If you will, you can reach your goals
Man with ambitions never falls
Go for your dream, be ready to fight
Beat your weakness, overcome your night
Always live happily and dream big
Make dreams a crown to be your wig
Let your actions make your noise
Always make success your voice
No room for the weak on this land
Plant your dreams even in rock or sand
Create wings and learn to fly
Conquer your fears and never cry
Wander about the earth to find yourself
Never give up, never put your dreams on a shelf
Never waste your time in regret
Your dreams are closer than you expect
When you fall down, stand up at once
Everyone must taste failure at least once
Success after tiredness is very sweet
Set plans to create your feat
Surround yourself with the optimistic
Get rid of the nasty and the pessimistic
In order to reach the success shore
You need to cross the deep moor
If you will, you can
****** your dream, be a man