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Gentle lady, do not sing
Sad songs about the end of love;
Lay aside sadness and sing
How love that passes is enough.

Sing about the long deep sleep
Of lovers that are dead, and how
In the grave all love shall sleep:
Love is aweary now.
There I was
Alone sitting down.  
You sat next to me and said hi.
I wanted to get away from you
I don't know why

Kindness and friendliness
Is what you offered me everyday.
I started enjoying your company
Laughing and smiling
Each day we saw each other.

Months passed.
I realized that I had feelings for you.
My heart leaped everytime I saw you
Loving each smile you gave me.
Enjoying every silly conversation
That we had in that dull classroom.

Its been two years.
We no longer talk like before.
I never told you that I liked you.
You're now with her.
And each night I feel sad.

But I'll always treasure those moments we had.
Remembering that young boy that sat next to me.
Who was kind and sweet.
That smile that would make my heart melt
Was one of a kind.
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
I say I’m fine, I say it with a straight face, even a laugh after words.
Though inside my mind, is chaos.
My heart and Brain are fighting; for once the opposites.
My heart screams no; I am to damaged.
Though my mind is being illogical, and says take a chance.
I say I’m fine but at times I just want someone to pull me in close and say. “I know you’re not, but I’m here for you”.
My heart is damaged and charred to ash from all the endured pain.
Sometimes when people ask me if I’m okay, or to smile.
I just want to break down in their arms.
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
It’s been established you aren’t mine.
Yet that doesn’t stop that feeling when I get around you.
Sweaty palms, shaky knees, blood red, goofy smile, ditsy.
My heart beats fast when I talk to you.
Its like we are standing still in time…
The world around us is spinning around at the speed of light.
At night there is a traffic jam in my head,
Thinking of words I should have said…
What if I would have kissed you then?
What if I would have handed you my song book?
What if I would have said that?
Would that have changed any of this?
If I see another chance,
I won’t hesitate.
We want what we cant have, that couldn’t more true.
You see, I want you.
But I can’t have you.
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