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  Dec 2014 vxcancy
my soul burns
my mind flourishes
Hey guys, my good friend and fellow poet Sarah Bell did a six word. So I decided I would give it a try :) Tell me what you think.
vxcancy Dec 2014
i've been listening to classical music lately
because it soothes my ill mind
and the melodies all remind me of you and your many sides;
the soft piano chords that chime
and the terrifying bass lines.
i think i've fallen in love with the heartache-ink that makes
up these tunes,
i just wish i had fallen in love
with you
  Nov 2014 vxcancy
Conceited, arrogant, rude, ignorant, narcissistic, gall.
In order to care for another,
you must first want what they want,
Feel what they feel,
and know what they need.

True caring,
can only be found when two souls
become intertwined,
tied in an inseparable knot.

Once you can feel what someone else feels,
when you can see what they see,
how they see it,
when they see it.

When you are able to know a person
so well that you know what they want,
when they want it,
and how they want it.

How they will react to something,

When you know what a person wants
and you do everything in your power to
aid them,
help them,
guide them to their goal.

Then you know what true caring is.

So don't tell me you care,
because you bought me some shoes.
Don't tell me you care,
because you took me home,
when that's the last place I wanted to be.
Don't tell me you care,
because when I cried out for help,
Spilled my guts in hopes you could find a way to save me,
you told me to clean up the mess and get over it.

You don't care.
Not about me.
Not about anyone.
Anyone but yourself.
  Nov 2014 vxcancy
People write poetry,
to clear their guilty souls.
To try and find hope,
in a world that's so cold.

They spill out their heart.
They spill out their soul,
in hopes that they find
some glistening gold.

Some form of release,
to put their worries to bed.
find the light in the tunnel
through all the crap they've been fed.

But not I.

The reason I write,
is all but too clear.
I write because I live,
and ill write until I disappear.
  Nov 2014 vxcancy
sarah bell
and you let him leave bruises
on your skin
so you'd know what it was like
when he was gone
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