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wichitarick Nov 2016
looking out yonder,never really seeing to far, did you know there was  one more

It is no wonder, simply forgetting your own self worth is all part of the matter

Carefully watching the steps of others,not for guidance  but possibly something new to explore

Becoming suspicious of our own character,rechecking boundary's seems to come faster

Preponderance of potions poured in our lap forming a barrier guarding us from what we were before

Seeking some fantasy, not blind but still limited ,will we ever become our own master

Forgiveness a fantasy just for a good nights rest? grasping blindly for parts of the past to restore

Hazy horizons,scattered views change like the news,adjusting by thinking faster

Personal health now the most honest wealth, looking out ,not for what may have been before

Simple wisdom from a compass,pointing to truth,acceptance your guide no longer needing a handler   R.C.
It seems we are always looking for something? curious creatures .
I truly appreciate your reading,any input is welcomed. Rick
wichitarick Oct 2016
Normal names ,mediocre games many awaiting the evening to be untamed

Tantalized by trickery to be teased with the expectation of tasty treats

Carousing kiddies can't wait to click their heels but to stay away from home

Tall top hats tilted with final facials gilded ,laughing or trembling just for the sweets

Dedication by many overlooking a link with religion ,cut loose with no chaperone

Frightful or often funny ,individually punny ,some just trying to give others the creeps

Dancing damsels are distressed, Knights to guard them while monsters just groan

Freaks frolicking standing aside while the princesses make their leaps

Graveside now nice for a time,freaks from the shadows both smile & moan

All invited to the grand ball,party to remember for peeps & those that are tall

Uncage the animals,make up for others,imaginations rule, no excuse to sit like a stone

One night to recall came to play in fall,beautiful or bewildered came together to enthrall . R.C.
Bit of fun for the "spirit" of a Holiday,we love our holidays no matter the reason.   Appreciate your reading, I never know what people think so any input is appreciated . Happy Fall. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2016

Taught respect by looking up, futures laid in a masters plan

Guarded from ghouls separated from fools guidance is seen as grand

Gargantuan in size who are we to surmise  what future is laid for common man

External pressures abound ,weight is great but with a simple nod all is at our command

What role is the soul ,largely untested, internally hidden is it our helping hand

Often anointed at birth, all encompassing with it's girth, fully giving to the demand

Some left open to pick & choose seeking a calling with no ruse,will there be a reprimand

Daily guidance is simple bliss fairness when things are amiss,forming foundations to make a stand

Reliance taken in stride ,unknown entities trusted for infinity follow along or be ******

Purest trust found in ourselves is a special bond once found is never lost,giving strength that was never planned

Which path to avoid the wrath ,begging for which answer do we choose ,held back or given a free hand

True blood lost at what cost,globes largest divisions killing with the fastest decisions why must it be so grand? R.C.
Thought it was a little light considering the topic? Many views we know that much. Hard to explain to some how a person with no faith can feel blessed? or have a complete soul ? "Personal Integrity "is the strength ,harmony is also true we do need each other .I appreciate your reading thanks. "Peace Takes Practice" Rick
wichitarick Sep 2016
laying on the field while some sit on the sidelines with no cheerleaders

Visions of the future are bright, while the past is carelessly left unexplained

Progression needing to remain twofold of regression ,always growing thicker exteriors

Hearing not yet fearing, true feelings unknown to what is endearing ,but still unstained

The true curse is if we reverse ,but seeking fun for the future ,not learning from superiors

Budding minds gather together like birds of a feather ,fledgling flock not restrained

Push,push,rush,rush yet come out flush ,Past is past no time to examine interiors

Lessons not always laid out nicely,wisdom slipping in with memories now stained

Bravely pushing out ready for the new route ,plans unmade beds unmade
Sometimes we only call on past knowledge to rest our own fears. R.C.
Had started a few ,maybe from watching my "kid" learn some stuff the hard way,not listening to me or my experience:) I appreciate any input,thanks for reading. Also anyone following me here I truly appreciate that. thanks. Rick
wichitarick Sep 2016
Bloated bellies hide the unknown beginnings of a brand new life

Presented as a present, wrapped in swaddling clothes ,picture perfect

Babes easy to love always handled with a soft glove ,constantly guarded from all strife

Together talking & toddling ,tasting testing ,all adult actions  still focused to protect

Cuteness & cuddling carry great weight ,interior motives are the bond of life

Midterm becomes more tumultuous ,stepping aside as they become their own architect

Testing time  ,taking it all in ,safety aside ,scaring onlookers,now is a time to thrive

Good or Bad the bonds begin either side wanting to win ,not applying strongest intellect

Building bonds adding strengths ,forming feelings ,daily facing the world with a new drive

Looking on while they love life, like no other time before or after ,hoping their vision is correct

Their rising is becoming our falling ,energies played out possibly  not to revive . R.C.
Not sure on the title? But how we cherish the child ,maybe thoughts of now being alone with my "kid" off to college? :) Never sure how others see things so any in put is appreciated thanks for reading Rick
wichitarick Sep 2016
Forgiveness from our past may become one of our prospects for peace

Comfort in the night ,an easy place to rest ,a simple wish for the best

Preponderance of pressures playing poker,seeking the pain to decrease

Following a flow into the stream to calmly row ,making life happen,to not regress

Moments of movement become gaps ,greater gasps from breaths,time on a lease

Dream of destiny ,daily strife not always fiddle & fife ,but not focusing on just defects

Presenting an outside remaining obscure inside, can't always see the forest for the trees

Up bringing sometimes equates into bringing down, all that planning is still what the moment reflects .

Eventually is now a place that can be seen in today's light,moving is easier when we have paid our fees

Retirement plan is merely  a scam if we can not learn our daily smile:) Pay the dues merely a muse ,guarantees on our final days are paid out like bad bets. R.C.
All the age old thoughts on what if,what's next? after so many times of waking & re-awaking into the reality of just knowing I made it AGAIN. The insanity that could come from a whoa is me attitude,rather just staying in the stream,simple appreciation for what we have. But keep a safe pace?  I appreciate your reading & any in put is appreciated. Thanks. Rick
wichitarick Aug 2016
A beginning,the gasp faster than a breath,an opening moment,repetitious happening
  non monumental,blockage of space .moment within a moment .
   Neurological click not some shtick ,the present AS A  present ,to be rethought ,again & again often deep from within.                                                                                                                     The taste,the color,the smell, not just the sight spinning like an auto slideshow
the WA,WA & stinging, even the uneven ringing ,grounded ,a repeat of the past
with no gap ,a quick flux ,then a rush ,embodies a simple thought,
a smile or a fright ,very real,no illusion ,to explain seems a delusion
but reality frozen in a moment ,stuck on a memory ,then it is past
revolving again ,no pain,back on the level plane,then a bump,the glitch
that spins it all ,so fast it is frozen yet again. Rick
Probably more of a true reality check of being forced to remember two things at once,then deja vus from a random thought or feeling.I appreciate you reading,any in put is appreciated . Rick
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