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LC Nov 2018
I had never seen such pretty tears
I wanted to feel each drop
Taste the sadness
But I would give you all my tears
To make it stop
To take the pain
To see your smile
Of sun and light
Without it
My world is not bright
LC Nov 2018
L osing time
O bsessing over each moment, how could it end
S weet love return, be mine
T ake my moments again
LC Nov 2018
If becoming lost
Lead me into your arms
And guided me to your heart
I don't ever want to be found
LC Nov 2018
The sun sits on the water
Bobbing at sea
The moon glow spies through the trees
Hide and go seek
LC Nov 2018
Crippled and confused
Sits the tree behind my house
Storm after storm its branches growing scarce
The branches are like the friendships that have been broken
Severed from my life as I splinter and crumble
Isolated and left bare
LC Nov 2018
The winter is cold
But her mind is thawed
The travelled roads
Icy and flawed
Tracks in the snow
She aimlessly walks
As the flakes blow
And the wind talks
LC Nov 2018
He was the grass that used to graze your skin and tickle
now a rose that pokes and ******
Though handsome he hurts you more
than the simple sweet grass
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