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I feel like every moment i've spent has led me to you.
and maybe
that's crazy.

Like I felt about you.
A little insane about how quickly it took me to smile whenever I thought about you.
Or a little mad about how much I thought about you even after we said goodbye
Crazy. Like the moment when I had to walk out on you.

You said 'I'll just stay here awhile'
And I took your empty cup
threw it away
smiled a confident smile (I was lying)
And walked out.

At the time it seemed like there was no choice.
There was.
Of course.

Just not right now.
 Oct 2012 Vinod Padarat
Heart is soaring
Grin could lift a mountain
Laughter warped into a beautiful melody
Bodies so warm, so soft
The sweet smell of your movements
The gleam in your eyes when you glance my way
Looking each other over
Not missing an inch
Softly tracing every outline of you
Your lips, your ears, your shoulders
All the way down your strong back
Kisses in every place
Shuddering from your fingers brushing against me
Yet I push
I keep my distance
Because I know these things are what I'll think of
When I'm laying in bed
With my face buried in my pillow
Crying and aching and hurting over you
I'll think of your touch
I'll remember your kiss
I'll long for your warmth and the smell of your hot breath
I have to keep the hurt down
Because I know that every lovely thing about this will hurt
What is love if you cannot feel,
What is love if it is not real,
We always hurt the ones closest and dearest
With decisions and mistakes that you think are for the best

Life goes on regardless of feeling or regret,
and for people we have met, judgement is made
judgement, a word, an emotion that we all use too frequently.
who are we to judge another ones actions when we too are guilty
guilty of making that fatal mistake, what a journey this life is.
A journey full of lost time and love, but time heals or so they say
making its journey bearable day by day.

Its sad that Love, as a word, is said too much without feeling or touch
As love is an emotion and not a word, that needs feeling and a warm embrace,
Not a smile through gritted teeth, and a fake happy face
Love is deeper than this, love is something that will always be with you
regardless of good times or bad, or when you are happy or sad.

No more sad faces or unhappy places,
as Life is too short to live with regret and malice
just look behind you and you will see,
the difference that this statement makes to you and me,
Live every day as its last, not forever in the past.
The past is gone, but not forgotten or lost
Live for today and live it well for that last
one day will come as sure as the night
For everyone who feels like I do, try and be happy with your life while it lasts.
Brown and furry
Caterpillar in a hurry,
Take your walk
To the shady leaf, or stalk,
Or what not,
Which may be the chosen spot.
No toad spy you,
Hovering bird of prey pass by you;
Spin and die,
To live again a butterfly.
I came to you because I thought you would save me.
You laughed over the John Hughes quote
That now is a seminal classic
But I’m not sure because I don’t believe in it
Because I’ve never known it
or maybe it’s just you I don’t believe in.

I didn't have enough energy to actually make an effort to laugh
and pretend I was having a good time.
I would rather sink into you, slowly, like I would ((in a shipwreck or)) in oversized couch cushions.
and be usurped by ((cold water that wakes you up)) musty fabric
when it swallows us whole
and we sink to the bottom.
I'd only feel
your long arms around me and nothing else

I’d rather strip for you
Not to be naked but to take my layers off.
[You bore me, You shaped me, You taught me]

And then I’d try to not love you so that I could fall into you once more.
let the  overwhelming overwhelm me (again)
until I forget the ongoing drama of the heart and the heart (a purposely neverending story)
[There are no words with which to describe thee:
My darling my love I need you beside me.]

we quote our favorite title page to our favorite epilogue.
An absurd story about love and blowing things up
Because really, (like hospitals and prisons)
it’s the same thing.

what does this night mean in the greater consequence of our lives?
I’m okay with that.
I’m just saying that.

Opportunity and random occurrence are just a farce
That we use to pretend fate doesn’t exist;
(it doesn’t, does it?)
Everything that matters seems too big to be real.
but I lived long before this, and I will exist ever after
one day I will achieve greatness
you will be forced to know me then
Since you won’t nor never will now.
Thanks, King Charles. (O' England).
Many, many times.
People dictate their ways.
And support the mistakes they've made.

But if you analyze them deeply.
You realize it quickly.
Those who have lost a love through foolish ways.

Seems to self reflect on mistakes they made.
A cheater that lost a good love.
Has regrets.
Some women/men can honestly confess this.

Listen closely to a personal love song.
And see the hurt/pain they seems to be going through.

It seems the creeping joy that they were experiencing.
Now, without that true love around has them reeling.

You have the second guessers always butting in.
Stating you should try to love them once again.

But it's the mistakes we make.
When we let our ways dictate our life.
It can leave you lonely.
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