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Walter Alter Sep 2023
any superstitious peasants out there tonight
TV junkies gossipy groupies Bulgarian saxophonists
am I talking too fast for couple's therapy
uh oh here it comes another head scar
an optimist would say the scar of opportunity
fortunately digression is an art form
that they say never plays for keeps
you don't want to become the unwitting tool
of smarter people do you
you do
it's your worst nightmare
instead let's play museum
you have eye you have other eye
you will however need an augury
let's step onto the showroom floor
where we have our latest models
Bill the mechanic seer
could tell your fate
from a pile of tossed grease rags
he was right almost every time
he even told 3 circus anteaters
they would run for President
and they did
Edwina the cleaning lady sibyl
could swing a vacuum bag
round her head and tell from the
dust cloud if you were gonna die
from gall bladder or aphrodisiac
Zaza the fabled one trick pony
could hoof the innards of a road ****
and you'd find love
an astronomer named Ziggy
told our planet that a big rock
was coming from the sky
like a runaway freight train
that's why I'm appearing before you
in this ethereal minimum medium
you'll have to forgive me
if I show a lack of enthusiasm
for this dangerous matter
I may have fallen captive to the tow
of the clandestine echelons
working their hands like bug legs
in a sign language that horrifies the deaf
I've scanned this for alien message implants
you won't need a map of area 51
just a chicken wire cage
which is always as refreshing as
another lash of the cane
they just hand me the script
and I broadcast what I'm told
radio free Carthage

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
I had better say this before it is too late
and I'm doing a battery check
down at the School of the Americas
badda boom mafia rim shot
the old wisdoms are neo-inadequate
and live in a wilderness of anachronisms
all of them ding **** every sample
even the Arctic and Antarctic ones
he was a swami of pedestrian insights
packaged for the pop psychology latrine circuit
which hasn't got the people smarter faster
buzzard shadows still make the dogs bark
yank their chains free from the Mirage
leaping into my inner sawdust ring
fangs missing the bobbing juggler
a klutz whose eyes see near to nothing
aftermath of daily retinal blitzkriegs
how many optical illusion sacraments
can we fully rid ourselves of
while remaining ambulatory and lucid
like a black widow at the movies
web over the projection hole
******* leggy thing on the screen
making time into the enemy
when it should be the enema
or obsolete as clown paint
and the pet rattlesnake craze
every kid had the memo beaten into him
it's the adrenals vs. the endorphins
both of them a film noir fun house mirror
one with a severe penalty for miscalculation
the other giving us the freedom
to happily destroy our self regard
you need only see the obvious
criminally reckless manhood
hypochondriac womanhood
foretelling the future ain't a big deal
a child with a gun can do it
gun because nobody wants to hear it
apparently we haven't invented
pain free illumination yet
batteries not included
because they are not needed
because we are modifiable
in a good way
by our own hand

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
the vanquished lay screaming
blood dripping all over the tracks
a tale of rank deception
with a maniac at the throttle
and damnation in the boilers
trailing smoke and scrap metal
it became clear to the mindful
you can't stop a train with bodies
it will potato peel your skin off
and noisily eat your liver
while you grok the new data
we squander ourselves daily
at the stadium dome-o-plex
the howling hooligans lusting for blood
and they by jiminy got their fill.
you don't shed time like a layer
the 300 decapitated that preceded me
were prone to outbursts of dire warning
its more than a game for compulsives
they play Russian roulette every dawn
the best of them last 5 days
with resurrection just around the corner
stoic echoic prosaic Prozac
before the world nothing
before your birth nothing
the same old nothing question
his prayer was bless the quiet night
which only got him blasted through
the arbeit macht frei swinging gates
by the Bureau of Infinite Statistics
which obviously didn't want to be
in the modern world anyhow
their disinfectants no longer potent
at the required level of nuance
and the antifreeze froze at room heat
the goblins outside the wire
caught the shrapnel in Jai Alai baskets
glued his shattered remains together
with hammer blows and headbutts
and he could totter on both feet again
not so much affluent as effluent
yet still the luckiest man alive
somebody's mascot apparently
shadow occasionally on the screen
a little less self dialog
said the projectionist
hi res wifi high five he went on
the highest resolution possible
aren't we supposed to get smarter
as fast as we can

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
she had a mind like a brushfire
ate the testicles of men at a glance
and knew how to foreplay
my weaknesses like loaded dice
Gingiva Racklehaus AKA The Tarantula
had me in a state of moral exhaustion
in an emaciated Assyrian odyssey
laced into the spokes of her chariot
I know she won't always have
the sickle moon *** she has now
and made that scientific analysis known
people who are honest are always in trouble
but I needed her help to get out on parole
having been caught collaborating
with the lead in my pencil
handwriting analysis gave me up
darkness blends with truth
confessing under a barber's hot comb
to nothing but having looked at the stars
you can't put a fence around that
being the only ethical conclusion
I tried a last ditch gambit
but she liked living with a gun to my head
demonstrably much more than I did
because it amuses me is no answer
gimme your brains cowboy
or I'll blow them across the room
she had already cut out my heart
blew it up like a rubber balloon
my prayers did absolutely nothing
and I go shopping for an online exorcist
as it whooshes about the room
upsetting the cat shocking the monkey
and giving the turtle spasms of mania
which for him and his hard umbrella
was a slowly unfolding historic epoch
but I knew who my hard umbrella was
and sent a signal out on Ginger's web
the response was back lickety split
answering the age old question
where do we hide the body
but in plain sight so here I am
I amused her and we married
even a sociopath will enlist
after an *** kicking by the Gods
we're all hungry for a new day after all
so by all means don't **** your TV
leave in on full volume until
the snow makes you smart
failing that give it to someone
who knows how to make it work
to read a civilization's spoor sign

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
being treated for fructose spasms
during one of the last movies on Earth
after the great Enema of 2020
when the heaters were on high
the Emergency Dock crew were called in
but his claims were all backed up
by the logic of chimes and daggers
as he went chatty and personal
diving from couch to chair
on a sponge mop broomstick
the room remained a mess
but the leaps were longer
what but imagination is boundless
so he stamped and splashed singing
through the sewers of ideology
made all my dynamos hum again
thanks to the exponential growth rate
of an adequate knowledge base
but then contemplating death
can make you crazy enough
to assassinate your biology instructor
a prized quality among the really sage
and their many colored appendages
we all know more than we let on
it's a conspiracy of noise and silence
attained through bribery and deceit
where substitutions screech and skid
where sugar cane machetes dance in the rain
and the Moon weeps with a broken heart
made me write on her blackboard 100 times
cognition is not possession
until his soul jumped out his eyeballs
with their lures and scuffles
but then it is in fact a nasty game
played by hungry cartoon caricatures
tricking children out of their candy
where every day and night is Halloween
until the euphoric chameleons
in a ****** garden of delight
of decadence infantilism and sleep
whistle through their nose hairs
beauty is tenuous who is to protect her
awaken her choirs bloom her lilacs
and cascading rainbow tresses
and panting mammaries and
oh **** me dead then where was I
the suction had his mind in a spin
with each gust of wind his forehead
began its evocative dans mort
don't try this at home kids
just kidding its OK to pantomime
ancient actors before their campfire
as you can well imagine

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Sep 2023
fumigated like stockade lice
you Wall St. cologne jockeys
are now 3rd World land fill
recall that consciousness is tuneable
adjust your volume to a comfortable level
because Turette's plus Alzheimer's
is a nation destroying combo
I forgot what I was going to scream
wait oh yeah modernity is inherently outlaw
the chorus began to howl like cats
in Profesor Schrodinger's shoe box
because impressions create personality
there was barking and pulling of hair
their eyeballs spun like casino cameras
I am in your head forever he screamed
and collapsed like a cheeseburger chef
after football day at the griddle
well that was deep as an open manhole
but it hit me like a brakeless gravel truck
that once you admit the voices are yours
you are ripe for mascara ***** extortion
she'll kidnap your mind
and then bitmap your mind
for a little esoteric agenda indoctrination
into the holy tabloid of miracles
that radiate light all around and make
the organist pound like a jackhammer
categories exist before we name them
so let's try to name ones that actually exist
well how Phoenix rising can you get
how on your own can on your own really get
you gotta be educable to survive
that's Darwin plus Microsoft
or else the Army Psyops College
will unleash samurai population control
and you will die hissing blasphemy
like a spike strip *** doll predicting
the end of the cro magnum world
the trick to attaining godhood
is to not try so ******* hard
because adrenaline is a
reduced instruction set
with which high resolution reality
will rip your face off
worse than catching mommy
******* off daddy
for life is short and duty long
drink its venom defiantly
drink it you are going to need it
no need for instincts
in a world of plenty

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
Walter Alter Aug 2023
cheer the **** up if you can
nothing cheats the hangman like enthusiasm
since my next act will be
to answer all your questions
as your tenured professor of dyslexia
throw down your canes and spectacles
have faith that blurry is the truth
although it is evident that your blur is
quite distinct from my blur
but it pays off in the election booth
at just the right moment
in just the right amount
lips motorized and on fire
forced to believe your own thoughts
as if they were your own
now for a word from our sponsor
grab a beer and join the club
after a hard day at the pencil
I like to unwind with a cold bottle of Trapdoor
and enjoy a little engineered cultural amnesia
which is the key to our human condition
doing this with a straight face
which is the key to its condition
praise the miraculous bounty of irony
them dinosaurs should have said
please and thank you more often
might have avoided that extinction
now where the **** were we oh yeah
they've turned being a nervous wreck
into an empath elite vanguard ideology
the most very saddest thing to see
is a human refusing intelligence
on the lookout for the punch line
the wish is mother to the thought
wait there’s more
basically we contain period
and another
evil is bold and bold is a virtue
no brakes
amplify a refusal to hide what you know
no gears
second source every thought
no wheels
yah yah another groin clutching car chase
zany and hysterical in autumn colors
you desire a mechanism
by which to name things incorrectly
and for which there is no cure
as long as nobody reads this
I'll be OK

From "Pageant of Naked Mischief" available on Amazon
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