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Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
I wish I knew
What it was
That reminded us godly creatures
What makes us human.
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Oh my dear
You're a creature the world doesn't produce quite often
The world longs to feel your bare feet amongst its skin
it craves to play its wind tipped fingers through your hair
It desires you so badly it's sun's heat dives into the gleams of your eyes
Cascaded in moonlit kisses to make an everlasting complexion
No, the world doesn't get more mysterious everyday, but you came along
A rarity unknown to many
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Reject me now, and I will undoubtedly
Make it my life mission
To find the most beautiful girl
She will be perfect, and it'll be a ploy at happiness
The resounding fact is, she could never be you
I will love every part of you, and even more so your flaws.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
How curious
The mind tries to plan all outcomes we shall face in life so, zealously
Except our hearts beg to run into love on such random occurrence
If we should end in fire, then we shall both burn together
Hope for binding resolutions from shattered skies and scorched earth
Let the tides wash away the hallowed souls
And, let us drown in the unpredictable struggles
Of what we hope our love is to be
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
It’s the only thing I could think of
For you said we have a story
How can I name something
That’s only just begun
Vinnie Brown Nov 2017
For I struggle with you
And therefore I have never known to call
Yet is it possible
I see you in small moments
Of glimpses in silence
When everything feels right
Even if temporary
In the snow flakes in january
Or the suns rays as they caress me
We’re all so unpredictable
Pulled by the currents of life away
Finding time for you seems impossible
To pray to something that could be a lie
Is this my breath in your lungs?
Maybe I am the ship
And you’re the rogue wave
Come to sink me
As you sit high on the upper circles
Locked away in the clouds
Behind golden gates
Chained shut to me
Vinnie Brown Mar 2016
I got use to you
I got really use to you
You wasted all my time
Trying anything to keep you off my mind
I loss myself tonight

I thought I had it all figured out
You would never fall for me now
Wonder if you wonder why I'm never around
You can hear the pain in my sound
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
I've been told my expectations are too high
To lower my standards
That what I seek isn't a reality
And I have probably passed up
A beautiful mind
A beautiful face
But, I cannot change this vision of mine
She's out there
Utterly perfect in all of her imperfections
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
Even after all this time
I still choose to blindly believe
That love is real and all there is
Happy Valentine’s
Vinnie Brown Apr 2017
Memorizing your face from last night
In those eyes I caught the light
And it's been way too long I know
But, baby I can hear our song on the radio

See your face it blows my mind
Just a young boy running through the summers as the heats hittin ninety-nine
Putting my Sunday best on like my mama taught me run and find my girl that's mine

Pull up a chair and take a seat when your ready to ride
Cruisin' down the coast tryin' to beat it to the hide tide
Driven' past the beach as you fell asleep right next to my side
I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone other than you
Couldn't decide which was a more beautiful view
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
In a lost amount of complexities
You're quite simple aren't you?
In a testament of strength
You fair boy, you seem to be my greatest adversary
Breathing in and out
Cause' rooms filled up with faces
And the air so thick we could taste it
Heavy heads always seem a racing
And somedays you can feel yourself erasing
Freedom in the high lows
Find some space and learn to let go
As a soul seems to be shifting higher
Bursting at the seems of good hope
Clashing like images of kaleidoscopes
That sounds like my life though
Vinnie Brown May 2020
A favorite memory
I keep locked away
Buried far in the depths
Afraid it might get lost
Eyes closed and slow breathing
Listening to the static rotate off the vinyl
As your fingers ran through my hair
Able to hear the gorgeous tunes of your breaths
Melodies dancing on the folds of my desires
I still hear those breaths every night
As I sleep next to you
I began to love you then
As I love you now
I hope you cherish the memory too
For I have not forgotten with my sins
And they are plenty
But, I promise my love resides
Cast upon notes of vinyl records
For Alexys
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Pretty girl
In her feels
Poppin’ pills
Feelin’ visceral
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
She tried to sing me to sleep
As the tides rolled further in
Kissing the beach
Just to leave in the middle of the night
When the night sky has had its fill
Of moonlit madness chased with whiskey
And our dreams are high on different colored pills and drunk off sleepless words
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
Take your time to come my way
So, I can see what I've been missing
I swear I can hear the doves and ravens say
Except I've always been really bad at listening
As the trees try to explain what I've been doing wrong

That I'm simply not human enough
I'll call the stars, and drive through the mountains, just to show
That I love your volcanic ash breeze
Just don't leave me dying

You're simply too human for me
Don't call the stars, and drive through the mountains, just to show
That you hate my ocean salt breeze
Just don't leave me living
Vinnie Brown Jun 2018
They say God rested on the seventh day
I find that hard to accept
For we are supposedly created
In a semblance of his image
And upon my own volitions
I seem to revel too far in my creations
For written on me in invisible ink
Are the plethora of words
Depicting my faults
Maybe it isn’t the creation that’s feverish
Perhaps it’s the destruction in its awe
Worn away by the subtle kisses of time
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
We were both scared to outgrow one another
We vowed
To uproot mountains
Paint the sun black
Swim in hell's fires
Make deals with angels and devils alike
For just moments next to one another
Growing seems to be such a curse and a blessing
At least we agree of growing together
Those are our vows to eachother
Till the rivers run dry
And the suns firestorms scorch us
When the earth breathe's anew
We're burdened and burning
I just wouldn't want to burn for anyone, but you
I said I wouldn’t get fancy, but none the less, I love us
Vinnie Brown Jul 2017
Reckless and defenseless
Open and vulnerable, isn't it wonderful?
As for you dear, what an adventure it's going to be, earning your love.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2016
The mind is a fickle thing
Attracted to pretty lies
And prettier faces
Ugly souls and broken hearts
Green paper and shiny cars
I just need the winter pines
And the soft breezy wind
A long shot cause
And my run away brain
Tell me that you love me
Even if it's fake
Tell me pretty lies look me in the face tell me that you love me, even if I know it's fake
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
I should've seen this through
But, we both knew how this could end
Well, I guess things just don't change
You let feelings fade again
Except, I see you clear as day
You slipped right through my fingers in the rain
I'm lookin' at the clouds
You know I hate this weather
I swear we can work it out
If I'm not with you, how can I fall asleep again?
Just tell me the words that you want to say
Cause' when they finally leave your lips, you'll see I'm worlds away
If I need you, I'll see you in my dreams
Cause' you threw it all over waterfalls
Like they always told me
I would be the same but,
I'm just feelin phony
They don't really notice
You don't really know me
Vinnie Brown May 2017
This bed is my raft
Afloat in the rocky big blue
Sometimes when I attempt to venture out
My toes are ever so slightly wet
Until I reach the door
I find myself drowning
You come in waves
Vinnie Brown May 2017
I got you feeling
Some wanting type of way
Crash into me like the waves
Love seeing you pull me to the top
Slow on the breathing
Floating away
Drowning in me
I know that you can't get enough
Crashing together high tide
Swells in our life wells
Love marks and bitten lips
I can see in your eyes that you want to just drown
I can see in your eyes that you want to go now
Drown in me.
Vinnie Brown Jul 2018
Let’s run away to the beach
Ask the skies not to change a thing
I just want to catch some waves with you
Find our way back to the shallows
Before we get in way too deep
And the waves tell us all the things
We’re just too scared to say
Vinnie Brown Jun 2020
It’s as if my feet have bled through
Yet, the motion never stops
The sound of the waves ease the stillness
Always searching for where my ever drifting heart may be
Coming across entire oceans
To lands undiscovered
Foreign and feral
To find that my love resides in a girl
Her love is infinite and mighty
The best part of the ocean currents
Warm and wispy
Making sure I’m guided home
To where I need to be
Vinnie Brown Sep 2013
I just
You to know
That there is I
There is You
That's what most people
Yeah just us two
We're a simple kind of Love.
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
What do you say
To the girl you love
When "I love you" just doesn't seem like enough?
Do you jump to the skies and the mountains above
To the welling waters and the oceans embrace
How the never ending sea kisses the sands in wavy embraces
Old myths of four armed and legged beasts
Powerful enough to tear the world asunder
Split into two's, for the gods feared their power?
I heard stories of them from long ago
Given a mighty name: Soulmates
Perhaps, you recite bible verses of love, forgiveness, and sins
What if we jump to the unconditional loves?
Oh, maybe you recite poetic lines of Romeo and Juliet
Imagine disabilities of Traynor and Clark
When the words Me Before You became the norm
Tell her you'll have infinities in moments
Like The Fault In Our Stars
Maybe, you tell her everyday without her
You're just another lost soul

There's always the possiblity
I have this all wrong
That the most I can say is in the silence between us
In fragile moments
When our lips interlock
And, the sun catches her eyes in a flavor of a minute
Or, the times she's smiling to herself lost in the line of a book
In the moment where she takes the first bite of icecream
After a day that left both of your feet sore
It's really hard and even a little soul tearing
That I cannot seem to find an accurate description in words
Of how I truly feel, because it all is not enough

So, I will just say this
I will be at my 10
Until the sun burns out
Or the Sea's tide overcomes us
When California becomes The Bay of Arizona
And Yellowstone has finally had it's time with us
For, I am in love
Maybe, it's just as simple as that
Annie, I'm not sure my words will ever be enough, but I suppose you'll be the judge of that.
Vinnie Brown Jan 2014
What have I done?
With my heart on the floor
I must be out of my mind
To come back begging for more
But if you stay
If you just stay for the night
Swear that I'm yours
And I'll prove that I'm right

And these flies kept me sleeping
All my fears on their wings
And your grandfather clock is still ticking
But the chime never rings
And how long must I stay?
Will I lay by your side
Just to say that I'm yours
And you'll never be mine

With this love like a hole
Swallow my soul
Draggin' me down
And there's blood on the covers
From the curses we uttered
To each other
Vinnie Brown Dec 2013
If there is one thing
I am
It's Loving and Giving
Take too much.
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
To my mother
My long lost lovers
May these words
Give you a glimpse
Of the reality
That such is my world
And to the souls
Who will bare witness
Have hope
For love is real
I know it is
I've seen it
I just couldn't grab it.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2017
Her beautiful eyes breathed fire into life
Soft spoken lips whisper honey dipped words into the folds of my desires
As delicate soothing fingers caress the burning cravings of my heart
A kiss to calm the overdosing pride of consumption within the walls of a mind
What makes a man?
I think I might know
It's the day when she stokes the embers that awaken who he needs to be
Vinnie Brown Jul 2013
To make sure you'd be happy.
I made sure I wouldn't be.

To love you.
To watch you love.

To see you smile.
I'd forever frown.

I often say I'd give you the world.
Your world doesn't have me in it.

I suppose I love you and always will.
You love me and won't admit it.
I guess that's what's best.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
Love, Hope, Depression, God, The Devil, and The Sea
Which of you shall it be tonight?
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
Where do we go from here?
When it seems like we've lost one another
Let's step out in the dark
One foot in front of the other
Feel my bones getting older
Turning to dust and watching skyscrapers begin to rust
Let's just find a place and lose it for a day
Just lost looking for moments, wondering what we'll be
Sadly, the future is just something we can't see
Let's just hope that were finding hope
At the three a.m. callings
Lately, I've been constricted with despair
Wondering if you're still there
Just know I still care
If I asked you to stay
Would you still want to run away
Every other day?
Cause, I'd still choose you even when were far from home
And not sure where to go
Just know, that when you're ready, that I'm game to go with the flow
Vinnie Brown Feb 2017
I'm on a journey
Just looking for where to run
I'm just looking for where Love is alive
Scared of the thought I'm losing it all

There's no one else
I'd rather have here around me
Running down the beach
Sinking our toes into the sand

My words got lost on the balance of silence
I hope you can understand
All of our chaos surrenders
Changing the waves and the tides
It'll be okay with you here by my side
The water can keep getting deeper
I'll be staying here right next to your side
Staying happily warm and dry
It's always too early to quit you say
And I just want to go where Love is alive
Vinnie Brown Mar 2019
I used to love to run and hide away
In the valleys of lost times
Watching the hills shadowy scapes
As the sunset licks the trees
Somewhere to the west
Where space and time collide
And desperate death resides
All just at the whims of life
As the summer’s night breeze
Carries our hopes to far off lands
And children dance in firefly towns
where we were alone
Just for a moment
Vinnie Brown Aug 2017
If we make it out alive
Drowning deep in the sea
Pull me back to shore
Cough up the salt licked sympathies
Compass only points to the east
Pointing to thee
For where you are
I will be
Miles high in the deep
Walking in your gardens in ecstasy
Wild flowers crushing beneath our feet
Taking our time drinking the whiskey dipped memories
Vinnie Brown Oct 2013
Who will love you?
Who will fight?
Who will fall far behind?

They always swore they would and they tried.
Best lines of Skinny Love.
Vinnie Brown Jun 2020
I've always wondered what the winds on Everest were like
I imagine them as brutal and bone breaking
That of her words like icicles cutting through my skin
Though justified in her bladed songs of howls
My heart still dances to the melodies of her hope
And the air of this mountain has been flooded
With all of your fears and I will attempt to hold
As many as I can on my way to the top
Vinnie Brown Aug 2018
I have found that happiness is like the wind
As someday's it feels as though you're in a vacuum
And some feel as though you can't stand against it
You just can't see it, but it's always there
Caressing the folds of your desires
Ever prevalent in the storms to come
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
Miles out, just you and I
Neck deep in the seas hands
You bet I couldn't outswim the sunrise
So, I cheated and dove down deep
Watched as the rays flew overhead
I found a moment to be brave
Cause' the deeper I went
The more I learned about the loss we feel
It's funny I got caught in the depths upon your calling
It's almost as if the demons got their call in
For the first time the ocean froze over
Caught beneath the ice, December knows me well
She whispered just loud enough to know
In the winter, she'll be there burning slow
Vinnie Brown Feb 2018
The moon and I have what you might call
A love hate relationship
As I find her overwhelmingly beautiful
And she likes to show me my loneliness
Vinnie Brown Dec 2017
We all start off with plans and heart hopes
And it’s all we can do
In the dazzle of the midnight moon
When the rains turn to snow
With the world covered in white blood
Without the summer drives
We lose some gravity
In the flurries and snowscapes
Technicolor landslides
When lovers find their body gold
And the world has its livewire
For just as we have Night and Day
Light and Dark
Black and White
You can’t have the Summer
Without a little Winter wonder
Vinnie Brown Jan 2018
How do you keep moving forward
When every fiber of your being
Is screaming to turn and run back
To the girl of your dreams?
Cause, I get it now
What they say home’s not always a place
For me, it’s a Wisconsin girl
Vinnie Brown Oct 2017
My apologies dear
I'm sorry, that she'll get to see sides of me
That you deserved too
Vinnie Brown Sep 2017
Witt Lowry
Vinnie Brown Aug 2014
We fell in love, but the love kept running out
We follow roads, but the roads all end
We lived and learned, and learned to live without
Vinnie Brown May 2017
The heart wants what it wants
You're a craving my sweet tooth can't deny
Words unsaid will haunt you forever
I learned that I have demons and they know me
Think of the things that they taught me
Whenever she calls, she calls for me
Angry and seething as the sea
Letting her down I will try not to be
When our feelings use to be child like
Till your eyes set my heart a fire
What if all the cost were even?
Would you want as much as I want you?
Do I cross your mind as often as you flood mine?
Asked if I reminisce of when we were together
All I can ever say is "All the time."
Vinnie Brown Jan 2020
I read our love story
Of lipstick stains
And hands all over the place
Where we both danced all night and day
Neither able to muster what to say
Rushing along like fresh water rivers
As the stars screamed from what they’ve seen
As the world dares to spin
When we’ve demanded stillness
In the mornings we were caught in bed
This is the sound of love
Perfect melodies
Playing off the rhythms in my chest
For you have what I need
My love
January 7, 2020.
Vinnie Brown Aug 2019
Calming the storm inside
Although, it’s raining heavy outside
Through the torrent and dark
Shines a faint glow
Guiding me back home
Slowing the whirring within
It’s just gonna take a bit of work
I still write, not as often as I should though.
Vinnie Brown Apr 2018
He can still recall that moment so clearly
She sat in the bay window
Oversized sweatshirt
The coffee mug
Held to lips by her heavenly sculpted hands
She didn’t need to turn to know he was there
Watching from the door
She looked tired, not physically
It was reinforced by her words

“There’s something really ******* gorgeous out there, I just wish I knew what it was.”

He glanced out just to acknowledge her
Not truly caring what was outside
For why should he?
His sunrise and nightfall’s lie in her eyes
The mountains and lays of the lands in the curves of her body
The oceans tempest in the sweetness of her saliva and the rains of her tears
She is the seasons of love
And there in an oversized sweater
With a plaster coffee mug
Was his world and there’s something really ******* gorgeous about it all
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