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Jan 9 · 48
Wayne Gore Jan 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                    As I sat gazing in the morning chill  
A Bluebird lit on my window sill                                                  Curious I thought, this time of year
For a Virginia Bluebird to suddenly appear.
We sat and gazed eye to eye
Neither breathing nor flinching for awhile
Remembering some past we shared as one
In days of old, when the world was young.
It seems we meet from time to time
To share a glance, To catch a line
Recounting those memories of ages gone
That sustain us now on our way home  
The Bluebird cocked her head and laughed
Reliving a moment from our past
We shared this moment as old friends do
I remember it well, and the Bluebird knew.
Then the morning was gone and the chill had
Passed, We both knew it could not last  
It was goodbye again at least for now,
We will meet again, somewhere, somehow.
                                                                                                                          Wayne Gore
Copyright 2019
Apr 2013 · 958
I Thought I Could Fly
Wayne Gore Apr 2013
There was a time I thought I could fly
I don't know how and I don't know why.
I touched the stars in a moonlit sky
and pinched the clouds as I flew by.
That was back then when I thought I could fly.

Lighthearted and wonderous I was in awe
to chase a comet across the sky.
Larks and eagles were my best friends
along with a hawk and an occasional wren.

I flew to Egypt then to Spain, to the great
                         China wall then home again. I raced along with thundering
storms , teasing the lighting and riding the wind.
When I thought I could fly, that was back then.

As all journeys must start all journeys must end
We can all travel about if only within.
I plunged thru the heavens end over end
never stopping to ask the why or the when.
That was way back, back when I was Ten.
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
The Memory Jar
Wayne Gore Apr 2013
That place you go, you know the one,
that place you go to be alone
I ' ve seen you there from time to time
nursing your memories as you play the mime
I view this drama from afar as you
place your memories into your Memory Jar
You spin and jump and move about
as you put them in and take then out
what a price to the piper you must pay
as you dance about on his gossamer stage
then you return to me with a mysterious smile
never knowing I knew you were gone for awhile.
copyrite  Wayne Gore  2010
Feb 2013 · 783
Wayne Gore Feb 2013
On a dark dark night when the stars all glow
Tell me again where does the Half Moon go

When winter appears with a withering snow
Tell me again where the warm winds go

When the day diasppears in a glourious show
Tell me again where does the twilight go

When storm clouds appear To and Fro
Tell me again where does the sunshine go

When I am so old, so tired and so slow
Tell me again why yoy love me so.
Written by Wayne Gore

— The End —