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 Nov 2015 wael mohamed
3 days
 Nov 2015 wael mohamed
3 days of silence
of hoping
what's going on?

Your name
is so big in my mind
your silence
has never been this long

All I know
is what you told me
the promise I now hope
you didn't keep

All I know is
they will not tell me
if my fears are true

will be my last answer
 Nov 2014 wael mohamed
Stick me together with plasticine
Fill in the cracks of my broken dreams
Stitch my skin tighter and sow my heart shut
Let my hair loose and my nails uncut
Glue my eyes open and stretch out my frown
Dress up my fear in an ebony gown
Sketch in my strings and take hold of the thread
Wrap me in cling film, then leave me for dead.
 Nov 2014 wael mohamed
our time together was short
and maybe not even real
and now you're gone

But you were my best friend
those few weeks we had together
you were a shoulder i could cry on

Our time together is fading
already just a memory
but always real to me
 Nov 2014 wael mohamed
i just have to believe what you say, stranger
because your words are all i've got

i just have to believe your name
though there were no results in facebook or google

i'm just believing that you like me
and that you really would analyse my handwriting
and that you live in the place you're living

but i will never know
if you'll come online
 Nov 2014 wael mohamed
I look around
and i see you
but i'm not even
trying to connect

i have lost someone
did you too?
or didn't you have someone to loose to begin with?

i see your face, or your status
i wonder what is going on
but do i dare to ask you?

and if you try to
tell me your sorrows
would i listen?
would i dose of in my mind?

lonely people
i see you, but i don't
i hear your story like i hear background music
i cannot change your lonelyness

you see, i have lost someone
maybe you have too
but if i don't let you in
i will not lose you too

— The End —