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Oct 2013 · 258
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
I don't understand why we fall in love,
but never land
what do you do when you can't stop thinking about a boy who never thinks about you?
Oct 2013 · 943
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
i am up, alone, in the city that never wakes
stuck dormant, hibernating through sun and snow and snow and sun
until all that is left are the corpses of the people who dreamed of big towns
but were stuck in small ones
Oct 2013 · 676
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
i am wanting to be done again and i cannot help but think of the time when i thought i really was
when i said i really was
when seven hours later i wimped out, alone on the bathroom floor, and nobody had said anything back
i think about when i try to tell someone how i feel and end up feeling worse
because sad is not as bad as
sad and alone and worried and obnoxious
or sad and tired and confused and conflicted
or sad and alone at two am crying again
or sad and alone at three with no more tears
only heaving sobs silent in the night because the last time i cried out loud my parents got mad
and their yells fill the hole in my heart that he left
because i can't live with or without him and watching him not need me fills my heart with a pain i never imagined i would feel
and now everyone can see that she is stealing him away not because she wants him but because she loves the thrill of the chase but she cannot see it herself and so it will not stop
i cried about him today and nobody was sympathetic because they are tired of watching me cry
if only they knew how tired i am
of crying
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
reading our texts, remembering that it takes you hours to text back
looking at your pictures, seeing how happy you are with every one else
reading my yearbooks and realizing that people change
wondering how i've changed
wondering why i don't change
considering telling you how i feel
considering telling her how i feel
considering deciding how i feel
thinking about how i feel
picturing us together
picturing us apart
picturing you
hoping that one day it'll be 3am and we'll be together
Oct 2013 · 250
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
some nights i'm sure that if i don't have you i'll die
but most nights i'd rather do both
Oct 2013 · 267
Molly Rosen Oct 2013
memories keep flickering back to me like flames licking the corners of my mind and burning their way in
when i slipped my plastic ring onto your long finger and you asked me if we were married
we could be i told you, and you smiled and twirled it around and wore it all day
and you offered to buy me food but when i turned you down you held out your own so i could have a bite
today you waved at me in the hall and i don't think i've ever been happier than when my fingers fluttered back
Sep 2013 · 1.8k
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
we were so close,
on a night when the music could mean forever,
when the smoke burned our lungs and the sparks filled the air,
we were so close to something,
we ate and laughed and danced,
everything happened so fast, but
Sep 2013 · 368
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
when i close my eyes the whole thing feels like a movie
and it's easy to forget that i'll never have a happy ending
It's homecoming weekend, and I decided not to go to the dance, but I went to the bonfire and the game and I can't figure out how to put any of it into words.
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
every thing is crumbling and i forgot how to deal
my grades are low and my friends are gone and my parents probably hate me
i always watch the people that i like hang out with the boy that i love without me
my friends are involved in things and experiences and i am not doing anything
i am doing extremely poorly at the thing i thought was my only real talent
i am so out of shape that i cannot walk home without being sore after
my sister yells at me and i get in trouble when i yell back every time
people are getting dates to dances i am throwing anti versions of
and i know that i can blame other things as much as i want as loud as i want
but in the end it all comes down to
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
it's fine, walk away
when you leave i still have her and when she leaves i can find someone else to cling to
but when it is late they are all gone
and i have no one
and that line keeps showing up in my poems but it's true
people don't understand how serious i am about how much i want to quit
i feel like there is a hole in my heart where all my friends used to be and it doesn't make sense because i'm trying harder than ever to keep them in my life
they keep telling me they still like me but the more i ask the more i feel them slipping away
and now they don't want to talk to me in the halls or hang out with me after school
my mom tells me i'm acting like i used to and i tell her i'm just tired
but anyone who reads my poems would know that tired is code for depressed, which is a word i will never use
today i cried alone in the bathroom at school but it was silent because i am so good at crying
i think it is the only thing i am good at anymore
Sep 2013 · 396
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
i'm so afraid of being replaced in people's lives that if they do replace me
(and they always do)
i will deny it and i will act as though it was my choice to push them away
i stopped texting them
i stopped sitting with them at lunch
but the only time my phone vibrates is when people are answering my questions about homework that i already know the answers to
and my closest friends to not want to spend time with me
and my parents keep saying i seem so happy and i don't get it because i cry myself to sleep every night
or i did, until the tears stopped coming and now i lay in the dark heaving dry sobs because i cannot find the strength to cry or to carry on
someone teach me how to write poetry
Sep 2013 · 2.0k
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
my friends used to joke and call me cynical
and i laughed
and i never understood why
but those people aren't my friends anymore
and i keep thinking that i pushed them away
but i also think that it was inevitable
that they would always realize the didn't like me all that much
because i was a bit too cynical for their taste
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
holding on
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
he ignores you at lunch but he's at your locker after school and he offers you a ride home
when he's the only one who read your tweet he seems excited that he knows something special about you but he does not text you back
none of these are mixed signals because he doesn't care enough to think like that
but you read them like your favorite book, marking pages that are important because maybe there are clues,
foreshadowing of the love he hides deep in his heart but then he hugs her and he calls her because he's lonely
and you are by yourself again making too big of a deal out of friendship and trying to get over something you never had
you can't decide if he's an ******* or if it's you that's acting like one and maybe he's the nicest guy ever
you can't accept that some things don't work out because that would mean letting go
and you are afraid of what will happen when you stop holding on
Sep 2013 · 662
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
pretend you don't see him walk past you in the hall
focus on someone else
laugh at their joke

don't try to find a seat with him at lunch
sit with other people
eat your food

you don't have to give him the homework every time he asks
ignore his text
tell him no

don't think about him when you're falling asleep at night
he is not thinking of you
do not cry
I'm trying to not let a stupid crush rule my entire life, we'll see how it goes.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
nothing hurts like being excluded by your crush,
or walking alone down the halls in a sea of friendships.
in a world full of ups and downs it seems you've been going down for too long
towards the bottom of the ocean, which is uncharted and vast,
without time for a breath of air because there is one hurdle after another.

and sometimes it seems like you use too many metaphors.
because the world is a scary place and saying your problems out loud make them seem real.
so why should you when you can compare them to a flower and be told you're creative and special?
that's all you want,
to be special.

so you wear combat boots with your dress and you throw an anti-homecoming so you can marathon 80's movies instead,
but you aren't special and nobody cares and you can't figure out the point but you eat up the compliments like you need them to survive.
because when your mom tells you that you look skinny it's the highest praise,
and if a friend says your hair looks nice maybe he'll be around to notice too.
but he's not,
or he doesn't.

and you spend another day holding back tears because you finally got your eyeliner right but you're so **** lonely,
and you pretend it doesn't hurt that when your broken phone finally turns on there are no unread messages,
because even though there are people who care you are still alone,
always alone,
and if happiness is for people who deserve it than you must have done something once.

or maybe it's 2am and you're up crying again,
and none of your poems get past being a jumble of words and phrases,
bits and pieces blurred by the tears that stream down your cheeks,
but write them anyway, because every now and then,
if you're lucky,
they dull the pain.
Sep 2013 · 369
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
he walks with girls at his sides, and when i wave they do not notice
my friends will not make eye contact with me in the halls
i am complimented today, but i do not know it's for me
i've gotten used to blending into the background, and i am not used to being beautiful
because the eyes i want to catch swim away before they are hooked
and they do not want to sit with me at lunch despite how loud i laugh at their jokes
maybe if i were more beautiful more often
maybe if i didn't try as hard
or i tried harder
but then i remember that he didn't come to school on my birthday last year
and he doesn't care about that now
and i realize
that maybe you can try in all the ways there are
and it will never make a difference
Sep 2013 · 314
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
If I list my five worst days,
They'd all be your fault
And I feel bad because I brought it up but I can't tell you
But that's what happens when you let me fall in love
Sep 2013 · 324
Molly Rosen Sep 2013
i go to sleep each night hoping i won't dream of you
because then i can wake up each morning and rediscover you
and your voice
and your eyes
and your hands
and your smile
and i love you
idk man, i'm sorry
Aug 2013 · 3.5k
high school, week 1
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
I drop my pencil under a guy's chair and my friend convinces me to ask him for it back because "he's nice I promise" so I work up the courage to call his name as loud as I dare and I just start talking so I can tell him what happened before I lose my nerve, but halfway through I notice he's not listening at all and instead of asking for my pencil I ask him to ignore me. He does.
I met a boy and he was intriguing and clever and sarcastic and not unattractive and I thought he had potential but I waved in the hall and he didn't wave back and he didn't want to sit next to me in class.
I invite a boy I've known since 3rd grade to sit next to me in class, and he does, but then his friend shows up and there's a wistful look in his eyes. He doesn't talk to me, and he switches his seat the next day.
I sit at a crowded lunch table full of people I don't like because the people I do are outcasts. I don't have time to eat all my food.
I switch lunch tables to sit with my crush, by invitation of a friend. They ignore me to talk to each other. I try to join. I ask what's so funny. They shake their heads. He's sitting almost on top of me because the tables are so small but he never even turns to look at me.
Last year he sat with us and talked mostly to me and her table was having drama and fighting and now they all wear skirts to school and look pretty and my eyes are puffy and my legs have a light layer of fuzz which is easy to see because I'm still so pale.
I was the only person to sit alone on the first day of biology class and when I walked in the second day a girl who's never been particularly nice to me and wasn't in the class yesterday is there. She's excited to see me. She asks me to sit next to her. She looks at my paper while I write. I don't say anything because I don't want to sit alone anymore.
I'm stressed out by the second day. Unprepared.
718 more days.
Aug 2013 · 344
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
stop telling me it'll all be okay because how can you know that?
how can you know i won't fall apart again?
that i won't ******* some more of my life like i always have?
how can you know that he won't break my heart and she will want to be my friend and they'll like me?
just because you did it once doesn't mean that i can too
because i'm not strong, i'm weak
i'm weak, and i'm afraid
i'm too scared to go all the way up and crumbling is the only way down
so maybe nothing will be okay
and that'll have to be okay
i'm starting high school tomorrow and i guess i'm just a tiny bit terrified
Aug 2013 · 281
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
It wasn't even a good lie.
I expected so much more from you, clever girl.
But it was good enough to break my heart.
Because you were the one I went to when he lied to me.
When I was crying too hard to speak, you were there.
And now I don't have to worry about pushing out the words,
Because there's nobody to tell.
Aug 2013 · 303
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
I'm crying so hard but the tears won't come
Because there went my last friend
And now I have no one
It ***** when you catch one of the only people you've been 100% honest with in a lie.
Aug 2013 · 251
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
Yup, just hit a new low.
Just like every other night this year.
So when do I hit the bottom so I can have a break from breaking for
Aug 2013 · 334
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
And as my life crumbles at my feet I see a figure standing on top of the rubble and at first I think it's you. But it's not because you don't even notice the debris. It's me, of course it is, because I am happy to see this end, this sweet disaster burning everything I am and was into a pile of crumbs at my own feet.
Add this to the list of poems that make no sense. I try, I really do.
Aug 2013 · 335
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
My how the tables have turned.
Maybe I'm over reacting but maybe this is betrayel and I just wish I had someone to talk to.
Aug 2013 · 268
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
It doesn't seem fair that you get to complain about your relationship problems to me, and I can't even tell you how lonely I really am.
Aug 2013 · 752
Molly Rosen Aug 2013
I wonder what I am doing wrong.
Maybe I'm not smart enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough.
Maybe I will never be talented enough, easy going enough, cool enough.
Or maybe I fell in love with the wrong person.
Jul 2013 · 394
Molly Rosen Jul 2013
there's no worse feeling
than when it's 4am
and you aren't good enough

Jul 2013 · 789
Molly Rosen Jul 2013
I've memorized your page in my yearbook. That's what happens when you stare at something all the time, and that's what happens when the guy you love writes that very word. Love. You wrote it so innocent, platonic. If only you knew how many times my lips have touched your ink.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Lonely, and in love.
Molly Rosen Jul 2013
I don't know why I'm looking at your picture again
when all it ever does is make me cry.
I don't know why I can't settle for being your friend.
But I have a tendency to die right after I beat my high
score, as if I can't handle being good enough, because
nothing else ever is.
I guess that's why, when everyone turned playdates into
dates, I turned birthdays into confessions.
I'll play truth or dare with strangers, but I'll always pick dare,
because how can I say my truths out loud when I can't even
whisper them to myself alone in the dark?
And why is it so easy for me to flirt with your friend when I've
loved you for years an I can't even look you in the eye?
Why can't I put a pen to paper without writing your name?
If love always hurts then why do I spend half my time feeling empty?
How can I be jealous of the friends you text back when you're
fighting with them?
And here I am, trying so hard to be a good friend to you that I forgot
about the people who were good friends to me.
Why is it so hard to write about my feelings when I know exactly what they are?
Get it? The title is what's described by the last line.
Alt. title: A Collection of Unconnected Thoughts I've Been Trying To Make A Poem Out Of For Weeks But Oh Well
Jun 2013 · 3.1k
Molly Rosen Jun 2013
so i guess i have to act normal around you
because you can't know you broke my heart
but what's normal?
because before, when i loved you, i wasn't normal
i was flirty and giggly and touching your hair
i was texting and smiling and laughing at all your jokes
and that's not normal
but maybe i still love you
because i still watch your lips when you talk
and that's not normal
but what is?
Jun 2013 · 942
Molly Rosen Jun 2013
i don't even know what i want anymore
my hopes, my dreams, my life,
it's splashes of color and splashes of blood
moments of i can do this forever and moments of break down because i just can't any more
moments of i believe in magic and moments of the world is too dark of a place
a handful of tearstained faces and just as much laughing too hard
a few good friends and a few killed friendships and questioning and being sure
moments where it's too hard, where i can't put one front in front of the other for even one more step
and moments of running full speed ahead into whatever is out there
but always wondering what the point is, what i'm going through all of this for because all of the bits and pieces that make up my life don't add up any more. a million doesn't equal zero, no matter how you do the math.
and i don't know what my objective is because i'm afraid to know what i want because how will i get it?
because isn't that everyone's objective? to get what they want?
so i spin around on this giant ball of rock because even this earth knows its place (to go around the sun) and i let days go by in the cycle of moments and splashes and pieces and i watch and notice and count and wonder when i'll know what i want
May 2013 · 203
Molly Rosen May 2013
so all this time i meant nothing to you
even when you were telling me everything?
i guess i was just ears to you
all that time
but i still want you to know that to me
you were always more
May 2013 · 321
Molly Rosen May 2013
sometimes i forget
that not everybody cries on their birthday
that some people like all of their friends
that not everybody feels like they're crumbling
every second of every day
that it's just me
who contemplates jumping in front of busses
and diving into freezing lakes

because sometimes i forget
what it feels like to be happy
May 2013 · 2.0k
Molly Rosen May 2013
You said we were tag team *******
But you meant it as a compliment
And you pulled out your wallet the second I was hungry
We spent almost 9 hours in a Panera
But a movie would have been "too awkward"
I gave you gum and you said you loved me
But I made a joke and you said you hate me
And I can never tell which is more sarcastic
Pretending to date you was the best lunch of my life
But you laughed because it could never happen
And all our friends want to set us up
Even the ones who don't know how I feel
The ones who don't know I love you
Even if you don't love me
May 2013 · 330
Molly Rosen May 2013
when i'm alone (and lonely) i usually think about you
what it would feel like to kiss you
to hug you
to hold your hand
what you would do if i told you how much i wanted these things
if you could be totally honest with me
it's not like you'd have to worry about breaking my heart,
you already have
May 2013 · 296
Molly Rosen May 2013
I'm glad your life is moving on
but just because someone loves you
doesn't mean someone will love me.
you've always had more
more friends, more boys, more fun.
and you're trying to be supportive, i get that.
so am i.
May 2013 · 191
Molly Rosen May 2013
the people I love most in the world can leave me
And that scares me
because i have nothing to stop them from going
May 2013 · 627
Molly Rosen May 2013
i've always pondered it
a little voice in the back of my head asking
wouldn't you rather be dead?
and my answer was always

but i never really wanted it
until today
the little voice told me
it's time
and i said
May 2013 · 1.2k
wedding vows
Molly Rosen May 2013
sometimes, when i'm lonely, i write my wedding vows

i've never been kissed
but i think if a guy asked me to i might go all the way
what do i have to lose?

in a school where nobody knows my name,
sometimes i'd rather be bullied
because it must be nice to be acknowledged
i'm not asking for prom queen

but somewhere out there, there has to be a boy
who writes wedding vows under the covers at night
May 2013 · 386
Molly Rosen May 2013
it feels hopeless to keep trying
when i know there can never be a happy ending
because i don't even know what story this is
this was the end of a longer poem, but i like it by itself
May 2013 · 434
too much
Molly Rosen May 2013
i ****** up again
didn't i?
i let you see too much
you saw me sigh over the picture of those two beautiful people kissing
and sigh over you hugging that beautiful girl
and sigh over the beautiful sunset that you seemed immune too
that was too much
i wonder, of course, what the breaking point was
because i've always been too much for you
that's been clear
but it's always been ok and you always came back
but you're gone
so how much was too much?
May 2013 · 1.9k
small town disadvantage
Molly Rosen May 2013
i think that everyone's lives are moving on
in flashes of boyfriends and best friends and plans
and my best years are slipping through my fingers
because i hate being lonely but i'm happy alone
i have the small town disadvantage
knowing there's more but being to scared to get it
stuck here by myself watching everyone i know pick a college
and fall in love
while i'm holding on to childhood
and lusting for boys i'll never get
and sometimes everything i've done
or will ever do
feels pointless
like i will never be remembered
so why should i try?
because even if i write a best seller
and get famous
(because that's what i want)
nobody will remember me
because it will all end
because i'll never be pretty
so my face won't end up on magazine covers
maybe in the back
and i won't get picked up by cute boys
maybe in a dark bar
but i'd be too afraid to go in
so i'll sit and watch out the window as my life goes by
and feel nostalgic for something i never had

May 2013 · 274
Molly Rosen May 2013
I dread each sunrise
And each sunset
I find happiness in nothing
And pain in it all
May 2013 · 334
Molly Rosen May 2013
i wonder if i saw myself on the street if i'd think i was pretty
because my friends say i am
and sometimes
out of the corner of my eye
i see a pretty girl in the mirror
but she's always gone when i look straight at my face
tearstained and ugly
May 2013 · 321
Molly Rosen May 2013
she doesn't approve of us
of me
there is no us
she does't approve of me loving you
but why can't i get upset?
everyone else can
why is it that when i snap i lose all my friends
and yours go running back?
May 2013 · 316
Molly Rosen May 2013
you texted me back
which shouldn't be a big deal
but you never text me back
and most days we don't hug five times
and you don't introduce me to your friends
and i don't laugh with your parents
and you don't put your arm around me for pictures
so maybe this text
means something this time
May 2013 · 518
Molly Rosen May 2013
I want to tell you.
It's 2am and I want to call you and say "hey, *******. i love you."
but i'm a coward. so i scream into my pillow and wipe my tears.
because i'd been saying it all day
you just hadn't heard me
May 2013 · 296
Molly Rosen May 2013
Sorry I yelled at you.
I trust you.
You're pretty and talented and perfect but I can see why he loves you, I love you too. And I trust you.

But I don't trust him.
May 2013 · 239
Molly Rosen May 2013
I wanted to write a love poem.
I wanted to write our love poem.
I wanted us to have a great story.
But we don't.
Our story is just a girl, who likes a boy,
loves a boy.
And a boy who won't look twice.
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