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4.5k · Dec 2012
The Cross Country Project
Vivek Dec 2012
For them who dwell in mindful wanderlust,
their love, the road; their home, the road,
To grapple their love, their home,
We dont give them their birth right,
cos we, the orderly chaotic,
they, allow me to rephrase,
say, keep order!!
To hell with the gatekeepers,
Let's hop borders shall we?
before all that's left to hop,
are landless latitudes!!
2.8k · Apr 2012
Vivek Apr 2012
And again my heart pounced
over skin cold; that pleaded singleness,
with hypocritical beats I bowed to,
to her highness; to her petite shrill,
a debut in partial denial; unpleasant,
as i withdrew with foul felony,
thoughts raced through judging ethics,
while simplicity ****** away the soul,
into a contagious six holed drain...

And I locked myself behind blue bars,
losing the wall I built with sweated palms,
danced did I over viscous black waters,
embracing the world's false desires,
smashed them pretty birds withing their cage,
lost all sense of peace, I go hidden,
in awe of that ever pleasant voice;
I bow again; in silence I ask me
to plant me in her backyard,
water me with her sour scents,
sing me her sweet lilting lullaby,
and embrace me into our little concord!!

Where did the wisdom lay that moment?
that moment when I tasted drops of sweat...
Why would I **** that clown in me?
that played tunes from a gleeful cassette...
When will I lose my two shadows?
that followed me even while I'd regret...

(a puff o' smoke and some silence)

And again my heart, it pounced!!
2.6k · Jul 2012
Bucket List
Vivek Jul 2012
Drapes for windows anew, imitating neighbourhood too,
Furniture rearranged, pictures too; all in blue,
Watchin’, dreamin’ lucid at the porch, of you;
Lay hanging on by the leash, I wait to let go,
Like magic birthday candles reignite, reignite,
Thoughts raced of rats and Tremor Christ,
Dried tears shed tumbling down as I cried;
With every moment I lay, I lay inspired;
I’ll make my yellow bucket list,
This’ll also include in it some of Budapest,
I’ll head off maybe from Scarborough,
Go all the way to Bali with packs of Marlboro,
And maybe then, I’d have answered;
All those questions that have lingered,
And maybe then, I’d have lived,
All those rights and wrongs, greeted and treated,
I’ll travel alone but not lonely,
My feet, my only carriage, I’ll carry;
I’ll carry me home one night!!
1.9k · Apr 2012
Vivek Apr 2012
they say there ain't no escape hatch; i disagree,
no more are you free; bounded by a decree,
eyes have witnessed an evolution that it scares me,
the free will to be; seems an unattended history,
today on this ground; mere consumers are we,
where did the buzzing bee flee?
towards the silent orchestra maybe,
if you were to chew on a green cynical berry,
to flex them grey nerves in a yellow striped taxi,
would you join the earthdance in a revolting spree?
or lay back, smoke a cigar and remain a memory?
a part of this unethical trend, i don't want to be,
a moral war has fallen upon thee;
yet i haven't a clue of what degree,
trade your self in to one psychedelic army,
this liquid soul seems like a floating frisbee,
waiting to break free; wanting to be a gypsy;
en route to time immemorial; i'll keep busy,
they say there ain't no escape hatch; i disagree...
1.8k · Apr 2012
Thieves of Silence
Vivek Apr 2012
with flowers for the moonlight
the fright she bid goodbye
stars and leonids sparkled the night
like a wino in the midst with acquired dreams
I audit this blinky blue eyed sunrise
the two little satellites melted away
musical notes insured by a common man
harvested by the embraceable grim reaper
in this bizarre love pentangle
they arrive with their swarm of locusts
the thieves of silence!!
1.7k · Jan 2013
Backpacker's dream
Vivek Jan 2013
Royal indeed it is my Scottish mile,
May I borrow your body awhile,
Your brew gives me just the smile,
I'll save you forever in my travelers file!!

Another year now, another year new,
whiskey, one too many a few,
like strangers who haven' a clue,
one more night, at the backpacker's blue!!

Now or never, those eyes shine forever,
in my senses, in my heart, in my pyre,
bagpipes printed over the hogmanay's flyer,
singin, hey ya'll, cry me a ****** river!!
1.5k · Apr 2012
Knock Knock..
Vivek Apr 2012
Who'll know where the doors are?
Would you guide me till the end?
Would you lead me to a dead end?
cos I thought I saw what was a mirage
was nothing but an ugly entourage
where hawks and vultures scavenged
the dead; to witness; burial at the sea
to witness; ashes in the snow….

Will my music break the doors?
Will the lizard ever smile?
or will it burn away juvenile?
for I feel like the analogue guy
One hour behind the clock's alibi
Some sang love's the way to roll
so I loved; but lost all control
seemed like an addictive lust
like I choked within animated dust….

The doors!! could you walk your way to me?
think I'm on the other side
for the enchanted key; for the bride
I've painted static words in exchange...
else I'll lay in gloom beside the Stonehenge
I'll lend you my baby so you'll mourn when she's dead
and one day I'll see the sun shine yellow and red
and one day I'll unlock the doors…
the doors of perception!!
1.2k · Apr 2012
Walking on the Milky Way
Vivek Apr 2012
that  hidden feeling that brings you an ounce o' joy
may lie in a hot cup of cocoa;
or when you least expect it to greet you ahoy
that'll shower sunshine over the lost gecko!!

building castles with just one hand;
by the black-lit stream underground;
I've fallen for your spell,
wondering if the lazy sun opened up;
on the new ordinary; singing in a puzzle
if I've fallen for you spell

can I bribe you a picture for your wall?
or should I stumble into a roman warrior?
do i have to make an effort at all?
for a splendid sunlight to glow over this ******!!

i was told i was the one with a magic wand
building overnight castles on the desert land,
but think i've fallen for your spell,
wonder if your game has a name;
oh sweet scented clove, oh my green eyed love,
i've fallen for your spell...
1.1k · Apr 2012
Vivek Apr 2012
on this spring stuffed cushion I lay
disconnected with selfish intention
music streaming stalls in thin air
a half burnt cigarette on the table it waits
scents from a spliff on fire thrown around
senses they are calling for a seize
or are they mere hallucinogens on the job?
no more chains bounded with my lover friends
with vicarious chores filling my surface
the desire deep down fading away; by the day
questions disappearing unanswered
a dramatic change I once craved;
seems just 'round the corner
still runnin' against the wind
hope they who share my loop share a smile too
it's my sacrifice after-all
I see the blue shadow rising
in this filthy chamber, I stretch my arms
and light my fire!!
1.0k · Jul 2012
Turning Tables
Vivek Jul 2012
Over smiles gliding away towards the dim light,
smile I; but in random strangeness am I?
Rapid prototyping I mean every single quark,
that Oh my sweet sugar! I too have a mark,
from that rain that whispered to you and me,
whispered smiles, tears and fears;
Dreams many; good, bad and ugly,
Copper reflection on waters even,
Amidst viscous colloidal air we crawl,
we crawl, we wander with the ghost,
sculpting puddles of mud into shapes,
shapes we knew one too many, A ritual;
a melodic romance, a trance; how spiritual!!
Dangling and lingering, on cozy clouds,
conversations lie hanigin', pretendin', being!!
Unharmed random rainlets, dropping,
screaming, loving, inspiring living,
masking inner selves, a little guilty,
a little blooded, my little beloved!!
underneath religious rain,
sculpting carbon dance under raining eagles,
wondered if I was turning tender tables!!
960 · Dec 2012
Vivek Dec 2012
Sunshine, evenin' rain,
Clouds in the sky
And shapes we try
We are the children of stars,
Orphans from Mars,
We smile during the day,
We smile alight,
But on a blue moon Monday,
We cry during the night!!
Vivek Jul 2012
The neighborhood murmurs,
In revival of pages turned over,
Watching time tick by,
Singing my despicable song,
With well versed notes,
I type this personal parable,
Here around unseasoned souls,
Swayed by words that remind,
Me of dried kisses and promises,
"Well" she said,
I knew what she said,
Which she never did,
"You're too good for me", she cried;
Like golden chimes in my temple rang,
With deafening echoes; tinkling they sang,
And a lifetime later,
"Well" sighed I, "my problem child" smiled I;
I died inside that night, yes did I
Many came and then left;
Dancing in stance; scouring romance,
Amidst fire burnin through the night,
I hate to admit I too now have joined the dance!!
Well the sun still shines quite bright alright,
Its me within no more, although, in delight;
Hailing showers of sandstones,
In them I'm drenched,
But when I'd bleed all away,
I'll drench no more,
And if I've drenched all away,
I'll love no more!!
834 · Apr 2012
Weeping Silver Bells
Vivek Apr 2012
hello darkness from the sun
i've been waiting for you to come
and steal my sleep away;
people sleeping on clouds o' dreams
around signs of neon lights glowin'
I lay awake by green tinted glass
with nerve flexing brew held within
spits over self arise from empty to galore
while dawn meets dusk;
while microphones were handed to dolls;
listenin' to them, I lay awake....

hello sunlight from the dark
I have seen you rise by the tide
shoulders anew, tears they remained;
illegal bubbles of joy rise in a dance
registering what i'm left with
some shafts of light;
sometimes some grace;
and few corners of space
tunes abrupt; sounds electric
still whistling in their sleep
while I count every jumpin' sheep,
at this ungodly hour, I lay......
735 · Apr 2012
Brave New World
Vivek Apr 2012
in the midst of stories untold; i dream
a life bright and blue; bonded by a glue
the seven sisters in proximity twinkle
in an ever mysterious quest we untangle;
to crack the universal code; we dream

we set sail with the utopian map
but bottles of *** swayed us into a trap;
and sank did we into a hole so deep
losing directions we remain just with a weep
we set sail towards the sunset,
we set sail but just not yet!!

i stalk; and talk of the great man's walk
but i love flying lost every twelve o'clock
when i stare from the edge back at this park
i spot the map; it just is,
and when i ponder; that thought it bleeds!!

give me all your loving; yet you'll see no smile,
call me a coward; call me a liar
but baby my feet walk on red burnin' fire
they're wanting to sprint with a bang so very far
just how in grace spins our friend; the neutron star,
in love, in fears; in smiles, in tears;
we're losing hold,
away i'll walk someday;
away towards a brave new world!!
723 · Dec 2012
Canvas of your Mind
Vivek Dec 2012
Spanish spells of spiral rainbows,
Ringing reels of never ending wheels,
Streaming thoughts these and those,
A faint memory lingers up so close,
Crashin', hoppin' and crossin' strange souls,
Drawing loops around eleven blue moons,
Isolating strands from a wizard's brown brooms,
This world we walk in a tunnel within a tunnel,
To a white light that coils into a top selling gospel,
Euphoria, like blood rushing through star links,
Monks walking walks, rebels of insane sanity,
Cellular beings conversing cosmic ideas,
In this mindless, lunatic transmosphere,
Whom we call almighty, i call cosmos,
Painting his masterpiece, grandest of all,
Overlapping hearts of belated despair,
And hormonal tricks of magic lust,
Waking me up from half forgotten dreams,
Why did the summer go so quickly?
Was it something that i said?
Lovers shoring along, the shores of your cavern,
Like autumn turnin winter, images they unwind,
Drifting past memories, in the Canvas of your mind!!
718 · Apr 2012
Society Gates
Vivek Apr 2012
They in dozens march with torched antennae
Towards a lost horizon they march; they march
Tumbling and fumbling they march; they march
March do they towards northern sunsets;
To break the society gates; they march their way….

And no one knew and no one cared
But in circles they marched since forever they dared
And no one were scared and no one were spared
As they marched to the heaven on golden stairs they laid

Somewhere there's a soldier sleepin' in the fields
Who lost his friends; who lost his foes
Whose dead souls ring his chimes and ring his rhymes
Them who pour an ounce of melancholy in our vows
Also squirt on our skin them broken chords many a times….

And never you retreat; our time will come
For we are the flood; we are the tremor
We'll hurt them stones and bend them bones
For they wont let us be; let us be
We'll blow them storms; **** their charms
For they have launched a sick parade
And lost their heart with a clumsy façade
We wont leave them no bubble to breathe
We'll go on n on marching without a sheath
Until we break them; the society gates….
716 · Dec 2012
Swinish Dream
Vivek Dec 2012
Before paper bills and money
We'd share all those beans,
Wild flowers too and honey
Not anymore but in lucid dreams

I'd strike a chord
One maybe two
But if you climb aboard
Many more, I'll show you too

With no baggage wish I were walkin'
Roads traveled and those not, havin' some fun
Sigh those bills!! no I ain't complainin'
Here on the eleventh floor, I'm just cleanin' my gun

Downed my whiskey, while the peeler swayed
I kissed goodbye to a beautiful flight
Lay rocking by the moonshade  
"Make that a double" I said, "its a cold one tonight"

Before paper bills and money
Cosmic harmony was the terrestrial theme
By the Clyde over tomorrow's journey
I'll Breathe My Swinish Dream!!
686 · Jul 2012
Blinding Lights
Vivek Jul 2012
Sweet melons squashed under summer sun,
dances to tunes forgotten over laughs of liquor,
few ***** dances too; in mind; undone,
sweet emotions migrated towards distant poles,
laughs, messy kisses, angels and demons too
spilling over stepped greens,
fun is this, life is now, today I've lived!!
tonight wonder why in gloom I stare
at a starless blue sky
who refuses to sleep somehow,
remember how the ecstatic pill faded to silent silence?
I ask, if tomorrow will remain this tranquil;
or will these creeping pictures of lonesome duets
form a collage; a horrendous one,
random it is very;
but randomness owns me this now,
like how I've left many a starlight abrupt,
I'll leave this note too....undone!!
501 · Apr 2012
Trade: Tears for Lust
Vivek Apr 2012
"Hey" she said, "have you got a little fire for me…"
with her light at the corner she lay bared
staring at thin air; doing her shiny brown hair
she said "……

her eye sparkled from a wet reflection
As she shied away until she was held strong;
strong around her slender waist; cold skin;
"Hey" she kissed his ear, "I want her a daddy…."

Followed by a story of love and its usual acts
left him amazed in culture; he'd be the backseat lover
As his shoulder took some puddle; his head cynical,
"Hey" she smirked, "who'd be her daddy….."

all she then heard were footsteps she walked
on sheets of empty canvas; she bled
while she let him continue, to blame her,
"Hey" she puffed, "she'll have her a daddy...."

— The End —