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 Oct 2013 Vladimir Ruduke
Washes through me
Coals on the inside of my skin
Waiting on the russet snow
Waiting until I see him

I raise my gaze and spot him
Clean-cut today I see
Blue shirt and
Loose jeans,
Shoes of leather burgundy .

You greet me with
"Hello Love,"
But I cannot bear to listen
You hold me tight and whisper in my ear
"What if I go like this then.."

Swept off my feet ,
Into your arms
Bodies melding ease
But as soon as I can , I find my lips to your neck
And it is my turn to tease
 Oct 2013 Vladimir Ruduke
What the ******
You made me walk
So long in the
******* sun

I hit you, hard
You laughed at me
For my hands made
Not a dent in you

You grabbed my face
And made me
Look at you

Bit your lip
And guided me to look into your eyes
And spoke "you know, I really love you"

But I slipped the money in your waistband ,
Guided you farther
And responded kindly with a
My soul
You own that
My heart
You stole that
My attention
You love that
Your body
I want that
Your touch
I crave that
Your love
I need that
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