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 May 2013 Wen
J Drake
Soul Science
 May 2013 Wen
J Drake
On this morning
3 years ago,
I lived in hell.

Things were all so
terrible then,
But I couldn't tell.

On this morning
One year ago,
I woke up in heaven.

Miracles became real,
Thoughts became things;
I chose what to feel --
That changed everything.

On this morning,
5 minutes ago,
I woke up smiling.

Because somewhere between
The pain that I felt
And the joy that I found...

There was one decision
  That altered my path;
A spirit incision,
  Soul science, Mind math...

I made up my mind --
  So simple, you see --
To open my heart...
  I chose to Believe.

In love, in laughter,
  In giving and sharing;
In helping someone
  And actually caring.
In breaking the mold,
  In trying things new;
In paving the road,
  And choosing my view.

My Life is a piece of art,
  So beautiful, so pure,
That tells of my story
  And the path I've endured
The colors are vibrant,
  The picture is clear.
The moral is evident...
  There's happiness here.
My life, in so many words...
 May 2013 Wen
J Drake
A father looks deeply
  into the eyes of his son,
He speaks soft and sweetly:
  "Child, my days are done."

"I've loved every moment
  From the day that we met.
The day of your birth,
  And I'll never forget,
You told me you loved me
  Without using words,
I gave you my heart
  And you gave me the earth.

"And though my life's ending,
   I want you to know,
This is the beginning,
  Of life on your own.
So hear me right now,
   With these final breaths,
And I'll tell you how,
   Your life shall be blessed:

Sing with the water,
  Dance with the bees;
Travel the world,
  And sail on the seas.
Learn to enjoy
  The moments you have;
For now is eternal,
  Yet time moves so fast.

"Learn to love,
  And love to learn;
Light your passion,
  And let it burn.
Reach someone,
  Touch longing lives;
We are all one,
  Together we fight.

"Let go of hurt,
  Learn to forgive,
Understand others,
  We're all new at this.
One day you'll see,
  You'll blink and wake up;
And then you will teach
  Your son to grow up.
 May 2013 Wen
Dalton Bauder
 May 2013 Wen
Dalton Bauder
be still

there is a flicker in your heart.
your wick will not contend,

the binding is secure.

here nothing moves.
where fire, consumes;
subconsciously project the light.
be known, in truth
mountains will move
but there will always be a fight.

so tether not your searing soul;
as only your hands can remove.
hot as the sun on ancient sand
burn brightly,
keep your head held high.
 May 2013 Wen
Dalton Bauder
 May 2013 Wen
Dalton Bauder
in perfect motion, lost in time,
I subdivide the outer lines.
the enigmatic parallax;
dilation of the centered mind.

microbial in grander schemes,
my breath is born to exit me,
inhale the holy entity;
become the dreams
in vivid scheme.

intrinsic shapes of destiny
envelop my entire being;
a calculated entropy
that grants subconscious unity.
magnified, this smoke will bleed
into my every living deed,
tied into every breath i breathe
I stretch my being; exude peace.

I’m only what I dream to be,
as I ask myself to pray for me.
 Apr 2013 Wen
Chris T
Failing to comprehend
The idea painted
In colors gray and white
Dull and sad
Not a smile
Among it
The picture spoke
In foreign tongues
Flashing its surreal
A chalice was brought
So that it'd flow
And then ‘d drink
Absorbing the
Terrifying truths
Scattered upon
The canvas yard
Oh, come to me in dreams, my love!
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.

’Twas thus, as ancient fables tell,
   Love visited a Grecian maid,
Till she disturbed the sacred spell,
   And woke to find her hopes betrayed.

But gentle sleep shall veil my sight,
   And Psyche’s lamp shall darkling be,
When, in the visions of the night,
   Thou dost renew thy vows to me.

Then come to me in dreams, my love,
   I will not ask a dearer bliss;
Come with the starry beams, my love,
   And press mine eyelids with thy kiss.
 Apr 2013 Wen
Jeffrey Bustos
Are you happy? You ask
Lately I have had an urge to skip.
I love skipping,
it makes me happy.
Am I happy you ask?
Am implies being.
So I think:
I wish you would skip with me.
Not make.
Not do.
Not think.
Just be

 Apr 2013 Wen
Andy Cave
 Apr 2013 Wen
Andy Cave
Believe in yourself
take hold of the wheel
let loose your emotions
feel feel feel.
Let out that sadness
you hold deep inside
and let your happiness
rise and climb.
Don't let others
put you down
be who you are
and be it proud.
 Apr 2013 Wen
Eliot York
 Apr 2013 Wen
Eliot York
The promise
of tonight
stirs within

Let it
5pm, Saturday. #10w

— The End —