i didn't come right out and say that i need you but i never do but what i did say should have been enough because it doesn't have to be about you again
i'm trying so hard but you're better smarter thinner more athletic less clingy and you can sing and dance and write (writing was supposed to be my thing) and my nothing cannot compare to your everything because your beauty shines through a ray of sun in the fog that is me pulling him away and he goes happily
But you're an ******* and you don't even know Because when I talk about love I'm not talking about the characters in the movie I'm talking about you About us Because you won't even look at me twice Because you'd rather see her And you know you can have anything Handed to you on a silver platter And why would you ever want this When you could have that?
I'm just a girl who asks a thousand questions a day A girl who sits for hours and ponders the rain I'm a girl who will spend a year thinking about friendship And a lifetime thinking about love
talking to you is hard because you judge what i say and i always think i sound dumb no matter how often you call me and you're perfect and i'm just not
i'm close to a breakdown but i'm holding back tears because i'm supposed to be ok and showing weakness isn't allowed because telling you i just need space is enough to get me to tomorrow and pretending to sleep gets me through the night
i'm close to a breakdown but i'm holding back tears because i don't want to smear my makeup in case he comes to school later because i've already been told it looks bad why mess it up more even though i pretended i didn't care i pretend i never care
i'm close to a breakdown but i'm holding back tears because i'll cry later when i'm alone and the door's locked because i've had so many breakdowns i've lost count of them and i can't ask for your sympathy when i don't have my own
when i was a kid i wore clothes my mom picked out and i didn't look in the mirror except when i brushed my teeth and now i'm older contacts makeup $300 dollars on my hair just to make people you like me a little bit more but what's the point if you don't even notice don't even care?
sometimes i feel like i'm trying the hardest but i'm the only one being left behind like everyone else will be married and happy and i'll still be alone watching people i love go and letting them too scared to stop it to change my own fate because if somebody can love them then maybe someday somebody can love me but they don't and so i spend another day and then another night alone wondering why my phone doesn't ring why i'm not the one with a hundred invitations and even more exes? why is everyone else so happy when i'm always so sad? i guess looks are everything aren't they?
You say you understand me And it feels nice Because it's 4am and we're connecting Because everything is exaggerated at 4am When the masks come off and the room is dark and there are 5 other people asleep on the floor When our whispers are raspy because we've been yelling for hours And the glow of the xbox lights our faces, because we forgot to turn it off And I tell you things that I've never told anyone Not even the people I tell everything The things I swore to myself I would keep secret forever But it's 4am And we prank called my crush and yours and everyone's exes And we talked about dating and *** and we laughed until the parents had to yell at us We ate pizza and chips and I felt like part of the group for the first time Because maybe I was Because you cared enough about me to poor your heart out and catch the contents of mine But who knows if you meant it Because it was 4am
And just like that, 2 seconds, 2 names, and I can see it. My hopes, Dreams, Crumbling around me. So go ahead and tell me I did my best, Even though that makes me think- Why wasn't my best good enough?
I talk the talk Promise you that it'll be better Stay strong Because you can make it But I don't walk the walk Because I don't see a happy ending I'm a mess And I can't make it
And it's not even that I'm sad sometimes It's constant An aching in my head Making me feel Feel alone in a crowd And hated by a friend And the things that once brought me joy Are buried under the dust of the sadness Because I won't bring them out anymore Now all they do is remind me Remind me of the past When I was happy sometimes But never always
I'll smile at anything, But nothing makes me happy anymore. I'm just afraid to show how I feel, Because being weak might scare you away, And you're all I have left.
it's 5am i haven't slept and i'm questioning how much longer i want to live in this world and the only thing that keeps me going is the thought of you and pictures of you and your signature in my yearbook a whole page of nothing but then two words love and your name
I see you sad And I feel my heart turn into a thousand shards of glass Each tear that rolls down your cheek is like acid rain Burning holes in my heart You see me sad And you don't care And you ignore me And my sobs are background noise for your exciting life
i know that i'm privileged and in the grand scheme of things i have no reason to be depressed but my calls for help go unanswered and i'm just so lonely i could die