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Warren-Johnson May 2017
Oh how I long for you! Oh how I paint a picture of you over and over ! In my mind that no artist can truly depict cause your beauty is not skin deep!

So the word Something keeps popping up!

So I've sat and thought this one through, as we survive relationships (some being nothing short of horror stories lol) and recover somewhat stronger and move on, we tend to give little of our hearts away in no hurry ! However when we do give in and say that four letter word, LOVE, we then give far more of ourselves to this, from a far deeper understanding of it in truth!

So that four letter word that so many times we become petrified of that is so often just taken for granted, has now become SOMETHING !
Yes as much as I try hold back from the reality of my emotions, in no uncertain terms it can't be denied ! There is SOMETHING !

There needs to be something!
There has to be something!


Cause you really are quite something ! Quite an artist at theft, for as hard as I've tried to hold back and not give in, I catch myself dreaming and realize the reason for my dream is You ! As much as I don't want to admit! And there you gone and stolen another piece of my heart!   Thief lol
Warren-Johnson May 2017
How awesome it was, for She held my heart!
From the minute we met I couldn't hold back, I had no boundaries!

Oh she held my heart !

With sweet passion filled ******* so Hot, we could fire up a thousand foundries!

Oh she held my heart oh yeah!

She has Beauty she has! And wows all in her day!
With a ravenous smile, I just can't resist!

Oh she held my heart oh yeah!oh yeah she did!

I sit here pondering with all that's passed why does this feeling persist ?

Trouble I see it so clearly at times, with greatest of fears I have to admit!

She held my heart and how awesome we were!

Even with sheer stubbornness and greatest of will!

Thing is she held my heart and SO does still !
Warren-Johnson May 2017
To a few it might seem like a hundred years or maybe more!

But not that long ago a cloud was Just water molecules in the sky!
Now it's virtual storage on which we so rely.

A man to space, a far fetched dream!

But aside from technology have we grown?

Our societies riddled with rot
Corrupt and ****** governments
Crippled morals
Troubled youth
No path of truth

Bring back our safety
Bring back our innocence
Bring back integrity
Bring back our freedom

Be it creed or color that separates us, our manners, upbringing and choices may differ oh so far.
Those are only cultures!
Used against us as they manipulate and twist the truth those Horrid political vultures!

But one thing if you worth your salt, we share one common fact!
Our forefathers and their fathers built our societies on one common denominator!

We call on this Maiden who society has been forgotten!
Oh bring her back along with all her offspring from justice, truth and sincerity!
Oh to say but a few!


The one true core value we know we can rebuild from!
We can can start by being true !

Let's fix our riddled world oh yes it starts with me and you!

Let's take back our values!

And Be our fathers pride!

Or once again are you just another only along for the ride!!!
Warren-Johnson May 2017
Her heart beats true to all her existence!
She is love itself!
It is real and has sheer persistence!
She'd walk her feet raw if that's what it took!

She instills her values true to her core!
Always kind!
Even when the rod were to make my backside sore!
Always listening!
Even when time is little, she is there!
Always caring!
A heart so strong, but always love to give no matter where!
A mentor!
If advice be sought, she'd be my choice!
A Mom
There to make affect, with the kindest of voice!

My solace
My matriarch

Warren-Johnson May 2017
Only in darkness can we see the stars!
Martin Luther king JR
"(His word so true yet, I realize, far more)"

Oh but what are stars ?
Glimmers of hope ?

Yes for they are light
Far away
They are as our sun

Then why look to the darkness ?
For there is always light!

We Need to see!

Those heavenly bodies burn so bright
Have shown many a wayward stray home!

Why look to the dark what would you see?

Yes chin up cause it's up there they shine!
Soon you'll be home

Don't look down!
You'll sink!
you'll drown!

Don't let it catch you!
Look for the light
The answers always there!
You can!
You will!

Chin up see the way home
Warren-Johnson May 2017

Be heard!
Why be silent?
If you don't who will!
We all have to!
These corrupt leaches will bleed us,little by little society will be bled dry!

Yes you the feeble worm that just leaches!

Give us our country back!

If you can't make your own rather be a *** on the beaches!

Oh no they too are just leaches!!!
Oh no! What to to do?!?!?!

Here I sound like a preacher
But exposure might not have an immediate affect!
It may not show!
But but we slowly can get rid of these corrupt elect!

Make your voice boom Zuma down!
An idiot we given to follow!
With no skill
And words only hollow!
Oh what a clown!
Speak out!
Don't stop!
We all deserve more
Cry your beloved country hmmmm
Yes cry out my beloved country!
Warren-Johnson May 2017
How we sell ourselves short so often
We tell a fib or a little white lie
To avoid conflict
To save face
For a greater good

What a fallacy
A lie is a lie

How can one ignore the fact
We throw away our integrity
We don't show true to our character

Or is it that you are a liar ?
The deed itself is deceit
Double dealing

Oh but to say a few
When done to us we are hurt
Why not have that same integrity we wish be dealt our way?

Cause it's easier?
Is it?

If it's easier for you
Then you have no place near me!
I won't say I never lie!
Oh I have yes!

But it's taken it's toll on me!

I know integrity!
I know it's arch enemy too!

A white lie?
Really is that what we tell ourselves?
It's like getting leukemia
To cure  Emphysema!
Ridiculous yeah!

But I'll choose to rather be silent than lie!
I'll be the man I portray!
The man I want to look up to!

I have to try

Or I am just that same as that
diminutive little deed!
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