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Whitney B Aug 2012
Knowledge is misused
Has it always been?
Or is it out generation
Who have made a mistake again?
More than a mistake, I must say
We have made many before
It is not the first or last
Of mistakes, there will be more.
Knowledge used to be treasured
To figure the wonders of life
But now, it is only used badly
To stab someone with  knife
Knowledge has one use these days
And it is true to worsen
Knowledge is now a weapon
To beat another person
*When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge. -Albert Einstein
Whitney B May 2012
Things were so simple
A lifetime ago
You spoke what you felt
You weren't always so low

Loving and caring
And kindness you showed
The air filled with laughter
A lifetime ago

A lifetime ago
You were happy when you smiled
It wasn't to mask
How you were bitter and vile

Oh i want to go back
I don't want to grow
The world was so peaceful
A lifetime ago

*It seems.
Whitney B May 2012
I'm trapped within me
My thoughts tearing me apart
Serenity: not an option
It's breaking my heart
I'm screaming inside
I can't break the binds
that hold me so tight
I feel so confined
I have run out of tears
and places to go
So i just keep the pain in
so nobody knows
When i look in a mirror
My face seems a blur
Or is it the tears in my eyes?
I'm not really sure
I'm forced to stay like this
My image: a ghost
For you can't escape yourself
and that's what scares me the most.
Whitney B May 2012
Child, please keep that smile of yours
sparkling and dazzling it is
And not many kids
Have a smile that is that sure
Keep it close and hold it tight
Don't let it fly away
for one day it may
keep you warm in a cold night
When people ask why your smile
is that great and strong
Tell them that it's never wrong
To be happy once in a while
I love to see that smile your showing
To the world and everyone
Your smile comes second to none
Your smile keeps me going.
Whitney B May 2012
I have a secret
I am a dreamer
I am the person with dreams
I am a believer
I am a fighter
I am stronger then i seem
I rest my head
every night
After a day of laughter
And await my dreams
Of fairy tales
And happily ever afters
And i can almost feel
The sweet spring air
Whipping across my face
delicate dew drops
on blades of grass
Seem to dance with breathtaking grace
And after a night
of magic and wonder
i am forced to awake
Reality is a staircase
leading to nowhere
but that's a risk I'm willing to take
Whitney B Mar 2012
I'm weird and abnormal
wild and free
I don't need a boy
to walk besides me
I'm talkative and giggly
smiley and crazed
I stand up against hatred
that's how I was raised
I'm inquisitive and happy
strong and proud
But there's one thing I'm not:
A follower of the crowd
Whitney B Mar 2012
3 Minutes
no response
No worries
3 hours
No response
3 days
No response
3 weeks
No response
3 months
No response
3 years
no word from him
No worries
No heartache
No tears
No depression
Just regret
Another guy
3 minutes:
No response
Don't care.
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