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Oct 2010 · 534
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Here comes the fire
Here comes the pain
Here comes the liar
Running through the rain
Here comes the car
Carrying the dead
Here comes some water
That is running red
Oct 2010 · 489
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I hate going through this every day. It’s torture and it’s pain. To see your loved one everyday but not be able to speak to them, to not be able to love them. I feel like there is a wall between us now, time slowly eroding our bond. The past looks so much better, much more welcoming then the present. It looks tempting and all the memories we had together make me want to live in the past rather than now. We’re stuck like two stone statues looking at each other. Unable to speak, unable to touch, and only allowed to gaze into each other’s stone cold eyes. I miss your liveliness, I miss your warmth. And as I’m writing this, I’m thinking about what you’re doing. You’re probably running, running with thousands of other people. Visiting hundreds of other countries, going aboard trains, planes, boats, and cars, and seeing everything there is to see in the world except for me. Your mind is off somewhere else, somewhere in the future. I guess I’m the one who’s at a loss now, since while you’re fighting your way into the new world, I’m still dwelling on our past. Sadly enough though, we all grow up sooner or later, but before I give in, let me remember the things we did on last time. I’ll miss you.

- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
Oct 2010 · 2.5k
I am aboard a bus
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I am aboard a bus that is driven by someone i don't know. He never takes His eyes off the road but yet He knows everything that I and everyone else are doing. Though i have never seen His face or met Him, I trust that He will take me safely to where i want to go. However the bus may never go the way i want it to. After all He is the driver, not me, and it might be necessary to take detours. On the bus are not only me and Him, but my loved ones as well. Everyone on the bus sits in different seats to talk with different people and is in separate groups at some time. However no matter what we are still on this bus and therefore together. Sadly though, some of my loved ones may have to get off at their stop. He will have to stop the bus and my loved one will say good bye to everyone and then slowly walk out the door. From time to time the driver will also stop to pick up people as well, these people are usually people i have never seen before, though other times they are the same loved ones that got off before. My bus takes a long, long time to reach where i want to go and along the way the people on the bus change quite a lot. Their personalities can change sometimes and the people will always switch. New people coming on, old friends leaving, however there are always 2 or 3 people that will stay on the bus as long as they can. When I look out the front window, I can only see a blur of lights and the rest is darkness. I don’t know where I am going and I’m surprised that the driver knows where I’m headed in all this darkness, but I do trust Him. Then I look through the back window to see all the places this bus has been. This window is clearer then the front one, but there is nothing clear outside. All I see is a large mass of people and events mashed together in a way that doesn’t make sense. It’s only on certain days when I look closely that I can piece together what is happening. Sometimes I see people that I’ve known, doing things that they had done before. However that’s not the odd part. Occasionally I see myself outside the back window. I don’t understand how or why, but outside the back window I am with people I have known or even with someone that is on the bus currently. Still, I can’t question much, I can only stay focused on what’s going on in the bus because the back window is where the bus has been and the bus never goes back. In my long bus ride I will eventually reach my stop as well. However in my time on the bus I have noticed that it’s missing a few parts. There are no cameras, no emergency exit signs, or emergency exits at all. Furthermore I have also heard that our bus doesn’t have a number, rather it has a name, life.
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I'm left for dead,
my family and friends are in bed.
Never again will they awake.
When a man has nothing to lose, a path of destruction they will leave in their wake.
So give me all you've got, I'll dance with the devil tonight.
When a man has nothing to lose, he's got all the fight.
Oct 2010 · 410
What happened?
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I hear the sirens but it couldn't be.
Smoke and ash everywhere there's nothing i can see.
Deep down inside my heart has sunk, but the ash settles down and on the ground is me.
Oct 2010 · 381
The Girl on the Bus
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Today on the bus I saw a child whose skin was dark and race was black.
She could not have been over 6 but she wasn't in school.
I wondered what her life would be like in 20 years, what she would lack.
For her summer was spent riding her dad's bus day after day, not able to play with other kids at the pool.
It hurts to think that this child's future is so bleak.
No education, no opportunities, just the clothes on her back.
Seeing this i realize how lucky i am and also what i seek.
There isn't much i can do for her now but i will make a pack.
I will use my resources that you never had
and put myself somewhere that you'll never go
I'll use my money to help you when times are bad.
i don't know you, but this is the love i show.
Oct 2010 · 350
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Late at night, i'm thinking of you.
The way you supported me it was true.
Remembering the time where we sat near the pond.
No lies, nothing false you just respond.
That's what i need someone that was there for me.
I'm very happy and you fill me with glee.
Just to listen just to hear me through.
So thanks for hearing me out i love you
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
Oct 2010 · 478
My Thoughts
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Have you ever looked up at the sky
Have you ever believed that you could fly
Have you ever seen a plane go by and wonder who was in there
What their lives were and how they would fair

Is it human nature or is it our choice
Why can't we stop war, make peace, and hear that tiny voice
Its a small world and isn't there but one race
We're all humans and why can't we keep the same pace
Oct 2010 · 522
Mid-Summers Night Dream
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
The night is soothing and calm, the sky is cryptic and shining.
The ground and everything around me has a white light lining.
In this barren world there is only me and you.
We lay on on the ground silently enjoying the view.
How much I'd wish to be here, how beautiful this world may seem.
But none of this is real its only my mid-summers night dream.
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
Oct 2010 · 568
Man in the Mirror
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Is that really me? Is this who I am?
Am I really that man in the mirror
Is this who I've become?

Something isn't right about me,
something has changed
My eyes are too bright,
my lips are too soft

I can't recognize myself any more
I am not who i once was

My dreams and goals are covered by yours
I no longer have a path,
I no longer have my way

I think of you constantly, you have control of my mind
That man in the mirror isn't me,
it's what I've made myself for you

Have i changed for the better or worse, only you would know
You've broken my compass and now I have no where to go.
Oct 2010 · 439
Love Is
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Love is something that no one can understand
Love is something that holds the world together, like a rubber band
Love is something that give's us strength
Love is when we're willing to go the length
Love is showing feelings and being truthful
Love is something i had before
Love is something that in the face of anything will not bow
Love is something i have right now
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
Oct 2010 · 642
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I love you, I hate you
Were together, were through
this isn't going to work
You're nice, you're a ****
you don't help, your a perk
I'm blinded by love, but now i see clear
you aren't that good, i wasted a year
but i still can't keep my eyes off you
without you my life has turned askew
but your lies hurt me, especially the bracelet
and out of all your lies, i love you was my favorite
Oct 2010 · 603
Let Go
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
You need to learn to let go. It's never easy and it will hurt, but believe me afterword you will feel much better.
If you don't let go you will forever be stuck chasing that butterfly that can not be caught.
If it is someone close to you, by all means share your love do what you choose, but when that person changes their mind do not feel hurt. There are 6.3 billion people in the world there are so many people you have not met.
Learn to let go.
If it is something that you cherish, something that reminds you of an event or a memory by all means keep it, but if it is broken or lost do not be too crestfallen.
You can always find something else, write it down, find a song, these memories will never be gone, just in a different form.
Learn to let go.
You may love them so much but there is a time when you must let go.
Think of the turtles, they have jumped over hurdles, risked their lives all for their eggs, but when they are laid, the turtles leave. Mother nature has learned to let go and it is beautiful and stronger then ever.
Learn to let go.
Oct 2010 · 376
Late in December
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Don't you remember? Look at me please!
Try to remember, we were sitting by the trees.
We were in love baby, you just forgot.
All those moments we had together, you can't just let them rot.
I'd do it all over again just please remember;
how we fell in love late in December.
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Aren't we all humans?
Don't we all have the same goal?
Aren't we all looking for to survive?
Don't we all want food in our bowl?
Aren't we all looking for some form of love?
Don't we all want to find our dream spouse and live happily ever after?
Aren't we all looking for happiness?
Don't we all want to be surrounded by friends and laughter?
We as humans have wanted there things for centuries farther back then i can recall.
So in a sense, it really is a small world after all.
Oct 2010 · 466
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
If your feeling down, if your feeling weak.
I promise you the future is not bleak.
Night will always come before dawn
But dawn will always rise.
Keep trying, be persistent, never give up.
Fight to the end but you will never be alone along the way.
Oct 2010 · 461
I'm your mountain
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Remember I'll always be there for you
I can be your mountain whenever your blue.
I can hold you tight and you can cry on my shoulder.
I will always stand next to you and together we can move this boulder.
I can hold your hand and walk you through the pain,
cheer you up and push away the rain.
No matter what I'll help you, this plan is nicely drawn,
but when i get shaky who will I lean on?
- From Love and Pain Go Hand in Hand
Oct 2010 · 412
If i could open my window
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
If I could open my window and see you standing below.
I'd be filled with happiness, but at the same time a little bit of sorrow.
I'd be glad to see your hair blowing in the wind and your wicked bright smile.
I really wish that you could stay for awhile
but my sorrow, is the fact that i know you won't be there tomorrow.
Oct 2010 · 526
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
I've learned that everyone is not as strong as they seem.
I've learned that it's easy to put on a fake smile and act like it's a dream.
I've learned that besides having fun, friends really are there for you.
They honestly do care and no matter what they'll help you through.
So don't lock yourself up, push them away, and... keep yourself apart.
Have faith in your friends and let them into your heart.
Oct 2010 · 623
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Sometimes i wish i could go back and cuddle with a teddy bear.
Be able to play outside with the kids on the street even when it was dark.
I wish i could go back to being a little kid who always said its not fair.
Be able to use my imagination to create little quests for me to embark.
At the time i didn't understand but now when i look back,
I realize that child hood is a type of utopia, one that we cannot lack.
Oct 2010 · 586
A world apart
WhyamIaSpoon Oct 2010
Back at home i had a friend
who lived in great city that had no end,
but the days go on and the weeks rush by
and before i know it i have to say good-bye.
I miss you dear friend and wish you were here,
whenever i think of you i shed a tear.

Back at home i had a loved one,
someone whose name was always on the tip of my tongue.
But the days go on and the weeks rush by,
and before i know it i have to say good-bye.
The memories we shared were priceless and great.
And one of the best i remember was our very first date.
But now your gone and now I'm lonely
i think about you all the time you were my one and only.

Back at home there are memories, there are pictures all twirled and wirled,
but my dear friend without you there is no world.

— The End —