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Whitney B Nov 2012
I wish I were pretty
with long flowing hair
I wish I were stunning
To make them stare
I wish I were beautiful
With intent hazel eyes
I wish for a perfect body
And a perfect size
I wish that he loved me
That he kissed me all day
Sorry, I was naming things
That I can never change
Whitney B Oct 2012
You are one year older
One year stronger
One year wiser
One year kinder
One year sweeter
I know in the years to come
You will become these things again
Until you are as
Strong, wise, kind and and sweet
as a person can ever be
So why do I still worry about you
My dear sister,
Whitney B Oct 2012
Here I stand, just being me.
Not what i'm supposed to be
Just living life to the fullest now
Without all that shame always bringing me down
You think that i'm afraid
Well i'm coming back for more
I'm a fighter. I survived
I am Whitney;
Hear me roar.
Whitney B Sep 2012
Help not only me
Help me set others free
Their burning in their cells
Their life is a living hell
Dark as midnight
Screams of fright
Must get out
Close your mouth
Climbing down
There is no exit
I am trapped
We are trapped.

*There is no exit in life. You must live it. We are trapped to live it.
Whitney B Sep 2012
Fool me once
Shame on you
Fool me twice
Whitney B Aug 2012
Behind me.
In front of me.
Beside me.
Never enough
To satisfy
The bored people.
They want gossip.
They want rumors.
Because their lives are not interesting.
Because they waste time on talking.
Because they have nothing better to do.
Whitney B Aug 2012
What is the
Stars, Planets?
Sun's, Moons?
Space ships blast off
trying to figure out
what exactly is out there
beyond the eyes of
Beyond the eyes
Of Earth.
They toy with planets
and send information
They spend so much time
On other planets
Rather than thinking
about our Dying Earth.
some things
should be left
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