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  Mar 2015 wave
You are not alone
In your pain
All your understanding
Has been contained

Open your eyes
Beyond what you see
Forget what you think you know
And just try to breathe

Woven into the fabric of consciousness
Are the assumptions of reality
And the deception of imagination
But mostly a need to survive
Put down the knives
And walk outside

I feel for you...
Traveler Tim
re-to 02-17
  Mar 2015 wave
The Good Pussy
                            A hard-on
                        doesn't  count
                      as personal  gro
                     wth.If  you  want
            ­         to  hear  the  pitte
                       r - patter of littl
                       e feet,  I'll put s
                       hoes on my cat.
                       This isn't an off
                       ice , it's hell wit
                       h florescent lig
                       hting.How do I
                       set a lazer prin
                       ter to stun? I m
                       ajored in Libera
                       l arts. Will that
                       be for here or t
                       o go? Too many
                       freaks, not eno
                       ugh circuses.  I
                       have a comput
                       er, a ******* a
                       nd pizza delive
                       ry .Why should
                       I leave the hou
      se? Stress is wh   en you wake up scr
eaming and you re    alize you  haven't  fal
*** asleep yet. I like  dogs  too .  Let's  exch
  ange recipes.  And   yo u r      c r y b a b y        
    whiny- assed   o      pinion      is?      Al 
      low me to intro       duce my selves.
wave Mar 2015
I give a gift to you,
my undivided attention.
As numbers are called, plates jiggle,
waitresses frantic about the lateness of our order...

just blurred peripherals, right now and for the infamentesinal moments that follow there is you, me, and nothing else

I can't take my eyes off of you for a second!
Be present in the moment
wave Mar 2015
A point in which I look back on my life and what I can't help but notice most is that I was not present for what would become some of my best life experiences.
How we do, not what we do.
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