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We do not choose the moment love appears,
Nor whom we love, despite our hopes and fears.

For love's a fate that comes without a sign,
A fleeting chance, a blink, a touch divine.

Without a reason, without time's command,
It blooms unbidden, like a grain of sand.

Though love may bring its anguish and its pain,
It still remains the truest of the plain.

The secret of life’s fullness it reveals,
A world beyond the logic that one feels.

To love one far or near, your heart is true,
And in that love, no other comes to view.
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
Containment, a word, a smile, a gentle air,
A bond we share, a feeling soft and rare.

It’s a spirit that touches your soul with grace,
Though distance may keep us in separate space.

Like plants, we bloom when our hearts are caressed,
By kindest words that leave us truly blessed.

Just as the rain feeds earth to make it grow,
Our hearts find joy when kindness starts to flow.
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
I never thought my thirties would weigh so much,
With chaos and confusion's constant touch.

I dreamed I'd join the great, the wise, the tall,
Yet no one told me of the truths that call.

They never warned of sleepless nights I'd face,
Or dreams of rest, escape's brief, fleeting grace.

I never knew my heart would bear its share,
Of friends' betrayals, loss, and love's despair.

No voice foretold the load of life's demands,
Or years pressed hard by fate's unyielding hands.

The grown-up life is far beyond my heart,
Which clings to youth, unwilling to depart.

A soul still tender as a child’s might be,
Afraid of life, yet yearning to break free.
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
As Fall sheds its leaves upon the ground,
The whispers of lost love and dreams resound.

From branches high, where once they dared to soar,
Now fall to earth, their heights admired no more.

For life, a cycle spun by nature’s art,
Begins with hope, then tears each dream apart.

At first, love blossoms, vivid, sweet, and bright,
Its splendor dazzling all who catch its sight.

But petals tire of endless praise and cheer,
Neglected, they succumb to time severe.

Once cherished blooms lie trampled, left for dead,
A ruin crushed beneath unfeeling tread.

Thus, life revolves, with seasons in its clasp—
Some days we soar; some, loneliness we grasp.

For love, like nature, follows such a way:
It thrives, then fades, then withers to decay.

In spring, love’s magic takes us by surprise,
A dreamland built of laughter, daring skies.

Each meeting sparks with courage, hearts align,
And faults are blind, the world appears divine.

But summer comes, and warmth begins to wane,
The heat of habit cools, replaced by strain.

What once seemed boundless, vibrant, full of glow,
Turns into drought, where love begins to slow.

Then autumn’s storms arise with winds that wail,
And shake weak bonds, exposing what is frail.

The shallow ties fall swiftly to the ground,
While rooted hearts endure the harshest round.

In winter’s frost, relationships stand still,
Cold silence reigns, or warmth can break the chill.

For some, a frozen stasis marks the end,
For others, safety, where two hearts defend.

Thus, seasons mark the fate of bonds we weave,
And test what stays, what we must grieve.

The strong endure, though trials may unfold;
The weak dissolve, as love grows faint and cold.
Walid Abdallah Dec 2024
The hug, the smallest space, yet vast and wide,
Contains the greatest feelings deep inside.

A symbol of love, need, and joy’s embrace,
Of fear, desire, and life’s most tender grace.

It’s where the body and the soul entwine,
A sacred touch, a moment so divine.

To cast your pain and burdens all away,
In arms of love, let anguish go astray.

Within that hold, as time begins to cease,
A fleeting pause of warmth and inner peace.

Though brief, its power lingers in the heart,
The hug’s small space makes wholeness never part.

In such embrace, no matter what we show,
We’re children still, with hearts that overflow.
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
The poet, once a pauper, yet bold and true,
Had nothing but verses, the world to construe.
She, my love, born to fortune's embrace,
Found love, not wealth, her ultimate grace.

One day, he spoke with a heart weighed and torn,
"To wed thee, love, I am too forlorn.
I lack the means to offer a vow."
But steadfast, she answered, "We’ll wed anyhow."

"With me," he warned, "thy joys shall decay,
For I own not even the bread of the day."
But she, undaunted, with courage replied,
"I’d suffer alone, though my wealth is my guide."

And thus they were wed, a union divine,
A love forged in truths that both did refine.
For he whispered words so pure and sincere,
"I seek no vanity nor pleasures mere,

But a bond wherein my soul may confide,
As though with myself in a room closed inside."
Walid Abdallah Nov 2024
تحت المطر، حيث الأحلام تُمزَّق،
يخفق قلب فلسطين، منهكًا ومعتق.
عبر حقول الألم، حيث الظلال تسري،
أطفال الأمل ينامون رغم المأسي.
شجرة الزيتون تهمس، ثابتة وجليلة،
جذورها تحكي حكايا العصور الطويلة.
الأرض تصبر على كل دمعة وأنين،
تحت سماء داكنة، تراقب الحنين.
ضحكات خافتة، وإن كانت نائية،
تذكر العالم بزرعهم، أمانيهم الباقية.
بين الأنقاض، يمشون بوقار وثبات،
أملٌ راسخ لا تزعزعه الأزمات.
القمر يشهد، والنجوم تصطفُّ،
تقود دعاء فلسطين الذي يُرفّ.
مع كل دمعة تُروى بها الرمال،
تزهر وعدًا يعيد حقًا للأوطان.
يا فلسطين، لن يستسلم روحك أبدًا،
مصيرك منقوش، رغم كل العدا.
أطفالك سينهضون، صوتك سيعلو،
والسلام سيعود إلى شطآنك الأسمى.
رغم العواصف، ورغم طول الليالي،
قلبك ينبض قويًا، بإيمان لا يبالي.
تهدم الملاجئ، لكن الأرواح لا تنكسر،
عزيمة الحرية في كل قلب تُدثَّر.
شجرة الزيتون تقف، وإن كانت جريحة،
رمز للصمود، قوة صريحة.
في ظلال الجدران، يبنون أغاني،
للعدالة والسلام، لإنهاء المعاني.
يا فلسطين، ستنهض حكايتك الخالدة،
مكتوبة في نجوم السماء الممتدة.
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