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Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
In twilight’s hush, when shadows veil the sky,
A Rose appeared; her beauty caught my eye.

She brought me warmth that melts the coldest night,
Her love, a beacon, guiding with its light.

Her gentle touch revives my weary soul,
In her embrace, I find myself whole.

Her voice, a melody, makes blood anew,
Its cadence soft, my heart's rhythm grew.

She's the secret to my boundless glee,
Her presence whispers sweet tranquility.

Wherever she treads, peace follows close behind,
Her tender spirit, loving and kind.

She is the half that makes my soul complete,
In her, the union of our hearts is sweet.

God sent her to me, a gift from above,
To fill my days with joy, to teach me love.

With every smile, she lights up the way,
Her laughter turns the darkest night to day.

She's my soulmate, the answer to my prayer,
In her, I find a love that's rare and fair.

Together, hand in hand, we face the strife,
For Rose, my love, is the essence of my life.
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
انا معك في حب العشرين
وعشق الثلاثين
انا معك حتى ضحكة الأربعين
وتعب الخمسين
ووحدة الستين
ويأس السبعين
انا معك الي ان نلتقي في جنة النعيم
Walid Abdallah Jul 2024
With you, I stand through love in twenties bright,
And passion's fire in thirties' thrilling night.

With you, I laugh through forties' joyful days,
And weary fifties' paths, through all life's ways.

With you, I'll face the solitude of sixties' dawn,
And seventies' despair, until hope is gone.

With you, until in heaven's bliss we meet,
Our souls in paradise shall find retreat.
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
لا نكبر عندما يشير التاريخ بسبّابته إلى يوم ميلادنا البعيد
لا نكبر عندما ينهش الشيب فروة رأسنا
لا نكبر عندما تتساقط أسناننا مهاجرةً دون إذن منا بعد عقود من العمل المضني
لا نكبر عندما نصبح عاجزين عن الحياة بلا نظارة ملتصقة في وجوهنا.... حتى في أحلامنا الليلية المشوشة

نكبر حين يمرّ عزيز في حياتنا، ولا يلبث أن يسرقه الموت منا
نكبر حين تستغيث آذاننا مطالبةً بكلمة حبّ هاربة ولو بالصّدفة إلى مجرى سمعنا
نكبر عندما يعصف فصل الخريف بعلاقاتنا، ويتساقط البشر من حولنا فجأة
نكبر عندما نتمسّك بأذيال ضحكة زائفة مع شخص زائل
نكبر حين تشرق الشمس وتغيب دون أن نجد من نشاركه تفاصيلنا الساذجة
نكبر حين تهرم قلوبنا
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
We age not when our birthdays come and go,
Nor when our heads with gray begin to show.

We age not when our teeth begin to flee,
Nor when our eyes need glasses just to see.

But when a loved one’s taken by the night,
We age, for loss brings sorrow into light.

We age when ears crave words of love’s embrace,
When autumn winds strip friendships from their place.

We age when we must feign a joyful grin,
While knowing well the end is closing in.

We age when days and nights pass all alone,
Without a friend to share our simple tone.

We age when hearts grow weary with their strain,
For that is when true age begins to reign.
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
وإني آتيك
كما يأتي الطفل لوالديه

آتيك من حربي ومن تعبي
ومن ليلي ومن أرقي

آتيك من التشرُّد
أبحث بين يديك عن المأوى

كما يحفظ الناس طريقهم للمنازل
حفِظت طريقي إليك

و مايزال وجهك سيد الاطمئنان
رغم الغياب المر
Walid Abdallah Jun 2024
In innocence, I come to you, as a child,
To parents dear, from battles wild,

From weariness and toil, I've tread,
From nights so dark, where rest had fled.

I come to you, from wandering's plight,
Seeking refuge in your sight,

As people find their way back home,
My path to you, in heart's roam.

And still your face, in absence strong,
Remains my solace, all along.
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