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Feb 14 · 52
Amira shines with grace, so pure, so bright,
A princess draped in heaven’s golden light.

Her presence, soft as petals in the breeze,
A whispering charm that sets the heart at ease.

With beauty rare, like moonlight on the sea,
She walks, and all the world bows gracefully.

Her eyes, like stars, with tender glances gleam,
A sight so fair, it feels just like a dream.

Her voice, so soft, like music in the air,
Each word she speaks is sweet and fair.

Her smile, a spark that warms the coldest night,
It fills the world with joy and pure delight.

Her hands, so light, like feathers on the skin,
A touch so kind, it calms the storm within.

Her heart, so pure, so gentle and so true,
She paints the world in love’s most golden hue.

Her noble soul, like rivers strong and deep,
A spirit bright, that time and trials keep.

With every step, a melody she plays,
The earth itself delights in her soft ways.

Her kindness glows like sunshine after rain,
It soothes the soul and washes away pain.

Her laughter rings like bells so light and free,
A sound of bliss, as soft as waves at sea.

With grace she moves, as if on air she glides,
A queen of hearts whom fate itself provides.

Her presence fills the air with peace so true,
A blessing rare, like drops of morning dew.

In all she does, a light of love remains,
A soul so bright, untouched by sorrow’s chains.
Amira means princess in Arabic
Jan 30 · 68
Where to Hide
I’ve loved so much and parted even more,
My life’s a journey split by halves and tore.

How can I ponder love before I leap,
When love moves faster than the thoughts we keep?

Oh, you whose heart has suffered endless ache,
Where can you flee from wounds you can’t forsake?

And where to hide from love’s relentless call,
When every road leads to its heart through all?
Jan 15 · 134
غيابك خلق بداخلي شخصين
الأول يعاديك ,, يحاول كرهك
ويرفع راية الكبرياء ويأبى إنزالها

أما الثاني
فيحن إليك ,, يشتاق تفاصيلك ,, ومازال يعشقك
الأول نادراً مايزورني
والثاني بات حليف أيامي
ومابين الأول والثاني .. ضعت أنا
Jan 15 · 64
Two Souls
Your absence birthed two souls in me,
One full of spite, your foe to be.

It tries to hate, with pride held high,
Refusing to bow, though tears may lie.

Yet the other yearns, with love still pure,
It longs for you, your essence sure.

Rarely the first makes its fleeting play,
But the second now owns my every day.

Between these two, I am torn apart,
Lost in the battle of my own heart
Jan 9 · 153
I am so sad, my heart a heavy stone,
In shadows deep, I wander all alone.

The light of hope has dimmed, and all is lost,
Each breath I take feels colder than the frost.

The skies are gray, the winds a mournful tune,
As endless nights engulf me, none too soon.

I search for solace, but it slips away,
Like fleeting stars that fade before the day.

The joy I knew has turned to silent tears,
A symphony of sorrow through the years.

Yet still I fight, though weary is my soul,
A battle deep, to make my broken whole.

And though the road is long, the pain is real,
I trust the dawn will someday heal and seal.

For in this grief, I know a strength resides,
A quiet power where hope in silence hides.

I am so sad, yet in my heart I find,
A will to rise, and leave the dark behind.
Jan 9 · 59
I am nobody, lost in shadows' flight,
A silent whisper fading into night.

Unseen, unheard, I wander through the haze,
A fleeting figure lost in endless days.

My name is but a forgotten trace,
A face unknown in time’s relentless chase.

I walk among the crowd, but none can see,
A hollow shell that longs for liberty.

No fame, no fortune, no eternal glow,
Just fleeting moments that come and go.

Yet in my heart, a flame refuses dim,
A quiet strength that pulses deep within.

For in this void where none may call my name,
I find a truth that burns beyond the shame.

Though I am nobody, I stand my ground,
In silence, still, my voice shall yet resound.

For every soul, though lost in time’s embrace,
Can leave a mark no darkness can erase.
Jan 7 · 150
الحب قدر
نحن لا نختار لحظة الحب
                             ولا نختار من نحب
                      فالحب قدر يأتي
                 بلحظة وصدفة
              بغمضه عين
        وبلا منطق وبلا موعد
         فهو الاجمل رغم عذابه
         وهو الأصدق رغم اوجاعه
              فالحب سر الحياة والاكتفاء
             فيجعلك تبتعد عن العالم بما فيه
         فان اكتفيت بمن تعشق، حتى لو كان بعيدا
فلن ترى أحدا غيره
Jan 7 · 47
Fated Love
We do not choose the moment love appears,
Nor whom we love, despite our hopes and fears.

For love's a fate that comes without a sign,
A fleeting chance, a blink, a touch divine.

Without a reason, without time's command,
It blooms unbidden, like a grain of sand.

Though love may bring its anguish and its pain,
It still remains the truest of the plain.

The secret of life’s fullness it reveals,
A world beyond the logic that one feels.

To love one far or near, your heart is true,
And in that love, no other comes to view.
Dec 2024 · 51
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
Containment, a word, a smile, a gentle air,
A bond we share, a feeling soft and rare.

It’s a spirit that touches your soul with grace,
Though distance may keep us in separate space.

Like plants, we bloom when our hearts are caressed,
By kindest words that leave us truly blessed.

Just as the rain feeds earth to make it grow,
Our hearts find joy when kindness starts to flow.
Dec 2024 · 169
Thirties' Life
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
I never thought my thirties would weigh so much,
With chaos and confusion's constant touch.

I dreamed I'd join the great, the wise, the tall,
Yet no one told me of the truths that call.

They never warned of sleepless nights I'd face,
Or dreams of rest, escape's brief, fleeting grace.

I never knew my heart would bear its share,
Of friends' betrayals, loss, and love's despair.

No voice foretold the load of life's demands,
Or years pressed hard by fate's unyielding hands.

The grown-up life is far beyond my heart,
Which clings to youth, unwilling to depart.

A soul still tender as a child’s might be,
Afraid of life, yet yearning to break free.
Dec 2024 · 43
Love Fall
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
As Fall sheds its leaves upon the ground,
The whispers of lost love and dreams resound.

From branches high, where once they dared to soar,
Now fall to earth, their heights admired no more.

For life, a cycle spun by nature’s art,
Begins with hope, then tears each dream apart.

At first, love blossoms, vivid, sweet, and bright,
Its splendor dazzling all who catch its sight.

But petals tire of endless praise and cheer,
Neglected, they succumb to time severe.

Once cherished blooms lie trampled, left for dead,
A ruin crushed beneath unfeeling tread.

Thus, life revolves, with seasons in its clasp—
Some days we soar; some, loneliness we grasp.

For love, like nature, follows such a way:
It thrives, then fades, then withers to decay.

In spring, love’s magic takes us by surprise,
A dreamland built of laughter, daring skies.

Each meeting sparks with courage, hearts align,
And faults are blind, the world appears divine.

But summer comes, and warmth begins to wane,
The heat of habit cools, replaced by strain.

What once seemed boundless, vibrant, full of glow,
Turns into drought, where love begins to slow.

Then autumn’s storms arise with winds that wail,
And shake weak bonds, exposing what is frail.

The shallow ties fall swiftly to the ground,
While rooted hearts endure the harshest round.

In winter’s frost, relationships stand still,
Cold silence reigns, or warmth can break the chill.

For some, a frozen stasis marks the end,
For others, safety, where two hearts defend.

Thus, seasons mark the fate of bonds we weave,
And test what stays, what we must grieve.

The strong endure, though trials may unfold;
The weak dissolve, as love grows faint and cold.
Dec 2024 · 64
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
The hug, the smallest space, yet vast and wide,
Contains the greatest feelings deep inside.

A symbol of love, need, and joy’s embrace,
Of fear, desire, and life’s most tender grace.

It’s where the body and the soul entwine,
A sacred touch, a moment so divine.

To cast your pain and burdens all away,
In arms of love, let anguish go astray.

Within that hold, as time begins to cease,
A fleeting pause of warmth and inner peace.

Though brief, its power lingers in the heart,
The hug’s small space makes wholeness never part.

In such embrace, no matter what we show,
We’re children still, with hearts that overflow.
Nov 2024 · 55
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
The poet, once a pauper, yet bold and true,
Had nothing but verses, the world to construe.
She, my love, born to fortune's embrace,
Found love, not wealth, her ultimate grace.

One day, he spoke with a heart weighed and torn,
"To wed thee, love, I am too forlorn.
I lack the means to offer a vow."
But steadfast, she answered, "We’ll wed anyhow."

"With me," he warned, "thy joys shall decay,
For I own not even the bread of the day."
But she, undaunted, with courage replied,
"I’d suffer alone, though my wealth is my guide."

And thus they were wed, a union divine,
A love forged in truths that both did refine.
For he whispered words so pure and sincere,
"I seek no vanity nor pleasures mere,

But a bond wherein my soul may confide,
As though with myself in a room closed inside."
Nov 2024 · 220
جذور الأمل
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
تحت المطر، حيث الأحلام تُمزَّق،
يخفق قلب فلسطين، منهكًا ومعتق.
عبر حقول الألم، حيث الظلال تسري،
أطفال الأمل ينامون رغم المأسي.
شجرة الزيتون تهمس، ثابتة وجليلة،
جذورها تحكي حكايا العصور الطويلة.
الأرض تصبر على كل دمعة وأنين،
تحت سماء داكنة، تراقب الحنين.
ضحكات خافتة، وإن كانت نائية،
تذكر العالم بزرعهم، أمانيهم الباقية.
بين الأنقاض، يمشون بوقار وثبات،
أملٌ راسخ لا تزعزعه الأزمات.
القمر يشهد، والنجوم تصطفُّ،
تقود دعاء فلسطين الذي يُرفّ.
مع كل دمعة تُروى بها الرمال،
تزهر وعدًا يعيد حقًا للأوطان.
يا فلسطين، لن يستسلم روحك أبدًا،
مصيرك منقوش، رغم كل العدا.
أطفالك سينهضون، صوتك سيعلو،
والسلام سيعود إلى شطآنك الأسمى.
رغم العواصف، ورغم طول الليالي،
قلبك ينبض قويًا، بإيمان لا يبالي.
تهدم الملاجئ، لكن الأرواح لا تنكسر،
عزيمة الحرية في كل قلب تُدثَّر.
شجرة الزيتون تقف، وإن كانت جريحة،
رمز للصمود، قوة صريحة.
في ظلال الجدران، يبنون أغاني،
للعدالة والسلام، لإنهاء المعاني.
يا فلسطين، ستنهض حكايتك الخالدة،
مكتوبة في نجوم السماء الممتدة.
Nov 2024 · 168
Roots of Hope
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
Beneath the rain, where dreams are torn,
Palestine’s heart beats, weary and worn.

Through fields of pain, where shadows creep,
The children of hope still dare to sleep.

The olive tree whispers, steadfast and strong,
Its roots hold stories of ages long.

The land endures each tear and cry,
Under the watch of a darkened sky.

The echoes of laughter, though faint and low,
Remind the world of the seeds they sow.

Through rubble and ruin, they walk with grace,
A steadfast hope no force can erase.

The moon bears witness, the stars align,
Guiding the prayers of Palestine.

For every tear that wets the sand,
A promise blooms to reclaim the land.

Oh Palestine, your soul won’t yield,
Through every battle, your fate is sealed.

Your children will rise, your voice will soar,
Peace will return to your sacred shore.

Though storms may batter, and nights grow long,
Your heart beats steady, your spirit strong.

Shelters collapse, but spirits don’t fade,
Freedom’s resolve in every soul laid.

The olive tree stands, though battered and bruised,
A symbol of strength no war can abuse.

In shadows of walls, they build their song,
For justice and peace to right the wrong.

Oh Palestine, your story will rise,
Written in stars and boundless skies.
Nov 2024 · 298
Mint Tea
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
Upon my hand, the mint tea spilled and burned,
In flames and pain, my love to ash was turned.
I watched the scar, the rising smoke and flame,
And wondered why such harm from love became.

How fiercely can the things we cherish sting—
This bitter truth that hurtful moments bring.
That day, I mourned a sorrow deep and wide:
The tea I loved held no love to confide.
Nov 2024 · 71
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
How strange it seems that still my heart should yearn,
For those beside me, whom I seek, and spurn.

I ask of them from those who cross my sight,
Though they walk with me, like shadows in the light.

My eyes pursue them, though they're close at hand,
As if their nearness slips like grains of sand.

They dwell within the blackness of my eyes,
Yet still, in longing, every heartbeat sighs.

My heart aches for them, though they're near to stay,
So close to my ribs, yet they drift away.

In every breath, their absence burns anew,
They are my presence, yet I bid adieu.

What spell bewitches so the soul to pine,
For company that's here, yet lost in time?

Within my core, their essence does reside,
Yet longing forms, an ache I cannot hide.

Strange fate! To feel such yearning’s endless plight,
To hold them close, yet miss them out of sight.

For though their presence graces my embrace,
My soul still chases what it cannot trace.
Nov 2024 · 67
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
Through trials fierce, the world did test my soul,
Denied me joy that others find as whole.

Life stood against me, fierce and ever cold,
And burdens deep on fragile shoulders rolled.

I’ve seen betrayal, hate, and envy’s fire,
Yet still, I stand, though weary and so dire.

With strength unbending, though my choices failed,
I fought for kindness, though none prevailed.

Each hope I breathed, life crushed with ruthless hand,
But I press on, though storms don’t heed my stand.

I pray for peace, for rest in days to come,
For blessings true to ease what I've become.
Sep 2024 · 104
Walid Abdallah Sep 2024
Some people you meet just once, but in your heart they stay,
While others, every time you see, seem strangers day by day.

Some take, and others leave behind, a part or piece of you,
And some, with fleeting hours shared, leave memories deep and true.

Some friendships only bring you pain, though brief they seem to last,
And others, though just days apart, feel like the world has passed.

For things, some people sell their souls, without a second thought,
And some would trade away their years for moments dearly sought.

Some eyes reflect a pure embrace, like rivers calm and clear,
While others seem like distant lands, where kindness won't appear.

Some eyes are filled with quiet grief, some warm like hearth and home,
And some can pierce into your soul, though they've not stayed or roamed.

Some people glow in colors bright, while others hide their pain,
Some live in black and white, while others just seek shelter from the rain.

And those you trust the most, it seems, can hurt you deep within,
Yet, when you're far from them, with ease, they lift you from your sin.
Sep 2024 · 100
Adele Hugo
Walid Abdallah Sep 2024
In eighteen hundred seventy-two, one day,
A girl in New York’s streets, lost, made her way.

With clothes of mud, she spoke in French, distressed,
The crowd did try, yet none her mind addressed.

Her memory was gone, she knew no name,
A soul adrift in grief and silent shame.

A charity, French-born, helped her regain,
Her health, her past, and eased her heavy pain.

The daughter of a man of great renown,
Victor Hugo, whose fame had spread through town.

Her tale would break her father’s heart in two,
As she, for fifteen years, in exile grew.

Beside him on an isle so far from home,
They shared their days beneath the British dome.

But love misled her fragile heart’s pure core,
For Alfred, whom she followed shore to shore.

A British soldier, cruel, with heart untrue,
She crossed the seas for him, but sorrow grew.

In Nova Scotia’s lands, she chased his flight,
He drained her wealth, then vanished from her sight.

With no one left, no friend nor coin to hold,
She wandered, broke, in New York’s streets, so cold.

Returned to France, her spirit crushed and low,
Her silent vow from lips no word would flow.

For forty years, from heartache never free,
She spoke no more—no sound, no voice, no plea.

Her father tried to mend her shattered will,
But silence ruled her days, her nights grew still.

Her record stands, the longest silent vow,
In human lore, no voice will break it now.

Beware, O man, the hearts that break in pain,
For shattered souls may never speak again.
Sep 2024 · 66
Walid Abdallah Sep 2024
Medusa's tale from myths of ancient days,
Is known for fearsome snakes and stony gaze.

Yet hidden truths lie deep within her past,
A victim's plight, in shadows long to last.

Once fair of face, a mortal 'mongst her kin,
Her sisters were of Gorgon’s beastly spin.

But she alone, of human form was blessed,
Until her fate by tragic gods addressed.

The poet Ovid told of her cruel plight,
In Athena’s temple, by Poseidon’s might.

The sea god’s lust, a crime beyond her will,
Yet for this wrong, she bore the goddess' ill.

Athena cursed the victim, not the foe,
With writhing snakes where locks once used to flow.

Her gaze, a force that turned all men to stone,
Condemned to live her days in fear alone.

Perseus sought her head at king's command,
With gifts from gods, a shield within his hand.

He cut her down, her power met its end,
But from her neck, her children did descend.

Pegasus, the winged horse, and giant bold,
Were born of ****, a tale of sorrow told.

Though myths recount Medusa’s monstrous fame,
Her only fault—her beauty was her shame.

In truth, the monster was not her but fate,
For gods, not men, had sealed her tragic state.

The victim of a crime, she bore the blame,
Yet history recalls her with disdain.
Aug 2024 · 85
Silent Embrace
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
When she left me, silence took her place,
My heart is empty, aching for her grace.

Her absence casts a shadow over day,
In loneliness, I yearn for her to stay.

She filled my life with joy and tender light,
Now darkness comes with every lonely night.

I hope she'll hear the whispers of my plea,
And feel the love that still remains for me.

No one on earth will care for her like I,
My heart is bound to her until I die.

I'll wait for her, through every storm and test,
Till my last breath, she'll be the one I quest.

Her touch, her smile, her voice so soft and dear,
Are memories I hold when she is near.

Though parted now, our love will never cease,
I'll keep the faith and seek her in my peace.

In dreams she'll find me, longing for her touch,
Until she's in my arms again, I’ll clutch.
Aug 2024 · 67
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
In Egypt's golden sands where Nile streams flow,
I danced with time, where ancient echoes grow.

The call to prayer at dawn, the pyramids' grace,
Home's warm embrace, a familiar place.

In Saudi’s desert, where the sun's fierce light,
Painted the dunes with a crimson sight.

The whispers of the wind in the silent night,
Guided my heart to peace, pure and bright.

Germany's streets, where history's layers lie,
Castles and rivers under a cloudy sky.

A land of poets, where every word takes flight,
Inspiring dreams in the soft moonlight.

Turkey's bazaar, where colors intertwine,
Between East and West, where cultures align.

The scent of spices, the warmth of tea,
In Istanbul's heart, I found a part of me.

The USA, a land both vast and free,
Where dreams are born in the land of liberty.

From city lights to forests wide,
I walked with hope, with the stars as my guide.

Each place a chapter in the book of my past,
Memories like jewels, forever to last.

With simple joys, in each land I found,
A piece of my soul on sacred ground.
Aug 2024 · 105
My Friend
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
A friend so dear, with heart so pure and true,
In darkest nights, you guide me, pull me through.

When storms arise and shadows cloud my way,
Your voice, a beacon, turns my night to day.

With every laugh we share, my soul takes flight,
In your company, the world feels just right.

Through trials and joys, we stand side by side,
With you, dear friend, there's nothing left to hide.

Your words of wisdom calm my troubled mind,
In you, a strength so rare and hard to find.

Our bond is strong, no time can tear apart,
For in your trust, I've found a second heart.

In endless dreams, we wander far and wide,
With you, there's always joy and hope inside.

No mountain high, no valley deep or vast,
Could keep us from the friendship that will last.

With every step, our journey's bright and long,
In you, my friend, I find where I belong.

So here's to us, to memories yet to make,
Together always, for each other's sake.

Through all of life, in you, I see the end,
The greatest gift I have is you, my friend.
Aug 2024 · 135
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
In Egypt's land, my heart forever lies,
Beneath the sun that paints the golden skies.

Where Nile flows gently, ancient stories tell,
Of pharaohs, pyramids, and desert's spell.

The pyramids stand proud in desert sand,
Great monuments that time could not withstand.

In Cairo's streets, the bustling life unfolds,
With markets bright, where history is sold.

The Sphinx's gaze looks out across the land,
Guarding secrets in the shifting sand.

Luxor's temples whisper of the past,
Where echoes of the gods forever last.

The Red Sea sparkles, blue and pure and grand,
Its coral reefs like jewels on the sand.

The date palms sway where gentle breezes blow,
O'er fields of green where ancient waters flow.

From Alexandria's shores to Aswan's light,
My Egypt shines, a beacon in the night.

Her beauty and her grace forever stay,
In hearts of those who wander far away.

Oh, Egypt, land of timeless, wondrous lore,
In your embrace, I find my soul's deep core.

A land of dreams where ancient meets the new,
My beloved Egypt, to you I’m ever true.
Aug 2024 · 239
The King of my Heart
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
In memories deep, my heart holds dear,
A father's love, forever near.

He taught me strength with gentle grace,
A guiding light in life's fast pace.

His wisdom vast, his kindness pure,
Through trials of life, he was my cure.

With every word, he shaped my mind,
A treasure trove, so rare to find.

He showed me how to stand up tall,
To face each fear, to never fall.

His laughter brightened darkest days,
In his embrace, I found my ways.

Though time has passed, his spirit stays,
In every dawn, in sunlit rays.

A hero true, a gentle soul,
In love and respect, I find my goal.

To honor him in all I do,
A father's legacy, tried and true.

In dreams, I hear his soothing voice,
In love and respect, I rejoice.

Though he has gone, his love remains,
A golden thread in life's domains.

In every step, his lessons guide,
With love and respect, I stride.
Aug 2024 · 82
Getting Old
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
With age, the silver threads weave through our hair,
And lines of wisdom show a life that’s fair.

Our steps grow slower, yet our hearts beat strong,
In memories, we find where we belong.

Each wrinkle tells a story, bold and bright,
Of days now past, of love, and youthful light.

Though sight may dim and hearing fade away,
Our inner vision sharpens, clear as day.

We cherish every dawn and setting sun,
For life’s sweet race is nearly run.

The strength of youth may slowly ebb and wane,
But peace of mind and joy we still retain.

In every laugh, a thousand echoes ring,
Of all the joy and sorrow life did bring.

With every tear, a well of wisdom grows,
For through life’s trials, true understanding flows.

The years bestow a grace that youth can’t see,
A gentle heart, a spirit wild and free.

And though our bodies tire and days grow cold,
Our souls remain forever young and bold.

With age, we learn to value simple things,
The warmth of love, the hope a new day brings.

In twilight’s glow, we find a quiet peace,
As life’s long journey softly finds its cease.

So let us age with dignity and pride,
For in our hearts, eternal youth resides.
Aug 2024 · 63
Feeling Sad
Walid Abdallah Aug 2024
When my beloved feels sad, the skies turn gray,
The sun hides its face, and joy fades away.

Stars lose their sparkle, and the moon won’t gleam,
Her sorrow clouds the world, a silent dream.

But when she smiles, the universe comes alive,
The sun beams brightly, and the stars revive.

Birds sing sweet songs, and the rain gently falls,
Nature dances in joy, answering her calls.

Her happiness brings light to every place,
A glow that shines upon her radiant face.

The flowers bloom with colors bold and bright,
And every heart is filled with pure delight.

Her laughter echoes through the trees and skies,
A melody that lifts all spirits high.

When she feels joy, the whole world seems to know,
In her delight, all living things do grow.

So, when my beloved feels happy and free,
The universe smiles, just as it should be.

Her bliss makes the earth and heavens rejoice,
All nature sings with one harmonious voice.
Jul 2024 · 53
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
In Africa, when life begins anew,
It's scored a goal, you're down one-two.

Without good schooling, here's goal number two,
If parents poor, then four-nil looms for you.

On this harsh field, there's but one game to play,
To strive for equal ground each passing day.

Welcome to Africa, where struggle's rife,
And daily battles mark the course of life.
Jul 2024 · 63
My Soul
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
In night's embrace, her long black hair weaves,
A tender darkness where my heart believes.

Her eyes, like stars, illuminate my way,
Dispelling shadows, turning night to day.

Her smile, a charm that captivates my soul,
A beacon bright, a light that makes me whole.

Her gentle touch, a spark that brings me life,
Reviving me, dispelling all my strife.

Her skin, like snow, so pure in winter's chill,
A canvas white, a beauty standing still.

Her hug, a warmth that melts the coldest night,
In her embrace, I find my heart's delight.

Her happiness transforms the world anew,
A brighter place, a sky of azure hue.

Yet when she’s sad, the sun no longer shines,
The universe mourns, dark clouds draw their lines.

Her lips, like honey, sweet and purest gold,
A taste of heaven, stories yet untold.

With her, forever is my heart's desire,
A love so deep, an ever-burning fire.

My life's too short to give her all her due,
Yet every moment, I'll make dreams come true.

Together, we'll create a world so bright,
With love that dances in the soft moonlight.
Jul 2024 · 360
My Rose
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
In twilight’s hush, when shadows veil the sky,
A Rose appeared; her beauty caught my eye.

She brought me warmth that melts the coldest night,
Her love, a beacon, guiding with its light.

Her gentle touch revives my weary soul,
In her embrace, I find myself whole.

Her voice, a melody, makes blood anew,
Its cadence soft, my heart's rhythm grew.

She's the secret to my boundless glee,
Her presence whispers sweet tranquility.

Wherever she treads, peace follows close behind,
Her tender spirit, loving and kind.

She is the half that makes my soul complete,
In her, the union of our hearts is sweet.

God sent her to me, a gift from above,
To fill my days with joy, to teach me love.

With every smile, she lights up the way,
Her laughter turns the darkest night to day.

She's my soulmate, the answer to my prayer,
In her, I find a love that's rare and fair.

Together, hand in hand, we face the strife,
For Rose, my love, is the essence of my life.
Jul 2024 · 80
معك للأبد
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
انا معك في حب العشرين
وعشق الثلاثين
انا معك حتى ضحكة الأربعين
وتعب الخمسين
ووحدة الستين
ويأس السبعين
انا معك الي ان نلتقي في جنة النعيم
Jul 2024 · 137
Together Forever
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
With you, I stand through love in twenties bright,
And passion's fire in thirties' thrilling night.

With you, I laugh through forties' joyful days,
And weary fifties' paths, through all life's ways.

With you, I'll face the solitude of sixties' dawn,
And seventies' despair, until hope is gone.

With you, until in heaven's bliss we meet,
Our souls in paradise shall find retreat.
Jun 2024 · 80
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
لا نكبر عندما يشير التاريخ بسبّابته إلى يوم ميلادنا البعيد
لا نكبر عندما ينهش الشيب فروة رأسنا
لا نكبر عندما تتساقط أسناننا مهاجرةً دون إذن منا بعد عقود من العمل المضني
لا نكبر عندما نصبح عاجزين عن الحياة بلا نظارة ملتصقة في وجوهنا.... حتى في أحلامنا الليلية المشوشة

نكبر حين يمرّ عزيز في حياتنا، ولا يلبث أن يسرقه الموت منا
نكبر حين تستغيث آذاننا مطالبةً بكلمة حبّ هاربة ولو بالصّدفة إلى مجرى سمعنا
نكبر عندما يعصف فصل الخريف بعلاقاتنا، ويتساقط البشر من حولنا فجأة
نكبر عندما نتمسّك بأذيال ضحكة زائفة مع شخص زائل
نكبر حين تشرق الشمس وتغيب دون أن نجد من نشاركه تفاصيلنا الساذجة
نكبر حين تهرم قلوبنا
Jun 2024 · 82
We Age
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
We age not when our birthdays come and go,
Nor when our heads with gray begin to show.

We age not when our teeth begin to flee,
Nor when our eyes need glasses just to see.

But when a loved one’s taken by the night,
We age, for loss brings sorrow into light.

We age when ears crave words of love’s embrace,
When autumn winds strip friendships from their place.

We age when we must feign a joyful grin,
While knowing well the end is closing in.

We age when days and nights pass all alone,
Without a friend to share our simple tone.

We age when hearts grow weary with their strain,
For that is when true age begins to reign.
Jun 2024 · 260
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
وإني آتيك
كما يأتي الطفل لوالديه

آتيك من حربي ومن تعبي
ومن ليلي ومن أرقي

آتيك من التشرُّد
أبحث بين يديك عن المأوى

كما يحفظ الناس طريقهم للمنازل
حفِظت طريقي إليك

و مايزال وجهك سيد الاطمئنان
رغم الغياب المر
Jun 2024 · 91
I come to you
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
In innocence, I come to you, as a child,
To parents dear, from battles wild,

From weariness and toil, I've tread,
From nights so dark, where rest had fled.

I come to you, from wandering's plight,
Seeking refuge in your sight,

As people find their way back home,
My path to you, in heart's roam.

And still your face, in absence strong,
Remains my solace, all along.
Jun 2024 · 72
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
In Africa, when life begins anew,
It's scored a goal, you're down one-two.

Without good schooling, here's goal number two,
If parents poor, then four-nil looms for you.

On this harsh field, there's but one game to play,
To strive for equal ground each passing day.

Welcome to Africa, where struggle's rife,
And daily battles mark the course of life.
May 2024 · 93
A Hero's Journey
Walid Abdallah May 2024
In December's chill, in '45's embrace,
Born Abdallah, with a humble grace.

Ezbet Seedy Ragab, his village small,
El Monofia's heart, he answered the call.

Four brothers, two sisters, poverty's hand,
In grade six, he left school, had to work the land.

A farmer by dawn, self-taught by night,
His Arabic script, a beautiful sight.

At twenty, he chose a soldier's life,
In '65, he joined the strife.

Through wars he fought, from youth to old,
An officer's tale, a heart so bold.

In '70, wed my mother dear,
Seven children blessed their years.

He sacrificed, so we might gain,
The education, his dream's refrain.

Justice, patience, punctuality instilled,
Good behavior, his lessons fulfilled.

He wanted naught, but for us to soar,
To achieve his dreams, to be something more.

Kidney failure claimed him in '21,
A hero's journey, now was done.

Yet in my heart, he lives each day,
His memory, in every way.

Rest in peace, dear father, in heaven's light,
Until we meet again, in paradise bright.
May 2024 · 96
لماذا انت؟
Walid Abdallah May 2024
لماذا انت بالذات؟
عندما تصلني رسالة واحدة منك
تتلاشى همومي حتى لو كنت في عز ضيقي
تجعلني اتماسك في عمق بعثرتي
وكأنها تمسك يدي .. وتطبطب على ظهري
وكأنك معي وبجانبي وتسقيني من حنانك العذب
مكالمة منك حتى لو لم استطيع الرد عليها
كافية بأن تغمرني بسعادة لا حدود لها
فكيف لو كان تواجدك اكثر في حياتي !؟
منذ ان دخلت حياتي
واصبحت تتواجد فيها
كأن الله ارسلك لتواسيني في هذه الحياة
.. لتنسيني عذابي
شعوري معك لم اشعر به مع اي شخص اخر
وكأنك انسان غير عادي ولا تتكرر..
اعطيتني جرعات من السعادة والحب والاهتمام .. كأنها جبرتني لوقت طويل
وكأنك ضمّدت قلبي من جروحه والامه
لم تكن لحظة عادية
لحظة دخولك لحياتي
بل كانت قدر جميل
اسعد قلبي كثيراً
ادامك الله لي مابقي من العمر
في هذه الحياة الدنيا
قد تمر بي عاصفة من المشاعر
التي اكون  فيها غير ايجابي بنظرك
.. ولكنها في نظري
انفجارات لا اعلم سبب حقيقي لها
ان لم تعذرني بها
فلك حق ان تهجرني
.. وان كان لي عذر بها عندك
.. فيحق لي عندك ان تتحملني
May 2024 · 334
Why You?
Walid Abdallah May 2024
When from you a single message finds its way,
My troubles vanish, even in my darkest day.

As if you hold my hand and calm my fears,
You mend my scattered thoughts and dry my tears.

Your call, though I may not answer on the line,
Brings endless joy, a feeling so divine.

How much more if you were here each day,
Since you entered my life, a guiding ray.

It seems God sent you to comfort and to mend,
To ease my pain and wounds, my faithful friend.

With you, a feeling unique and so rare,
You've filled my days with love beyond compare.

You've given doses of happiness and care,
As if time stood still, as if you were always there.

Your entrance wasn't ordinary, it was fate,
Bringing joy that makes my heart elate.

May God keep you with me for my days to come,
Through storms of feelings, sometimes overcome.

If you can't forgive my faults, then leave if so,
But if you can, then bear with me as I grow.
Apr 2024 · 164
Walid Abdallah Apr 2024
قصدت باب الرجاء والناس قد رقدوا
وبتُ أشكو إلى مولاي ما أجدُ
وقلتُ يا أملي في كل نائبة
يا من إليه لكشف الضر أعتمدُ
أشكو إليكَ أمورًا أنتَ تعلمها
مالي على حملها صبرٌ ولا جلدُ
وقد مددتُ يدي بالذل مفتقرًا
إليكَ يا خيرَ مَن مَددتُ إليهِ يَدُ
فلا تُردّنها يا ربَّ خائبةً
فبحرُ جودكَ يروي كلَّ من يَردُ
إذا الشدائدُ أقبلتْ بجنودِها
والدهرُ من بَعد المسرّة أوجعَكَ
لا ترجُ شيئًا من أخٍ أو صَاحبٍ
أرأيتَ ظلَّكَ في الظلامِ مَشى معَكَ
وَارْفَعْ يَدَيْكَ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ فَفَوْقَهَا
رَبٌّ إِذَا نَـــادَيْتَهُ مَـــــا ضَيَّعَــــــــكَ
Apr 2024 · 72
A Complaint
Walid Abdallah Apr 2024
I sought the door of hope while people slept in peace,
And now I complain to my Lord for I find no release.

I said, "O my hope in every difficulty,
To You, who I rely upon to relieve my misery.

I complain to You of matters You already know,
I have neither the patience nor the strength to bear them, although.

I have stretched out my hands in humility and need,
To You, O best of those to whom hands are stretched indeed.

So do not disappoint them, O Lord, in vain,
For the sea of Your generosity quenches all who seek its gain.

When hardships advance with their armies near,
And life, after joy, inflicts its painful spear,

Do not seek a thing from brother or friend,
Have you not seen your shadow walk with you till the end?

So raise your hands towards the sky above,
To the Lord, when you call, He never fails to love.
Apr 2024 · 145
Walid Abdallah Apr 2024
أحب كل عيوبك الا غيابك
قلبي وروحي أسرى بابك

أغداك في وجداني كل الأعياب
كأن الحياة تنقصني بعد الغياب

كل يوم في غيابك ليس له معنى
يتوقف القلب ولا تبقى الحياة معنا

لا تبتعدي عني طويلاً
فأنت لحن حياتي وليس لك بديل

بعيداً عنك أشعر بالضياع والعدم
فأنت حب الحياة وكل النعم

عينيك بوصلتي في الكون الفسيح
وفي عناقك تفشل كل كلمات المديح

عندما تغادرين تسلبين أنفاسي
تغيب شمسي ويموت كل احساسي

في بعدك فقط أشعر أني وحيد
مثل القمر في الفضاء شريد

لا تتركي قلبي البائس في بعدك طويلاً
أنيري القلب الذي كنت له دوماً قنديلاً

في القرب أو البعد عيناي لا ترى سواك
فسبحان من أعطاك جمال الكون وسواك

فإذا اعتقدتِ أنَّ غيابك لا يهمُّ عندما ترحلين
فما حباتُ المطرِ إلا دموعي وقتَ الحنين
Feb 2024 · 120
My Love
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
Oh fairest woman in this world of grace,
Thy scent resides within my soul's embrace.

To thee my heart finds solace, finds its ease,
In thee, love's essence softly finds its peace.

The specters of thy love, they haunt my mind,
Building for thee a palace, love defined.

Each kiss I send, it flies towards thy cheek,
In unawareness, thy blushes rise, so meek.

A traveler, my love flies swift to thee,
Longing for thy presence, wild and free.

Thy rosy cheeks, they beckon and they call,
With thy sweet fragrance, love enthralls us all.

I offer thee my heart in humble gift,
To thee, my dear, my life I gently shift.

I know thee as my enchantress, my own,
To thee, my youth and verse, they shall be sown.

Oh loveliest woman in this world so bright,
With thee, my worth finds increase in the light.

I love thee truly, from my very core,
I love thee dearly, now and evermore.
Feb 2024 · 279
On Valentine's Day
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
Every Valentine's Day, my love for you is renewed,
Every Valentine's Day, your love in my heart accrued.

Every Valentine's Day, you dwell within my soul,
And "I love you" from my heart does unroll.

Every Valentine's Day, you're closer than my breath,
You possess my life, every feeling, until death.

Every Valentine's Day, you're my hopes and dreams,
The passion my heart yearns for, it seems.

Every Valentine's Day, you're my world and life's zest,
You're my solace, in turmoil, my dearest quest.

Every Valentine's Day, beside me you stand,
Every Valentine's Day, you're my dreams, so grand.

Every Valentine's Day, no love but for you,
Every Valentine's Day, my thoughts, my soul ensue.

Every Valentine's Day, you're flowers and trees,
Every Valentine's Day, all memories, thoughts, and pleas.
Feb 2024 · 129
Broken Heart
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
In solitude, I ponder how to guard thy grace,
While facing the treacheries time may embrace.
Time, once aflame, now wanes to ember's glare,
Yet your love, an elusive dream, lingers fair.

How shall I shield thee if days betray our trust?
If destiny decrees, and love turns to dust?
Depart from me, let me face fate's decree,
But take my heart, so pain won't shadow me.

Life's burdens ease when happiness prevails,
And worldly woes recede when hope exhales.
Walk not with me toward shadows profound,
Nor towards a future where anguish is crowned.

A myriad worries and ghosts doth pursue,
As my wounds wail in sorrow's rue.
Before my eyes, my dreams decay and rust,
With naught to call for hope or trust.

Your love, still my last ambition, my final plea,
Yet worries assail, pursuing me like a plea.
All that remains of my dreams is but dust,
Pain, the remnant of joy, turning to rust.

Above, a darkened veil shrouds the sky's light,
Below, thorns and flames test my resolve's height.
In this age, there exists naught but thee,
Have mercy on this heart that bled for thee.

Your love rekindled my heart anew,
After years of sorrow, of pain, I once knew.
What did my heart do to deserve such despair?
Once, you were my earth, my sky, my air.

Why make my world a realm of gloom and night?
Why insist on parting, on fleeing from sight?
What turned your heart to such cold disdain?
Has love vanished? Is only sorrow to remain?

Did your heart, once tender, turn to wield a blade?
Casting me into darkness where morning's light fades.
Who erred in wronging the other, who's to blame?
Who transformed from lover to a selfish name?

You shattered my heart, reduced it to shards,
Taking earth from beneath me, skies from above.
Is this the way of the world, the way of time?
After love, must parting and forgetting climb?

Does my heart deserve such anguish from thee?
After affection, passion, and shared agony.
I endured much for thee, yet more I'll bear,
The world grows harsher, but without you, I fear.

You were my dearest, my most beloved friend,
I fear for you, your soul, and how you'll tend.
Must I be harsh for you to comprehend?
Will you endure my torment, as here I bend?

How did you hide this heart, this stone so cold?
Once, you hid it behind that face, so bold.
Is it time for masks to fall away?
Is it time for you to slice my heart, betray?

I never wished to linger for a day like this,
To hear thunder from your lips, amiss.
Did you wait to witness my longing's demise?
To see my heart amidst burning skies?

Why this betrayal, this vengeful art?
Why this deceit, why this pain at heart?
A day will come when your eyes will weep,
When my faded feelings you'll finally reap.

That day draws near, so await its song,
Not for vengeance, but for my departure long.
The harshest punishment is to leave you alone,
To face life's waves, adrift and unknown.

To realize the value lost, my heart's demise,
To regret the innocent heart you've sacrificed.
Stay away, stay far from me,
Love's feelings departed, for you to see.

Whatever happens, I'll never forgive,
For a heart so cruel, so eager to grieve.
You chose once, chose your own path to tread,
Your joy, your happiness, while my heart bled.

No longer do I have a heart to love you again,
No longer beats it for a departed friend.
Within my ribs, it remains, yet still,
But your love, inside, fades, fades until.

I no longer recall your treacherous gaze,
My heart finds solace, while my eyes blaze.
Seek solace for yourself, akin to thee,
For you have become one of enmity.

Leave me be, for I no longer see thee,
And the heart that once longed now begins to flee.
Love lingers within me, within my chest,
But it's meant for another, this is your quest.
Feb 2024 · 88
Love Flame
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
Long have I yearned for you, beloved of my life,
My darkened sky awaits you, my moon, my strife.
I loved you, and you've seized my heart, fate's decree,
Your lovely eyes engraved in mine, eternally free.

The darkness in my heart ends, you're my dawn, my morrow,
Come close, quench my fire, ease my pain, my sorrow.
Have mercy on my longing, my endless night,
I chose your eyes to be my path, my guiding light.

To reach your beautiful heart, I beseeched the Most High,
Do not stray, my dearest, cause my despair to sigh.
In life's desert, you're my shadows, my trees,
I long to see you always, even when you're at ease.

I cannot bear distance, nor can I endure patience,
You said I was created not for tranquilations.
Created to be amidst the winds, a part,
I've never known happiness, only darkness in my heart.

You said sadness is my constant, as if it's my fate,
As if within my heart, there's a piercing state.
I love you, yet my heart bleeds, a silent plea,
I love you, yet fear the wrath that may be.

I love you, yet I can't hide what's within,
You're my family, my kin, in a world so mean.
I cannot stray from you, my love, nor do I want to,
You're my mind, my essence, my spirit anew.

I told her, I don't want to see your tears anymore,
Life's not just sorrows, it has much more in store.
Your tears are but fire, burning, a deep wound,
I love you, I cannot hide this love so profound.

She said, I won't forget you, my love stands strong,
Stronger than the passing days, it belongs.
I fear for this love amidst all worldly affairs,
My mind denies, but my heart declares.

She said, I can't be angry at you, my love,
I can't, even if it brings darkness from above.
She said, there's no beauty in this life we lead,
Death alone can grant me peace, indeed.

I said, no matter how harsh life's plight may seem,
There's always tender feelings within the stream.
We may feel sadness, at times, it's true,
But we shouldn't dwell in pain, it's not what we're due.

Life's beautiful despite its wounds and sorrow,
Even in the longest night, there's a brighter morrow.
There must be thorns for the roses to bloom,
Daylight follows the darkest night's gloom.

Life's always beautiful with the beloved near,
No wound too deep without love to steer.
She said, without you, I'm a body without a soul,
My heart, without you, is an empty hole.

Will we remain together, destiny's decree?
Will we find more than death's inevitable spree?
Feb 2024 · 87
My Life
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
Still beats within my ribs a tender heart's tune,
A heart that loves you and loves the universe's boon.
Did God create in your face a radiant moon?
Yet, each time I see it, it turns into stone, maroon.

In your presence, I see nothing but your grace,
Within me echoes a word, "I love you," in every space.
I never knew the meaning of this feeling, alas,
Now I burn with love, seeking the world's pardon en masse.

Love I found in the deep sea of your eyes so bright,
I cannot escape its depths, O my angelic light.
The deeper I dive, the more love and passion I find,
As if I am burdened with a mountain in my mind.

A sea of love overflows from your captivating gaze,
I pray to God to keep you in His divine embrace.
Be gentle with me, for I can't bear this fervent dream,
Grant me strength to endure the weight of this extreme.

Would you repeat to me what my eyes and ears fail to hear?
And reassure me that it's not a dream, allay my fear.
I love you, I love you, my lips repeat a thousand times,
Don't be surprised, for from the unbelievers, love climbs.

It's your beauty, my beloved, that unveiled love's truth,
In your eyes, the tender feelings find their veracious booth.
In your eyes, the sea of darkness finds its rest,
Be gentle with my heart, be gentle with my quest.

For you, my heart understands the meaning of its beat,
It yields love, loyalty, and tenderness so sweet.
With a word from you, I am forever alive,
With a word from you, the full moon does thrive.

With a word from you, my tears transform into laughter,
And my heart melts, and my ribs part thereafter.
I hear the echo of your heart's beat in my soul's domain,
Don't ask how the world fares without you, in my joy and pain.

Your love's tempestuous winds have swept me away,
So pity me, for I belong to your love, come what may.
I came to you to hide from life's fears so dire,
As if torn apart, I said, "I love you," when your heart did inquire.

From you, I found more than love or mere admiration,
Before your lips utter, wounds and dreams find liberation.
Come closer, and wipe away the pain and sorrow,
Come closer, for in you, I see no tomorrow.

Come closer, I don't want to remember who I used to be,
For I've achieved the dream, I've achieved the fantasy.
Come closer, the closer you get, the nearer I come,
Don't ask how I survive without you, I've already won.

Come closer and hold me tight, come close to me,
So I forget the taste of sadness and misery.
Come closer, don't leave me, come ever near,
Come closer and don't forsake me, my dear.

Come closer, I want to hear the silence of your lips,
Don't ignore my heart, which to you, in longing, flips.
My feelings rush towards you like flowing waters grand,
How can I halt them, stirred by winds so wild and unplanned?

Was I alive before this moment, I wonder aloud,
Or was time harsh, with its heavy, relentless shroud?
Since I saw you, I gained a sense of being,
Together forever, I pray, in the All-Seeing.

How swiftly the times change their tune,
The evening turns lovely from a harsh, cold moon.
You gave my heart its life and song anew,
And it forgets all the pain it once knew.

No matter how many times I say "I love you" it's not enough,
No matter how far I gaze, my eyes reveal love's tough.
Your love shone upon me, a gleam of light so pure,
Like an oasis amidst the deepest, darkest moor.

Your love appeared like the dawn breaking the night,
It illuminated the wilderness with goodness, bright.
Come closer, I want to feel happiness and bliss,
Come closer, you're all life is, all my wish.
Feb 2024 · 246
Love and Forgetting
Walid Abdallah Feb 2024
I love you, with faith that does sustain,
My heart shall love you, resisting the strain.
Forever I'll yearn for love's sweet refrain,
But will you love me, against nature's grain?

Humans are said to be made from forgetting,
Tell me you'll love me, no room for regretting.
Remember you hold water, while I'm thirsting,
Do not dismay, my heart is only bursting.

If you know your way, remember I'm lost,
If my love you're unsure of, listen to love's cost.
Know near or far, my love will emboss,
My life and existence, love's eternal gloss.

Have mercy on me, softer than time's trend,
Remember my love, but time's not a friend.
Look around, my love in every bend,
Clear as the sun, even to the blind, it sends.

My love for you, needs no proof or test,
Stay close, my dear, don't stray from my nest.
Do you want my heart, once bright, now stressed?
My love brightens worlds, brings joy, and zest.

Don't push me away, to the depths of despair,
Distance from you, the harshest affair.
Before you, love's taste was rare,
Don't be surprised, my love's fire flares.

You've taught my heart, forgiveness and grace,
Don't hesitate, in my heart, find your place.
The time is now, don't let it race,
Settle in, beloved, love's embrace.
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