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Vidhi Agarwal Jul 2015
Well, not everone has a mother,
Not everyone has a father,
But im lucky to have both.
And yet have a company of a motherly figure.
Whom I can refer to as a fairy godmother.

My fairy godmother has gone through worse,
She is a perfect example of a strong woman,
Who wants her children to grow into a perfect,
Like every mother,
She has cared too much,
Loved too much,
Worried a little too much
And got hurt too much.

Yet she shines and through her scars you can see the sunshine,
Only she needs to see the shine in her heart,
Her children will do well,
She just needs to let them be,
They will grow into beautiful beings.
And will make her proud.

Things will shape up,
May my fairy godmother be happy,
I may not be near her,
I hope she loves me like her daughter,
And well her daughter is  really sweet,
She will soon love her.
The unconditional love.
For a person whose son I loved yet she came out to be my saviour and not her son.
Vidhi Agarwal Mar 2015
The book was lying,
And in its own way it made me die,
I wonder what else this world could do?
The truth that has demolished the world
Is lying just out there.

Why? I shall not ask .
But how? I would prefer .
Have not I been responsible for being too judgemental?
Can a book be so harmful?
Can it ruin us from the deepest hidden corners of our heart?
How could it hold so much of truth in its own small pages ?
The book truly can't be denied.
The truth that has bothered the world.
Cannot  be more perfectly revealed than in it.
Science can never explain why ?
A book is indeed a human's true friend.
One can hear it scream and hurt people through this small pages and show them the truth.
The truth I shall say..
The book says it all.
The truth of the demolished world.
The undying causes and how the world has suffered.

Can you hear us?
The book is crying...
Get up,
pick it up and be brave enough to read it through.
Vidhi Agarwal Jan 2015
I understand you smell the defeat,
Your pain is  growing faster,
Your fear is crumbling you to death.
The broken dried leaves path is what you are looking for,
The silent walkway is all you wish for.
When you loose friends, its not a time to laugh.
The friends who used love being with you.
The friends who understood you.
But now the world is gone.
Its over now.

The whole world seems a constructed jail,
The picture is unclear
Of the future once you dreamt of.
Like a shooting star in the town of happiness you once lived in.

Water steams down as I close my notebook.
The story of the girl that used to fly
The bubbly little girl who used to shine the world.
The rain seems incessant.
Your  head bowed down.
And the dusk follows
Wetting the whole town.
I hope people like it.
Vidhi Agarwal Dec 2014
Your pain is growing feasting as fast as it can.
Your fear, crumbles you to death.
Your life seems still.

It seems as if you are the shadow.
And the darkness is engulfing you in.
Its like the world is racing.
But your breathes stand still.

Your soul seems deaf,
It has stoppped forever.
Tears disappeared.
You feel your death.

When you loose friends,its not a time to laugh or smile.
The wole world seems death .
A constructed jail where you are the prisoner dieing for hunger of a ray.

When the dusk falls and the light is gone
The picture seems unclear of an another day.
Of the future you dreamt of,
To be a star.
A  shinning star in the town of happiness.

Water is streaming down.
And it seems incessant.
Your head and shoulder bowed down,
Like a defeated warrior returing home
With tears of loss
And gloomy days follow.

The broken peices which still lingers,
The cracks which peirce through your heart.
Lingers the past.
Till the last.
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
I feel a sensation of tingling in my heart.
The fear that was locked in me is leaving.
I breathe the fresh air in.

Will this feeling of  change do good to me?
Or will this change make me worse forever?
I don't know how to describe this feeling.
Is it only me ?
Or everybody does feel it?

The change is like a storm,
And it will give me a whole new form.
Which will mark the start of a new begining in my life .

I do believe that the God wants me to face reality,
And live a life full of morality.
The change will either destroy me or create me.
I am like a metal and the god is like a goldsmith.
Moulding me into a beautiful peice of  shining gold.
First making me feel cold.
And then making me bold.
Vidhi Agarwal Nov 2014
Its one of those days when you know you feel low and that there is sometthing wrong...
Yet you don't know what could be done,
Because friendship is priceless my dear friend.
But when you loose one of your dear friends,
Just because of a small silly joke of yours own..
The world seems worthless...

When all the sorries lose its meaning
When all you know is that you have hurt him..
Alas!Will that person never  that I apologize?
It seems to him that I don't understand the mistake I have made..
But who will tell him that how the fear creeps in and bothers me everyday..

Through day and night,
I hide my tears behind my smile.
Silence is the only word I know
Life is all worthless without you.

My dear friend,
I am sorry.
You know that you have always been very dear to me
I hope you realize that Im truly sorry..

Yours loving,
:') a sweet apology..
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