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You ever stop to think

The world would be a better place if the seas of laughter were shaped through the lesser

If Cattle Roared Among Giants

A world not grown through the substantial, but a world seeded with hope from the shade

Could we vanish this stabilization construed through faulty assumptions

Could we vanish this system of normality we hold so deeply to our soul

The limitations of wealth could no longer be our shackle

Will we ever be at peace
Cattle Roar Among Giants**

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved

This system of normality set by people incapable of achieving self realization must be denied judgmental privileges.
 Jan 2015 We should never
Making it out of rock bottom
Is my biggest accomplishment.
Fear knocks
And I reason
It away

Grudges knock
And they're gone
Within a day

Doubt knocks
But it I
Will allay

Monotony knocks
From the path
I'll stray

Pressure knocks
But that I
Can delay

You knock-
And insist
You'll stay

— The End —