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3.4k · Aug 2017
So There's This Girl
Wandering Soul Aug 2017
So there's this girl; pretty, gorgeous and nice.
Her eyes crinkle when she smiles genuinely
and I hope she knows her beauty eventually.
Because she has a pure soul that can entice.

There's this girl, whose favorite color is blue.
Who stays up past midnight to finish a book
and then falls asleep in her own comfy nook.
Tiredly waking to a pale dawn covered in dew.

There's this girl, that takes up all of my time.
Who lights up my phone all hours of the day
and expects a paragrapth on the 28th of May.
So there's this girl, this girl that I call mine.
1.6k · Aug 2016
Winter Leaves
Wandering Soul Aug 2016
Plug in the earphones and the thoughts begin to fly pass;
lingering on memories of you to help fall asleep at night.
Like how you glisten in the morning like crackling glass
or how you sparkle with the lasts drops of dancing light.

Even in the way you hide your cold hands in long sleeves
or the way the air freezes as you whisper another fun fact.
Yes, I can see it now, you remind me just of winter leaves.
Not perfect because flawless but perfect because cracked.
1.4k · May 2017
How to Save a Life
Wandering Soul May 2017
Don't leave her, even when she gets moody.
Because she's too proud to admit how much
she needs you, how much your words mean
to her. Especially at 3am behind closed doors.

Choose to stay, even when she tells you to go.
Because she's afraid of opening up to people,
scared of trusting only to end up being used.
Stay. Because she's terrified of being alone.

And when you tell her you love her, mean it.
Because you have the power to shatter her,
to break her into a million fragile pieces.
So don't lie to her. Ever.
933 · Feb 2017
Did You Ever
Wandering Soul Feb 2017
In that moment you were all I could ever ask for
but your eyes looked away, you refused to see.
You said this wasn't what you wanted anymore
and you turned and left, did you ever need me?

With each step, memories of us began to flow free
from our first date just wandering around the mall
to our last date where we kissed in the Autumn fall.
How meaningless it all was, did you ever love me?
649 · Feb 2017
Wandering Soul Feb 2017
Past her fake smile she was a wilting flower,
her color fading with every passing second.
Alone in the abyss swallowed by shadows
slowly suffocating and dying by the hour.

Each petal a fragment of her broken heart
left to gently fall one by one. Hidden and
tucked away out of sight on the top shelf
because he preferred daffodils over roses.
628 · Nov 2016
Wandering Soul Nov 2016
I'm never leaving, so I hope you don't mind
blushing furiously the moment our lips align
as I pull you in closer, our bodies intertwined,
my hands on your thighs as we cross the line.

I'm here to stay, so close and lock the door.
Throw away the key as we watch the skyline,
and talk till the early morning sun rises, before
falling asleep nose to nose; baby you're mine.
578 · Sep 2016
Last Moments
Wandering Soul Sep 2016
And I've played it back a thousand times in my head,
that perfect memory of where it was just you and me,
lying wide awake at 3am under the covers of my bed,
listening to the tranquil breaking of the midnight sea.

We both knew that was my last night in this small town,
in the morning I would be headed far off for university.
You knew it would be hard with me no longer around
but you kept silent and let me leave for New York City.

And when the morning came, you smiled me goodbye
as our hands aligned against the window of the train.
Your mood reflecting the bleakness of the falling rain
as you were left behind to watch our last moments die.
546 · May 2016
The Great Perhaps
Wandering Soul May 2016
His wishing he could go back to the days where he didn't feel dead.
To the age of 21 when things were fine and he still felt alive.
Everyone's telling him, there's nothing wrong, that it's all in his head.
But they don't know the struggles and fights he had faced to survive.

His had enough, his all burnt to cinders on the ground.
Feeling, about as void as the space between sky and land.
"Last call for passengers at gate 9" the intercom sounds.
And just like that he's gone, with a one way ticket in hand.

In another country wind buffers the carriages of a train.
She's staring out at the quickly passing lakes and trees.
Quietly admiring the scenery, lush and dripping with rain.
And enjoying the silent moments and little things like these.

Lost in thought to the steady rhythm of the carriages flight
Slowly at first, she discards her empty list of reasons to stay.
And suddenly she's floating, dancing under the starry night
Her eyes soften and she smiles as the train takes her away.

Now they're both just nameless strangers, wandering souls.
Building new bridges to set them alight and watch them collapse
Walking from town to town, picking up pieces to make them whole.
They're just traveling far and wide seeking The Great Perhaps.
541 · Sep 2016
Wandering Soul Sep 2016
We've all at one moment wished we were something more,
much like a superhero who saves just before time hits zero.
Making a name for yourself in history like all those before,
because someone that is remembered is what makes a hero.

But I believe a hero is someone who can change the world,
someone who has suffered and yet still helps others to fly,
who teaches others to move forward with wings unfurled.
I believe heroes never surrender, those that are born to die.
500 · Oct 2016
Wandering Soul Oct 2016
You always tell me how worthless and ugly you are,
how the world would be a better place without you.
You don't believe that you can fly like a shooting star
high above the skies, painted a unique different hue.

You will never see how your smile lights up the night
when all your life, you've watched yourself crash land.
So just laugh and let go of it all, take hold of my hand
as we get lost in the streets underneath the moonlight.
411 · Nov 2016
Wandering Soul Nov 2016
New faces, old pain and another small town.
Mask on and walls up so nobody can see
your thoughts slowly overfill till you drown
when all you ever really wanted was to be:

Free like the runaway winds that quickly twirl
and if you ever get lost in the midnight sleet
just know, I will always remember you, the girl
with the rhythm of her heart dancing offbeat.
386 · May 2016
465 Days
Wandering Soul May 2016
Clouds overhead pouring with freezing rain.
On this long winter night, wrapped in shadows.
She sits alone pondering her thoughts and woes.
Aimlessly staring at the approaching train.

She's thinking of every word he ever said.
Remembering her wrists running with red.
How did everything so quickly turn to ****?
But she knows... and is too afraid to admit...

With the morning, the sun breaks through the cloud-cast.
Shining brightly and warmly as if it was a summer breeze.
Suddenly the moments here, for a long time it seems to last.
And she's stuck to the bench frozen solid in her memories.

As the train passes by, she looks down then smiles.
She's made up her mind, she's going to stay awhile.
And on that morning, she got up from where she'd lain.
465 days was how long it took for things to be okay again.
378 · Jan 2017
A Forever
Wandering Soul Jan 2017
Some people wish to be loved by all and beautiful
while others wish for a plane to Paris or wherever
and some, a relationship where you push and pull
but only a couple wish for happiness, for a forever.

A forever of moments and diamond lined memories.
A forever with endless tranquil midnight adventures
and sunsets spent being goofy in the summer breeze.

A forever of laughing and having fun till time blurs
and taking perfect pictures till our heartbeats freeze.

A forever for just us and wherever the wind ventures.
372 · May 2016
Wandering Soul May 2016
I'm popping pills and smokin' ****,
just to get drowsy enough to sleep.
My eyes however refuse to close,
and flickers to a million light shows.
It's cold outside and now I understand,
that my mind is hanging by a strand.

Here, it's clear, that I'm not getting better,
when I fall down, you put me back together.
Without you I don't know where I'd be,
maybe a place where the eyes can't see.
Doubts run on repeat constantly in my mind,
trust is something you'll have to help me find.

Maybe another pill or joint will do the trick,
I need something to put me out real quick.
The screams come first, then the monsters,
oh where can I find a bed of soft flowers?
Cause I can't take it anymore, it's too hard,
I'm tired of playing, I don't want another card.

This game of life, no one will ever win,
so take a breather then commit another sin.
We might as well have fun while we're dying
can't you understand the words I'm saying?
I guess not, cause you're not actually here,
I'm just watching a fading ghost disappear.
360 · Aug 2016
I Could
Wandering Soul Aug 2016
I could be the shoulder you cried upon,
when the demons visit you late at night.
I could hold you tight when you yawn,
be your very own shiny armored knight.

I could be the cloud that lifted you up,
when you're on the floor bleeding out.
But then I could also be just a hookup,
a fleeting fix to help you on your route.

And I could be far away, be long gone,
depart without another second to spare,
already just a fading memory by dawn.
And maybe I could be your nightmare?
309 · Aug 2016
Letter to Myself
Wandering Soul Aug 2016
Dear past self, I can still remember each battle you ever fought.
The flickering memories of the scars branded across your skin
and the lessons beaten into you until they were properly taught,
torment me late into the night until my blood is pumping thin.

I'm sorry present self but I can still hear echos of a distant song,
the one we danced to everyday as we watched the sun descend.
So before I cover my face again with this mask and dance along,
I just wanted to say, **it's nice to see you Darkness my old friend...
291 · May 2016
Wandering Soul May 2016
I won't ever sleep, cause I fear if I close my eyes.
That you'll be gone in the time it takes to blink.
Why don't we open a bottle and share a drink?
Just please don't leave me for the beautiful skies.

We can grab the guitars and make our first song.
And talk about nothing in particular all night long.
Then when the morning comes, watch the rising sun.
This is what I truly want, I want it to be just us ***.

When you're gone, I go crazy from this feeling of blue.
Cause you're like the drug to my addict, I need you.
And I can never get enough, you're one of a kind.
I want you to forever run wild through my mind.

You're like my very own personal brand of ******.
When you dance through my veins, I feel so alive.
Like I'm standing on the edge about to take a dive.
You've got me gasping for air so you can have this win.
284 · Jun 2016
How I Met Your Mother
Wandering Soul Jun 2016
I remember when I use to feel a pain in my chest like no other.
I was ready to give up, standing on the edge about to take a leap.
I could see the skyline as the wind threatened to pull me off my feet.
I was contemplating if I should live and that's when I met your mother.

She had a smile so bright that could light every crevice in the room.
And a laugh that could chase away all the shadows in the world.
Oh how I fell deeply in love with her as she danced and twirled.
She made me happy and gave me a reason to forget the gloom.

I remember when I got down and asked her if she would marry me?
When she said yes, I was left speechless, but life can do terrible things.
I know that now as I slowly close her open hazel eyes as the choir sings...
Now, I truly believe, that I'll never again meet anyone as beautiful as she...
284 · Jan 2017
Wandering Soul Jan 2017
I still remember everything that started you and me,
every joke and every laugh so I wrote you this song
to make you happy whenever you feel sad or alone
but the tune is off and the words just sound wrong.

So I painted this picture of the both of us instead,
one where you smiled and didn't have to pretend
as we lay silently basking in the sun's fading rays
and yet, the colors on this canvas just don't blend.
275 · May 2016
Fade Away
Wandering Soul May 2016
Take another sip from that bottle and watch me fade away.
I’m not real, I’m nothing but a drugged up hallucination.
A construction you made to help pass the time, okay?
So you would no longer be alone in this “space station”.

And if one day I was to disappear, I want you to know.
That I truly did love you, but you didn’t need me any more.
You got better, you started to smile, it’s kinda sad though.
Cause now I’m a memory in your past left to watch you soar,

I hope you’re happy and that you never once look back.
Because you left your demons behind a long time ago.
Beneath that mask, you’re flawless, without a hue of black.
But now it’s time to glow, to let your true colours show.
259 · May 2016
Wandering Soul May 2016
It's nearing that time, where I feel like it's my last breath.
When the short hour hand of the clock finally hits ten.
Away you go to a quiet land, between reality and death.
And when the morning arrives, will you come back again?

You see, time spent talking to you makes me feel alive.
And time not spent with you, isn't really time at all.
It's like wandering the shelves of an old library archive.
Looking through books trying to read the dusty scrawl.

But as you return, the words suddenly become clear.
As if the dust falls away under the soft brilliant light.
Only to become dusty once more without you near.
I guess this is it though, it's bedtime so goodnight.
258 · May 2016
Runnng Away
Wandering Soul May 2016
I'm tired of wanting and tired of wishing upon a shooting star.
For that day where I'll pack my bags and finally disappear.
I don't know where exactly, but anywhere is better than here.
Don't try finding me, it's too late. I'm leaving and going far.

Sorry friends, family and the past, there isn't going to be a goodbye.
I'm burning these bridges and bonds I built to light my way ahead.
It's time to stop hiding and live my life for once before I'm dead.
Like a hawk in a thunder storm, I'll spread my wings and fly.

I'm going to a place where I can finally sleep and live another day.
In the darkness, I'll dance in the rain to the rhythm of the night.
And smile when I leave the ground as my demons fall out of sight.
This time I'm absolutely serious, tonight I'm running away.
255 · Sep 2016
Thank You
Wandering Soul Sep 2016
You said I could never be happy, that I didn't deserve to be.
And then you were gone like the falling leaves in Autumn.
I will never forget your smile and what you meant to me,
but you used me. Right from the start it was always him.

The one that broke your heart every time he walked away.
The one that never loved you but only ever temporarily.
The one that keeps you up late at the end of every day.
The one that you see when you close your eyes wearily.

And when you broke down and cried, I was always there,
standing with an umbrella, sheltering you from the rain.
But you never saw me for me, didn't want to, didn't care.
So I guess what I'm saying is, thanks for showing me pain.
254 · Sep 2016
Wandering Soul Sep 2016
Fathers be good to your daughters, raise them proper
and teach them to stand and walk on their own 2 feet,
as one day they will no longer be daddy's little hopper,
so let them grow freely and always pull out their seat.

Mothers be good to your daughters, teach them about
the bad boys out there who will use her and then leave,
who will break her precious heart and make her doubt,
but also warn her about those that can make her believe.

So fathers and mothers please be good to your daughters,
look after them carefully when they fall victim to the flu,
because you'll never again see a smile sweeter than theirs,
and cherish them because daughters become mothers too.
234 · Aug 2017
Wandering Soul Aug 2017
"**** yourself, you're ugly"; it's just another day of high school.
"This place would be much better without you, so just disappear".
It's nothing but a playground where the popular kids rule.
So what do you say? Let's pack our bags and get out of here.

With my lips softly pressed against yours, ignoring your father
as your eyes lock on mine, glistening and speckled with blue
hinting at the possibilities of more than this place can offer
so let's just drive, and leave this small town in the rearview.
215 · Jan 2018
Wandering Soul Jan 2018
We're all alone here watching the stars twinkle into existence.
As minute by minute our hands gradually close the distance.
We're laying here on our sides, our bodies slowly going numb.
Our lips whispering sweet nothings, waiting on the sun to come.

Press your hands to my chest and feel my heart beat faster.
Then speak and heal my broken soul with words like plaster.
Let our hearts beat in sync as we watch morning arrive.
I close my eyes and won't forget this feeling, I finally feel alive.

— The End —