news now in digital, memories made mental form our personal retention R.C.
Started as importance of how we are addicted to words, or even sounds in music to set a certain vibe, not started in that context but time with a once close friend who was also deaf mute taught me a lot.he was also close to illiterate so he learned to read & write and texting gave him a freedom never known and maybe something some of us take for granted, Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful Peace. Rick
Sep 2021 · 308
Keeping The Creation
wichitarick Sep 2021
Keeping The Creation

Some hear the loud locomotives whistle SCREAM stop, many expected to fail when riding a fast rail

We know but refuse to grow, overt actions easier to follow, Fear to integrate part of why it is hard to step up to the plate, I did not hear while others watched me steer into oncoming traffic

First steps with impossible odds visualizing a path from wrath where do we go onto a dark and dangerous trail

Abstinence not simply doing without but dancing the dance, new tolls to pay for a way I learned to play a losing game with time, glimmer of hope easier to keep in scope when finding freedom through internal honesty it offers a new dynamic

Never saw that dead man walking retrospect shows familiar ghosts, my body was not the temple but the host, missing pieces lost in the fragmented mind those scenes lost without a reverse search we will never find, living while learning now closer to magic

Knowing I was here to win not forgiving a past sin , hearsay not simply here say this, not getting lost in psychobabble, knowing I could keep a free spirit became a major lift, roaming and roving continues while I have become more elastic

Separate feelings still are unknown factors, mixing pain and passion is a beginning of winning seeing some glint of light holds off the fright, facing fear does not have to be drastic

Lust with libation keeps us in action, factual factors around us while we are simple actors, Follow the stereotype taken as hype, we are fine with being flunky or ****** but not to be seen as Mr. clean, choosing sure death to not be seen as plastic

Staying clean did not mean it could be scrubbed, rubbed or washed away, hidden dirt in my soul comes off in layers, removing slime takes time, Forgiving myself was wasted emotion, I had learned the game and ways to show devotion, learning to leave it and be erratic

Knowledge is power in knowing no matter how much we rehearse it still works in reverse, In your heart not your head, over thinking is how many return to drinking, keeping it simple is the best example, proof is in actions not just symbolic

Life in a cage, invisible prison but an ever-present poison, never consider escape until too late, shown the door unable to cross the threshold, breaking out unnecessary when we hold the key,
finding then keeping this creation also brings new emotion, new lessons don't have to be seen as tragic

Music can be magic but hard to keep a beat when always paying the piper, clearer mind helped me to find new meaning with tones and lyrics, How will I learn to dance to a different beat? get my groove back someday, Flashbacks in a.m. and black and white slow progression to f.m. and color, my own song now sang as historic

Freedom never free, passion within passageways some count day by day others let life roll its own way, shown the door unable to break the threshold ,What is feared never quite clear, mostly unknown afraid to grow, hard to heal until we reveal, Imagine a surprise realizing we have two souls inside of one body, destiny's mirror shows me, but I also know the alcoholic. R.C.
Was for my recent Sobriety drug free birthday ! I did an earlier on but have been this more thought this time ,not to show a how to guide but more what I have gained by choosing this as a way of life rather than under the influence.This lifestyle effects many people not just the abusers and is still hidden in many cases,all told I hold no grudge about life and feel this helped prepare meas much as anything "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2021
Collections Of A Scattered Mind

Awoke in daylight barely on the edge of twilight, before feet hit the floor suddenly forced to count the score

Days without sleep the price now obvious but steep, began routine while slowly realizing a change has been made

Too often has been played off bright blush part of the bluff, I know now was simply hiding what was truly in store

First signs slowly coming out, so used to vertigo the floor was tilted and I did not know, morning mingling familiar cranium tingling, hints come in pieces slowly showing how the body or mind has decayed

Morning motions coming around unaware if something was lost so often surprised when it is found,  done many times before at least the countdown not starting from a floor

Flowing moments floating on an edge felt deeply as if a member of a secret club, many others search for hidden clues and wonder if their dues have been paid

Begin a checklist while lost in the foggy mist, reflections come as voids or in triplicate listless and lost, images mixed liked work socks in the top drawer

Views narrow but as my mind widens come in bursts that truly hurt, not a major concern as I have learned, still checking the list for new issues to be displayed

Realize as I analyze simple motions become a hard notion, thickness of time part of the illness mind and body wading through waters waiting to come ashore

My mind like a broken chain, scattered links come together slowly form bringing strength, as it grows longer my brain is stronger, only time ends this mindless charade

Making better connection with what is now a concoction or collection of my scattered mind, my brain is empty waiting for the river of knowledge to refill the reservoir

Now aware this day will be played but on ever changing stage, not to regress like taking a familiar test, best to take things light without fright as my mind brings down another barricade
Feelings or raw emotion that have come out in prose before but is an ever changing mind game  , is the "Postictal" or how my mind and body react to coming out seizures in my sleep feels.The brain can be a Mysterious playground .I appreciate your reading your thoughts are appreciated. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
Aug 2021 · 505
Beginning To End
wichitarick Aug 2021

In the beginning we never see a future or how our beginning is an unknown journey

Messes made of bodies minds and souls even with best intent we lose ownership undecisive we pay daily rent

Mind's eye open with blinders mass infusion removes 20/20 vision, Perception impossible to visualize when retention is blurry

Hard to nurture an unknown future, fail to feel gain when part of our conception of the addiction is the pain, withdrawal easier that trying to comprehend

Living in an ocean always floundering, current washes us out in a foamy flow living a ride against the tide, perpetual sinking easier on water that is murky

New friendship to replace hardship examples work if listening, best result is strength gained from sharing pain, first truths hardest to transcend

Making our way day by day, open mind policy is here to stay, flexible function permanent not stuck at the junction, moving on easiest when not frozen in worry

First step hard and largest, short paths still open large maps, reading them becomes part of our internal assent

Hard to heal a wound until it is found, injuries remain open when always removing the stitches, discovery best part of recovery

Hard to listen when always apprehensive, shell hard to break when feeling everyone is on the take, true freedom found when knowing we can become our own best friend

Sense of self hardest to find is felt rather from words or from books on a shelf,learn as we go finding something we did not know, basic lessons now part of self-preservation, life can no longer be taken as humbly R.C.
Although a little early, is from having thought of my own sobriety,drug free Birthday ! The lessons taken from this are freedom and honesty with myself.
I admit this started as more of what I still want to show in prose, not to read like a  "how to" guide but what has long term sobriety shown me?I often take life as lesson and this has  been the the biggest one. so will still works towards showing what I may have gained. appreciate your reading, your thoughts are helpful."Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Aug 2021 · 176
Have We Grown
wichitarick Aug 2021
Have We Grown

Bundles of babes welcomed into the world a playbook not immediately up to you

In the beginning we're always winning, Lessons learned as liaisons are formed, demand exceeds supply

Are compassion sympathy or empathy taught or learned by example felt as they form a soul, grace becomes life's glue

Maternal nurturing no guarantee of internal maturing, Imagery imagination play a part from the start, is it retained even if life is awry

Looking back do we recall a burning ember what was given or taken has something left us forsaken, do we leave it as a lesson or retain it as some cosmic stew

Many times, I have flown, freely, briefly lost in the wind it always managed to send me to another day, Lifes court we just have ourselves to testify

First class or outcast, was it all a waste of time if our soul is free, Are we ever what we appear to be, what they see is it really me ?

Journeys an odyssey that become our legacy, Many dabble into altered states of reality, what is the gauge to know if merely seeking serenity

Old and grey as young as a new day when in a forest of redwoods are what we learn and pass on markers like rings of a tree

Beginnings have endings some lives lived like a score on a graph will percentages be words for an epitaph ,are the highs or lows now our posterity

As we learn to put on our walking shoes, first thought on going forward, not knowing if we might need to know how to crawl again, proof even with wisdom life has no guarantee

Love, laughter and life play out in different sequences according to age, gravity of a day doesn't need to keep me from play, I guess a measure if we have grown is our own integrity R.C
First thought was literally what is a measurement of growth, but it can be seen many ways depending on the person,is it personal or monetary some even spiritual,I didn't use the word but "feel" comfort can be a true measure
With many life changes and now memory loss and injury I have found it is easier to just be ME :) "Peace Take Practice" Thanks for reading your input is helpful. Rick
Aug 2021 · 188
Weekends Memories
wichitarick Aug 2021
Weekends Memories

Mother nature marks time in revolutions part light other side dark

Begins with birth tracing moments in a memory becoming part of our history

Making more marks on a time clock or calendar, some go with the flow, others always fighting the tide, day's most play or toil while night offers a break

Tools take a toll also have a role make marks in minutes one mans basics are another's jewels, scars of lives form a personal diary

Light and dark can be quite stark, push or pull of the atmosphere, changing moods for many never quite clear, while other feel life as opaque

When a day is over, we still anticipate the roll in the clover, blessed in the passing while idly waiting, thoughts of a weekend retreat like mental bribery

Building dollars with a time clock click just to make ends meet, did we gain from strain or daily pain? some feel the need while others habitually bellyache

Change is constant for some, frustrating but breathing can feel like something new, not lost in the quagmire but something to seek becomes our remedy

Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils, mental hygiene, wash the neurotic fog until it's clean, the buildup like a plague but relativity still so vague

Changing dials for digital still marking time at face value, Rolex or Timex either gaining power moving towards that magic hour, Saturday sending strong sin signals brains building up to relive past vigils each holds its own entity

Some feel it creeping leaves them weeping others moments flying into an endless void, Friday feels far away, pressure a major stressor wanting and waiting for a few days' relief R.C.
Thoughts of how one day feeds the next, how different people perceive each day as good or bad , did they see ,feel the sunrise!  Maybe not exactly as first thought but to much done in prose,lyrics on time or working for the weekend,but still came together,also talking or listening to people online on their thought of what time is left me with a few thoughts ,time is not an illusion as long as the earth is still spinning :) ask a plant about its need for sunshine:) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Jul 2021 · 312
Consequence Of Color
wichitarick Jul 2021
Consequence Of Color

Pink or blue does it heighten or enlighten, subtle hue adds significance for you

As we look out to take it all in, perception can mean lose or win, Is our impression singular or merely another's misconception?

Simple samples shown easily through kids and crayons, examples hidden whether subtle or brilliant each contrast another view

Tinctures telling tales, basic rainbows bring unique reflections of our mind, internal ambiance shown through an aura, each making its own impression

Emotions evolve light added as earth revolves, absorb a portion realize a new layer feeling wind as it blew one day red another blue

Mother earth offers endless choices, awash in bountiful brilliance, birds butterfly's flowers show passion and power, each shade offers their unique expression

Mixing more than just an amalgamation open to a mind's imagination, Perceptions made quickly; would we see fear if it were clear, giving the color a voice is changing and new

Is there a goal what is its role? bold never grows old, brilliance of a crown brings smile not a frown, greys reflect depression while a red cross shows protection

Suburban rainbow in beige doesn't express happiness, color giving it depth and soul, white picket looks alone green feels with drawn, hard to tell me from you new shades easy to misconstrue

All that glitters is not Gold, metal readily reveals its identity, shiny means money, black iron shows strength, grey steel bars scream detention

Kaleidoscopes offer boundless mixtures, white as pure but prisms open minds, Life hope weakness hate each shade holds a symbol, pigments add dimension dark memories not easy to undo
Original thought was how color is a major factor in most things in our lives
I did include parts of it but truly the thought became to hard to follow,so my notes  are better than the end poem , ,or the topic is deeper than I ended up with,but is still and interesting and often misunderstand way in how we perceive a lot of things. Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Peace. Rick
Jul 2021 · 313
Grasping Power
wichitarick Jul 2021
Grasping Power

Stop or go start with it activated or stalled with a simple motion

To think plays a part for notions to be set in motion and get a start

Thought is for not until passed into a hand, brought up then passed on, sand with cement, brick by brick built from a mind

Begins with babes and bottles to grasping a spoon, lessons many come in a hurry,  sensations across the creases, melded into memory what is held now permanently felt

One to ten all begins, worldwide always universal, no language or rehearsal, first a wave then ties a shoe begin with something new, many lessons always inspired

Multitudes of ways to show an action, getting a grip, a lot to grasp, action reflects seeking reaction, often simple interpretation for what is meant

Literal and figurative, stop to start, thumbs up hip, flipping off quite contrary, soldiers or Sailor's salute symbolic, showing hate or giving what is desired

Fingers not single, help to hold rings meaning a heart sings, artist brush shares a journey with imagery, writer's pens help many more to transcend

Making melodies musicians rarely let fingers linger, finessing ivory's strumming strings, like magicians blindly catching hearts as they fall, their caress interpreted individually deep inside

Blisters tell a unique tale often centered around life giving water or food in a pail, farmers factories ships all have hands what they clutch is all they represent

Representation all-in presentation, What holds more memory's ******* of Peace or Stalin's fist, powerful or placid thumbs up for wonderful often open to how they are signified

Power of a Hand, hitchhikers roam, idly we skip a stone, deaf make a world audible brothers can lend a hand, truth with a handshake will still be shared with a friend
The first thought was simple but also naive not realizing it is the most represented thing in a world of expression or art, so this was actually quite hard because of over thinking what was a simple idea :)
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace. Rick
Jun 2021 · 421
wichitarick Jun 2021
WILted FLOWer CHild

Each generation looks forward condemning those from their past

Generational passion played out in rations, brewed in the bellies of momma who don't always plan for future drama

Dreams start as a child minor or mild, gentle inside inane shows itself from pleasant too insane

Dismiss the silly human race yet them rebelling is simply keeping up with others pace, invent the intent never truly marking time for karma

Burned bridges serve no purpose when the raging river remains, living legends are for learning more often leaves followers just yearning, lost within others' views your freedom is truly cast by what they proclaim

Grandma and grandpa now in tie dyed rockers showing grand-kids peace signs with arthritic hands, dementia-tinged memories of groovy songs that weren't all wrong, hard to show them the way if minds won't play, more of a clash in the current genre

New beginning not about right, wrong or sinning, visions of paradise few willing to compromise, Vision of pro-life lost because focus is only their own and at any cost, hard to see fate if lost in hate, an easy life lost in strife meanings harder to explain

Summer of love changing to winter of hate, players forecasting their fate, Life is what we make it, feeding a passion internally to rise up against unknown enemies, many new ways to view what is proclaimed as  righteous dogma

Many in strife fail to see the miracle of Life, enhanced by her luster, fail to realize beyond personal pleasure, to quick to insert they can,t make it here anymore,many now seem to complain just to entertain

Violence is nothing new always a tale of old and another view, folkies seen as yokels ,many more feeling Stuck in the shiny side of hell, Dance of death becoming their new aura

Lost at sea on their own ego ship, face into a wind of change, simple sailors see the sea taste the salt, new life looks to the skies, still similar neither content seeing life through a stagnate windowpane

Love and Peace replaced by blood in the street, Race is short and over before knowing if pain was worth gain, quickly played out in pluses or minuses, left in solitude with just the story, love ins lost to bad tastes of twitter and strangers on facebooks hidden melodrama

West meets east in Peace, returns in violence, lovely day gone astray as  another hatemonger starts a foray, wilted flower child needs a new drink from that characteristic bottle of champagne R.C
Think it explains itself, but is also worthy of more than a passing thought
has ways a generation views the world changed so suddenly or now more prone to mass media and ways they and we process information? "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Jun 2021 · 185
wichitarick Jun 2021

Busy bird fluttering on my soul, hidden meaning what will be it's role

Caged for contempt unwilling to repent ,inept inside desiring early release

Facing a failed future ,forced into a silent interior,should we seek a new goal

Flexible figures can face the wind ,standing upright, will the doubt decrease

Taking daily tests trying to remove the torture,join the pieces to make whole

Face to face before & after has become a lifelong race,pain will only increase

Left looking out leaves more room for doubt,daily ritual takes it's toll

Left lingering ,restless then mindless meandering, but also time for a new belief

Seeing them soaring leaves my mind exploring ,will new visions need an overhaul

Bees countless trips produce plentiful pollen,requiring endless work but bringing great relief

Taking a new view mind partially askew ,past lessons played out ,but ready to remain open and face each new squall.R.C.
I bumped this, is from 3 1/2 yrs ago, normally would not repeat,but "feel" the words mean more in hindsight  .Because of just life, time ,growing older but also with an always changing seizure disorder or neuro issues,I search for ways to remain positive,I spoke of making myself STAND UP ,but now have days I can barely walk,so re-reading this makes me understand I did see it coming,I will do what I said then. truly PEACE TAKES PRACTICE. thanks for reading,your thoughts are helpful . Rick
Jun 2021 · 325
Peaceful Resolution
wichitarick Jun 2021
Peaceful Resolution

Passions of plenty bring great Love or deeper hate

World of people from a black back alley to white church steeple

Locked in conflict personal values the only edict, unwilling to find time or reason of understanding how it affects others fate

Mixed emotions either side declaring others have no notion, many claim to have no shame presenting themselves as unbiased, while actions are always lethal

Many sides to a view while most just see two, few of us realize we need to look deeply into a mirror, internally we rarely educate

Always awash in never ending evolution of resolution, personal struggle or world war usually is nothing new, same story another sequel

Fixated on values when fine with war if they achieve the winning score, a few make their own reason and send message to masses they need to persuade

Many tasking while others always asking how their principles apply to the masses, views askew following religion, money or ideological

Invisible lines drawn by surveyors and cartographers, divisions for unrealized visions, lost in history now a mystery, that freedom was a masquerade

Bless the babies always blind to the elders whose only task was supposed to be love teach and protect, harming them see as demonic by most, one known as prodigal many more as magical

Old as man or language are words wanting us to come together, can we have peaceful resolution without the revolution ? divided it is harder to navigate learning to tolerate never too late to educate

Take a moment from your personal gain to pass on relieving another's unseen pain,Lend a hand when you can, can't rehearse when it works in reverse

Lend a hand when you can, can't rehearse when it works in reverse, living life on life's terms, keeping things simple makes it more logical. R.C.
Thoughts from always hearing what is wrong or how to fix something,often I see or hear or someones deepest problems when from the outside everything is not that bad, Also from hearing another version "IMAGINE" :) The world is all ours,we vary widely because one is thinking world wars and another  is just a single meal. "Peace Take Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Jun 2021 · 244
Pick And Choose
wichitarick Jun 2021
Pick And Choose

All set up at a table to play games ever changing faces with different names

Trails and trials all have an end, we each see the path through an open gate

Sad for some when they cry is the proof they are alive, like a desert blooming when it rains

Constantly hearing words of wisdom, defining them determines what becomes of our fate

We all are given both a dry or a cloudy day, each motion plus our emotions control how we see things through our own window panes

Remain in balance a skillful challenge, fighting to live requires we keep something in sight

Building chains of life one link at a time, with bits of wire selected then forged in fire, each bond binds as it grows its length represents our gains

Individually left to play ,constantly pick and choose, many speculate while others regulate, alone often wondering when thoughts will reunite

Wisdom heightens, enlightens, what we select is our choice to detect, freedom forms easier with open minds

Like a bird on a perch they must fly or will die, wings represent freedom of a vast kingdom,  inner peace is found knowing wrong from right

Unforeseen future is ours alone to nurture, something new pending like books with no ending, like an artist we create our own designs

Wasted years lost in tears blinded from our fears, we will not be lost in the dark if you bring plenty of light . R.C.
First thoughts were How we ultimately end up making our way, sometimes even knowing the consequences,we to often focus on went WRONG or what the cause is ,when we truly have most of the control of our own action, that determines our fate, life is the game we can cheat at cards or deal our own hand. deal ourselves a winning hand :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
May 2021 · 260
DeJa Vu Repeat
wichitarick May 2021
Deja Vu Repeat

Locked in time renew a familiar view hitting replay of the same old rhyme

Not a dream as many might say it seems, or illusion and delusion or sinister scheme

Stopped in motion, fraction from a vision, not locked out similar to stuck in, lost in a ruse easy to confuse often crosses a fine mental center line

Full range from stored images, reflections of recollections left spinning in a round room made of mirrors, each a different theme

Grand or simple thoughts trapped abruptly unwrapped, even seen as sinister by a minister that wants us to repent, demons or angels, neither is divine

Old time feeling came again just to leave me reeling, Comes and goes how or when nobody knows, future thoughts cannot be foreseen

With a wink in a blink images stepping forward never a warning, moment of mayhem to fast to be a coward, another journey stuck in time

Mental pictures like flashcards with similar frames, same game on repeat with a new theme

Not a clue of when it might end, like an email stuck on send, never planned or something grand, thoughts brought forward from the back of our mind

Fast or painfully slow, icy cold or warm glow, similar paths along a straight row, high fall from a white wall, patterns and colors flash over then repeat, another view from a familiar scene

This incident another increment, fraction segmented placed on hold, splice of a memory, stuck on forward then reverse, just time that we did not rehearse

Explanations seem futile unless they have truly done this before, splice of a memory, stuck on forward then reverse, just time that we did not rehearse, Similar segment or unknown fragment, another glimpse we survive

Deja Vu is coming through will see it all again, when I have seen it all before why begin a familiar spin with an unknown end, take it all in as temporary rental on mental hygiene R.C.
Might help finding a definition of deja vu,not as common as the term, is a constant part of my own mind but took most of my life to know not everyone did this, it varies widely so even harder to explain or understand,also the term "jamais vu" which I didn't include because I see both as one feeling, I don't try to over analyze this but can leave some people feeling like they have some mental condition, Thanks for reading ,appreciate your comments. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
May 2021 · 254
Ray Of Life
wichitarick May 2021
Ray Of  Life
Become aware if you dare, ways to relax hard to grasp, our focus dependent on refraction

Hopes and dreams varied schemes with endless themes, subtle glint shows a hint, without blinders we can see, hear and feel more of what is around

Does time expand our wisdom? Will an illuminated clock help time flow smoother? futures blocked not by blackness but not seeing our own passion

All the games we are forced to play winners or losers need reasons to stay, often is not chess but another round of lost and found

Happenings of today remain, time does not erase pain, what is frightening becomes enlightening, soft glow increases internal flow open minds eye makes a good day easier to imagine

Asking for hope to an unknown entity is seen by some as a level of sanity, reaching out never simple, goes against a basic principle, finding comfort easier if wrapped in a shroud

Keeping perspective in scope begins from a slippery *****, individually we have tunnel vision, easier for others to review their brothers when they don't have to live with the outcome

Do we know where to go if always traveling in the dark, bits of light need not be bright to show which way to go, clear path easier when we know what to do without

Changing Objective, perspective, molding our views from biased world news, want realism when shown phantasm seeking the most viewing a ghost, hard to decipher a zephyr without a touchstone

Magnifying glass with one sun ray can bring enough heat to burn down the earth, surrounded in constant beams ever changing themes, harder views if always under a cloud

Walking blindly often regressive finding power from failure is progressive, internal guidance eases our blindness, will we recognize each streak after it has shone

Picture of pleasantries easier to view if a few more lumens are used,  each wave length gives mental or physical strength, just takes a little sunlight to help new ideas sprout and remove some doubt R.C.
Thoughts on understanding an opportunity, not dwelling on past mistakes,
But we are shown so much or forget ourselves if looking at others we are still in the dark. it should not take a spotlight to show the right way . "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
May 2021 · 344
Lost Thoughts
wichitarick May 2021
Lost thoughts

First image no time to grasp, a simple flash before I blink gone in a dash

Staying locked in r.e.m. fantasy finding safety in keeping imagery on hold

Simple samples of present or past come to view then gone before gaining a true grasp

Scattered mind not easy to find, brain functions continually meet at junctions only to meet again on down the road

Lost mindset,  instead of no reply, like knocking on the door with too many answers, lost the key, forgot the deadbolt left with a wide-open hasp

Solitary man while his mind cohabitates in endless places some with no traces others always vivid faces, many more left with a story untold

A storm blown about often difficult to bend the wind to fit our need, mindless muttering adrift builds to a hurricane quickly rolled back into a rift, often lost at sea without raft

Reflections of my mind tossed about in a storm, laid out like a puzzle missing pieces leaving a solution harder to find, future symphonies waiting to be composed

Lost mindset, mixed mind seen from the inside often similar to blind leading the blind, hit replay on Deja-Vus is nothing new, hard to tell time flowing through an hourglass

Brain cells bouncing off walls like Loose feathers blown by the wind, unknown triggers dictate which direction they will be sent, open maps for things unexplored

Lack of focus certainly not hocus pocus, neither mundane, also not insane, complex mental state often getting a little too late, learn to let go of an uneven flow letting it pass with just a laugh

Use a darkest hour to find new power blocking negative to separate positive, playing an everlasting game with no shame learning to use ourselves for internal support R.C.
While many might understand a certain lack of focus are many levels to it,and surprisingly many have no concept how a person can do this,is also too easily labeled as some "mental disorder" like A.D.H.D.a.d.d brain etc.,that is a problem but another topic. always had this but with Neuro problems it changed so now find new ways to deal with this. as a side note I "see" this as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. Appreciate your reading your thoughts are helpful. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
Apr 2021 · 182
Ways To Shine
wichitarick Apr 2021
Ways To Shine

Sunlight shines showing all that can be fine, even reflections from darkness can strengthen

Learning there are levels of sanity removes some of the vanity, give that smudge a little nudge to add a glint

Beautiful morning for one also leaves another moaning, my own soft reflection shows the others rejection

See more through a fully open door will it matter if the light is brighter, questions always answered with a question are just blank, left hanging in the night

Even when facing the sun both sides never see the same way it was spun, asking ourselves random questions becomes that polish exposing a hidden dimension

All the energy used in rubbing for a fine finish might reveal we are silver plated not genuine sterling,  hidden fear exposed like a moth drawn to  candlelight

Will we know what to find if not looking, truth does not grow from seeds never sown, lifetime search for a perfect rhyme, mild brushing often brings valuable introspection

Hidden emotion reveals another notion when applying a little lotion, senseless sensation now a new side, once floundered feelings now a  sense of pride

Will we glow more in the sun at noon or in changing colors of the moon, feel warmth upon your face becomes a saving grace, little scrub might expose another dimension

Dull or too bright to notice?  internal voices muffled like a mirror losing its luster, with a little buff and rub inconsistencies become verified

Never know the role of a soul when always dark as coal, can that circle of light bring out what is bright, mild cleaning expose our best complexion

New voices with a low tone of no choices,  reflections from others increase the glow, some varnish and glaze reduce that haze exposing new ways to be mentally satisfied. R.C.
Original thought was from the term "Soul shine" tried to stay with the thought of how we often never know if we are flat or indifferent to many thing and mostly ourselves,to easy remain neutral when we are talking to ourselves. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Apr 2021 · 348
Mornings Maniacal Menagerie
wichitarick Apr 2021
Outrageous intense rustle of muscle, eyes wide open with the shock and awe

Moments of dreams safe as subtle memory's reveal their schemes, inner self falling from the shelf

Rapidly changing fate unbridled madness is an open gate, time will show each individual flaw

Will my body and mind stay in confusion or eventually begin to tell me the truth, did I wish for the strength of, but also get the confusion of youth

Early rise not always precise, feels so single keeping the vigil, more of an aberration scattered imperfect shapes rather than perfect squares

Fragmented time moves slowly like slime, like reaching through syrup on a cold day each memory allows me slowly back into the groove

Patiently waiting for the inside to come out, no doubt it has played this game before passion waiting on hold, rising from tears to fears

Set aside jokes of an open mind waiting for a few neurons too close  seeing what I will find, sifting through segments of a brain seeing which side will lose

Personal interactions quickly spiral away so much more added to the fray, vision lost rapidly reappears

Greatest harm coming from assuming too much, Mind endlessly cycling lost in a course of recycling, waiting for the good side to infuse

Left here to pine, do I truly want to know what has blocked my flow, not in pain but like the pressure building waiting on a rain, an unseen movie waiting on reviews

Slowly finding a pace waiting on the green light at the race, broken stride but not ready to take an angel's ride, another day of watching final jeopardy but waiting on the clues R.C.
Hard to explain to some people,but is readily understood by a few others with similar neurological issues ,but is how waking up after having multiple seizures in my sleep is first perceived,this was just that small window,it advances as a brain readjusts, can also become a learning experience in how a human brain quickly adapts "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Apr 2021 · 254
Immaculate Reception
wichitarick Apr 2021
Immaculate Reception

Oh No! that rare call family saying they will drop by after the mall

Sudden rush begins to brush away that dust appearance of neatness is a must

No time for detail stick to retail don't go wholesale, reduce the clutter so they won't whisper or mutter, just throw loose linens in the closet in the hall

Give that mop a quick romp dance the broom around the room ,toilet bowl needs a bit of bleach to at least whiten the rust

Always keep a clean kitchen helps with quickness and reduces sickness, open a door a window for the air so new freshness isn't just aerosol

Begin to brighten instead of frighten lift the gloom with a twirl of a vacuum, straighten a mess just for the guest not the naval white gloved

Little messy not to dressy merely a side effect of bachelor life, now in a hurry to arrange in a flurry make the tornado appear as a minor squall

Swiftly swiffer  wiping the upper along with lower,  lift loose lint sets my mind at ease, giving it all a fast pass to not appear over scrubbed

Fast and furious dust a thon to not appear to be living life to soft and luxurious, wash not wax is not lax ,minor buffing not the complete overhaul

Shake the rugs loosen the linens rearrange the many pillows, make haste no time to waste room already appeared chaste, pillows from the dryer will pass for fluffed

Last minute set the music for a fresh vibe coffee and cookies to welcome the tribe,stage is set they won't judge for that stray hairball

Glad that didn't drive me mad, not much fuss over a little dust or hub bub for a fast scrub, it won't truly matter if it was clutter or spatter, I just realized I am still in my pajamas and my hair is not brushed. R.C.
Little fun :) Am sure about everyone has done it on some level though.
Probably less this yr with fewer visitors,maybe could have included handing out masks and hand wipes at the door :) Appreciate your reading and yur thoughts are helpful. Rick
Mar 2021 · 389
Playing In The Graveyard
wichitarick Mar 2021
Playing in the Graveyard

Aren't we always playing in the graveyard or just biding time?

Often green like a pasture, always waiting places to rest in the here after

Oldest game in town trying to stay on the upside of down, many thoughts on final days to varied to count the ways, from basic or sublime

We stay as time ticks away, daily drifting on the edge many bound by some religious pledge will our final words be ours or pleasantly passed on by some unknown pastor?

Not always a plan or death in the first degree no odds on a final decree, set thoughts aside and be free, no test for the final cut be it sudden or divine

Many memories and thoughts hover over all those plots, simple and silent, flecks of color from flowers add life, so silent if we listen do we hear our pain or their laughter

Fountain of sorrow won't wait until tomorrow, will we take in its beauty or be drowned in it, golden faucet doesn't flow with poison water, no time to redesign

Many Worry about falling at the time of their calling, r.i.p. rest in peace, or r.i.p.  repelled into purgatory, read a page or a big book never know that final chapter

Will we take in its beauty or be drowned in it, no need to close your eyes set aside what you despise, why hide under the clouds when you can grow in the sunshine

Mark time as a saint, still pass with a faint, we make the mark not the mausoleum or in a potter's field, use the meadow and flowers to become a dancer

Life as a gift, count it as a win if we understand, feeling it as a joyous occasion, we are left as simply human, learn to balance the pain often our biggest gain

Destiny not always in our hands, to many ways left unexplained be it day or night, today or tomorrow,  can't run away, fate always finds us no matter how much we discuss or live silently or have an enhancer

Are we ever ready for a giant wave to take it all away or prefer to drift back into a safe eddy? The sky is filled with redemption while the ground takes all with little exception R.C.
Original thought was how peaceful & clean a cemetery can be not unlike a golf course, so do we spend our time simply reading the markers or dancing in between them ,When LIFE presses us to hard sometimes we have to know to press back :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Mar 2021 · 266
Wind For A Friend
wichitarick Mar 2021
What becomes of those flagrant fancy thoughts we wrought?

Mental magic something good, recycled into Wisps carried into the air

Catch it today will be half a world away tomorrow, send out my sympathy empathy into the wind, hoping for those in need it will be caught

Mood gone stale sent into the gale, mixed mind needs to be open to find good, facing into the wind will they be aware

Will my good will expel another's flurries of worries, gust of goodness washing their madness, each of us learning a new way to be taught

Their foreboding causing internal eroding, erasing integrity, can my motions fulfill another's notions, will it blow by or be caught in midair

Negative and positive plans mingle in minds released into the atmosphere, become redeemed through the jet stream forming downdrafts, winds of change are being sought

Soft like velveteen hints of healing from my soul not dark or black as coal, released into a breeze to be felt by another to ease their despair

Lost souls feeling they have a penance to pay, blown down held in place by a frown, my gift is a voice with others forming a hurricane healing for those that are distraught

Do not want to shout our lonely cries, promise and passion become a beautiful surprise to soften a cyclone of dark hearts begins as they feel wisdom blowing in their hair

Cool breeze can appease, hot desert air not always containing hate that shortens our fate, So' are we listening as air makes its motions changing our plans and plot

Many pleasant memories must pass through those blades on windmills, sending gusts that pass by picks up my thoughts or feelings to a friend as others feel it they will know we care
Thought was many people think of good things for others and wished they could do something, what if those thoughts are simply carried aloft waiting until needed . Karma in the wind so to speak :) Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Peace Rick
Mar 2021 · 327
Spinning But Winning
wichitarick Mar 2021
Spinning But Winning

Minds and bodies reach a standstill, individuals feel they have no freewill, daily duties once done just to spite now hold an edge of fright

Always moving along often blind to what is right or wrong, trails never straight always in the distance an unknown fate

Each journey helped by learning often not seeing the writing on the wall, future pain will mean less time to gain, burdens decreasing while we feel like we are pushing more weight

Grandiose scheme should not be the theme for going out and about, keeping it simple means less to mentally manipulate

Gravity works making a constant flow,  rivers to cross on bridges in need of repair we must mend them regardless of despair, remain unblinded by hate

Reaching out provides clout unless there is no one there when your falling, feeling locked out when truly we're locked IN, easy pace for some should not be so hard to negotiate

Singing a song to ourselves saying "wish you were here" minds in constant conflict never show fear, lifetimes of blockades and barricades hard for outsiders to permeate

Many beg for forgiveness without ever doing anything wrong, everybody wants some but don't know what "it" is, hidden secrets behind some mystical gate

Inside my mind gets too small, journey outward into our universe's grand hall grasping moonbeams absorbing energy, stars enlighten helping to motivate

Gravity keeps us grounded up to us to be well rounded, projecting futures may provide structure but also creates many shadows of doubt

Big ball spinning regardless of losing or winning, we complete so many journeys just to begin again, lost soul has no role, open mind allows souls to liberate

On an axis we spin, left to roam seeking a home, regardless of madness or layers of sadness, making a mark means listening for our prompt

Winning doesn't have to mean sinning, mother earth continues to spin no time to begin again, fortitude built from foundations based on gratitude, it is up to us to cooperate R.C
Some days harder than others doesn't mark the end,just more to come,knowing we have to make adjustments should mean we are ready when to much truly comes our way. :) Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. Rick
Mar 2021 · 310
Strangers In The Rain
wichitarick Mar 2021

Suddenly bright blue to gray quite stark, flash of light LOUD thunder no time to wonder

Neither asks, Smile's unseen hidden by mandatory masks, kindness shows in each other's eyes

Birds fold wings seek cover under eaves, flown alone quickly form a flock with great power

Neither was lost now they're found, temporarily dry but flooded with emotion, future friends or something to romanticize

When it rains it pours old sayings for bores, they block all sound as new raw emotions are found, revealed to a few who are open and not grown sour

Showers have mystic powers, hidden serenity inaccessible for eternity,  Short distance brought together in an instant, suddenly swooned or left to fantasize

Unknown feelings, future forecast for what can grow, best buddies or fledgling romance builds from a single amicable encounter

Friendly faces leave beautiful traces with unforgotten flashbacks of a bond quickly found seeking dry ground, discovering each other comes to them as a nice surprise

Selfless acts of virtue flow naturally from one absorbed by another ,his blindness accepted as kindness, sweet futures unfolding guided by the light from her new found tower

Finding friendship instant kinship beneath a handheld canopy, the portable protection allows a little time for polarization, will their bonding be natures prize

Strangers in the rain became friends under the umbrella, chivalry becomes Silvery reflections on a window pane, were in a hurry now can't wait for their next encounter

Common need excludes greed, sudden break in their day now wanting it to stay, Strength of two could be me and you, will it be wrong if the sound from rain drops becomes their verse

No time for poses or wine and roses, was this wrong or another life mystery hiding her new Prince in disguise. R.C.
Saw it first as more romantic,but still came together showing even with no  words and a kind gesture a moment or a life or even two lives can change
We learn together some times even when we're not listening, "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading ,your thoughts are appreciated and helpful. Rick
wichitarick Feb 2021
Filling The Glass ,Tipping the Glass

We all drink from the same cup, sent daily items of old or new to partake

By the drop or a great flood how we receive always open to how we perceive

Some deviation fills it to over flow with frustration, leaving the faucet open is often our mistake

Whether a P-ism or O-ism overthinking leaves less time for drinking, when always full which side do we believe

View often distorted if not open to what was reported, will this elixir be clear or opaque

Often coursing with ice cold fluid mixed with hot untempered solvent, when we mix this to warm the flow won't burn or freeze

Pint pitcher tub, puddle pond lake, brooks streams rivers flow into seas or oceans all will wash us, optional to drown or apply a brake

Paths lead many places, fumbling stumbling will sunlight brighten, enlighten or will it always be midnight with moonlight blocked by the trees

How we each view a concept is nothing new, always a task coming to fast, taking life in leaves a head in a spin, internally we sift real from fake

Awash in a wasteland that has become our over flowing mind, as it fills avoid those chills positive negates negative, face hurricanes as though it were a summer breeze

Finding my glass half full an easier task ,less burden or questions to ask, given a choice reason to rejoice, absorbing that other half shows a reason for that empty space

Playing mind games often reveals our pains, Liquid turns living steel into rust how fast is up to us, new mission requires clear vision, will we stand stall or be left on our hands and knees R.C.
Explains itself,but not always  knowing good or bad,more often if the what color the liquid of life is,or "seeing it through rose colored glasses"
"Peace Takes Practice"  Appreciate you thoughts thanks for reading. Rick
Feb 2021 · 268
Smiling For Freedom
wichitarick Feb 2021
Smiling For Freedom

Always discussion, contemplation of yin or yang good or bad happy or sad

Backache not great from real or imagined weight, can become light as a feather finding something to tickle our fancy

Troubled by these days and times, brief laugh can slow the grief, little cheer to help fill that gap

Over contemplation of your current situation can become a curse, STOP thinking to see new color or take in what was wacky

Take a walk on down the road lighten the load, watch some goofy geese squawk, offbeat memory to halt a future hemorrhage, new mark on our merry map

Have a place to save the happiness hidden treasure to retrieve at our leisure, like finding rare art in a personal grin gallery

Can we rehearse? will the sadness reverse, participate in rolling on, go with the flow, by golly be jolly not another emotional sap

Hidden tension helps hide apprehension, moment of gladness to release some sadness, whatever it takes to recharge our battery

Shall we continue to ride aboard a ship of fools, or find pleasure in  hidden treasure, renewal from a shiny jewel, sorrow should never become a handicap

Will a grin help us win, take a gamble skip a pre-amble let it go, turn a frown upside down, helps to hold hope in scope for eternity

Try a new angle another way to finagle,  turn off the blues and hear a rumba, cheerful groove for us to behoove, make your toes tap or the hands clap

Do we dare go the extra mile to realize finding freedom of a smile, expression halts regression, mutual benefits from waving at a passerby R.C.
A thought or two on the power of a smile :) Even  a forced smile can become a habit.  Pass them on they are contagious :) "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your comments are helpful. Rick :)
Feb 2021 · 215
Winters Widow
wichitarick Feb 2021
Winters Widow

Looking out at all the silence holds me back ceasing the advance

Warm air safeguards my mind, forgetting previous times when she was so unkind

Roll away the dew replaced by frozen freckles, drips form icicles hanging like a clear lance

New view through the frost framed glass, window now shows more white as it grows leaving reasons in inches to keep us confined

Too cold for even the bold time stands still, many already encamped for fear of becoming ill stuck again by February's trance

Landscape looking as if it might shatter breaking the doldrum with a loud clatter, mother nature's way of showing who is charge to mankind

Daily mission must still proceed despite our wisdom, fetching forgotten sweaters to add to the layers, hat scarf gloves on a checklist made in advance

Colossal cold seizes, freezes placing life on hold, polar express lays wastes leaving many in distress, even the hardiest workers are undermined

Iced tea or ice cream could now be free but hot chocolate fetches a higher fee, Chilly air means the smell of chili in the air, kitchens provide warmth as we break out the pans

Behold her beauty sunlight's minor warming lets ice sing a song, constantly changing crystals form like a glass menagerie getting redesigned

For fun hear a beach boys' song or Caribbean calypso tune, memories of warmth bounce off the hearth, provides the beat to begin winters dance

So, whether summer's heat springs rain or winters frostbite each season has its reason and method when she is so inclined R.C.
Easier to realize with a week of zero temperatures.meant to play more on and the original thought came from the natural beauty of the ice as it covered everything. Beauty comes in many forms when we pay attention. "Peace Takes Practice"  thanks for reading ,your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Feb 2021 · 189
Incoming Traffic
wichitarick Feb 2021
Incoming Traffic

Are we hearing the loud calamity of the others imploding all around us?

Have we held the door closed to long, blind to the good adjusting to easily with the wrong?

Be it mine or was it yours will it matter who really scores, don't slip into to the hustle, too much trouble with the daily fuss

Have the number of bumps or bruises increased over time? Has age just showed me I am not as strong?

Setting up safety nets avoiding the obvious obstacle self-survival mistaken as a miracle, more a symbol of what some polish can do for what was rough

Trying hard to fit in a niche but facing another glitch, just wanting to feel the groove shouldn't leave us lost with nowhere to belong

Unexplored outside grows larger while the walls closing in make a room smaller, do we give up or call the queen of hearts on her bluff?

Daily drain builds for many creating unseen pain, failing to find the energy from obvious symbols we fall farther back becoming more withdrawn

Many gambles as we ramble move forward into wicked wind, are we failing to foresee a fine future or blinded by hate without feeling love

Find a sunny day design,  new way to play drop the negative attitude, stop being down and gain some altitude, time to become a part instead of just a pawn

Going with the flow often an easier way to go, wicked wind spins people around to face oncoming traffic never leaving much left to discuss

Caught up in the race failing to stay in pace, doesn't have to drag us down or create a frown, crossing the street shouldn't become a marathon R.C.
Maybe got off track from the title exactly,but stayed on line with how much easier it is to just hear and then feel the negative around us ,makes it much harder to realize we have to face what life brings on our own. "Peace Takes Practice" Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
Feb 2021 · 191
Home Sweet Home
wichitarick Feb 2021
Home Sweet Home

  With so many dreams and visions going round in a head what is their purpose if we have nowhere to lay the bed

Inner strength or struggle often left open like a door on a house in the winter

Walls to hold out wind, roofs abate rain our minds distract invisible pain, peace formed from within our self playing in passion not dread

Where are we most loyal to us internal or what is made of timber

Seeing my heart as a hearth helps personal warmth, envisioning my body as four walls instead

Bricks or sticks homes or hearts need strong foundations, wherever we dwell takes upkeep or life's weather will make it wither

Personal voices talk like structures hidden noises, enclosed by a hat or the roof over our head

Mental morality forms as strong as stone with it we are never alone, our mental images hang like a dusty picture

Home is where ever we make it,  can make it, not just four walls more a feeling, struggles helping to form that beautiful silhouette

Windows that let free breeze's blow through, leave many options for decay like a life without structure

Lifes threshold painted like a decorator's hallway, how we prepare something to behold, needs a light touch for what is ahead

Forming strong boundaries like erecting a castle, started as a base, feelings emotions part of the blueprint we are the architect to build our personal sculpture R.C.
Maybe got off track a little,but how know ourselves and use that knowledge is how happy we are in life, that or being comfortable in our skin is truly where our home is. maybe for the few that truly learn this is like paying off the mortgage on our soul. :) "Peace Takes Practice" thanks for reading,your comments are helpful. Rick
Jan 2021 · 308
Earth Songs
wichitarick Jan 2021
Earth Songs

Country roads away from asphalt or sailors on far away seas sing about the taste of salt

World wanderers rhyme of time spent on jetliners, scenes from a window creating a constantly changing view

Playing on a planet, soft sands or solid granite, basking on beaches, loons on lakes have a charm, sunsets across the desert, each play their own part

She eats and breathes constantly flexible she heaves, words of vast valleys or her endless winds that blew

Sailor songs always been strong keeping that connection with those waves, lost at sea or guided home by reading that chart

Rumble about a jungle or how they yearn for a fern in that forest, stifled by the heat dusty deserts take on a magic hue

Snowscapes make a holiday jingle , rain creates an often used and varied scheme,
sonnets of mountains majesty ready to touch our heart

Farmers living in the dirt are real charmers, rows to *** horses to ride, visions of expansive fields or a back yard barbeque

So many songs of oceans green or skies of blue, each corner of the globe takes on a different hue, brought out through strings or simple softness of a harp

Singing about surfer boys or girls tell of happiness as it unfurls, joy to the world always right on cue

Muddy waters sings of muddy rivers ,dusty roads roll on in country ballads, lyrics or sounds form a mental image showing us earths art

World coming together or growing apart, be it ballads or hymns each brings a special connection giving our planet a sound for me and you R.C.
A few thoughts on the beauty of earth and how it is never lost  to music.
Thank you for reading your thoughts are helpful and appreciated. Peace Takes Practice. Rick
Jan 2021 · 214
Surround Sound
wichitarick Jan 2021
Surround Sound

Soft silence often broken by another's words spoken, houses speak with each creak

First alarm brings us back from the dead reckoning, buzz for a nudge or sonic boom to awake the room

Liquid flowing with daylight growing, splash really fast in a sink or shower for power, boiling brew before we think

Kids and squirrels chatter, spoons rattle, keys jingle, doors slam, buckles click,  engines roar, daily destiny ready to consume

Asphalt awakens as commuters' race towards rumble of a concrete jungle ,repetitions begin when the time clocks click

Town square makes us aware marking time with each chime, we hustle bustle moan or groan each a signal of bust or boom

Clickity clack from a railroad track then sudden LOUD whistle is not for dismissal, many types of horns to warn, not lost in a fog or struck by a car or truck

For a number a mighty rumble of machines enhances their working scenes, noises more familiar than a spouse's voice, time clocks a map from womb to tomb

Many more softness of an office is boring beige not white noise, hums or moans set the tone; daily gossip keeps them in check

Anytime fine for a rhyme, hearing notes brings major upvotes, many use a voice to rejoice singing brings new meaning, mental vibe is often that internal tune

Each voice helps us rejoice, acoustic energy helps set our internal synergy, each rattle does matter, another new pitch not lost like a lonely speck

Break from doldrum not always ** hum, whistle or chirp of a favorite bird, whispering winds settle softly as sunset simmers  awaiting the new moon. R.C.
A thought or two on sounds of the day, tried to follow a time line of simple sounds of our day.  Thanks for reading I appreciate your thoughts. "Peace takes Practice" Rick
Jan 2021 · 291
Valley of Time
wichitarick Jan 2021
Valley of Time

Life's gravity will always flow, new place to go another sight to be seen

Looking back would we have known how to stay on track, always hard to make a rhythm from a rhyme

Will the next city be burnt like coal or rare and shiny as solid gold, moving faster to take in that new scene

What is the role of a soul if it is for sale, will it matter in the end if it is for a million dollars or a dime

Sold our soul, what was lost how high the cost, searching for a fortune will we notice if we careen

Another view can come to you, new vision can prevent a future collision, reading maps can show what mountains to climb

Blinded by science forgetting to become one with ourselves, thoughts on before or after not what is playing on our current screen

Unaware of a full view,  look behind you, peering over a shoulder gets blurry is how we walk into a hidden flurry, often easy to miss a sign

Head east journey west, north goes south, a minds compass needs regular guidance so life's trails don't take a turn into something obscene

Whichever direction life leads us when we stop the view will be across a valley of time R.C.
Done for the NEW year. Time is something we all have or all we really have and something we all have in common. true Peace does not mean perfection.
Original thought or title came while walking and sang it with a folkie gospel style. :) "Peace Take Practice"
my best for the new yr. thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick
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