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Jun 2013 · 415
I Can't Stay
Jo Jun 2013
Well, it's been a year
But you look the same
Same laugh lines
On your same young face 
Then all these 
Memories come rushing back
It's all so sudden 
Like a heart attack 
I'm thinking 
"I should go"
But you see me here
And you're looking so
Happy that I was there
But I don't smile back
No, I just stare

Cause the past is the past, dear
It won't change
We can't keep playing
These old games
Though I'd love to walk down
Memory lane
It hurts too much so
I can't stay
Jun 2013 · 268
I Didn't
Jo Jun 2013
Didn't want to
I didn't want to
Have to
In a way
I think you
Made me
Jun 2013 · 851
When I Needed You Most
Jo Jun 2013
You left when I needed you most
And I can't blame you
I was turing into a mess
Too much to handle
I think it was better for us both
Ending up this way
Cause you deserve better
Than to sit here and stay
You deserved much more
Than trying to fix me
I could read it in your eyes
The frustration was easy to see
I still wish it went a different way
That you didn't have to leave
I wish I could make it better
But I still hope you'll come back to me
Jun 2013 · 221
Jo Jun 2013
You were different
We were different
Back when
Those promises were made
We were so young
It's hard
Remembering what we said
Now you're done
Now we're done
And I can't
Bring you back
Jun 2013 · 292
How Easily Said
Jo Jun 2013
How easily she spoke
Of a healthy life
Of love
Of happiness
How often she spoke
Of hope
And courage
Little do you know
She cuts
She cries
Little do you know
She's broken
And wants to die
Jun 2013 · 375
I Loved
Jo Jun 2013
In the fall, I loved your beanie
The way you kicked around leaves
Your love for dying nature

In the winter, I loved your hugs
How you got me hot tea for the weather
When you held my frozen hand

In the spring, I loved your color
Your need for bright happiness
The way you dragged me to the pool

In the summer, I loved your voice
Our late night conversations
Sneaking out and romancing

I loved you for all seasons
I'll love you for the next rounds
Even if you aren't here to share them with me
Jun 2013 · 293
The Dream
Jo Jun 2013
Your smile was flashing
We were laughing
Your skin shone
And we were alone
You came in close
Then kissed my nose

I woke up with tears
Crying for the years
We spent with each other
But we're no longer together
You took off a while ago
With no guilt at all to show
Jun 2013 · 373
Jo Jun 2013
When I was younger
I never thought of death
I was good and thought of life
I never spoke of ugly things
Only sunshine and promises

Now that I'm older
Thoughts of death
Seem to consume me
They swallow me up whole
And I speak of being broken instead
May 2013 · 1.8k
Subliminal Destruction
Jo May 2013
Let's make a deal in time
I'll be your mistake
If you be mine  

We'll spend a year 
Together miserably 
We'll both shed tears

Here's the catch
It costs one broken heart
And you can't turn back
May 2013 · 504
Jo May 2013
Close my eyes
As the pain subsides
In the silent night
I let myself die
May 2013 · 5.1k
Jo May 2013
Maybe I busy myself
That much is true
But if I don't keep busy
I'll start to think of you
May 2013 · 390
Jo May 2013
She holds the blade
Like a trophy
Proudly won
To be adorned
Slicing her skin
She feels
No pain
Emotions left her
Too long ago

She holds the blade
And has no worries
She knows
It will somehow help
She holds the blade
And knows
Defiance will guide her
It has been the only one
May 2013 · 389
Jo May 2013
I want it to storm
Specifically over you
To electrify your sins
Rumble and grumble too

I want you to drown
In the troubles you cause me
Neck high in sorrows
So tall you can't see

I want the sun
To never shine again
Just for you
I'll make sure that happens
May 2013 · 226
Rain (10 w.)
Jo May 2013
As the rain does fall
I hope I do too
May 2013 · 416
Jo May 2013
They buzz around me
Invalid my space
I like the scent 
But not their fast pace
The bees
They look so sweet
But they sting so bad
Watch your words
Don't make them mad
They'll ruin you
And tear you to shreds
The bees
They know just how
To make you socially dead
A metaphor to half of the girls in society.
Apr 2013 · 300
Jo Apr 2013
Her smile is gone
Her laugh too
No more talking
She's all

Her soul is empty
She's lost all hope
Because, sadly
She finally
Apr 2013 · 403
A Little More
Jo Apr 2013
Cut a little deeper
Cry a little louder
Shed more tears
Show a little more

Maybe they'll notice

The fraud behind your smile
The trick to a fake laugh
The way you hide it all
The way you show nothing

Maybe they'll notice

Maybe then, it won't be too late
Apr 2013 · 523
Only You
Jo Apr 2013
There is an empty space now
I don't plan to fill it
It's out in the open like a wound
And no one will tend to it
I don't want to fill the void
I'm sick of doing that
I'll rot in my emptiness
Hopefully till the afterlife
Where maybe I'll see you again
Only you can fill that void
Only you can tend to the wound
You left when you withered away
Only you.
Apr 2013 · 343
Jo Apr 2013
Today I made a mistake
I went through our old memories
And thought of the ones we were supposed to make
Apr 2013 · 2.6k
Jo Apr 2013
Cruel and ignorant
You think you've won
The war isn't over honey
Oh it's just begun
Your bombs hit cold
Mine hit hot
You'll get what you have coming
Don't think that you'll not
Funny, abandonment
You think it's so easy
Honey please
I'll make sure you won't forget me
Hear my name
See my face
You'll regret the day
You abandoned me
Mar 2013 · 330
If I Were Honest
Jo Mar 2013
If I were honest
I would say I like your smile
That I like your laugh
And I can't stand to be away from you for a while
I would say that your voice melts me
Right to the core
Because no one has sung me a lullaby
Just like you before
I would say that when I see you
My knees go weak
I stutter my words
And my heart skips a beat
I would tell you that the thing I like the most
About you are your eyes
They sparkle and they're bright
When they gaze upon mine
Yes: to be honest
Is something hard for me to do
Mostly because
I can't admit that I love you
Mar 2013 · 279
You're Fine...
Jo Mar 2013
I heard you're doing fine
I wish I could say the same
But hey, it was a tough run
We were both in blame

I heard you started over
And you have someone new
I suppose that's great
Well, great for you

Shamefully, I'll admit
When I lay awake with thoughts of you
I only pray
You've heard and thought of me too
Mar 2013 · 560
What You've Done To Me
Jo Mar 2013
My soul is left
Cold and hungry
The longer you stay away
My hands stay empty
And my heart longs for you
My laugh is gone
Otherwise heartless
My once strong stare
Is now covered with tears
My eyes look with ice
Cutting into happiness like a knife
You're gone and you've left so much pain
Look at the things you've done to me
Mar 2013 · 275
All This Time
Jo Mar 2013
Today I saw you
Our eyes met
Like they've been searching
For each other forever
You smiled
And I swore I saw 
A twinkle in your eye
I convinced myself otherwise
And put my guard up
You waved 
And broke my guard down
I smiled and forced myself
To look the other way
When our eyes met
After all this time
I was surprised 
One pair didn't cry
Mar 2013 · 297
Do You?
Jo Mar 2013
Do you still think of me
The way I think of you
Do you smile
When you hear my name
Do your eyes shine
The way mine still do
Do you remember us
The way we were
Do you come across my name
In your phone
And want to call me
Do you still laugh
At the jokes we shared
Do you still love me
As much as I love you
Do you?
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Flaws & All
Jo Mar 2013
You hide your flaws
Under auto correct and editing apps
You hide them under dark lighting
And layers of makeup

You hide your flaws
Behind and smile and a laugh
Behind a broken heart
Behind the wall that you built up so high

You hide your flaws
Under scars and bruises
Deep down inside of you
Where it cuts you to the core
Where it matters

Your flaws exist
They're there
And they're more beautiful
Out in the open
Than covered up
Feb 2013 · 265
Jo Feb 2013
So, what does love feel like?
Does it hurt? Is it great?
Do you lie awake at night?
Feb 2013 · 333
Jo Feb 2013
The truth is
I'm scared
Because I've never known
A life without you
I have no one to fill that void
No one to love me
I'm scared
Because you're actually leaving me
How can you leave me?
The truth is
It's for the best
And although
Every single day without you
Will hurt me
I will pull through
The scary part is..
I might forget you
And the truth is
I don't want to
Feb 2013 · 327
You, Selfish You.
Jo Feb 2013
I'm not even shocked
I don't even care
I'm really not surprised to see you not here
I knew you would leave
Just like the rest
My life goes on without you
My heart still beats in my chest
All I can say
Is I hope someone leaves you too
Just like what you did to me
You, selfish you
Jan 2013 · 319
Jo Jan 2013
I sit here alone
Hugging the air
I should be embracing you
But you're no longer here
My arms are empty
My heart is cracked
But our memories are still in my mind
Slowly playing back
We were once so happy
But now I can't stand the pain
Nothing hurts more than you being gone
I just want you here again
You won't come back...
I see that now
You leave me asking
What? Why? How..?
Jan 2013 · 843
Jo Jan 2013
Society told me
To look like a ****
Wear no clothes
And get a bigger ****

Society told me
That I am ugly
Much too hideous
For the public to see

Society told me
That I am worthless
And if I took my own life
I would not be missed

Society told me
That skin and bones look hot
They taught me how to eat
...or rather how to not

Society told me
That I am too fat
Well everyone is beautiful..
What kind of world says that?
Jan 2013 · 695
Jo Jan 2013
Midnight was approaching
So I got ready
I had to make sure everything went great
Make sure things were steady

Midnight is here
And I'm waiting
I turn away
As couples are kissing

Midnight came and you weren't there
All the disappointment and hurt, I can't bear
Slowly breaking..
Way to ring in the new year.
Dec 2012 · 459
What Used To Be Bliss
Jo Dec 2012
I remember
All of those lies
"I like you"
"I love you"
"Us, forever"
Makes me wonder
Why we're not together

When things came crashing
The silence
The pain
The late night texts
I remember it again

Everything you've said
I believed them then
"We'll hug"
"We'll kiss"
All that bliss
All that you've done
Are always on my mind
Flowing one by one
Dec 2012 · 327
Same World
Jo Dec 2012
I see the sun set in your eyes
While the sweet moon rises
And for a while,
My problems melt away
And they're gone
As long as I'm in your arms to stay
Under the stars
Where secrets are told
I'm yours for the night
For you to hold
We'll get lost
In another world
When eternity comes
I'll be forever yours
Please never let go
And I will never cease to show
How my heart longs for you
When we are not sharing the same world
Dec 2012 · 301
Jo Dec 2012
I remember the fear in her eyes
Especially the pleas for help
Tears would drip down
Or she imagined they would
As she became more and more
Trapped in her own collapsing world
Her walls tore down
And she was utterly alone
She asked me
Have you ever felt this way
A battle inside yourself
Just searching for happiness
I have felt your pain
Dec 2012 · 336
Jo Dec 2012
If my id could talk
It would go to you first
Would grab you by your shoulders
And look into your eyes
Spill out everything I've thought
And it would tell no lies
It would tell you things
Even I didn't know
Like how you really do like me
And it would ask you why your feelings don't show
My id would get angry
All it wants is you
To love me for me
Because I told it to
I told it I love you
But you don't love me back
My id got angry
And something in me cracked
After all this time
My id has known
It has learned my inner self
Where hurt is shown
Dec 2012 · 909
I Met You
Jo Dec 2012
I met you
You, oh perfect you
On such an imperfect day
With imperfect classes
Rushing in the halls
Too busy for anything
But it was decided
We had to meet
Fate made time for us
Fall time
After class under the trees
We met
But back then
We didn't know
We'd later be
In love so deep
Dec 2012 · 387
I Remember
Jo Dec 2012
I still remember
The scent you wore on late nights out
The way your hair was. Felt
The way we were and felt
I still remember
The way you said my name when we said our goodbyes
And the ways your eyes glistened less as you walked away
How we would laugh about little things
How love blinded us of our futures
But we didn't care
Not at the moment, anyway
So wound up in each other
And not another thing in the world mattered
I still remember
All those summer nights ago
When we first met
We didn't know then
That we would later be so deep in love
But later more have to say goodbye
Sadly, I still do remember.
Dec 2012 · 367
When You Broke Me Too
Jo Dec 2012
I remember your promise
On your life you swore to keep
That you would love me forever
And by my side, you would sleep
We would have a few kids
And go out on dates
Love with all our heart
And stay out late
We were so perfect
Together so flawless
We were so in love
Until you broke your promise
Oct 2012 · 794
Jo Oct 2012
I've never been sure of love 
Simply because I've never felt it 
I would say "I love you"
But never really meant it 
I've never never felt the warmth 
Of a true first kiss
Or had the aching feeling 
Of somebody I miss
I've never known the depth
How love really went
Or believing that someone 
Could possibly be heaven sent 
I've never felt a shiver through my spine
Or the feeling of not enough time
You could say
I've been deprived
Of love's lies
Oct 2012 · 678
Of Sweet
Jo Oct 2012
Of you I still sing
You were my everything
I see your smile
Away from a mile
Your voice
Oh so sweet
Makes me shiver
In my sleep
Your touch
Runs through my spine
But makes me warm
Without you trying
But what I truly miss
Is your sweet sweet kiss
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
Jo Oct 2012
I think about you day and night
I begin to dream
Thoughts that make my heart take flight
I smile from ear to ear
Singing love songs
Loud enough for the world to hear
Oh this feeling is so grand
I dream of us soaking in the sun
Laying in the sand
Waves would be crashing
And my, did you look smashing!
We'd laugh and play
And waste the day away
When night falls
We'll cuddle in close
With a fire that calls
Inviting marshmallows to roast
And in my dream
I could already feel
Our love was strong
Our love was real
Sep 2012 · 978
Hidden Truth
Jo Sep 2012
I can see you smiling through the pain
You've been through storms of hurt and rain
Your heart is big, but your eyes weak
But you still act strong, oh so sweet
Although you say you're quite alright
Saying that phrase takes all your might
Such a weak soul, you think to yourself
And begin doing things not good for your health
You'll walk out of bathrooms with nosebleeds
Hiding your face so no one sees
No one knows anything
Just the way you want it to be
Years after rehab, you begin again
But to stop, all you needed was a friend
Someone who cared about you so
And take care of you in times of woe
A friend who loved you endlessly
And to make sure you fell sound asleep
A friend at heart is all you need
To cope with this world full of greed
Jo Sep 2012
I wish I could say
I knew you like before
It seems like yesterday
When you walked out the door
My heart was broken
But you didn't care
For you, I left my life open
Like Hawaiian air
You shattered my heart
And ran out of my future
As if we never had a start
As if we were never together
Sep 2012 · 683
Jo Sep 2012
And as though she read my mind
She walked away
And just like that
I'd lost a friend
Someone who was there though it all
Now gone
Oh well
I thought
Just another open space in my heart
As always
So alone
Growing more lonely every day
Not a surprise
Given any day
I would have chosen to live alone
I would have been by myself
It's better that way
After all
The life of a changeling
Is a lonesome one
Sep 2012 · 512
Like Paint On A Wall
Jo Sep 2012
I am like paint
Peeling from the wall
But not yet
Starting to fall
I'll float to the ground
Where no one will see
Everyone will walk by
And forget about me

I am like stars
The kind that die early
And fall off into space
But people still see me surely
I'll shine them goodbye
Quickly depleting
And for eternity
I will be seizing
Aug 2012 · 463
Do You Remember?
Jo Aug 2012
I know you don't remember me
But I remember you
I remember years ago
Back when the skies were blue
We used to laugh in secret
And run in the rain
Hide from all the adults
And never heard of pain.
A decade passed
But I was true to my word
I would never forget you
Not even if the memories blurred
Jo Jul 2012
I took a deep breath
Then closed my eyes
Silently to myself
I added up your lies

Just a few
Here and there
But you lied straight to my heart
And that's just not fair

You said forever
And I believed you
Now I'm here alone
We're not the perfect two
Jul 2012 · 774
I Miss Your Once Warm Heart
Jo Jul 2012
I miss your laugh and your smile
I wont see those for a while
You send me rainbows, sunshine too
I know it's you who makes my skies blue
I miss the way you said my name
Without you here isn't the same
Your voice always rang a happy chime
I will join you up there in good time
It hurts me, for us to be apart
I miss your once warm heart
Jul 2012 · 274
Still There.
Jo Jul 2012
It's hard to stay friends
When you're the one heartbroken
It's hard to be okay
When you have to say
"I don't love you"
When you're feeling low
I just want you to know
That even though this kills me
I'm hoping that you do see
I still love you
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